View Full Version : Treasure help for dm

True believer
2016-01-16, 11:34 PM
Hello dear members !! My players just killed an emerald golem and they have taken all of it remains as loot !!! How many gold pieces should i give them when they sold these remains ??? I wanna give them the correct ammount by raw , how can i calculate it ??

2016-01-16, 11:45 PM
The description for Emerald Golem is very specific on treasure.
"An Emerald golem possesses no treasure but if the golem is killed, it crumbles into a pile of worthless powder surrounding the unscathed emerald heart. The heart has the same gold piece value as the emerald had when the golem was created."

Also, the emerald has a standard value of 10,000 gold. So that's your answer, a single 10k emerald.