View Full Version : Friendly Suggestion

Shining Wrath
2016-01-17, 05:09 PM
Anyone who has some homebrew you like, go post in on the new DM Guild site. It'll protect your IP rights and you may make some $.

2016-01-17, 08:02 PM
Anyone who has some homebrew you like, go post in on the new DM Guild site. It'll protect your IP rights and you may make some $.

Why do you think my "IP rights" are in danger unless I post on your site?

2016-01-17, 09:53 PM
He means this site (www.dmsguild.com).

2016-01-17, 11:06 PM
I'm going to wait until they remove the clause that allows other people to literally copy+paste anything on the DM guild and sell it as their own without repercussion. However, it does look like it will be a good database eventually... Just not right now.

The OGL is good, however. As long as I ignore the FR, it seems like I can publish,produce (and copyright) the things I have made and actually spent a bit of my own money on.

Blacky the Blackball
2016-01-18, 04:52 AM
Anyone who has some homebrew you like, go post in on the new DM Guild site. It'll protect your IP rights and you may make some $.

And with their exclusivity clause once you've posted it there you'll never be able to post it anywhere else ever again.

No thanks. I prefer to keep control of my own projects.

2016-01-18, 11:24 AM
you most likely already have IP rights. there is no need to put it on the DM's guild site for that.

once you have written something (provided it is an original work), it is yours. if it isn't done using some specific license, it is by default protected by copyright. you don't need to go register it with any agency in many parts of the world (though i imagine that helps if you ever need to defend your IP in court).

copyright law does change depending on where you are, of course, but broadly speaking, your creation is protected by copyright laws whether you use DM's guild or not.

2016-01-18, 12:01 PM
And with their exclusivity clause once you've posted it there you'll never be able to post it anywhere else ever again.

No thanks. I prefer to keep control of my own projects.

This. I do a lot of homebrewing, you guys know that, and I'd love to get my stuff In a book or sell some of it. That being said, the only things I'll ever publish on the DMG are ideas that need to use existing WotC material to work. I want to have control over where my work goes.

2016-01-18, 12:14 PM
He means this site (www.dmsguild.com). (/me follows link)

Ah, so the OP's basically misrepresenting everything relevant about IP, possibly through an innocent misunderstanding of what is a legitimately complex field.

you most likely already have IP rights. there is no need to put it on the DM's guild site for that.

This fits with my understanding as well.

What kind of IP rights you already have will depend on your jurisdiction and publication history, and posting it to the DMGuild cannot increase your rights -- though doing so may have other worthwhile benefits.