View Full Version : Pathfinder What alignment is this character, and what diety should they follow? [thread 8?]

2016-01-18, 12:39 AM
This character is an Gnome Teifling investigator named Ae Aiya. Her campaign trait is Chance Encounter.

Ae was born to a gnome mother and a incubus father, though Ae's mother wasn't willing. After her rape, Ae's mother almost aborted Ae, but decided to give the new life a chance. This act of compassion must have overpowered the fiendish blood in Ae, as she never desired to hurt anybody. Even as a little teifling girl, Ae was so curious about the world she often wandered off to places she shouldn't, much to her mother's horror. In fact, she was once was stuck in the worldwound with a bunch of cultist, only to be rescued by a mysterious woman. After growing up, Ae was a schoolteacher in Kenebras for many years, and a hoarder of new knowledge. Even as an adult, she still devoured any new fact or book as quickly as she could and was always quick to share it with others. This love of books combined with her breadth of experience due to her age meant she was an awesome teacher and was always engaged with her students in a wonderful and exciting lesson that brought the kids coming back for more and more. Ae only kept as much gold on hand as she needed to buy archery and classroom supplies and care for herself, and gave the almost all the rest to charity. If she saw a child stealing bread, however, she was always sure to have enough spare change on hand to pay the merchant and keep the child out of trouble. She would never dream of harming another being capable of reason and/or with an essentially good heart. The only reason she trained with a bow, in fact, was as a hobby. In her studies outside of the classroom, however, she learned that trouble was possibly brewing for Kenebres. When the demons attacked, in fact, she was out in the town trying to organize a petition for the government to institute some new magical measures which would theoretically prevent the very attack that took place. Now, she stands alongside more traditional crusaders to remove the taint of the demons from Golorion once and for all--for the good of everyone everywhere and in memory of those in her class that were slaughtered. Even on her quest, however, she has decided she will still not lie even if it is convenient, she will not harm any innocent creature, and she will give every evil creature a chance to repent before fighting it. She believes this is important because her mother raised her despite the superstition which has always surrounded teiflings and Ae doesn't want to be hastey. She knows, however, that the horrors faced at Kenebres must be answered for, and she will help slay those responsible.

2016-01-18, 09:58 AM
Neutral good all the way.

As for a deity, she loves knowledge, so Nethys would be a good pick. She is also down with redemption and forgiveness, even of monsters, and that screams Sarenrae. If she likes archery and community, Erastil is also a solid choice. But why not worship all of them for the various good things they represent? You are not a cleric, no need to tie yourself down.

2016-01-18, 11:08 AM
Neutral good all the way.

As for a deity, she loves knowledge, so Nethys would be a good pick. She is also down with redemption and forgiveness, even of monsters, and that screams Sarenrae. If she likes archery and community, Erastil is also a solid choice. But why not worship all of them for the various good things they represent? You are not a cleric, no need to tie yourself down.

Thank you. I think sometimes the demon blood may tempt her deep down, but she's good at keeping it contained.

2016-01-18, 10:12 PM
Everybody else thing NG? I was going for LG, since I've never done lawful before.

2016-01-19, 03:21 AM
I have a minor nitpick, if the father was a full demon, shouldn't she be a half fiend, not a tiefling? Could change the father to a half fiend or a tiefling himself for it to still work though, just a little discrepancy that was niggling at me.

2016-01-19, 05:24 AM
yes, i need to fix that

2016-01-19, 09:53 AM
Everybody else thing NG? I was going for LG, since I've never done lawful before.

She leans lawful, but there is not enough information presented to make a hard call in regards to law/chaos. Making a petition for organized government reform and not lying are usually lawful, but neutral and even some chaotic aligned people can and would do both of these things. Her incredible altruism points to a strong G across the board, overshadowing her L/C. You could argue that she is fighting alongside these crusaders and defending the civilization of Golarion, and that is lawful. However, I don't think she is fighting to preserve the structure, but the lives within. She is for life, first and formost-the rest is semantics.

2016-01-19, 11:49 AM
She leans lawful, but there is not enough information presented to make a hard call in regards to law/chaos. Making a petition for organized government reform and not lying are usually lawful, but neutral and even some chaotic aligned people can and would do both of these things. Her incredible altruism points to a strong G across the board, overshadowing her L/C. You could argue that she is fighting alongside these crusaders and defending the civilization of Golarion, and that is lawful. However, I don't think she is fighting to preserve the structure, but the lives within. She is for life, first and formost-the rest is semantics.

NG is fine with me. You're right that the good overshadows her lawfulness, as I have always tied dogmatism to evil.