View Full Version : Roleplaying Burn Notice PC Party

2016-01-18, 10:35 AM
I'm a huge fan of the TV show Burn Notice, and I got to thinking what a PC party would look like within the 5e system.

Especially since in the show they do their best never to kill anyone if they don't have to. I thought that could make for an interesting D&D game.

I tried to keep all the characters as single-class, and figured that secondary characters like Madeleine and Nate would end up as NPCs.

Also, this is just for kicks. Please don't judge too harshly.

Makal Vesten - Mastermind Rogue

Viona Gelnanne - Evocation Wizard

Zam Axe - Battlemaster Fighter w/ tanking Maneuvers/Feats

Zesse Porter - Life Cleric (someone had to be. Could probably swap with Zam Axe if needed)

2016-01-18, 06:36 PM
I love Burn Notice too! This is a fun thought experiment.

TBH I think you should avoid trying to shoehorn them into the traditional party composition. They could all be rogues. That being said...

Michael is definitely a Mastermind. Done and done.

Fiona could be an Evocation Wizard, but I see her as more fighty. Maybe EK or V Paladin?

Sam could be a Battlemaster, though I would definitely build him with Rally/Inspiring Leader over tanky. He's a charisma character first and foremost with a soldier background. I would say Valor Bard.

Jesse is the Fighter I think. It's been a while since I've seen the show and he comes in late, but I remember him as a by-the-book type of guy, not as charismatic as Mike or Sam but still skilled in the necessary fields. Dex Battlemaster.

They don't need to be optimized to handle all aspects of the adventuring lifestyle. They should be engaging in the same kind of espionage/cloak and dagger type stuff as in the show. No need to slay dragons. They bring down crime lords and corrupt government officials.

2016-01-19, 09:34 AM
I love Burn Notice too! This is a fun thought experiment.

TBH I think you should avoid trying to shoehorn them into the traditional party composition. They could all be rogues. That being said...

Michael is definitely a Mastermind. Done and done.

Fiona could be an Evocation Wizard, but I see her as more fighty. Maybe EK or V Paladin?

Sam could be a Battlemaster, though I would definitely build him with Rally/Inspiring Leader over tanky. He's a charisma character first and foremost with a soldier background. I would say Valor Bard.

Jesse is the Fighter I think. It's been a while since I've seen the show and he comes in late, but I remember him as a by-the-book type of guy, not as charismatic as Mike or Sam but still skilled in the necessary fields. Dex Battlemaster.

They don't need to be optimized to handle all aspects of the adventuring lifestyle. They should be engaging in the same kind of espionage/cloak and dagger type stuff as in the show. No need to slay dragons. They bring down crime lords and corrupt government officials.

Good call! I actually went through and did a point buy for all the characters for kicks before I posted, and everyone except Jesse had a really high CHA. I agree that they would all need it.

I'd originally had Fiona as a blaster since she's the "trigger happy girlfriend". But an EK or Vengeance Paladin would work just as well.

I agree that Sam and Jesse are kinda tough to class. The battlemaster and fighter both make sense thematically, though I figured the group would eventually need a heal or two, which is why I had Jesse as a Cleric. Maybe switch him over to War Domain instead of Life.

The other interesting question is, how would a campaign go with a party that does their best to NOT kill the bad guys?

2016-01-19, 09:56 AM
Good call! I actually went through and did a point buy for all the characters for kicks before I posted, and everyone except Jesse had a really high CHA. I agree that they would all need it.

I would say that Jesse does not need the CHA as much.

I agree that Sam and Jesse are kinda tough to class. The battlemaster and fighter both make sense thematically, though I figured the group would eventually need a heal or two, which is why I had Jesse as a Cleric. Maybe switch him over to War Domain instead of Life.

If Fiona was V. Paladin (Pretty blasty in her own right), then bard (either college) with a little bit of healing (Healing Word or Cure Wounds) could be enough for the party. It seems like Zam would do a lot of Healing Potion brewing in downtime so that he has an endless supply of "Mo-Heal-tos". Also, Song of rest is pretty delicious. Both Wizards and Fighters get some delicious short rest perks (spell slots and Action Surge recoup).

The other interesting question is, how would a campaign go with a party that does their best to NOT kill the bad guys?

In 5e the not killing would be pretty easy in combat (although, I might have my players do some description for the hell of it), the real complications are what to do when they are 5 stories down in the catacombs of the elemental mage college being infested with a rogue cult summoning wisps to make a neighborhood unlivable. What do they do with all the people they knocked out?

Also, they really only seem to care about not killing the BBEGs. Have you ever counted how many people get blown up, shot, stabbed, or left for dead in some of the episodes? Some of them have a pretty high body count.

Another feature of this campaign would also be the unfriendliness of the authorities. I think that would add a lot of flavor.

2016-01-19, 10:14 AM
an endless supply of "Mo-Heal-tos".

I lol'd!

Sounds like a pretty solid party. I think for the evil guys "lair", the DM would almost have to build in some kind of escape route for the party to find. Nothing too easy, but something that takes a little creativity to get out of would be fun.

Though I've got no idea what to do with all the knocked-out NPCs.

2016-01-19, 10:24 AM
Though I've got no idea what to do with all the knocked-out NPCs.

Bag of holding, with a ton of Bottles of endless air?

2016-01-19, 11:33 AM
Gotta love Burn Notice.

Fiona: Draconic Sorcerer. Her trademark is explosions, and is not subtle like a Wizard. She is tough as well - Draconic Bloodline to show her Russian side.

Sam Ax: Valor Bard. He's not a Lore guy, but he certainly has enough Charisma. He is more subtle than other fighters, and the Bard spells represent the various tricks up his sleeve.

Jesse: Battlemaster Fighter. Straightforward. I don't remember him being especially anything, but straightforward is the key word.

Michael: Hunter Ranger. Hear me out. He has a connection to his city - a favored terrain. He has skills to be sneaky, but isn't specifically such - definitely a fighter.

Now we just need to stat out the cast of Leverage...

2016-01-19, 11:38 AM
Now we just need to stat out the cast of Leverage...

Hell yes! Maybe start another thread though? Don't want to be rude to OP.

2016-01-19, 11:54 AM
Gotta love Burn Notice.

Fiona: Draconic Sorcerer. Her trademark is explosions, and is not subtle like a Wizard. She is tough as well - Draconic Bloodline to show her Russian side.

Sam Ax: Valor Bard. He's not a Lore guy, but he certainly has enough Charisma. He is more subtle than other fighters, and the Bard spells represent the various tricks up his sleeve.

Jesse: Battlemaster Fighter. Straightforward. I don't remember him being especially anything, but straightforward is the key word.

I agree with these (though Fiona is Irish, not Russian). They definitely fit the characters. I would disagree with Michael being a Ranger, but I can see how it would fit if someone wanted to play him that way.

I've never seen Leverage, so I can't comment on that at all.

2016-01-19, 12:03 PM
I've never seen Leverage, so I can't comment on that at all.

Think Ocean's 11.... For five seasons.

It is delicious. It might even beat Firefly/Serenity. Definitely better than Burn Notice (IMHO)

All 5 seasons are on Netflix. I'm sorry if you had plans this weekend... This show will wreck you.

2016-01-19, 12:30 PM
I agree with these (though Fiona is Irish, not Russian).

Though you'd never tell from the accent, which was atrocious (and the wrong kind of Irish) when the actress remembered to try and do it at all.

2016-01-19, 02:13 PM
I can see a strong argument for the whole party being high level rogues with dip into other classes.

Michael- Mastermind Rogue with a dip into champion fighter (he's highly charismatic, dexterous, and can use a vast array of weapons).

Fiona- She may be the only one who's an assassin rogue witha dip into maneuver fighter

Sam- Thief Rogue with a dip into barbarian (to represent his tankyness)

Jessie- Straight up thief rogue. He's not particularly better at anything then anyone else, but he's fairly decent at everything.

If a spell-less Bard variant existed, that'd probably fit even better, but since it doesn't exist yet...