View Full Version : Player Help Thoughts on DM ruling a shove attempt form a shield master that fails by 10 or more..

2016-01-18, 04:19 PM
Thoughts on DM ruling a shove attempt form a shield master that fails by 10 or more results in the shield master being knocked prone?

My 6th level wizard has a 3rd level fighter champion follower with a strength of 16. I decided to give him the feat shield master to give him a way to keep up a bit my maximizing action economy, he also picked the protection style.

I am probably still going to usually have him try, I'm a bit bitter about it. It would have been one thing if the DM told me this house rule from before I picked the feat. But more than several adventures in and he decides of course right after the fighter fails by 10 or more in the middle of combat.

Thanks rich

2016-01-18, 04:24 PM
Tell him that you wouldn't have picked the feat if you knew you'd be up against pretty harsh fumble rules, and ask him if you can change it to something else.

2016-01-18, 04:31 PM
Does the GM use any other fumble house rules? Like a fumble chart on a roll of a 1 or has anything else fail miserably if they miss by 10 or more?

If other things don't get penalized by failing 10 or more (and there is no crit fumbles), then I'd talk to the GM about him making up unfair rules for my character - especially rules he makes up on the spot. Maybe he'll see his error and apologize. I've made bad calls in my day and appreciate it when my players call me on it. Just be civil and polite, and don't be accusatory. (For example, don't say "you messed up," say "I felt punished when this happened").

Killer Angel
2016-01-18, 04:32 PM
Tell him that you expect to see every fighter to fall, if said fighter fails attack rolls by 10 or more.
The same can be said also for monsters and their natural weapon (why, can't the dragon be tripped by its own tail?).
And tell him also that you're interested in what will happen to a caster that fails a to-hit with a ranged touch spell.

2016-01-18, 04:35 PM
Thoughts on DM ruling a shove attempt form a shield master that fails by 10 or more results in the shield master being knocked prone?

My 6th level wizard has a 3rd level fighter champion follower with a strength of 16. I decided to give him the feat shield master to give him a way to keep up a bit my maximizing action economy, he also picked the protection style.

I am probably still going to usually have him try, I'm a bit bitter about it. It would have been one thing if the DM told me this house rule from before I picked the feat. But more than several adventures in and he decides of course right after the fighter fails by 10 or more in the middle of combat.

Thanks rich

Ask your DM if his monsters throw their weapons or fall on their faces when they miss with their attacks by more than 10 - because honestly, that's what he's doing to you.

If he agrees to this, make sure that all of his dice are rolled in the open for you.

~Ben, who also DMs but hates DMs with head trips

2016-01-18, 05:21 PM
Ask your DM if his monsters throw their weapons or fall on their faces when they miss with their attacks by more than 10 - because honestly, that's what he's doing to you.

If he agrees to this, make sure that all of his dice are rolled in the open for you.

~Ben, who also DMs but hates DMs with head trips

And if they do, find a way to get the highest AC possible

2016-01-18, 06:50 PM
And if they do, find a way to get the highest AC possible

The answer to the question of "how do we make the Shield spell even more powerful..."

DM: "And he misses with his attack by 6."
Player: "Nope. Shield."

** Players begin to stomp the prone monster. **

2016-01-20, 04:19 PM
A fair DM should be enforcing any fumble rules on everyone, PC and monster alike. If this ruling just effects you and there's no equivalent for anybody else's attacks, then it's not fair.

For example, my group's games used to use 'natural 1 is a critical miss and you hit yourself or drop your weapon' but many times a monster would end up hitting themselves.

2016-01-21, 12:42 AM
The DM does use a critical failure. And in some cases a close to critical failure rule. His whim, dramatic license etc. By and large PC or not rolls a 1 on an attack the weapon is dropped, maybe hits a friendly stuff like that. On skill checks, something may happen, like give away position with stealth, miss something crazy obvious with perception, break picks on lock picking. Every time my Evoker ,who is missing 4 fingers from one hand, tries to cast any spell he has to roll with disadvantage on this crazy mishap table the Dm has. Usually it's a 1, sometimes a 2 or 3 will have something happen. A few of the things on the table, aren't bad. The vast majority are. At one point some weird thing was sucking my Evokers HPs and pumping them in to the rest of the party. I've never seen the table. I keep emphasizing using down time to practice casting with other hand, etc.

Anyways up to this point he hasn't had a miss by 10 rule for anything. And while I like the idea of pointing out, hey attacks don't work that way , why this? I'm almost positive the rest of the table will want to kill me as he decides to make miss by 10 a rule for all attacks and maybe even for more.

I'll say something to him, though not really sure what other feat I'd pick. This campaign is the first time the other 4 have played anything like DnD. I am pretty sure my follower is the first to pick up a feat. Which I did ask him about before hand to make sure it was ok, and the DM said sure.

2016-01-21, 01:42 AM
The answer to the question of "how do we make the Shield spell even more powerful..."

DM: "And he misses with his attack by 6."
Player: "Nope. Shield."

** Players begin to stomp the prone monster. **

Technically illegal. Shield only triggers on a hit.