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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Void Walker class / Child of the Void feat

2016-01-18, 04:28 PM
First time submitting! I was inspired by the characters in the paultwister.com story. I highly recommend it.

"The power of the Void between worlds is chaotic; it manifests in a different way for each. " ~Ryell (paultwister.com)

Child of the Void
Taken only at 1st level. Backstory must contain a mishap in planar travel.
Randomly select one of the level 1 abilities of the Void Walker class.
If you later take levels of Void walker, replace this feat with any bonus feat you have the prerequisites for. You may not switch which ability you've taken.

Void Walker

Prerequisite: Must have suffered a mishap in planar travel, or spent at least 1 round in the Far Realm.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Class Skills: -Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Knowledge[The Planes], Profession, Spellcraft, Survival
Proficiencies: Void Walkers gain no proficiencies.


Void Ability

Detect extraplanar
+1 level

Favored Enemy (As ranger, but only Outsiders, Elementals, or Aberrations)
+1 level

Void Control
+1 level

Improved Void ability

Void Sense
+1 level

Extra Void ability
+1 level

Advanced Void Ability
+1 level

Improved Extra Void Ability, Planar Adaptation
+1 level

Advanced Extra Void Ability, Void Mastery
+1 level

Void Ability: (Level 1 and 7)
Pick 1: At level 7 you can pick an additional ability.

Magic resistance (SR = 15+HD). If the spell fails by 5 or less, roll on the wild magic table http://www.d20srd.org/srd/planes.htm
Polymorphitis Every morning, roll on the table for http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/reincarnate.htm to determine race
Teleportitis 1/day as an immediate action, you may cast dimension door in a random direction
Darkness cloud Permanent effect http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/darkness.htm centered on you. If dispelled, returns 1d4 rounds later.
Magically infused Add 1 spell per day of highest level you can cast
Uncanny Knowledge As bardic knowledge
Strange Biology Fast healing 1
Strange Mind Immune to Detect Thoughts, Detect Lies, Detect Alignment

Detect Extraplanar: (Level 2)
At will detect elementals and outsiders. Same rules as http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectEvil.htm

Void control: (Level 4) You may deactivate or reactivate your void abilities as a move action.

Improved Void ability: (Level 5 and 9)
Improve your preexisting void abilities in the following way:

Magic resistance (SR = 20+HD) If the spell fails by 5 or less, roll on the wild magic table http://www.d20srd.org/srd/planes.htm
Polymorphitis Every morning, roll on the table for http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/reincarnate.htm to determine race. Gain Alter Self (su) Con bonus times per day, minimum 2.
Teleportitis (Int bonus, minimum 3)/day as an immediate action, you may cast dimension door in a random direction
Darkness cloud Permanent effect Deeper darkness and Darkvision centered on you. If dispelled, returns 1d4 rounds later.
Magically infused Add 1 spell per day of each level you can cast
Uncanny Knowledge As bardic knowledge with a +3 insight bonus. Legend Lore (sp) 1/day
Strange Biology Fast healing 1, 20% fortification, Great Fortitude as a bonus feat
Strange Mind Iron Will as a bonus feat, Immune to telepathy, Detect thoughts, detect alignment, detect lies

Void Sense: (Level 6) You may see 60' through planar gates and breaches.

Advanced Void Ability: (Level 8 and 10)
Improve your ability again in the following way.

Magic resistance (SR = 25+HD) If the spell fails by 5 or less, roll on the wild magic table http://www.d20srd.org/srd/planes.htm
Polymorphitis Every morning, roll on the table for http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/reincarnate.htm to determine race. Gain Polymorph (su) Con bonus times per day, minimum 2.
Teleportitis (Int bonus, minimum 5)/day as an immediate action, you may cast dimension door
Darkness cloud Permanent effect Deeper darkness and Armor of Darkness centered on you. If dispelled, returns 1d4 rounds later.
Magically infused Add 1 spell per day of each level you can cast. All spells cast are heightened by 1 spell level for free.
Uncanny Knowledge As bardic knowledge, with a +5 insight bonus. Permanent effect True seeing. Legend lore (sp) 1/day
Strange Biology Fast healing 1, 50% fortification, Great Fortitude, Mettle (Fortitude)
Strange Mind Iron Will as a bonus feat, Immune to telepathy. Permanent Mind Blank

Planar Adaptation (Level 9)
You no longer need to breathe. Gain immunity to damage done by the plane itself (but not its inhabitants).

Void Mastery (Level 10)
You may open a Gate (su) 1/day, only as the planar travel variation.
