View Full Version : Toreador antribu LARPing hints

2016-01-18, 07:57 PM
Hello folks,
I'm going to LARP for the first time in month or so as a Toreador antribu (old World of Darkness). What books should I read? Are are there any guides you'd recommend?

The character in question is a mafia boss[0] attempting to overtake a underworld of a city while it's under sedge of antediluvians (which forces Cami& Sabbath to cooperate to a degree). (not) Obviously I'll read any advice you have to offer & answer any questions you need answered to help me with the enterprise.

[0] Modeled after gentleman Johnny Marcone from Dresden Files - pragmatic, lawful evil (D&D example in one of D&D 3.5 subforum threads) character; he wants to organize underworld to maximize his profit (&enjoyment) which [happily] makes minimizing violence his goal.

The Glyphstone
2016-01-19, 12:25 PM
Well, the first step is to know which ruleset you're playing under. MET Revised? MET: Masquerade? Something entirely homebrewed or cobbled together out of the above with local houserules? Is it a troupe LARP or part of a larger organization? Are you joking about being besieged by Antediluvians, or are your storytellers on drugs?

2016-01-19, 02:41 PM
Well, the first step is to know which ruleset you're playing under. MET Revised? MET: Masquerade? Something entirely homebrewed or cobbled together out of the above with local houserules? Is it a troupe LARP or part of a larger organization? Are you joking about being besieged by Antediluvians, or are your storytellers on drugs?

Something homebrewed - character cards are made using tabletop rules, STs decide difficulty on the spot (based on dots & what I'm attempting to do), success is determined by drawing a card from deck & comparing it to difficulty; I don't think this is a part of a larger organization.

I don't know much about situation with antediluvians (this isn't first instance of the game) but in my correspondence with organizers they mentioned that sabbath has invaded the city (during previous instances of LARP) but they called cease fire to attempt to cooperate to fight antedeluvians. I don't think the old folks are making a head on assault (that would leave everyone dead pretty quickly). Actually when I red email more carefully it just says that "fighting antedeluvians" is the reason Sabbath is attempting to cooperate with Cami. So this could be a scheme, stupidity of some folks or something else.

One more thing: characters sheets are generated by STs based on character history and get more dots than newbies.

The Glyphstone
2016-01-19, 03:37 PM
Then you need to be talking to your STs to answer these questions. They're using homebrew rules, in a homebrew setting, with a homebrewed plot. Unless you have the blind luck to stumble upon someone else from your troupe that happens to be on this forum, the odds of anyone here being able to help you much is very thin.:smallfrown:

2016-01-19, 04:32 PM
Then you need to be talking to your STs to answer these questions. They're using homebrew rules, in a homebrew setting, with a homebrewed plot. Unless you have the blind luck to stumble upon someone else from your troupe that happens to be on this forum, the odds of anyone here being able to help you much is very thin.:smallfrown:

I think those questions will be answered in prep material we are going to get (the event is in slightly more than a month). For now I'm looking for something more generic. When I was playing a Tremere (tabletop) I found some nice advice on roleplaying one (like this (http://home.earthlink.net/~esasmor/blacklight/brownlee.htm)) but couldn't find anything similar for playing Toreador (neither vanilla nor S. flavored).

I don't know much about official oWoD timeline but I heard the game (or at least was initially) placed in it (after Gangrel left Camarilla). The game is set in my hometown and I doubt there are any official materials on it so it's homebrewed at least in that aspect.