View Full Version : Help with Mega-Boss(es)

2016-01-18, 11:18 PM
Hey all,
What are some interesting things I could do with a BBEG who's a demon, and another who's an angel? What are some ways I could make the characters have to strategize instead of the usual "run in and stabby stab?" I'm thinking huge culminatory fight scenes in giant flying fortresses....thoughts? Ideas?
Thanks in advance!

2016-01-18, 11:20 PM
Hey all,
What are some interesting things I could do with a BBEG who's a demon, and another who's an angel? What are some ways I could make the characters have to strategize instead of the usual "run in and stabby stab?" I'm thinking huge culminatory fight scenes in giant flying fortresses....thoughts? Ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Think videogames.

But this should help :)



Also some great info is here

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bx-nuGmPEIa3flJBQy1NNTg2WDAyNnBGUWItaFZ5ZVp3SDVLVHB6Z G1KTVJ4UUZCdTlRNWc&usp=drive_web

(The link to google drive has some fantastic stuff, I really suggest you take a gander at it)

Edit: A lot of the information is edition-less, I think most of it is based around 4e (though I haven't read everything recently) but it really doesn't matter. Ever since finding angry DM I've applied stuff to 3e, 4e, and 5e D&D.