View Full Version : DM Help Player Deities creation : what about ability scores ?

2016-01-19, 11:18 AM
Hello there !
New poster, but old reader. I can't find an answer to my question so here it comes :

I was player on a game. We ended up becoming gods :

- 20 Class level
- 20 Outsider hit dices
- 20th rank of divine power

Our DM and I are starting a new game where there is 2 tables : one for mortals and one for gods. We are making new character sheets : clean ones. I possess most of the books, including epic level, deities and demigods, faith and pantheons...
So :

- How do you determine ability scores of a god ? The players ascended from mortal beings and had ability scores at lvl 20 (we still have the sheets).
- What is an outsider hit dice ? Where can I find a list ? How does it works ?

If I understood well, you gain 1 ability point every 4 lvl, then +1 per divine rank. But I found this on the internet, not on the book. I wish to stick to the books as much as possible, but I can use homebrew rules if they are made in the "balanced" spirit. (the " is important here).

Thank you for your time !

2016-01-19, 11:57 AM
Hello there !
New poster, but old reader. I can't find an answer to my question so here it comes :

I was player on a game. We ended up becoming gods :

- 20 Class level
- 20 Outsider hit dices
- 20th rank of divine power

Our DM and I are starting a new game where there is 2 tables : one for mortals and one for gods. We are making new character sheets : clean ones. I possess most of the books, including epic level, deities and demigods, faith and pantheons...
So :

- How do you determine ability scores of a god ? The players ascended from mortal beings and had ability scores at lvl 20 (we still have the sheets).
- What is an outsider hit dice ? Where can I find a list ? How does it works ?

If I understood well, you gain 1 ability point every 4 lvl, then +1 per divine rank. But I found this on the internet, not on the book. I wish to stick to the books as much as possible, but I can use homebrew rules if they are made in the "balanced" spirit. (the " is important here).

Thank you for your time !

Outsider HD are explained under the sections in monster manuals that talk about creating and advancing monsters as well as monster types. These HD btw do give feats and ability score increases exactly as character levels do.

As to the ability scores of a god, I have no idea.

2016-01-19, 12:27 PM
I've gleaned this from the internet and have it tucked into my copy of Deities and Demigods, here's the array for deity ability scores, as well as how they're altered:

35, 28, 25, 24, 24, 24.
+1/4 level
+racial adjustments
+1/divine rank

2016-01-19, 12:40 PM
In the absence of clear cut book related answers, I might make a suggestion: The Amber RPG actually had a pretty cool system for stats and PC creation that I'm going to borrow here.

Instead of actually using static numbers, have all PCs vie for a limited piece of shared divine power.

Start with strength, and work down the stat list with players auctioning off a set number of points to put into that power. The PC with the most number of points in that stat gains the "n" status for that stat. Obviously, the fighter would want str or con, the mage int, etc, but the bargaining system could make for an interesting dynamic and make your characters really feel god-like.

The PCs physical stats would actually remain the same, but one or two of them for each character would becomes "n." As in, he can make that stat whatever he or she wanted at whatever time. \

... Just a thought. :D

2016-01-19, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the answers !
We need actual numbers for the players because they might have to fight and we must know what challenge rating we can put in the game to face em.

We must stick as much as possible to official rules to let the players manage their sheets on their own (we trust all the players and they are all very experimented).

If you feel inspired and wish to help, i'll give out more details about the setting :

1) The world is brand new. Ao destroyed the previous one and "reloaded the save" before anyone screw up.
2) Magic is raw.
3) There is no god except the 4 players (previously Paladin LG, Priest NG, Wizard VERYCHAOTIC good, thief CN).
4) The wizard had acces to the thoughts of Mystra and the researchs of Karsus. He was the most powerful wizard of all and had acces to a nearly unlimited knowledge. He saved the party by merging the essences of all in one being and hid it in an artificial plane at the border of the verse in a cristal coffin made with the finest minerals.
5) The campaign starts with the One waking up and splitting in the previous heroes. (That's why we need the new sheets).

This game lasted more than a year long, it was epic, and totally worth it.
And it was hard, really hard, and bielieve me, becoming gods was really a freaking pain in the back.