View Full Version : Need Help for a Beastmaster Conversion

2016-01-19, 10:17 PM
I run a weekly game with mostly nooby players (there is no one there who min maxes at all). Formerly it has been pathfinder, but with the party swelling and the levels growing, we are switching over to 5e in order to avoid getting bogged down in combat, and keep the focus of the game on the story. Mostly this conversion will be just fine, however we do have one player that I am concerned about the beastmaster subclass for.

This player has a deep love for dinosaurs(which are included in the setting), and currently rides a young t-rex around. He is about as unsavvy with the rules as you can get while having played for several months, and has a particular confusion about action economy.

How do I make it balanced for him to have a t-rex still? I know that no one will complain if the character is overpowered, but it will still be uncomfortable if he is too powerful for party dynamics, and giving players too big freebies is one of my most common blunders as a gm.
Obviously there will be some reskinning, but will it really be necessary to reskin it down to a cr 1/4 creature as opposed to cr 1 or 2, given that we are at 7th level play right now? (Never seen BM in play before, but understand from my hours of research that it is very bad when you can't optimize to support it well).

which leads me to my next point;

How do I make the class not terrible and frustrating to play for the player who doesn't know how to optimize at all, and barely understood action economy when prompted every round in pf? What could I change to make the rules more accessible for essentially a brand new player? Any thoughts?

I should add that the player will be more than fine with playing a supporting role for his companion as long as he can figure out how.