View Full Version : Board 2 player Clue/Cluedo?

2016-01-20, 05:10 AM
So I started trying to find board games my younger sister might enjoy, and gave Clue/Cluedo a try...
But we quickly found out it works very poorly with just 2 people, at least in it's default state.
Anyone here have ideas for ways to make it work better with two players?
I feel like there must be some way, and could've sworn it was more doable when I was younger(though I also thought players only got dealt a small number of cards, and had to grow their hands over time).

2016-01-20, 07:17 AM
You typically get deal a small number of cards because they have to be divided evenly among the players: if you have a full complement of 6 players you'll start with 3 cards apiece, whereas if you have only 4 then you'll all get 4-5. That might be what you're remembering, if you used to play with more people?

Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's any way to make the game work with just 2 people; so much of the game hinges on keeping track of what other people know, and trying to figure out what they know based on what they've shown other people/asked for from others... You need a minimum of three people for any of that to happen, and most of my friends agree that it gets more interesting with more players. I can't think of a way to create that dynamic with only 2 players - there's just not enough ways to split the information.

You could cobble together something vaguely related, but I think it'd either end up disappointingly simple compared to Clue, or different enough that it's more or less its own game.

That said, a bit of Googling got me this (http://www.hasbro.com/common/documents/dad2885d1c4311ddbd0b0800200c9a66/2BFAEC9E5056900B102C3859E9AC6332.pdf); the last page contains a two-player variant. It doesn't look especially promising to me, but if you can't draft some other people into your game it might be worth a shot. There's probably other variants out there on the Internet, too. Maybe someone's come up with a good one.