View Full Version : Xbox Live coordination thread

2007-06-14, 12:40 PM
Inspired by Ranis' "A Rant About Xbox Live" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47259), I have set up this thread. The purpose is that from what I've seen the average caliber of people on these forums seems to be far higher than the average caliber of people on XBL.

So, anyone who wants a better game on XBL can post their Gamer Tag and their games on this thread. Then they can use the information posted by others to coordinate games with other people on these forums who share the same games as them.

My GT is Hells DM, and my online capable games are Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Battlefield 2, Halo 2, Gears of War, G.R.A.W., and MechAssault 2. Anyone who wants to play with or against me in any of these games, tell me here, or send me a game or friend invite over XBL. Though I'd appreciate if you told me you were from here, so I don't just think you're some random person. I play on a 360 and you can find my Gamer Card in my sig.

So, anyone else?

2007-06-16, 01:11 PM
So, uh, no one then? If not, I'll just let this thread die, but I was kind of hoping some people would be more forthcoming. Mostly because I'd like to play someone besides the kind of *******s I usually face in Halo 2 and GoW. There's only so many times you can hear "1 d1d y0ur m0m n00b" before you need to kill something.:smallannoyed:

2007-06-16, 01:26 PM
May I direct you towards this thread?



P.S: Add my as friends so that we can game. I play GRAW for now, since my GoW is all scratched because of my old broken Xbox.

EDIT: I actually saw a gamertag named "RawHide" playing Shadowrun... Could it be???

2007-06-16, 02:44 PM
May I direct you towards this thread?



P.S: Add my as friends so that we can game. I play GRAW for now, since my GoW is all scratched because of my old broken Xbox.

EDIT: I actually saw a gamertag named "RawHide" playing Shadowrun... Could it be???

Ahh, interesting. I will lets this thread die then. Thank you.