View Full Version : Pathfinder Dwarven (or even Duergar) Antipaladin

2016-01-21, 04:39 PM
Greetings playground,

I have often wondered about characters whose attribute modifications didn't quite line up with their class. Other ramifications aside, the Antipaladin is a very decent debuffer in its core (and this part is HIGHLY dependant on a decent save on its cruelties). There are really no other reasons to play an Antipaladin other than perhaps Cha to saves (which in and of itself is a joke for any non Cha focussed Dwarven character). So no, a Cha 12 pseudo undead bruiser that heals himself using his ToC simply won't do for my purposes.

I realize there are other better options to display an Dwarven servant of an evil god but I figured I should ask here because I simply cannot even spark an idea on how I would take on such an endeavor without repeatedly seeing the need of Cha 17 to start off (which becomes Cha 15 and with the 4th level increase Cha 16). There have to be some gems hidden in the Dwarven race that make a Dwarven Antipaladin worthwhile. Things that a Cleric 8/(Un)Holy Vindicator cannot do better (or at least more action efficient as cleric spells are unbeatable).

I realize that the Champion of the Faith Warpriests basically are that, only better but their Fervor doesn't offer the stacking debuffs of Touch of Corruption. More limited in number and DC, this just feels suboptimal. The dwarf better bring something else to the table. Still, I am sick of the standard Human/Elven/Halfelf Wizards, the Angelkin Paladins, the Halfing Rogues or the Orc Barbarians.

Is there maybe a way to key Touch of Cruelty off of Wisdom?

2016-01-22, 03:20 AM
Not that I know of. Antipaladins are probably the least-supported class in the game for obvious reasons.

I would suggest Warpriest but it seems you've already considered it. Any chance you cold be an evil gnome? (Say, one that survived the Bleaching and became all dour.) Or maybe a Svirfneblin, but they don't make particularly good antipaladins either.

2016-01-22, 04:48 AM
The Ability Focus feat should be handy in this case.

2016-01-22, 05:40 AM
Use the Stonelord (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/coreRaces/dwarves.html#stonelord-%28paladin%29)paladin archetype, tweaked to replace Antipaladin abilities.