View Full Version : Optimization Champion of Beasts Competition I: Ruff Seas

2016-01-21, 06:56 PM
Welcome, welcome, one and all to The Champion of Beasts! In this competition, a monster is set out from one of the monster manuals, and players are challenged to build an encounter around it that utilizes the beasts' unique abilities to the fullest! The challenge is to bring out what makes the creature cool or awesome in your mind, and leave players with an encounter that they will remember for the rest of the campaign.

The rules are simple: a creature is named at the beginning of the competition which has to be a major component of the encounter. Everything else, from the other creatures to the setting to the encounter CR, is up to you.

Resources: Competitors are allowed free use of any 3.5 or pathfinder sourcebook for creating the encounter, and the limits for terrain are up to you. The monsters (including the special creature) can have their feats altered as the player wishes (so long as they meet the prerequisites), and adding class levels or templates is allowed (the special creature uses an elite array of ability scores, while the other monsters use a regular array). The total CR for the encounter can sit at any level between 1 and 22, using the pathfinder system of calculating encounter CR.

Building Time: Contestants have until Thursday, February 4th at 23:59 US Central Time to create their encounter.

Presentation: The presentation should be as follows:

Title for your encounter

CR for your encounter

Monsters, with any adjustments listed next to them. The special creature should be listed first.

The setting, detailing any unusual terrain and how it could affect the battle.

Finally, a summary of the encounter and how you expect it to play out. What do the monsters do? What happens with the environment? How do you expect the PCs to pull through?

Now then, this challenge's first monster is:

Bestiary 3's Akhlut (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/akhlut)

Good luck to all of ye! I hope that we see some creative encounters!

2016-01-22, 11:18 PM
Odd that nobody seems interested. Did I pick a bad monster?

2016-01-23, 05:46 AM
that's one screwed up critter, I got a couple ideas