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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Mindslayer, a barbarian subclass for 5e by EnderDwarf

2016-01-22, 11:24 AM
Some barbarians want to learn another way of killing instead of just eating their enemies (:smallamused::smallwink:), these travel through the wilderness and (often by accident) they learn a new way of fighting by Mindslain or Mindflayers. Another way to become a Mindslayer is that some Mindflayers don't kill their enemies, but make them Mindslain warriors. If the Mindslayer dies this warrior becomes free, often as a Mindslayer. These Barbarians lose control of their brain while raging, and their minds is a hateful place full of pain and illness. Most of these Barbarians are evil.

Third level
You gain resistance to psychic damage, whenever an enemy attemps to charm or frighten you and you have to make a wisdom save this attempt can fail in your sickened brain. The target takes if you succeed on the saving throw psychic damage equal to your barbarian level

Sixth level
Whenever you take the attack action on your turn, you can force one of your attacks, if the next attack you make then hits the attack is automaticly a critical hit and the target must make a wisdom saving throw DC half the damage you dealt with the crit. On a failed save the target is as under the effect of the confusion spell for up to one minute (or till the target succeeds on a wisdom saving throw). You can use this effect an amount of times per day equal to half your proficiency modifier (rounded up)

Tenth level
Overwhelming Presence
Whenever you grapple an enemy, the target must make at the beginning of his/her turn a wisdom saving throw. Taking 1d12 psychic damage on a failed save, or half on a succesful one.

Fourteenth level
Unholy Mind
You gain immunity to psychic damage, the effect of Mindsickness works from now on for every wisdom save, instead just charm and frighten effects.

2016-01-22, 02:42 PM
Some barbarians want to learn another way of killing instead of just eating their enemies (:smallamused::smallwink:), these travel through the wilderness and (often by accident) they learn a new way of fighting by Mindslain or Mindflayers. Another way to become a Mindslayer is that some Mindflayers don't kill their enemies, but make them Mindslain warriors. If the Mindslayer dies this warrior becomes free, often as a Mindslayer. These Barbarians lose control of their brain while raging, and their minds is a hateful place full of pain and illness. Most of these Barbarians are evil.

Third level
You gain resistance to psychic damage, whenever an enemy attemps to charm or frighten you and you have to make a wisdom save this attempt can fail in your sickened brain. The target takes if you succeed on the saving throw damage equal to the result you had on your save.

Most third level Barbarian benefits only apply while raging. I would modify this to be more in line with that. In addition, instead of "equal to the result you had on your save", I would make it a set value. Say, 1d6 times your proficiency bonus, so it scales with level.

Sixth level
Whenever you take the attack action on your turn, you can force one of your attacks, if the next attack you make then hits the attack is automaticly a critical hit and the target must make a wisdom saving throw DC half the damage you dealt with the crit. On a failed save the target is as under the effect of the confusion spell for up to one minute (or till the target succeeds on a wisdom saving throw).

This is overpowered as all hell. A free crit on a Barbarian is second only to Rogues and Paladins, thanks to Brutal Critical, and confusion is a very powerful effect. In addition, as written, this is at-will. I assume that's not supposed to be the case, because if it is, that increases damage by at least %50, if not more, and has the massively powerful confusion rider.

Tenth level
Overwhelming Presence
Whenever you grapple an enemy, the target must make at the beginning of his/her turn a wisdom saving throw. Taking 1d12 psychic damage on a failed save, or half on a succesful one.

Um... Seems a bit niche, but okay. I mean, Barbarians are good grapplers.

Fourteenth level
Unholy Mind
Whenever you are hit by a melee weapon attack, the attacker gains 1d4 psychic damage, and the attacker gains 1 sickpoint. After a long rest 1 sickpoint dissappears. When an enemy has two of these points, it takes 1d4 psychic damage every time it targets an enemy, if it has 3 points this damage increases to 1d6, 4 is 1d8, 5 1d10 and with 6 points the target gains vurneability to psychic damage and the damage increases to 1d12.

This is an overly complicated mechanic. I can't even judge how balanced it is. I would honestly just make something entirely new for it.

The Mindslain is a simple race, just take another race (it was in life) but give the following ASIs
+1int and +1str if the race had +2 ASI worth
+2str and +1 int with +3 worth
+2str, +1int and +1con with +4 worth
+2str, +2int and +1con for normal humans
Also the Mindslain gets resistance to psychic damage, or immunity when the Mindslain gains it from another source.

This is free psychic resistance, basically, since the ASIs are the same amount. I'd just make a race in a separate thread.

Overall, this is much too complicated. 5E is about simplicity, and this is not. Mindblow is, as written, immensely overpowered, but the rest seems okay, just clunky and awkward to use. I like the concept-the implementation falls flat though.

2016-01-22, 03:41 PM
Overall, this is much too complicated. 5E is about simplicity, and this is not. Mindblow is, as written, immensely overpowered, but the rest seems okay, just clunky and awkward to use. I like the concept-the implementation falls flat though.

Hmmm, I was thinking about the level 14 feature and I will change that (but not right now). Mindblow will from now be an amount of times equal your prof. mod. I don't think I have to change DC, your saves go up later too

Mindslain is simple because it is just an ordinary race, but I forgot to make it so did it too quickly. I suppose I add this tommorow like the level 14 feature

2016-01-23, 03:05 AM
Other feedback?

I changed the subclass a bit.

2016-01-24, 11:23 AM
My general feedback: why not change this path to a charisma-secondary barbarian? It'd fill a niche yet unoccupied while also providing you with an opportunity to better balance the subclass.

The fluff is fine, I guess. Illithid-created barbarians that have somehow broken free is something I haven't seen before.

Mindsickness is a pretty weird ability. Resistance to psychic damage is fine, as is the advantage on saves against being charmed and frightened, though I second JNA's suggestion to make it rage-only.

The damage feature is weird and doesn't add much to the game. Make it damage equal to your barbarian level, or perhaps barbarian level plus charisma modifier (a charisma-focused barbarian subclass could get interesting).

The problem with Mindblow is that the DC can vary too much. At the level you get it, a crit should be dealing 2d12+6 damage, meaning the save DC can be as low as 4 or as high as 15. Again, a charisma-based saving throw would be less unpredictable.

The mental (no pun intended) image of a barbarian knocking all sense out of his foe is amusing, but it is poorly executed.

Overwhelming Presence seems really niche. Maybe make it so that while raging, all creatures you start your turn next to automatically take psychic damage equal to your rage bonus damage/charisma modifier?

Unholy mind is fine. Immunity to a single uncommon damage type is hardly overpowered.

Also, this whole subclass seems worded a bit weirdly. I had to read everything two or three times before understanding what you meant.

2016-01-24, 12:50 PM
My general feedback: why not change this path to a charisma-secondary barbarian? It'd fill a niche yet unoccupied while also providing you with an opportunity to better balance the subclass.

The fluff is fine, I guess. Illithid-created barbarians that have somehow broken free is something I haven't seen before.

Mindsickness is a pretty weird ability. Resistance to psychic damage is fine, as is the advantage on saves against being charmed and frightened, though I second JNA's suggestion to make it rage-only.

The damage feature is weird and doesn't add much to the game. Make it damage equal to your barbarian level, or perhaps barbarian level plus charisma modifier (a charisma-focused barbarian subclass could get interesting).

The problem with Mindblow is that the DC can vary too much. At the level you get it, a crit should be dealing 2d12+6 damage, meaning the save DC can be as low as 4 or as high as 15. Again, a charisma-based saving throw would be less unpredictable.

The mental (no pun intended) image of a barbarian knocking all sense out of his foe is amusing, but it is poorly executed.

Overwhelming Presence seems really niche. Maybe make it so that while raging, all creatures you start your turn next to automatically take psychic damage equal to your rage bonus damage/charisma modifier?

Unholy mind is fine. Immunity to a single uncommon damage type is hardly overpowered.

Also, this whole subclass seems worded a bit weirdly. I had to read everything two or three times before understanding what you meant.

First about the wording. I can't change this soon and I no I am bad at English. Because I want to hang around at post ppl who can't read it just don't reply but I can't change it with my English and there is no point in saying it (but my bad).

The damage on mindsickness fits fluff, rage only does not, I will make it barb level dmg. I didn't say mindslayer gains advantage, this is clear and not my lack of English

I like how the DC can change and I think it is nicer than a standard number

Overwhelming presence is not bad. Battlerager just gives +3 PIERCING dmg and not even always

Thanks for the feedback