View Full Version : Marylanders and those around, how much snow so far?

2016-01-23, 03:19 AM
As those of us who live in Maryland, or in and around know, we are in the middle of a major winter snowstorm that is supposed to drop 18-24 inches on most of us, and some spots up to 30 inches. I myself am in the supposed 18-24 inches, but I just went out and measured and we already have 14 inches and the "worst" isn't supposed to start until later today. So what about other Marylanders, where are you all at in terms of snow?

2016-01-23, 06:53 AM
As those of us who live in Maryland, or in and around know, we are in the middle of a major winter snowstorm that is supposed to drop 18-24 inches on most of us, and some spots up to 30 inches. I myself am in the supposed 18-24 inches, but I just went out and measured and we already have 14 inches and the "worst" isn't supposed to start until later today. So what about other Marylanders, where are you all at in terms of snow?

Can't be more than a foot, but the storm is supposed to last until tomorrow.

2016-01-23, 08:06 AM
Since it's still snowing, I don't particularly feel comfortable going outside, but there is at least a foot and a half up here in northern Virginia. And that's measuring close to my house.

2016-01-23, 08:09 AM
I'm over on the other side of the river in Virginia, but we've got plenty. I haven't been out in it but it looks like at least two feet deep in my front yard. (Not the same as 24 inches of snow, since there are definitely drifts going on). No power outages here yet.

On that note, time to shovel a path for the dog in my backyard...

2016-01-23, 10:45 PM
Snow stopped around here a bit earlier then they said, around 2pm or so, but the storm dropped snow so fast we ended up with 26 inches of snow as measured via yardstick. Thankfully no wind yet, if that starts up we'll probably end up with drifts 4-5 feet high easy.

2016-01-24, 02:19 PM
I don't really live in that area, but in southwestern Michigan, we've had surprisingly little snow. Every time it snows heavily, it has warmed up shortly after, melting all of it. We only have about four inches right now, and it's scheduled to get up to 36 or so soon. :annoyed: I'm jealous of your snow, this ski season has sucked...

Insane Trystane
2016-01-25, 02:02 AM
Downtown DC got 14 inches according to the carpenter's level someone stuck in the snow.

2016-01-26, 07:02 PM
Downtown DC got 14 inches according to the carpenter's level someone stuck in the snow.

We got at least 2 feet in my neighbourhood according to my highly accurate measure of seeing how far my gf gets buried in the snow when she tries to walk through it.

2016-01-26, 07:10 PM
Still getting dug out here, the road I live on barely has enough room for 2 vehicles on it, and that's after the counties last pass earlier today, yesterday you couldn't fit two vehicles side by side. School's already been cancelled for tomorrow ^^

Actually found out why the clean-up has been so slow around here though, apparently most of the snow removal resources in our area were sent up to D.C. to help them get out quicker. Somewhat understandable, but no less frustrating.

Amidus Drexel
2016-01-26, 10:03 PM
We definitely got in the ~2ft range up here, though the wind tossed it around enough that I couldn't say how much we got for sure. My complex is mostly cleared, though I did have to do a fair amount of shoveling last night to dig my car out.

2016-01-27, 12:17 AM
We ended up with about 3 feet in western MD, but with the wind, some drifts were 4 and 5 feet high.
The struggle now is that there are lots of city streets that are thick with ice, and most 2 lane streets in the cities are only 1 to 1.5 lanes wide :( Parking is a struggle!

2016-01-27, 02:09 AM
We ended up with about 3 feet in western MD, but with the wind, some drifts were 4 and 5 feet high.
The struggle now is that there are lots of city streets that are thick with ice, and most 2 lane streets in the cities are only 1 to 1.5 lanes wide :( Parking is a struggle!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're farther west then I am. Oakland? Maybe not quite so far and Frostburg/Cumberland?

2016-01-28, 10:46 AM
29.3 inches, going by the official numbers at BWI, which is right by my place.

Gettin' real tired of snow.

2016-01-28, 11:06 AM
There was some melting yesterday... And some heavy refreezing tonight. You can walk on the surface, now, before you inevitably slip.

2016-01-29, 12:28 PM
There was some melting yesterday... And some heavy refreezing tonight. You can walk on the surface, now, before you inevitably slip.

Today, it snows again.

And if nothing goes amiss, today I get my snowblower. Seriously, screw shoveling ever again.

2016-02-13, 12:41 AM
Southern Michigan here. Gotta say, I'm kind of jealous of you guys. We'll usually get a good amount of snow every winter here. And the U.P. usually gets more than what you guys are getting. But this year? I don't think we've had more than 2 inches at a time.

Kind of disappointing, really.