View Full Version : Settler, race for 5e by EnderDwarf

2016-01-23, 05:48 AM
This race is inspired by the Settlers IV, a fantastic but old game where you have to built a settlement and defend your lands from an enemy (or enemies). In this game there are three races, the romans, vikings and mayan people.

Flexible worker
Settlers are hard-working people, whenever they need to do something they will. They are flexible and can do several things. They love to see their jobs finished and can enjoy every moment of reaching a new part of something.

Dutiful and loyal
Settlers will never strike or stop with doing what they need to do, as long as they get basic things. It is true they will work harder if they get food and a place to sleep, but even without this they will try to act at the best of their abilities

True explorers
Settlers will always be true explorers, they can walk for hours without getting tired and they love to search everywhere, if they find something they need immediately, or before seeing all places, they are rather disappointed that they have to do another job instead of looking around

Hard to kill
Settlers are durable, when they are attacked they will probably try to get away, but even normal settlers can take many hits before they die

Builders of Empires
Settlers can even with less than 100 men/women build empires, and with the same amount tear them apart.

Never alone
With their discipline, settlers are true team figthers, they will lose 1v1 battlers in war but they will in a group even if they are outnumbered hardly ever lose.

Clear communication
Settlers can in the middle of battles always communicate with each others, among settles there are true leaders who can lead them to victory, but even ordinary soldiers or workers can bring message to everywhere in a short time.

Fighters for their race
Although settlers aren't aggressive, they have a natural hate against the other two settler races and these are often in war. In big cities you won't see a viking and a roman fighting, only fair fights with armies will be seen often. Settlers wil always keep fighting, even if they are alone or outnumberd.

Long history
Some people say settlers are half human half dwarf, but this is clearly not true. They do know the languages of humans and dwarves, and they are fat and small for humans. Settlers exsist already a very long time, that is all most people know

The Settler
Ability scores Settlers won't die easy and can perform several jobs, you gain a +1 bonus on your constitution score and +1 on an ability score of your choice
Age A settlers matures young, around 12 years old, and can live over hundread years
Alingment Settlers are more lawful than they are anything else, they are often lawful neutral but can be every kind of lawful (or alingment), rarely a non-lawful settler is seen, and even these won't show their hankering to freedom
Size Settlers stand between humans and dwarves, in weight and height, your size is medium
Speed Settlers won't run hard and won't run often, your base walking speed is 25ft
Darkvision Also in darkness Settlers can see, they gain darkvision out of 60ft
Tireless workers On a long rest, you lose two niveaus of exhaustion
Communal explorers You can understand other settlers twice as clearly as other creatures and you can recognise a Settler in every situation. You also gain proficiency in wisdom (perception)

Romans are more often neutral than other settlers, and very well-balanced in what they can and do, they are more as human than other settlers, also often a little bit taller
Ability score improvements You gain +1 on a stat of your choice, Roman are more than other settlers jack of all trades
Natural healers Once per rest you can use an healer kit to heal a creature an amount of HP equal to your medicine bonus (minimum of 1) you can do this as a bonus action on your turn or reaction, whenever the target you want to heal takes damage. Of course the range is as limited as the range of a healer kit. Romans can heal and aid their allies easily in combat
Well-balanced As a Roman, you can lose as many skills as you want. For every skill you lose, you may choose two skills. In these skills you can add half your prof. bonus (rounded down).

Vikings are more like Dwarfs than any other settler, unlike Dwarves, Vikings prefer Woods above mountains, which is very strange
Ability score improvements You gain +1 bonus on wisdom, Vikings are very wise people. There are also vikings who are stronger than other races, these gain a +1 bonus on strenght but don't exsist in every campaign
Priests of the Great Bear You learn the Druidcraft cantrip, when you reach third level, you can cast purify food and drink once a day as a second level spell, when you reach fifth level you can cast animal mesenger once a day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells

Maya are smart engineers, they invent and make better gear for themselves
Ability score improvements +1 int, as a maya you are cunning and smart
Freezing gun You gain proficiency with the blowgun, whenever you hit an enenmy with a blowgun the speed of this enemy is 10ft less till the beginning of your next turn.
Stone Dwellers You can, if you have at least 50gp worth of rare metals, make a weapon stronger. This weapon gains +1 on damage and attack rolls, or gains +1 on attack rolls and deals 1d4 damage while using on a blowgun. You can use this on an amount of weapons equal yout int mod. at a time (min 1) and after 8 hours the bonus disappears

2016-01-23, 12:34 PM
There is no feedback? I understand most ppl don't know this game but maybe on the balance?

M Placeholder
2016-01-23, 07:49 PM
Some thoughts -

Romans - the Well Balanced is a bit misleading in terms of title, as you lose the ability to add your ability modifier to skills, and for every one skill you do this with, you get a +1, then +2, then +3 to two other skills as you progress. So you basically sacrifice skills for increased proficiency in others. How would this work with the Jack of all Trades feature of the Bard?

Viking - This is pretty good

Maya - The blowgun feature is neat, I assume the 50 of metals means GP of rare metals. It does state that Maya are wise and discover more than other settlers. It would be nice if there was a mechanic to reflect this.

2016-01-24, 04:21 AM
Some thoughts -

Romans - the Well Balanced is a bit misleading in terms of title, as you lose the ability to add your ability modifier to skills, and for every one skill you do this with, you get a +1, then +2, then +3 to two other skills as you progress. So you basically sacrifice skills for increased proficiency in others. How would this work with the Jack of all Trades feature of the Bard?

Viking - This is pretty good

Maya - The blowgun feature is neat, I assume the 50 of metals means GP of rare metals. It does state that Maya are wise and discover more than other settlers. It would be nice if there was a mechanic to reflect this.
Viking: I agree, but the amount of points is not too many
Roman: you may lose this, you choose an amount of skills, if it wasn't clear it was because my English
I do mean 50gp of rare metals, I meant with discoveries inventions and improvements of them, again my English :/

Thanks for the feedback. Try to make it clearer

Changed some English. Although I don't know what I worded wrong with roman