View Full Version : Campaign direction help

Elite Hatter
2016-01-23, 11:19 AM
So I am DMing a group of 5 level 7 players. They've discovered these Ruby crystals inbedded in Gargoyles eye sockets and discovered that upon shattering they turn to a pool of blood like liquid.

These are Shards of Rage. They do not know this yet and the party is chasing down leads for the Band of Ruin. A gang of marauders. Who's led be a deranged Hercules type figure. Again they know none of this. I'm just wondering how to bring this to light in am intriguing and fun way for them to roleplay.

I was thinking that they discover the crystals are being used as an experimental catalyst to make their marauders more potent. And using it like hyper steroids. Probably mimicking a Barbarians rage.

And as for Hercules, I'm trying to decide between a stern, yet forceful figure. Or a **** and boasting one.

Any input or suggestions is appreciated. Also keep in mind this "Arc" is only meant to take them to level 12 or 13.

Elite Hatter
2016-01-23, 11:22 AM
And if it helps the party is:

A Human variant death cleric
A Gnome Evocation wizard
A human Sun soul monk
A Halfling 4 assassin, 3 way of Shadows monk
And a Dragonborn vengeance Paladin