View Full Version : DM Help I need help with my campaign (my Tome of Finesse players don't look)

2016-01-24, 12:16 AM
[Yes, I realize I probably should name my campaign over more than just the homebrew system I am using, but that's not the point!]

So, prologue sequence just happened earlier today. It was designed to decide the ultimate end game of the world...and I had like 6 different branch points planned...you know how that went...

For some reason, the party decided to team up with the infested humans and lava reptiles.

Most of the party is undead, though not evil, because I did away with the alignment system entirely...and in fact it's kinda the Shadow Monk who acted the "most evil", stabbing an ally (or supposed ally at any rate) in the back with shadow bolts.

So, the campaign was to be set in a necropolis - a fairly well-meaning and lawful one at that - which has had war declared upon it by a Kingdom of Pelor, the Evil God of the Sun. My original plan was to have the Fire people invade, interrupting the war, and that's the big bad guy for the campaign. With the war stalled, the players would have several routes to take in combatting this new common enemy, including many diplomatic measures or figuring out logistics, or just straight up taking the fight to them, as well as whatever they come up with.

...but as I mentioned, they kinda allied the fire people....whom I should probably give names. They did make an enemy out of the Mist goddess, but I definitely don't feel like she would launch a full-on invasion, and is more the conniving and sinister sort, much as a dragon with a grudge. Thus, I don't think I could just slot her right on in where the previous big bad was.

Also, I kinda don't know how to be conniving in a way that actually seems like it'd be fun for the players.

But that's kinda just 1 facet (although a really big one) of what they changed compared to any of the things I planned out... How do I acknowledge that the players did this massive thing without just saying "Here's your badge for doing stuff"?
This I've kinda got a handle on. I was going to add a few of these "infested humans" in spots around the necropolis, and say that the lizard people can polymorph and take up roles in government. And the war not having been stopped is a given.
...But what do you guys think of having a second "sun" which is just a portal to the plane of fire in the sky? Should I give it any effects, like despite being "daylight", vampires and such aren't affected by it because it's not the true sun?