View Full Version : Player Help Summoner or should I say Conjurer lists

2016-01-24, 10:44 PM
I would like to get a list of what can be summoned from each of the conjure spells so I can take that into account when I meet up with my new group in a few days. I like playing summoner and conjuration types but it is all over the place in 5th ed. and they don't provide handy tables like in previous editions and if I have to search the books and look at the type and CR of every monster. To make it worse they are split amongst all the major spellcasters so there will be great variety between wheat a druid can summon vs what a wizard or warlock can summon. I love the new flavor of conjuration this adds and the fact there is more danger if you lose concentration but balanced by the 1 hour time you can have them out. They are more than just another type of attack spell now(not that they weren't before but that is what they were at first blush previously). That having been said I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it to the game. Some of the schedules discussed were... extreme; so I don't want to invest in books I can't use. Also I'd like to start with something I've used a lot of in the past so summoning as it will be while not my maiden 5th ed only my 2nd or 3rd 5th ed game. Given that I won't be able to hog all the books for days I need a shortcut. Quite frankly it's rude to go over a friends house for hours and not even interact with them. Just pour over their gaming books. My friends understand but I just can't bring myself to be that rude.

The spells that I can see:
Set lists:
Conjure Animals
Conjure Minor Elementals
Conjure woodland beings
List that only summon one but have more options for higher slots:
Conjure Celestial
Conjure Elemental
Conjure Fey

Anyway a list would be a helpful shortcut I think.

2016-01-25, 12:41 AM
have you looked at the basic DMs rules?

Also Wikipedia lists all MM monsters including type. You should be able to dump it into an excel spreadsheet and sort it prett easily.

Wotc has monsters by challenge rating here. Together with the Wikipedia list, that gives you name, type and CR.

2016-01-25, 12:43 AM
I've been working on a Summoning Supplement (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?474503-5e-Summoning-Supplement-WIP-PEACH) for 5e to improve it as a whole. It also lists the various creatures by CR, but I only have CR 1 and 2 right now.

I've wanted to work on it more often, but with classes starting up again, it's difficult to put meaningful work into it. Though given its relative ease, working on the CR lists is my next priority. For any given summonable subtype that doesn't have an entry in the MM, I've entered or will enter a balanced homebrew creature.

I hope it helps you,if the rules and spell changes don't, at least the CR list might.

2016-01-27, 03:09 AM
Thanks for the help. After parsing for a few days I've been able to come up with Druid as the best summoner but summoning is a little iffy. I can see a few tricks and uses which is good but a few questions have arisen.

So quick question: if night hag has at will magic missile ala cantrip style do I have to expend my 1st level slots to have her basically be a turret that shoots magic missiles once a turn or because it doesn't use spell slots I don't have to use spell slots?

Here is the fruits of my perusing so far. Just checking to see if these ideas hold up when it's not me since I'm a little biased in my favour.

Conjure Animals:
no ideas so far. This spell just seems to blow as far as I can tell. Let me know if you have any uses.
Conjure minor elementals:
This spell is some serous damage. Summon 4 magma mephits and have them breath for 2d6 each to get 8d6 damage then because you don't want to wait for the recharge have them gather round their target and your or your wizard friend hit them with an ice storm and watch them burst for another 2d6 each for a total of 16d6 damage from this spell. Who knows they may even get a couple of claws in or absorb a hit or two as well. Other than this I don't see too much utility here than damage. Actually that isn't true being able to blur your entire party with steam mephits is pretty haus and not the worst way to spend all your 2nd level spell slots.
Conjure woodland beings:
Kinda the opposite of the previous one. Not a lot of damage but some great other uses. Summoning 8 pixies will drain your battery pretty quick but you can have them do such wonderful things as polymorph your and all your allies into powerful forms since the pixies are the ones concentrating on the spells or maybe just make you all fly. Or 8 sprites and yeah sure they don't seem like much given their sleep arrows only do 1 damage and have a dc 10 con save until they start to realize they are making up to 8 dc 10 con saves a turn. Also sprites and pixies with their natural invisibility, flight, and tiny size make great scouts and you get 8 scouts for every casting. Only real drawbacks are how quickly you will use up spell slots. Some other uses are summon some green hags to mimic you and a friend and add more people with higher spell slots. Now have them play cards in front of the guard shack or in the high court or wherever just go forth knowing you have a pretty strong alibi for where you and your friends were when shenanigans happened.
Conure Elemental
Not a lot here. Only thing to say is if you call a fire elemental instead of a Salamander your probably not doing the summoning thing right.
Conjure Fey:
As I said night hag has MM at will. Also green hag has which vicious mockery at will. Every other fey is either out of reach of any spell or can be summoned using conjure woodland beings.

Now for the one conjure that isn't on the Druid list.
Conjure Celestial:
Summon a unicorn to do some decent healing while curing illness and breaking enchantments. Unicorn an pegasus are the only two things that can be summoned by this spell. Unicorn as I said can heal and has some decent attacks. Pegasus ... well he flies but other than that he is just a horse and definitely not worth using a 7th level spell slot to summon. Oh and by the way to summon unicorn your going to have to use a 9th level slot. Honestly your probably better off trying to make a deal with a gated creature at that point. No need to concentrate and if you do your research and your pious enough you can probably find an angel or two that would be willing to lend a hand to cleric of your deity of such renown that they made it to the point they are calling down 9th level spells from him.

Also I'd like to point out that wizard which has the conjuration subschool that helps with keeping concentration only has the elemental summons which I rate as meh. Better than summoning celestials not as good as summoning fey. Making it a mostly wasted advance and making me just say no to my traditional wizards that studied to become summoners and concentrated on summoning.

2016-01-27, 03:30 AM
Conjure minor elementals:
This spell is some serous damage. Summon 4 magma mephits and have them breath for 2d6 each to get 8d6 damage then because you don't want to wait for the recharge have them gather round their target and your or your wizard friend hit them with an ice storm and watch them burst for another 2d6 each for a total of 16d6 damage from this spell. Who knows they may even get a couple of claws in or absorb a hit or two as well. Other than this I don't see too much utility here than damage. Actually that isn't true being able to blur your entire party with steam mephits is pretty haus and not the worst way to spend all your 2nd level spell slots.

Magma Mephits also have Heat Metal, which can be used to get enemies to drop their weapons or have disadvantage on their attacks, in addition to the pretty-hefty damage (2d8 per mephit). Only civilized enemies are likely to have metal weapons, but enemies without metal weapons or tools are generally weaker than civilized enemies (more vulnerable to kiting) so this is still good. A Frost Giant, Cloud Giant, or Hobgoblin Warlord without a sword is much less scary. (Heat Metal works even better against PCs if you can get e.g. the fighter to drop his magic axe when fighting a stone golem + magma mephits.)

Smoke Mephits and Mud Mephits both have interesting combo potential, can grant archers advantage on their attacks by blinding/restraining respectively with their breath weapons. Watch out for the Mud Mephit death burst though, it can be used against you.

2016-01-27, 07:34 AM
Good point about the magma mephits so they get even better. Good for wizards! It does bring up the question can you heat the same piece of metal multiple times? for 8d6 a round if I heat that poor knight's chestplate. As for the other mephit's breath weapon I didn't mention it because I consider it a minor debuff. We will go with the better one the dust mephit. Even if they fail the initial save they are going to blink that dust out of their eyes fairly quickly since the dc is only 10 and that is a 50/50 without any bonus. Though again this could be situationally sound and since it's the same spell for all the variants it could easily come up where you wanted to just clear a path to a primary caster and that would do the job. All his minions are blind so you could walk through them and he is blind so he can't target his charms and pushbacks to try to keep the oncoming warrior/rouge deathsquad.

2016-01-27, 09:09 AM
Good point about the magma mephits so they get even better. Good for wizards! It does bring up the question can you heat the same piece of metal multiple times? for 8d6 a round if I heat that poor knight's chestplate. As for the other mephit's breath weapon I didn't mention it because I consider it a minor debuff. We will go with the better one the dust mephit. Even if they fail the initial save they are going to blink that dust out of their eyes fairly quickly since the dc is only 10 and that is a 50/50 without any bonus. Though again this could be situationally sound and since it's the same spell for all the variants it could easily come up where you wanted to just clear a path to a primary caster and that would do the job. All his minions are blind so you could walk through them and he is blind so he can't target his charms and pushbacks to try to keep the oncoming warrior/rouge deathsquad.

With the DMG errata any game mechanic that had the same name doesn't stack. This was always true with spells, now it's everything (like Paladin Auras)!

2016-01-27, 09:12 AM
So how about we do things a little differently what if one heats the chestpiece, one heats the codpiece, one heats the left greave, and one heats the right arm?

2016-01-27, 09:29 AM
Different objects so nothing is stacking.

2016-01-27, 09:49 AM
Conjure animals can put a lot of critters on the board at pretty low cost, they can be allies to help your rogues get Sneak Attack, they can "help" other characters attack, they can knock enemies prone or spread poison damage. There is just a ton of utility there.