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2016-01-24, 11:23 PM
You were surprised when your team is called into the briefing room suddenly after assignments are given out to Alpha, Beta, and Gamma teams.
That surprise only increases when you find that it's the "Old Man" of X-COM himself, Commander Aurelius Silvermane, is the one giving you the briefing.

"You are all here because you have displayed skill in completing your assignments, but more importantly have displayed the capacity for discretion in completing them. I expect you to exercise this discretion in your next mission - not even other X-COM personnel are to be informed of the nature of your mission without prior authorization from me. Understood? Good."

Aurelius launches into the briefing immediately without further preamble or waiting for your response to his question - clearly he only expected a "sir, yes sir" for it.
It quickly became clear why this mission needed to be a secret.

"Some of you may have heard of Professor Eris Verdantdawn. For those of you who haven't, he is a very knowledgeable and very vocal astrologer, though his views are rather . . . unorthodox given the threat that the Far Realm poses to all of Amaranth."

You are quite familiar with Professor Eris Verdantdawn. He was, after all, the one who mentored and inducted you into your little fling with the Far Realm-worshipping cult during your less . . . careful days.

For those at all familiar with international incidents know Professor Verdantdawn as an infamous celebrity. Founder of the Farseekers, the professor was a famous astrologer best known for his statements that there not only was life out in the Far Realm, but that it was likely superior to life on Amaranth and these beings wielded power that could rival the gods. The Farseekers were basically a Far-Realm worshipping cult.

Technically, "worship" was probably a mis-interpretation of the Farseekers beliefs - it was less worship and more "respect"/"we could learn from these beings".
Still, the Farseerks sought to prove the existence of beings within the Far Realm, make contact with them, and open up some manner of regular trade and communication.
Clearly, the Extra-dimensionals, or X-Ds, were more interested in taking rather than trading.

"What you would not know, and what must not leave this room, is that Professor Verdantdawn has been contracted by X-COM to look into the X-D menace. He is to be considered an invaluable asset in X-COM's war against the X-Ds."

Now the part about discretion made sense - if news that crackpot Far-Realm cultist Verdantdawn was working for X-COM, it could damage the organization's credibility before you even got a chance to get started on dealing with the X-D threat.

"Two days ago, Professor Verdantdawn reported that he was visiting the Stardance Observatory in order to track down a promising lead. He was supposed to check-in 24 hours later, but never did. We are unable to contact any of our other assets on the island, and so we must assume the worst. You are being sent to Stardance Isle in Whitehill to locate Professor Verdantdawn, retrieve him if necessary, and return him and his findings to Mount Irongullet. As mentioned before, even if the professor is not in fact in immediate danger, you need to escort him back here, and do it without revealing the Professor's connection to X-COM. You leave immediately. Dismissed!"

Additional information on Stardance Isle: (Requires Successful Knowledge check)

The observatory and attached town was built on an island formed from a now-dormant volcano. The observatory itself was built on the lip of the volcano's caldera and into the side of the volcano itself.

Stardance Observatory was founded by some eccentric adventurer from Whitehill who decided to retire on his own private island - and indulge in his astrology hobby at the same time.
Over the two centuries since, a town has formed on the rest of the island below the observatory.
And "Stardance" is apparently a mistranslation - the founder originally called the island observatory some fanciful name in an ancient Celestial dialect, but mangled the word choice.
The direct translation was thus "Star dance" or "Dancing star" depending on the emphasis of the syllables in the ancient Celestial.

The observatory was not, in fact, created by its so-called founder.
He just discovered it on the island during his travels, and claimed credit for building it when he moved in.
The ancient observatory was in fact created by some tribe of elves in the distant past.
Although scholars can't agree on who, precisely, built it.
The elves and eladrin were not particularly skilled seafarers, and the lack of any spider motif rules out the Drow as they were certainly under the guidance of Lolth still at that point in history.

Minutes later, you are aboard the Team Epsilon Skyranger and soaring towards Whitehill.
The Stardance Observatory is located at the western edge of the archipelago that forms the sea-based republic, so the trip is not as long as it could have been but nonetheless takes hours as you have to traverse the width of Hausenburg & Nuwessan, and then a not inconsiderable piece of ocean before arriving in Whitehill airspace.
Despite the high-speed of your airship, carried aloft not by a balloon but by a magically-augmented Pegasus, it is late afternoon by the time you arrive at Stardance Isle, and the sun is starting to head towards the horizon.

And it is immediately clear that something has gone horribly wrong on the island.
Much of it is shrouded in thick coils of mist, particularly towards the southern end of the island where the docks should be located.
Rising up from the mist are plumes of thick black smoke here and there, definitely not natural but instead the sign of fires burning out of control.

While perhaps theoretically possible for mist to form on a tropical island, there is no way it could form in the middle of the day like this and with an otherwise calm sea.

Although it is difficult to make much out on the island below between the chaotic jumble of narrow streets covering the small island and the thick blanket of mist everywhere, you do manage to catch a glimpse of some locations as the Skyranger banks over the island.

(Make one Perception check - if you beat the DC for a location with that roll you get the information within the spoiler. Passive Perception also counts for this if your score is high enough).

On the beach that makes up the island's western edge, there appears to be a beached whale. Humanoid figures are milling around it.

The figures aren't milling around it, or trying to push the poor creature back into the sea. It almost looks like some of the figures are standing guard, while . . . the rest climb into the enormous beast's mouth?

While definitely a strange sight and there's obvious tension amongst all of the figures, it doesn't look like the figures are in mortal danger by entering the beast's maw - there would be far more panicking and resistance if that were the case. Still, no one going into the whale seemed happy about this arrangement.

Along the western cliff that overlooks the beach, there stands a walled-off manor. It looks like some sort of crowd or riot has gathered at the gates of the manor, trying to break into the walled complex.
The docks on the southern part of the island are definitely the area covered in the thickest layer of mist. It is basically impossible to make out much detail here, save that the sails of a large merchant vessel are poking up through the fog bank, indicated that at least one significant ship is still present in-dock.
A series of bonfires are burning near the middle of the town, pushing the fog back somewhat. Looks like a decent-sized crowd has gathered there for shelter.

The crowd down there doesn't look like they're milling about seeking shelter so much as . . . setting up a performance stage?

The plumes of smoke seem to be concentrated in one spot on the eastern end of the island - perhaps the danger is limited to that area for now.

There's something down there in the mists and smoke on that end of the light - you catch a glimpse of light as something rises up towards you. Is that . . . another airship? Oh **** - it's not a terrestrial airship!

Finally - the observatory hangs off the lip of the volcano's caldera, looking untouched compared to whatever's engulfing the town below. Unfortunately, it's not possible for the Skyranger to land up on the caldera, not in a spot that would offer easy access to the observatory itself. Instead, you would need to go to the building at the base of the volcano, the observatory's "visitor's center" essentially, and ride an elevator up to the top of the caldera.

With a harsh, high-pitched whine, a silvery shape suddenly lifts up from the cover of the mists and smoke. Shaped like a hammer (very similar to the one that blew up the Stoutstout brewery), the alien craft immediately turns and heads directly for you, spitting a stream of bolts made of green fire as it closes the distance between it and the Skyranger with alarming rapidity.

"****! Hang on! Going to try to lose it in the fog!"

Your pilot, Lieutenant Verstag, grunts as he mentally relays commands to the Pegasus through the control helm that he is wearing. The beast reflexively obeys the commands, thinking they are coming from its own brain, and the Skyranger breaks into a dizzying plummet towards the fog below. Unfortunately, the chaotic streets of Stardance Isle are created by the haphazard arrangements of buildings covering almost every inch of the island, and the fog isn't that much thicker than enough to shroud the tops of the buildings. In short, you manage to evade the X-D aircraft, but only at the cost of Verstag dragging the back of the Skyranger against the roof of a two-story building that suddenly looms out of the fog. There's a thunderous, teeth-rattling collision as the Skyranger's back end drags along the roof, and then a sickening swerve as the aircraft goes out of control. Somehow, Verstag manages to not direct the Pegasus into slamming face-first into a building, or spinning the Skyranger around in a tailspin that ends with a sickening impact on the ground. But the landing that follows is hardly graceful as the Pegasus skitters to a halt within a courtyard and the Skyranger slides, dragging the Pegasus with it, as it slams its port side into a nearby building.

"Whew . . . well that sucked. Hope we're still capable of going airborne. I'll check that out while the rest of you have a look around. Everyone alright?"

You seem to have landed in a courtyard, as you are surrounded by the vague shapes of buildings on all sides, just barely visible through the mists.
From before, you can faintly hear the rasp of footsteps on cobblestone - someone was approaching the courtyard at a dead run from the streets.
You didn't have long before they would be on top of you.

A Map of Stardance Isle (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1S5RP918MND9VWVRvMkfiUNSD3RxEphf4ZzLFN7s7Uq4/edit)

(You should probably discuss amongst yourselves which point of interest on that map you would like to investigate first.
You should also check your token off to the left of the map and let me know if that token is acceptable to use for your character.
Finally, if you have the time and inclination, please click on the link to your character sheet within the Combat Tracker and fill out all of the empty sections.
At the very least, please confirm that I got your stats correct (AC, HP, etc.) as displayed in the main Combat Tracker page as those are what I'll be using when we get into combat.
You can follow a hyperlink on Google Docs by left-clicking on it, and then left-clicking on the little pop-up window that displays the link again.
STAY AWAY FROM THE MONSTER TAB! That's where I put monster info, and you don't get to know that. :smalltongue:
Which I will be starting once everyone checks in and I have time to set-up the first warm-up encounter - map, stats, etc.
Probably won't be for a day or two.)

2016-01-25, 09:18 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

DC Checks:

Cinder spends the majority of the flight at the bow, fluttering along the pilot and looking through the windows. She is quite clearly eager for some action to finally happen, after having been cooped up in Irongullet. At some point, the topic of the island itself comes up, and Cinder pipes up with a random piece of knowledge. "Heh. Yeah, that place is kinda famous in Cedwigmar. Ain't no-one is sure who built it - it wasn't some daft White'ill guy as people would say - it was some elves, only no-one knows who. A bunch o' Eladrin courts claim it, but none had the ships to do so. It's in a bleedin' volcano, of all places, too - not exactly our favourite place. The White'ill 'uman simply found it, put up new doors and called it his own. Or miscalled it, I'd say. My Celestial ain't that good, but I'm fairly certain he ain't meanin' to be callin' it Stardance."

As they approach the island, Cinder takes a look out the window and declares, "That fog ain't natural. I should know -looks like the one the Courts put up when they're up to sumpthin'. Like a 'unt". She then takes spotting on the window looking at the beach. She has to squint, but manages to make out enough of the details. "A bunch o' people are walkin' into the big whale's mouth. They ain't lookin' too happy-like to be doin' so. But they ain't bein' 'urt neither - not right away, anyway. Bunch o' others standin' 'round guardin' th' place. Looks to me like they are rescuin' people. Or takin' 'em prisoner."

As the X-D lunges, though, she pulls back from the window. She holds on to a small safety line near the ceiling, and says to no-one in particular "I 'ate bein' a big target".

2016-01-25, 12:54 PM
Garrathor "the Godless" Scarhart, Dwarf Battlemind

Garrathor's first sign of emotion in the briefing room is the widening of his blue eyes when the Old Man walks into the room and begins stating the mission. This shock lessens somewhat when he learns the reason why Commander Silvermane is the one giving the briefing: not because they've all suddenly been promoted to the highest echelons of X-Com, but because this is a black ops. Those who have served beside Garrathor would understand this relaxation - with a background as a caravan guard and a knack for spotting trouble in the eyes of others, he's quite at home in situations where a keen mind and careful tongue are just as important as a strong arm. This careful tongue is exactly what keeps him from stating his thoughts until he's armored up and seated in the Skyranger flying far from any non-authorized ears, his wide-brimmed hat resting against the back of his head.

"So this is what I thought we were in for when we got the call: recon mission, scout a few battlesites, look for survivors and shrapnel, don't anger the locals. And this is what we got: a tropical vacation in which we scale the inside of a volcano to retrieve a squidface-worshipper who's on our payroll." He sighs and shakes his head. "I'm reminded again - never, never, never expect the routine with this crew."

He whiles away the hours doing what he can to keep spirits raised - storytelling, low-stakes gambling, swapping cooking recipes. Garrathor's the type of soldier who prioritizes morale as a battlefield preparation. He listens attentively to Cinder's tidbit - you never know when a rumor might turn out to be good intel. He listens even more closely to her aerial recon report - try as he might his eyes just can't pierce the fog or smoke, so he focuses his attention on the manor that seems to be under seige... and then the giant flying hammer trying to knock them from the sky.

"What in Moradin's- His exclamation is cut short by a grunt as the evasive maneuvers knock him around, strapped in though he is. Once the world has stopped trying to shake him to death, he unstraps and checks everyone for injuries before pulling his hat to rest atop his head.

"We're all okay, just very disappointed with our vacation so far. Plan A, folks? I say we head north to that big building; it looks the most stable place here and stability means both good intel and a place to fall back on should we need it."

2016-01-25, 04:34 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

A large (well okay, medium) pile of grey-white fur in the corner has caught your eye a few times during the flight - a strange ornament, to be sure, but no stranger than the end of the world. The innate movement of the ship, along with your nerves, has probably disguised that the pile is slowly rising and falling in time with the great pulsing rumble you assumed was the ship's engines.

As the X-D Hammer-ship screams out of the clouds, the rumbling abruptly ends with a loud snort, and the pile of fur rights itself into the most beard you've ever laid eyes on.

It's them! Great Moradin's Beard! I even like hammers, but this is unnatural!

By now, it's clear that this beard belongs to a dwarf, who turns and pulls on a suit of rusted chainmail that he'd apparently been using as a pillow, before turning back to the rest of the crew.

Does any'ne have a pint of lager handy, by chance? I've got a thirst almost as thirsty as me thirst for revenge against those skyhammer bast'rds he manages to slur. You get the distinct feeling that the last thing this dwarf needs is more beer.

His eyes finally regain some semblance of focus, though each of them appear to be looking at two different crew members.

You lot again? That's the last time I pass out on a vacant skyranger. Where in the nine hells have we been shipped off to now?

2016-01-25, 08:17 PM
Lucille Wooder seems distracted during the skyranger flight. There are a few possible reasons for this.

The easiest explanation is that the commander's emphasis on discretion made her suddenly quite conscious of her appearance. The tall young lady has been fidgeting to cover the metal fire-cages installed in her arms since the briefing, and her glowing right eye has been avoiding everyone's gaze.

Another possibility is that, for all of the enthusiasm she displays chopping up logs and target dummies, she isn't really looking forward to actual fighting. Lucille's extensive scars and skin grafts weren't earned by any years as a grizzled war veteran.

I'll edit with the results once I'm done.

Streetwise?? [roll0]

Nature 1: [roll1] *-1, bluh

Nature 2: [roll2] *-1, bluh

Perception: [roll3]

"Excuse me?"

Lucille turns to look out the window as Cinder points out the bizarre whale-loading scene. She squints to examine the area through the fog, but doesn't make out anything else of interest before the bad guys bring down the hammer. Somehow, Luey stays on her feet through the crash. The fire in her chest always seems to know which way is up.

2016-01-25, 08:30 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"I say we head north to that big building; it looks the most stable place here and stability means both good intel and a place to fall back on should we need it."

Cinder makes her way out of the ship, and starts scanning around for hidding places. For the time being, she picks a spot on the other side from the coming noise, just in case, but keeps an eye out for good hidden vantage points.
"A tad early to be thinkin' 'bout that, if'n the runnin' feet are 'ostile," she says, slightly lower and now also scanning for enemies. "'Sides, I'd be wantin' to be checkin' that beach. If'n they are rescuers, more power to 'em and we can ask 'bout our missin' target - maybe 'e's in the fish already? If'n they ain't, I'd be wantin' to 'ave a word with 'em 'bout their plans. Th' mansion ain't goin' nowhere, we can swin' by after."

"Excuse me?"
"Eh," says Cinder, with a vague shrug. "It's far, and it's weird. I might be tootin' the wrong 'unt 'orn. Still wanna be checkin' it out, mind you."

2016-01-25, 08:53 PM
"I... I agree with Cinder," Lucille stammers as she helps extract Delvin and Emere from the skyranger. "Whatever's going on there, it apparently involves a... A lot of civilians. We need to make sure they're alright... Right?"

As the footsteps come closer, she drops the conversation and takes cover, interposing the busted vehicle between herself and whatever's approaching.

2016-01-25, 09:05 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"I... I agree with Cinder," Lucille stammers
"Heh. There's a phrase I ain't 'earin' every day. Mind you, last time was when I got kicked outta the Cedwigmar Court, so all in all, probably for the best. Pull ya'self together, girl. I was born to fire and battle, sorta like you. It ain't pretty, but if ya conquer fear, you're 'alfway there."

"Whatever's going on there, it apparently involves a... A lot of civilians. We need to make sure they're alright... Right?"
"If nothing else, it'll keep the gold rollin' to Aurelius' pockets, and from 'im to us. Be a dear and give a kick to the walkin' distillery, see if we can't point 'im at the incomin'. I'd rather he stood between us and whatever's comin', and I'm not sure 'e can get 'imself there without a prod"

2016-01-25, 10:21 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere seems remarkably unfazed for someone who had just nearly been in a mid-air collision, followed by actually being in a crash landing. Part of that may have been because he had made a point of not really trying to look out of the Skyranger's windows as they flew. He knew he wouldn't notice anything important, and it was just embarrassing to try. Getting out of the Skyranger he drew his bow and began to look around, although it was more in a quizzical manner than anything really attentive. He certainly paid attention to what his teammates were talking about, though. "I agree with heading towards the whale thing. If nothing else they might know more about what's happened here."

At the mention of incoming he finally noticed the sound approaching and moved to position the rest of the team between him and the sound, aiming his bow towards it, an arrow nocked and string drawn back.

2016-01-25, 11:31 PM
Garrathor the Godless

"That sounds like a majority to me. We're officially whalebound! Don't much care what our plan is so long as we got one, but we may need a place to safeguard folks later." Garrathor takes out his hammer and trots toward the street Cinder pointed out. "Now let's see who's on the welcoming committee..."

2016-01-26, 12:05 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Stoutstout gathers his axe and shield and follows the group, still clearing his head from his earlier nap.

Whale, he says, we'd better get going then.

2016-01-26, 10:36 PM
As the group climbs out of the Skyranger, they look around to see themselves in a courtyard.
A thick mist hangs in the air even here, dropping sight to only vague outlines by 25' away (5 squares), and turning into a wall of solid fog by 50' away (10 squares).
The sound of footsteps approaching at close to a run can be heard coming from the street to the east - and also now from the south street as well.

Looking at the positioning of the Skyranger, you got lucky - the bulk of the aircraft is blocking the southern street, which should slow down any attacks from that direction.
However, it looks like the back end of the Skyranger swung around during your landing, and punched a hole in the wall of one of the nearest buildings - through the hole, bookshelves can be seen - looks like some sort of astrology bookstore. The shop seems to be abandoned, and via the hole and the shop's front door, offers an easy way around to the south street.

"You guys take care of our unfriendly visitors. I'll focus on checking the frame and seeing if we can get airborne again without any problems."

Verstag grunts, clearly not liking the idea of having to fight for his life at close range.

In any event, the group likely has only moments to set up position before your guests are upon you.

Link to the (Upcoming) Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit)

(You are all currently off to the left of the pink box, which means you are *not* in a starting position. Please move your character somewhere within the box. You may be within the airship as well if you wish, or standing up on top of the deck - please put your token within both black squares of the airship if you want to be inside, in between the two boxes if you want to be on the top deck. Verstag will be hiding inside unless you want to give him a weapon and press him into service - he's the only one that can fly the Skyranger though and he's an NPC so not many HP and only 1 healing surge. The Pegasus is uninjured but is a wild animal and will not assist you in fighting unless hard-pressed to survive.
If you are attempting to hide, move into the airship or bookshop, or take cover behind an object outlined in red (low cover, superior cover if prone behind it).
Despite spoiling the surprise, I will tell you now that the fog does not affect the X-Ds - they can see through it perfectly clearly.
If you beat the highest Passive Perception amongst the X-Ds, you will get a Surprise round.
Assuming everyone posts tomorrow, we may be able to start the first fight tomorrow night after I get home from work!)

2016-01-27, 09:04 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Take care of the pegasus, Verstag, and don't be worryin' 'bout the rest. Remember to keep your 'ead down!" says Cinder, jumping into the air and up to the top of the carriage. "This'll be a mess of a fight, with this blasted fog. I'll take the narrow alley, but I'll probably need 'elp. I ain't got much to be stoppin' 'em if they reach me."

With a flourish, she draws the tiny needle-sized sword at her waist. She does not look dangerous. Then, her skin starts to glisten, and a number of thorns poke out of her arm. A greenish substance suppurates from under those thorns, coating them and sliding down the sword. The wounds of those weapons may not go deep, but the tiny fairy is, despite appearances, dangerous. She takes position next to the alley entrance, and practically disappears from view.

Everyone: remember you can share a space with Cinder. Also, she can sacrifice her own move to send someone flying 6 squares. Keep it in mind and let me know (IC or OOC) if you need the boost.

[roll1]+2 from Emere Can't see her, turns out

2016-01-27, 12:14 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere hopped back up onto the top deck of the Skyranger and strained to see what was coming. He didn't see anything, of course, but it felt good to be trying. "I'll cover everyone from the middle.

Reminder that everyone who can see and hear me and is within 10 squares of me gets +2 initiative. Anyone who can see me that spends an action point to make an attack can shift 4 squares before or after the attack. Anyone within 5 squares of me ignores the penalty for attacking at long range.


2016-01-27, 12:37 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Stoutstout grunts and positions himself to guard the door to the ship.

These bas'ards have taken enough from me. They shall take no more!

Initiative roll: [roll0]
Perception roll: [roll1]

2016-01-27, 04:11 PM
"Mm. Mm-hm." Lucille nods to acknowledge the bit of pep talk. She still isn't as comfortable as Cinder is with who they are, but having her and Emere around has certainly helped.

No stranger to high places, Luey climbs on top of the vehicle behind Cinder quickly and quietly. Seeing that the vantage point isn't very helpful in this thick artificial fog, she goes ahead and gets her axes out, then crouches in wait for the word go.

In response to her need for stillness, the glowing flames in Lucille's limb-cages die down, letting her get lost in the fog like a snuffed lantern.

2016-01-27, 07:14 PM
Garrathor Scarhart

"I'll give those freaks a bigger target, Cinder. Just give 'em more than I get." Garrathor grunts, hunkering down on the other side of the Skyranger's exit door. Armor isn't the best thing for staying quiet in, but hey, it's worth a shot.
[roll0] (+2 if I'm within ear/eyeshot of Emere when combat officially begins)

2016-01-27, 09:01 PM
Quick note: Cinder is on the top deck, so I'm going to mark her with "alt-1", which usually would indicate she is flying but in this case its just that she is on high ground. I think the rest of you should probably start inside the ship, though, but you may want to clarify as well, since you can be either on the deck, or under the deck.

Also, I suspect Inspectre remembers, but unless otherwise indicated, Cinder is always flying (i.e. not touching the ground, even if in a square that is altitude 0) because her speed drops to 4 if she tries to walk.

2016-01-27, 09:45 PM
Combat Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

The team quickly sets up around the Skyranger in defensive positions and then waits for the enemy to arrive.
It's not a long wait - the sound of feet scraping against stone grows louder, and then humanoid shapes become visible through the fog, approaching from the east and south.
And then . . . CONTACT!

Battle Theme Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e1oyEExLtU) (A classic. :smallwink: )

What emerges from the fog (although at these distances they are still little more than vague humanoid shapes) - are squat, Halfling-sized humanoids that scamper along the ground half-hunched over more than walk upright. They are hairless and naked, although this doesn't seem to be a problem for them as they lack genitalia or any other gender-defining characteristic. Their noses are little more than bumps in their faces, and their mouths are similarly underdeveloped lines in the place where one would expect a mouth. Their eyes, however, are bulging orbs of pure darkness, by far their most notable feature.

There is very little differentiation between the six figures that step forward through the mists, save that the one in the back of the southern group is taller, more dwarf-sized than Halfling, although its limbs are still scrawny and wirey. It carries a spear and shield made of a glittering silvery metal. The other five have what appears to be a hand crossbow strapped to their right fore-arm, with a dagger clutched in the left hand - all made of the same silvery metal.

As the figures move through the fog, their bodies displace the mists as one might expect - save the fact that the mists part *ahead* of the figures. There is some sort of force field surrounding each of the creatures. The lead enemy of the eastern group has a similar force shield surrounding it . . . but different somehow, stronger.

Sectoid Grunts, Wave 1 - 21
Sectoid Legionnaire - 7


Each sectoid is protected by a Mink Link shield, generated by other enemies further back off the map on each side.
Purple Shield: 5 temp HP, Until temp HP gone - Resist 5 All, +1 To-Hit, +5 Damage
Red Shield: 10 temp HP, Until temp HP gone - Resist 5 All, +2 To-Hit, +10 Damage

+1 Weapon - Ignore Resist 5

Sectoid Legionnaire - Trait, Prescient Defenses: +2 To All Defenses (Already Included in Stats)

+1 Weapon - Ignore Prescient Defenses

Luey - 24
Sectoid Grunts (SG), Wave 1 - 21
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Sectoid Legionnaire (SL#1) - 7

THEN, LUEY! (You can take both your surprise and 1st round of actions in one post if you wish)

2016-01-27, 10:00 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder looks closely at the approaching enemies, decides they aren't likely to be friendly, and determines that the one at the front is more likely than the rest to be the leader... and that he seems unaware of her presence. She knows she can't count on this last bit for long, but hopes to get a few good shots in before he sees her. She raises her hand, and little darts start flying.

Sly Flourish @ SL#1
[roll0] (inc. CA & -2 due to the fog)
[roll1] (inc. Sneak Attack)Crit! 25

2016-01-27, 10:09 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder laughs out loud as her initial attack is right on target, pummelling the strange force field until it breaks, and going right through to impact the enemy beyond. Emboldened, she maintains the stream of darts, gritting her teeth as she forces them out.

Ah, tradition. I always crit on my first attack of my games with Inspectre :smalltongue:

MBA due to Two-Fisted Shooter @ SL#1
[roll0] (inc. CA and -2 due to Fog)
[roll1] (inc. Sneak Attack) Crit! 10

2016-01-27, 10:13 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

The leading enemy starts to bleed from the dozens of wounds, but Cinder, it seems, is not done yet. Dart after dart keeps peppering the X-D until, finally, he keels over, dead.

OK, this is getting a bit ridiculous :smallbiggrin:

No Action MBA due to Two-Fisted Shooter @ SL#1
[roll0] (inc. CA and -2 due to fog)

2016-01-27, 10:55 PM
As Cinder's volley of spines tears through the shielded soldier, Luey takes her cue to leap out from cover and charge toward the alien silhouettes. The fire-cages in her legs roar back to life and send her running along the western wall at superhuman speeds, right into the smaller alien pair.

She barely has enough time to confirm that these two are not just curious halflings before her axes swing down into them.

Chaaarge! She's not terribly picky about which sectoid she attacks first; as soon as one is down, her remaining attacks can start hitting the other.

Attack 1 (Round 0): [roll0]+8(normal)+2(advantage)+1(charging) = 21
Potential Damage: [roll1]+7(normal)+2(spider advantage) = 19
Potential Damage Reroll (if a 1): [roll2]

Attack 1.5 (if attack 1 hits): [roll3]+8(normal)+2(advantage) = 14
Potential Damage: [roll4]+7(normal)+2(spider advantage) = 14?
Potential Damage Reroll (if a 1): [roll5]

Attack 2 (Round 1): [roll6]+8(normal)+2(advantage) = 16
Potential Damage: [roll7]+7(normal)+2(spider advantage) = 19
Potential Damage Reroll (if a 1): [roll8]

Attack 2.5 (If Attack 2 Hits): [roll9]+8(normal)+2(advantage) = 13
Potential Damage: [roll10]+7(normal)+2(spider advantage) = 11?
Potential Damage Reroll (if a 1): [roll11]

Potential Power Strike Rolls (I'll try to hide them from myself until I decide whether to use them)[roll12]
Reroll if it's a 1: [roll13]

Lucille's leaping attack swings the wood-handled axe in her left hand through the air in front of the creature on her left, but connects the metal battleaxe with the one on her right. It slices through the energy shield like a watermelon rind. The alien inside doesn't fare much better than the fruit in this analogy.

Seeing the move's success the first time, she jumps up and repeats the performance with the other sectoid before it can fully comprehend what's happening. It's a pretty grisly experience, but her months of training weren't just for damage optimization. She turns around and dashes back to the ship without dwelling on the scene.

She hops back up to the skyranger's deck, her legs billowing smoke after those punishing sprints. With a sigh and a nod to Cinder confirming her success on the other side of the fog blanket, Luey stretches her legs in preparation for a more sustained series of charges.

Using the rest of Round 1 to get back to the skyranger and switch to the stance of the charging ram.

2016-01-27, 10:57 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin laughs as he hears others suggest that he hide inside the wagon.

Hide? I'll hide behind me shield, but naught else! I'm done hiding from these bas'erds!

As the enemies appear from the mists, he charges towards them, unafraid.

In lieu of a proper encounter power, the cipher theme grants Delvin the ability to make a move action as initiative resolves, so long as he is not the first combatant.

2016-01-28, 06:30 AM
Link to Combat Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

As Luey cuts down the two squat invaders, she can see five more of the little freaks moving up through the fog (these will appear on the map at the start of Round 2). Three of them are rapidly blinking their eyes as if to clear them (these were the ones generating the Mind Link shields, and now that those shields got torn up they can't make new ones for the rest of the encounter). She wisely decides to fall back to the Skyranger (would need to make a DC 15 Athletics check to hop back up on the deck, but I assume your speed is still 10 so I dumped you in a square just south of the airship's deck).

Meanwhile, the three creatures that had entered via the east dive for cover, snapping off shots at Delvin and Garrathor.

Sectoid Grunt #1
Move - Move to indicated position
Standard - Shoot at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 14

Minor: Drop prone (now has superior cover)

Sectoid Grunt #2
Move - move to indicated position
Standard - Shoot at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 9

Minor: Drop prone (now has superior cover)

Sectoid Grunt #3
Move - Move to indicated position
Standard - Shoot at Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 9

Matching Cinder's fury, the lead creature of the group fires, its bolt striking Delvin straight between the eyes with horrifying force. If not for his helmet, he surely would have been slain. (Delvin takes 14!)
The next invader follows up with another shot, striking Delvin in the neck, causing blood to spew from the dwarf's tattered flesh (Delvin takes another 9 and is Bloodied).

Both then duck behind the fallen pillar that had been ripped off from the nearby roof from the Skyranger, while the last shoots at Garrathor (Garrathor takes 9).

Luey - 24
Sectoid Grunts (SG), Wave 1 - 21
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Sectoid Legionnaire (SL#1) - DEAD

EVERYONE BUT LUEY IS UP! (More coming in Round 2 that could go before/after her)

2016-01-28, 08:54 AM
Garrathor Scarhart

The final sectoid's bolt flies true, straight for Garrathor's shoulder, Delvin can see it noticeably slow just before it hits as a blue-green translucent field forms around his fellow dwarf. Garr still grunts as it bruises him, but it's been slowed enough to not pierce his armor.

"Ya think hiding's gonna save ya, ya gray hobbits? Might as well start praying!" Garrathor bellows as he charges, swinging his hammer just short of the only Sectoid out in the open.

Battle Resistance activates, giving Garrathor 6 Damage Resist until end of this turn, reducing the damage he took from 9 to 3.

Moving as indicated. Battlemind's Demand with a Power Point to Mark both SG#3 and SG #1.
Concussive Spike on SG#3.
[roll0] vs AC. On hit, [roll1] Force damage, and SG 1 & 2 are pushed due South against the wall, north-south adjacent to each other. Garrathor will harry SG3 if he survives, shifting if 3 shifts, OA-ing if he moves away, Mind-Spiking if he attacks someone other than Garrathor.
Garrathor's energy shield focuses into his hand, traveling down the haft of his hammer and explodes out the head, the blue/green shockwave blasting past his foe and sending its allies tumbling out of cover.His actual target merely jerks its head back, its portion of the impact being focused into the center of its chin.

Shield spent, a blue halo remains on Garr, hanging in the air just below the brim of his hat. A similar halo hovers in front of the eyes of one of the coverless Sectoids, blurring his vision when he thinks of aiming at anyone but Garrathor.

2016-01-28, 12:29 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Great Moradin's Beard that was not cool, you guys! Delvin shouts at the X-D troops.

He uncorks the stopper on his barrel-lid shield and appears to take a swig from it. His wounds suddenly appear to be less severe, or at least he seems to care less about them. He moves up to the remaining Sectoids and brutally cleaves his axe towards both of them.

Minor Action: Second Wind via Dwarven Resilience -- I heal 8 (I am no longer bloodied) and gain a +2 power bonus to defenses until the start of my next turn.
Move Action: Move adjacent to the remaining Sectoids
Standard Action: Hack and Hew - attacks vs both enemies
vs SG#1 [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage and I gain 8 THP on a hit, 4 on a miss.
vs SG#2 [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage and I gain 8 THP on a hit, 4 on a miss. Crit! 18 damage
Both targets are marked by me until the end of my next turn regardless of if I hit.
I may well choose to AP, depending on the outcome of these attacks.

2016-01-28, 07:33 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere quickly exited the Skyranger once contact was made and looked around to assess the situation. While the fog (and his general lack of perceptiveness) made things difficult, he quickly ascertained that things were well in hand. "You've got it Delvin! Give it another swing!"

Move to within 5 squares of Delvin, then use Direct the Strike on him to have him attack the X-D in front of him.


2016-01-28, 07:54 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder watches the dwarven pair make short work of the east side... while sustaining injuries that would put her flat on her back, but that they seem to be able to shrug off. "Woo! Great work!" she dares to shout, "See, Luey? Nothing to worry 'bout. Sure, they're tough, but so are we, or we wouldn't be 'ere."

Cinder listens to her report of a second wave of enemies hot on the heels of the first, and she call out, "Yo! More on the way! You may wanna be tryin' to 'ave some cover... not that you big 'uns seem to need it".

Then, warning given, she goes back to waiting for another set of enemies to appear.

Move: Hide

Standard: Overwatch. Ready to attack the first unshielded enemy that Cinder can see 10 feet squares away (i.e. out of full concealment)

2016-01-28, 08:32 PM
(I checked - Cinder's view of the bookshop's interior is blocked by that twisted bookshelf, so she cannot see either pseudowolf. Thus, her only available overwatch target is that unshielded grunt, and Grey_Wolf_c *did* say first unshielded target within 10 squares, so . . . )

As the last scrawny invader falls behind the weight of Delvin's axe, silence reigns over the courtyard for several long moments.
And then, the mists part again and as if from the mouth of the Hells more invaders charge forth!

From the south, a trio of the "alien hobbits" scuttles forth, the lead two protected by more of those strange shields that strongly resemble Garrathor's own psionic defenses.
The third one bringing up the rear of the formation doesn't seem to have the faint but telltale shimmer of displaced fog, however, and so Cinder aims a stream of thorns at its face.

To-Hit: [roll0] (-2 for Concealment, +2 CA from Stealth)
Damage: Far More than is necessary

The stream of splinters goes *just* through one side of the creature's head, tearing open its face and leaving black blood to gush forth as the creature pitches face-first to the ground.

As this group surges forward, another group from the east scampers into the mouth of the street leading out of the courtyard - two more of the shielded Halfling rejects, and a third that is quite different.
While naked like the others, this one is tall - nearly equal to a short human, and with glittering dark orbs for eyes that glisten with intellect and malevolence. Attached to its right forearm is a strange tube-like contraception, the forward end of which is lit up with a perpetual eerie green glow.

And finally, though no one is around to see it, and perhaps only Emere is close enough to hear it, from within the bookshop itself comes an odd, meaty tearing sound as two lean wolf-like creatures literally walk out through the bookshop's back wall. While their shape may be canine, these creatures certainly are *not* dogs - their heads are bare, exposed skulls, as if the flesh there had been completely scoured away, and their fur has a disturbing "flickering" greyed-out appearance to it, as if light cannot reach it.


Sectoid Trooper - [roll1]
Pseudowolf #1 - [roll2]
Pseudowolf #2 - [roll3]
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - [roll4]

2016-01-28, 08:37 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Luey - 24
Pseudowolf #1 - 24
Sectoid Grunts (SG), Wave 1 - DEAD
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Sectoid Trooper - 17
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7
Sectoid Legionnaire (SL#1) - DEAD


2016-01-29, 09:09 PM
Luey, at least somewhat encouraged, looks up as Cinder fades back into the fog for another sneak attack, and nods in the vague direction where she was.

Luey's smoking legs had no success leaping all the way back up to the deck, but it's just as well. Having stretched them back out and with no real way of knowing what's going on with the ghost-dogs, she simply turns around and charges down the alley at the next pair of deformed hobbits.

Ram Charge vs. grunt #10: [roll0]+9
Potential damage: [roll1]+7
Possible reroll: [roll2]

Possible second attack: [roll3]+8
Potential damage: [roll4]+7
Possible reroll: [roll5]

Luey's legs suddenly flare back up as she approaches the enemies, sending her toward them with a jarring burst of speed. Her battleaxe slams into one of the glowing shields with sidelong force, bursting the bubble and knocking its bleeding occupant down onto its friend behind it. That one in turn finally collapses, still clutching its face from Cinder's last round of needles.

By that point, Luey has already buried her wood-handled axe in the other purple fruit-field, just nicking the big-headed alien inside of it. Apparently it's enough, though; once its force field dissipates, the little guy just falls over.

Panting from some combination of nerves and sprinting, she looks from from the sad pile of bodies on the ground to the other, relatively defenseless group approaching through the mist.

2016-01-29, 10:17 PM
Link to Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Luey charges forward, cleaving down this second pair of Halfling-sized invaders as she had the first.
The two that seem to be the last of the X-D forces on this street blink their bulbous eyes as if to clear them, but despite the massacre before them their morale is unshaken.
As the two invaders advance forward towards Luey, back at the airship a wet tearing sound comes from the wall next to Cinder.
That's the only warning the pixie gets before one of the freakish dogs literally leaps out of the wall beside her and snaps its jaws at her tiny body!

Move: Move to indicated position on the map, walking up through the wall using its Phasing trait to stand on top of the airship without needing to roll.
Standard: Pouncing Jaws vs. Cinder
To-Hit: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Cinder is Knocked Prone and suffers Lacerating Fangs

Lacerating Fangs
Effect: Target gains Ongoing 5 damage (Save Ends, -2 penalty to save)

+1 Armor - Reduce Ongoing Damage to 2
+1 Neck - Ignore -2 penalty to Save

As one, the deformed "hobbits" (generally considered a racial slur by actual halflings) still standing in the southern and eastern roads surge forward.
The two from the east street move up into the courtyard, one taking a potshot at Garrathor with its crossbow, while the only madly charges him, flailing its dagger arm wildly!
The two left on the south street, perhaps finally learning something about what happens to those who cross Luey, approach her in a staggered formation rather than a straight line that she could easily reach both. A short distance away from her their stop, staring at her with unblinking eyes. And then . . . pain floods into her mind!

Sectoid Grunt #6
Move - Move up to indicated position
Standard - Shoot at Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 9

Sectoid Grunt #7
Move - Move up to indicated position
Standard - Charge Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll3] (+1 Link, +1 Charge)
Damage: 8

Sectoid Grunt #8
Standard: Sustain Mental Link

Sectoid Grunt #9
Standard: Sustain Mental Link

Sectoid Grunt #12
Move - Move up to indicated position
Standard - Reave vs. Luey
To-Hit: [roll4] vs. Will
Damage: 2 Psychic
Hit: Luey suffers Rend the Mind

Sectoid Grunt #14
Move - Move up to indicated position
Standard - Reave vs. Luey
To-Hit: [roll5] vs. Will
Damage: 2 Psychic
Hit: Luey suffers Rend the Mind

Rend the Mind
Target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses and Ongoing 1 Psychic (Save Ends).
Special: If this effect is already on the Target, increase penalty to defenses and Ongoing Psychic by 1.

+1 Armor: Ignore Ongoing Psychic Damage
+1 Neck: Effect lasts until end of victim's next turn, instead of Save Ends

The worst is yet to come, however, as the tube-equipped X-D advances forward. Swinging around Garrathor, the creature gives a little skipping jump past the dwarf, and then stares at the distant shape of Emere standing at the back of the airship. The creature raises the arm that the tube is mounted on, lines the glowing tip of the tube up with Emere's head, and then clenches its fist, sending a stream of fiery green bolts at the genasi's head!

Move: Move 6 squares into the courtyard, 2 squares north of Garrathor
Standard: Skirmish (Plasma Pistol)
Effect: The Sectoid Trooper may move up to half its speed, making one attack during that move.
To-Hit: [roll6] vs. LOWER of AC or Reflex
Damage: [roll7] Fire & Lightning

Plasma Pistol

+1 Armor: Attacks go versus HIGHER of AC or Reflex

Luey - 24
Pseudowolf #1 - 24
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Sectoid Trooper - 17
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7


2016-01-29, 10:32 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"You'll hafta to better'n than that to catch me," says Cinder, as she easily evades the jaws of the creature, then darts back in, sword at the ready. She barely nicks the beast, but it's enough: Cinder's oil, covering the blade, make it into the wound, and the effect is immediate. The beast's movements become slow, and its eyes unfocused. Cinder uses his distraction to fly to the ledge above it - high enough to be away from his teeth, but close enough he would not be able to lunge.


Standard: Dazing Strike @PW#1
[roll1], and the target is dazed UENT (Cinder's)

Move: Will decide once I see roll resultSee map, and hide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20363163&postcount=81) 16

2016-01-29, 11:37 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin advances towards the X-D who had fired at Emere and swings at him? her? it fiercely, but in a manner which leaves him open to counterattack.

Eyes down here, ye great fool! Leave the others out of this!

Move Action: Move adjacent to ST#1
Standard: Brash Strike vs ST#1
[roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] edit:+2! I have THP! 23
Effect: I grant CA to ST#1 until the start of my next turn.

2016-01-30, 01:01 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere grunted as he was struck by the alien's weapon. That definitely stung, and wasn't something he was keen on experiencing again any time soon. "Delvin, kill that thing!" After he shouted he ducked back into the cover of the Skyranger.

Use Direct the Strike to have Delvin attack again, then move back into the Skyranger to avoid fire.


2016-01-30, 11:03 AM
Garrathor Scarhart 30/33 HP

Garrathor spares a glance behind him when he hears the strange weapon fire and Emir's pained command, but a glance is all he can spare as his opponent is attacking him with all the ferocity of a rabid wolf. "Get offa me, freak!" he shouts as he bolsters his armor for when his foe gets a lucky strike or Hobbit Sr. decides to shoot him while he's distracted. His armor and his halo take on a sky-blue sheen, and another blue halo appears around the head of Delvin's relatively huge opponent as Garr makes a horizontal swing for the ribs. However oddly these things walk, they fight like demons and those psionic shields don't help matters.
Iron Fist vs SG#7. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1] damage.
Effect: Garr gains Resist Damage 3 until EONT.
If Grunt 7 lives and Soldier 1 lives, Battlemind's Demand to mark Soldier 1 and remain where I am. If Grunt 7 lives and Soldier 1 dies, Battlemind's Demand to mark Grunt 7 and remain where I am. If Grunt 7 dies and Soldier 1 survives, Battlemind's Demand to mark him, and move directly east of Soldier 1. Standard harrying array regardless of mark: Shift to remain adjacent, Mind Spike or OA whichever applies.

2016-01-30, 12:11 PM
Cinder manages to dodge the dog's flashing teeth despite the surprise of it literally coming out of the wall at her (dogs did NOT do that. What the hell?), slashing as its eyes as she swoops aside and injecting a poison that leaves it reeling on the deck of the airship as she flies up to perch on top of the cabin.

Unimpressed by the giant hobbit's firepower, Delvin moves up and gives it a taste of his axe, splashing its black blood in a wide arc. At Emere's command he nearly manages to catch the creature a second time, but it blocks with its fire-spitting tube, the metal impressively durable given it just blocked an axe swing to no negative effect.

Garrathor hammers at the little bastard that just tried to stab him, his weapon stopping in mid-air as the psionically generated field around the creature flashes into bright, purplish existence for a moment to halt the swing.

While all this is going on, the second freak-wolf stalks through the bookshop. The obnoxious little mosquito was too far away to be easily reached now, but another target was exposed and vulnerable.
Luey hears a wet tearing sound, like someone ripping meat apart with their bare hands, come from the wall a short distance away from her, on the bookshop side of the street.
That's the only warning she gets before a freakish wolf with a head that is only a skin-flensed skull leaps out of the wall at her.

Move: Move 5 squares southwest, moving into the undefined building down by Luey.
Standard: Charge Luey, Phasing through the wall to end adjacent to the immediate east of her
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Charge, +2 from Luey's Rend the Mind)
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Luey is Knocked Prone and suffers Lacerating Fangs

Lacerating Fangs
Effect: Target gains Ongoing 5 damage (Save Ends, -2 penalty to save)

+1 Armor - Reduce Ongoing Damage to 2
+1 Neck - Ignore -2 penalty to Save

Only Luey's metal limbs save her as she manages to shove one of her metal cage limbs into the wolf's mouth, shoving it back into the wall and throwing it off her before it can bite down on something more vulnerable to its teeth.
The motion still causes her vision to blur with pain for a moment (Luey takes her Ongoing 2 Pyschic as it's now her turn.)

Luey - 24
Pseudowolf #1 - 24
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Sectoid Trooper - 17
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7


2016-01-30, 04:17 PM
Luey was predictably unprepared for the psychic assault. She had spent so much time testing the ins and outs of her new body that such things simply didn't fit into her training schedule. The fires in her arm hiss in response to her brain's confused sensation of burning up and being snuffed out at once. Whether this makes it a better chew toy or not remains to be seen.

"Sss... sssSTOP IT!"

1. Activate Blazing Corona.
2. Shift That turned out to be illegal, whoops
2. Attack the dog monster SG#12
(Damage Reroll if necessary: [roll2])

Here are some more rolls. My turn may go a few different ways based on what hits and what doesn't, so you'll have to bear with me for a minute.

Dual Weapon attack (on hit with either first attack or action point attack)
(Damage Reroll if necessary: [roll5])

Action Point Attack (Whether this even gets used depends on several circumstances...)
(Damage Reroll if necessary: [roll8])

Possible Extra Damage from Power Strike
(Damage Reroll if necessary: [roll10])

Her mind still addled from the psychic attack, she can think of nothing but ending the phantom pain. Her vision turns blurry and orange as she wrenches her arm away from the skullbeast and lunges blindly at the source of her troubles. In a single blast of heat and panic, she's on top of the southernmost creature as though the intervening space and obstacles didn't exist.

She doesn't realize that the orange haze is anything but part of the psychic attack, but the sectoids will quickly realize something is up. Even though her charge hits the ground between them, the heat venting from her body starts to cook them along with their fallen clone-siblings.

The first thing she does is still activate Blazing Corona. Charging does not provoke an attack of opportunity since she has Aspect of the Charging Ram active, so she charges SG12 in relative safety.

She rolls a 1, which misses. The fire aura kills the grunts anyway as soon as they start their turn.

I was about to turn around and attack the monster as well, but it's still a little too close, so I'll save the action point and other encounter powers after all.

2016-01-31, 01:17 AM
Flames surround Luey as she cries out in confusion and pain, the psychic assault pushing her to remember the feeling of lying there helpless, her body broken as her home burned, the agony of her skin melting and bubbling from the heat of the flames. But Luey wasn't a scared lumberjill anymore (or at least that wasn't all she was now) - she was a weapon. And in response to her elevated stress, the fires in her limbs burned hotter, flaring out of their metal cages to singe and scorch everything around her - but especially the perceived source of her pain - those NASTY, STUPID, UGLY LITTLE HOBBITZIZ! Leaping the intervening distance as the dog freak jumped back away from the flames, Luey blindly slams her axes down at the feet of one of the invaders. Now much closer to the flames, they are quickly consumed before they manage another mental attack, getting a first-hand demonstration of the horrible pain they had inflicted on Luey as their skin burned off and black blood oozed to the surface only to sizzle away.

(Both sectoid grunts die on their turn as they take 5 Fire damage.)

Shaking its head still from the stingy thorns Cinder had jammed into its bone snout, the freakish wolf turns around on the deck of the airship, suddenly aware of a new target.
It burrows down into the deck of the ship with a wet tearing sound, and reappears within the Skyranger for just an instant before it dives down through the wall again, seeking the street.
Seeing it, Verstag screams as he brandishes his utility knife. "What in the Hells was *that*!?"
Emere also gets a brief glimpse of the creature as its head passes by him on its way down through the floor and back to street level.
(Technically, it could probably move down into the lower deck without drawing Emere's ire since he's up inside the top-level cabin rather than the bottom level "troop bay", but eh. Emere gets an OA with a melee weapon or his fist at a -5 penalty - since the dog is only visible as it moves past for a moment and is just a head sticking out of a wall basically before it's gone).

Re-emerging out onto the street, the dog doesn't slow but instead seems to accelerate as it moves towards its target - not the closer Delvin, but Garrathor, who is distracted by the continuing his duel with the protected invader.

Standard Action: Charge Garrathor, drawing an OA from Emere at a -5 penalty as it phases through the Skyranger interior.
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Charge, +2 CA from Flanking)
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Garrathor is Knocked Prone and suffers Lacerating Fangs

Lacerating Fangs
Effect: Target gains Ongoing 5 damage (Save Ends, -2 penalty to save)

+1 Armor - Reduce Ongoing Damage to 2
+1 Neck - Ignore -2 penalty to Save

Garrathor manages to twirl around by some warning from his training and mental foresight, bringing his shield up into the dog's mouth just as it pounces - its teeth can't seem to get through that! Unfortunately, turning to push the dog back gives the little **** Garrathor was already fighting the opening it needs, and pain flashes across the back of Garrathor's left knee as the X-D's combat knife finds flesh beneath armor and mental shields.
Going from bad to worse, the shield around the X-D Garrathor is fighting suddenly flares to life again, as whatever is generating the protection renews its focus, strengthening the shield. (Temp HP from shield refreshed back to 5). The second X-D meanwhile circles around the swirling melee to get a clear shot at Delvin, another bolt striking the dwarf in the side but doing little to curb his battle-frenzy.

Sectoid Grunt #7
Standard - Attack Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll2] (+1 Mental Link, +2 CA)
Damage: 8

Sectoid Grunt #6
Standard - Shoot at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll3] (+1 Mental Link)
Damage: 9

Sectoid Grunt #8
Standard: Sustain Mental Link

Sectoid Grunt #9
Standard: Sustain Mental Link, refreshing temp HP of #7's shield

Despite Cinder's attempts to hide up on top of the airship's cabin, apparently the tube-equipped X-D still knows she's there. Stepping away from Delvin (since Garrathor has him marked but not Delvin, I don't think fighter's Combat Challenge applies so it can shift away from him without penalty). It then raises its non-tube arm up to beckon imperiously at Cinder, as if swatting a fly. A moment later, and the overwhelming desire to fling herself down from her perch fills Cinder's mind!

Move: Shift away from Delvin
Standard: Mental Pull vs. Cinder
To-Hit: [roll4] vs. Will
Damage: [roll5] Psychic
Hit: Target is Pulled 2 squares and Immobilized (Save Ends)
Special: This power ignores Cover and Superior Cover

Since Cinder is in danger of being pulled off a "cliff", she gets to make a save for each potential fall. If she passes the first, she doesn't have to make the second.
Saving Throw vs. Falling 1: [roll6]
Saving Throw vs. Falling 2: [roll7]

Fall Damage 1: [roll8]
Fall Damage 2: [roll9]

+1 Armor: Ignore Pull
+1 Neck: Immobilized is Until End of Victim's Next Turn, Not Save Ends

Cinder tumbles off of the roof of the cabin, her training and wings managing to soften the fall, but she still lands on the deck with a sickening crunch and the pixie's mouth fills with the familiar taste of her own blood. She lies where she has fallen for the moment, managing to catch herself on the edge of the airship's deck to avoid a further plunge down onto the street, but a strong voice roars in her mind to stay still, and she finds it difficult to move. (Cinder takes 14 psychic, is pulled off the cabin, reduces most of the fall damage (unless her ability to fly negates falling off cliffs altogether? :smallconfused: ), and she avoids being pulled off the deck. She is, however, prone due to the fall, Bloodied, and Immobilized (Save Ends). )

Luey - 24
Pseudowolf #1 - 24
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Sectoid Trooper - 17
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7


2016-01-31, 03:30 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder drops to the floor not as gracefully as she normally would, but quit unhurt... except for the blinding headache pounding her head, and trailing droplets of blood from her nose. She quickly jumps back into the air, and blinking furiously, takes aim at the wolf. Cinder can't think straight, but there is one thought in her mind: the effect of the poison won't last long.

Standard: Sly Flourish @PW#1 (granting CA due to dazed)
[roll0] (inc. CA)
[roll1] (inc. Sneak Attack)

Move: Fly (not leaving the square), hide

End of turn: [roll3]

2016-01-31, 05:30 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin looks at the Trooper skeptically when it tries to escape his axe blade.

Shifting away from a fighter is a terrible idea, but I'm happy to indulge you.

He swings his axe at the foe, hoping to down it before it fires at Cinder, but is unable to down the Trooper before he gets his shot off.

Still, he follows the alien, and swings again in revenge.

Inspectre rolled my CC in OOC and I missed, so ignore these.

[roll0] [roll1] Ignore these

Move: Shift back adjacent to ST#1

Brash Strike vs ST#1
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage and I gain 4 THP.

2016-01-31, 06:51 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 25/33 HP

Indeed, anyone watching would swear Garrathor begins his turn before the fleshy hound's paws even hit the ground. Any shock he has regarding the thing's appearance is quickly replaced by pain as a knife stabs him in the back through his protections. Eyes wide, he turns around and, seeing that its defenses are completely restored, shouts at the hobbit "Where is that shield coming from!? Psionics don't work that way!"

Convinced he can't reliably overcome that shield with his slow-and-steady attacks, and hoping Delvin can take care of that giant with the wicked tube, Garrathor stands his ground and takes a few swings at his newest opponent.

First, Iron Fist against Pseudowolf #1.
1d20+7 13 vs AC. On hit: [roll0].
Effect: Garrathor gains 3 Damage Resistance until EONT.

Battlemind's Demand with Power Point to mark Pseudowolf 1 and SG7, shift 1 south.

Standard harrying behavior toward Pseudowolf 1.

Shift 1 north, Battlemind's Demand with a power point to mark both SG#6 & SG#7.

Mind Spike or OA on the first valid target. If SG#6 shifts west, northwest, or southwest, Blurred Step to remain southeast of SG#6.

2016-02-01, 01:15 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere wildly struck out at the creature that passed him with his fist, being unable to draw his sword in time to use it, although he didn't expect to do any real damage. He then stuck his head back out of the Skyranger to take stock of the situation. "Shake it off, Cinder! I know you're stronger than that!" He then loosed a colorfully fletched arrow at the wolf-thing that had shot past him.

OA that will probably miss due to the penalty, followed by moving out again, using Inspiring Word on Cinder (she may spend a healing surge for her surge + [roll0], and then finally using Paint the Bulls-Eye on Pseudowolf #1 (unless my OA somehow hits and combines with Cinder's damage to kill the thing, in which case it's targeting Trooper #1.

Hit:Until the start of my next turn my allies get a +4 power bonus to damage against the target.

2016-02-01, 06:15 AM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

While the battle rages on in the courtyard, the strange wolf that had attacked Luey suddenly whirls around and disappears back through the wall.
It reappears a few moments later back in the courtyard on the deck of the airship, charging Emere from behind just after he looses an arrow at the other one!

Move: Move back into the bookshop
Standard: Charge Emere
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll]1d6+5]
Hit: Target is Knocked Prone and Suffers Lacerating Fangs (Ongoing 5 Damage, Save Ends with -2 penalty)

+1 Armor: Ongoing down to 2
+1 Neck: No penalty to Save

Luey - 24
Pseudowolf #1 - 24
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Sectoid Trooper - 17
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7


2016-02-01, 06:57 PM
So, tactically, she's going to:

Move Action: Climb out of the pile of burning mooks and walk up to the door (through one square of difficult terrain, putting her on one side to open it with cover, go figure)
Minor Action: Open the door, I guess? Is that a minor action?
Move Action: proceed into the room, only to see that the weird dog she's after already ran out to terrorize the rest of the party with its brother. This puts her between the displaced bookshelves.

Action Point: Charge PW1, probably unloading power strike if the first attack hits. If there's any chance she can take it out before it gets another turn, it's worth it. It's also a nice setup for Emere to take advantage of her pinball-like fighting style if need be.

Charge!: [roll0]+8, +1 (charging), +2 (flanking with Garry)
Damage: [roll1]+7 +2 (charging)
(possible reroll: [roll2])

Power Strike: [roll3]
(possible reroll: [roll4])

Dual Attack (*crosses fingers*): [roll5]+8, +2(flanking and prone)
Damage: [roll6]+7 +5 (Headsman's)
(possible reroll: [roll7])

In any case, save at end of turn: [roll8]

Despite the exotic aroma of poetic justice, being on top of another pile of burning corpses doesn't help Luey throw off the phantom pain. She grits her teeth and turns around to tangle with the mad dog, only to see its tail disappearing through the wall next to a door. "...huh?"

Walking away from the smoking sectoids clears her vision somewhat. She tucks her smaller axe under her arm, approaches the door and carefully swings it open before peering around, by the book. No dog. She proceeds to the obvious exit point and finally sees the fracas that's been raging on that side of the skyranger this whole time.

Before she can get a good look at the deck, she sees the pseudo-wolf fighting Garrathor and spots an opening in its defenses. In an instant, her high-tech legs are already launching her out of the library at the beast's flank.

2016-02-01, 07:54 PM
As the alien hound rears back to snaps its jaws at Garrathor's flank again, Luey comes dashing back into the battle and in a flash of her axes lops the beast's exposed head off.
The rest of the invaders seem to take the loss of their pet(?) badly, although rather than attack the one responsible they focus their wrath on Luey's comrades.

Ignoring Garrathor's threat of pain, the one bastard hobbit switches its aim from Garrathor to the floating Cinder, snapping off a shot with its crossbow. Its brother follows suit, while the tube-equipped X-D finally seems to have some self-preservation instincts as instead of try to shoot Delvin or one of his friends again, it instead flails wildly at him with its weapon, attempting to bludgeon him with it.

Sectoid #6
Standard: Shoot at Cinder
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Mental Link)
Damage: 9

Unless Garrathor can do more than 9 damage with his marking penalty, and indeed I believe he will do exactly 9 damage since that's what the minion did, it will fail to break the shield. Assuming Garrathor stays adjacent (he could have shifted to the square to the south of the grunt), his free melee OA might break through the shield if it hits though. That, combined with the mind spike, should kill it.

Sectoid #7
Standard: Shoot at Cinder
To-Hit: [roll1] (+1 Mental Link, -2 Mark)
Damage: 9

Sectoid #8, #9
Standard: Sustain mental shields, refreshing the temp HP

Standard: Pistol Whip vs. Delvin
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Luey - 24
Pseudowolf #1 - 24
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Sectoid Trooper - 17
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7


2016-02-01, 08:10 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin shouts out in pain, and attempts to dish that pain right back at the foul trooper, but he can no longer afford to play recklessly.

With a careful slice, he disembowels the alien, seeming to embolden himself in the process. He then positions himself to block the grunts from firing at his allies.

Crushing Surge vs ST1
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] and I gain 8 THP on a hit or 4THP on a miss. If he's alive, he's marked.

I will go ahead and move down to attack PW2 with an AP
Brash Strike vs PW2
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage on a hit. The wolf is marked and i grant him combat advantage until the end of my next turn.
edit: nevermind, it's further up than i thought, so i can't reach.

2016-02-01, 10:05 PM
Garrathor Scarhart

(And that's the reason I stayed flanked.)
Opportunity [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1] Invalid. Mind Spike and OA are both immediate actions, and Garr gets one per turn. (I'm learning so much today! :smallredface:)

The blue band around Garrathor's head shines white, alerting him that his chosen foe has ignored his warning. His psionic counterattack fizzles out though, unable to penetrate the sectoid's barrier.

2016-02-02, 06:59 AM
(Forgot to do this after Cinder pegged the pseudowolf and bloodied it. SORRY! Don't think it'll change much though.)

As Cinder's shot lands, the freakish wolf blinks out of existence. When it reappears to Garrathor's south, its fur has taken on a transparent quality, leaving its internal organs and bones disgustingly visible.

Ethereal Hide
Effect: Pseudowolf teleports 2 and gains Insubstantial until the end of the encounter

+1 Weapon/Implement: Psuedowolf loses Insubstantial after the hit

2016-02-02, 09:14 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere groaned as he slowly got to his feet after he was bowled over. "Ugh, can someone get this thing off of me? Cinder! I thought I said you were stronger than that! Don't you dare prove me wrong!"

Since my powers are pretty much all ranged and I can't take another bite, Move to stand, Standard to Second Wind, Minor to Inspiring Word on Cinder for +[roll0].

2016-02-02, 09:45 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Emere groaned as he slowly got to his feet after he was bowled over. "Ugh, can someone get this thing off of me? Cinder! I thought I said you were stronger than that! Don't you dare prove me wrong!"

"I'm tryin', but that bastard did somethin' to my 'ead. I'm chained to the damned floor!", Cinder Shakes her head, the nosebleed stopped, but she still struggles to become fully airborne. "Luey, you're goin' to 'ave to 'elp 'er. 'ere, I'll give you a lift." she says, blowing pixie dust at her, which immediately lifts her off the ground.

Cinder then lifts her arm and takes aim at the wolf, not expecting much since the creature is well aware of her position and therefore is protecting her usual painful targets. The strem of darts, however, strikes true, straight into its neck, and the creature collapses. "Or maybe you can go see what's reinforcin' those shields?" she says, obviously not quite believing she just killed the beast.

Standard: Sly Flourish @PW#2

Move: Pixie Dust @Luey (She can fly 6 during my turn)

End of Turn: Saving Throw [roll2]

2016-02-02, 02:30 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 25/33 HP + 4 THP

Garrathor just keeps swinging like a logger felling a cantankerous elm. Figures around him fall both huge and tiny, but for now his only task is dueling the thing in front of him to the death.

Shift 1 square north.
Iron Fist against Gray Bas SG7. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1]
Effect: Garr gains Damage Resistance 3 until EONT.

If the above attack hits, either the grunt will be dead now or it will die if it ignores my mark. If the above attack misses, Action Point to repeat the above attack. Garrathor's done with the slow & steady approach. [roll2] vs AC. Hit: [roll3]

2016-02-02, 10:12 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1PWe5qMsX1WHXlnDsEs3lkSXdVRd78n1YCcqKWjfLNts/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Determined to take down its prey, the pseudowolf growls at Emere and lunges at him again.
The genesi is thrown to the deck of the airship once more, his throat ripped open. He has just enough time to place a hand against the bleeding wound before his vision begins to grey (Emere will drop to -4 at the start of his next turn unless someone makes a Heal check or grants him a Saving Throw or something).

(Emere does get to take an OA while Prone if he wants . . . might as well take a swing, eh?)

Then, it disappears into the airship - Cinder can definitely hear Verstag screaming in alarm from within, and its not much of a stretch for the others to also hear him.

Standard: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Knocked Prone and Gains Ongoing 5 Damage (Save Ends, -2 penalty)
Move: Move through the wall into the cabin of the airship - the door is currently closed, so entering will require stopping next to the door and using a minor to open it

Luey - 24
Sectoid Grunts, Wave 2 - 22
Emere - 15
Garrathor - 13
Delvin - 12
Cinder - 8
Pseudowolf #2 - 7

LUEY IS UP! (Don't forget you have a Fly 6 free move!)

2016-02-03, 02:08 AM
Luey turns to face the voices of Emere and Cinder, neither of whom look to be in very good shape, and gasps.

"! ...Hm!" She assents to Cinder's flight trick and floats up to the deck, unable to say that weightlessness is even the strangest sensation she's had today.

Luey drops down behind the last wolf and quickly swings away, but not quickly enough to stop it from taking another bite out of Emere and vanishing into the wall. At least she gets a decent parting shot on its backside.

Opportunity Attack, as GWC described in the OOC thread:
[roll0]+8 +2(flanking)
Damage?: [roll1]+7
(reroll: [roll2])

Power Strike?:
Damage?: [roll3]+7
(reroll: [roll4])

On her own turn (if appropriate):

[roll5]+8 +1 (charge)
Damage?: [roll6]+7+2+knock prone
(reroll: [roll7])

Second Attack?:
[roll8]+8 +2(prone target?)
Damage?: [roll9]+7+5
(reroll: [roll10])

"Rrgh! D... dang it! Emere, are you..."

Naturally, her comrade is on the verge of losing consciousness, but first aid won't prevent the monster from just reaching through the door and finishing him off. She has to distract it, at least.

"Okay, just... just hang on!" she manages as she pulls the door open, forcing Emere to scootch over a bit before he passes out. That dog isn't getting away this time. Luey flips up her handaxe and pulls it down out of the air as she vaults into close quarters with the skullhound.

Her axes rapidly whiff through the ghostly creature like so much dust and smoke. It dissipates accordingly.

2016-02-03, 04:44 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere groaned in pain as he was knocked down again and feebly struck out at the wolf before passing out from blood loss.


I forgot to add in my +1 to saving throws before, but it didn't matter at the time anyway.

2016-02-03, 06:34 AM
The two remaining invaders seem to respect their opponents this time, as there is no fancy maneuvering and ignoring them - both Delvin's and Garrathor's opponents attack them with wild flailings of their daggers, a faint trail of purple energy streaming off the weapons. Suddenly, the energy seems to fade from these two - the shields wink out of existence, and their movements are not as smooth and focused as a moment ago. Two crossbow bolts come flying out of the fog-shrouded street to the east a moment later, flying towards Delvin.

Sectoid Grunt #6
Standard: Attack Delvin
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Mental Link)
Damage: 9

Sectoid Grunt #7
Standard: Attack Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll1] (+1 Mental Link)
Damage: 9

Sectoid Grunt #8
Move: Move to spot on the map
Standard: Shoot at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 4

Sectoid Grunt #9
Move: Move to spot on the map
Standard: Shoot at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 4

(Alright, let's get this fight over with!)

2016-02-03, 08:56 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere gurgles.


2016-02-03, 08:58 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"'Opfully they're easier to kill with-out them shields" says Cinder, as she aims at the grey midget she can see and continues to struggle against the mental bond. Finally, she breaks free... but only by concentrating so hard that her aim is way off.

Standard: Sly Flourish @ SG#7

End of turn:
Saving Throw [roll2]11 (sorry, forgot to take out the bonus)

2016-02-03, 04:45 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Starting to feel winded, Delvin swings another blow at the foul creature in front of him, focusing more on his own wounds than the wounds of his enemy. Luckily, the no-longer-shielded grunt collapses in a puddle of blood, and Delvin manages to boost his confidence a bit and move into position next to one of the remaining three.

Crushing Surge vs SG6
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage on and I gain 8 THP on a hit or 4 THP on a miss. He is marked by me until the end of my next turn, if he's alive.

Move Action: if he's dead i'll move up north of SG7 such that Garr can move into flanking, if not i'm staying put.

2016-02-03, 07:17 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 25/33 HP + 4 THP

Garrathor breathes a visible sigh of relief when the two sectoids' shields drop and his ally fells one, relief that continues even when a volley of small bolts fly from the alley at Delvin's well-armored form. He nods as Delvin slides into flanking position, and steps up to deliver a much-anticipated killing blow upon his nemesis.

Shift onto a dead hobbit to gain flanking against SG7. Iron Fist against SG7.
[roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1]
Effect: 3 DR until EONT.

2016-02-03, 09:11 PM
Finally satisfied that the runny fluid comprising the ghost dog has been rendered inert, Luey turns around with nothing more than a nod to the startled skyranger pilot and returns her attention outside. The, 'high-priority targets,' seem to have been taken care of, though one of the ghoulish hobbits seems to be taking an axe to the head more hardily than the ones she had personally dealt with. In any case, Delvin and Garrathor seem to be handling matters over there for the moment. Emere, on the other hand...

Hanging her axes at her sides, she awkwardly steps over Emere and kneels down to better examine the bite on his neck.

Stabilize Check: [roll0]+6 (DC 15)

She hisses through her teeth at the painful sight, grabs a stray blanket that wound up by the door in the crash and applies pressure to the wound. It seems to do the job, but she still makes a mental note to ask for a proper first aid kit when we get back to base.

"Okay... you'll be okay," she repeats, relieved. In the meantime, she catches sight of Cinder down below. "Hey! I got the dog... thing, and Emere is stable. Are you still stuck?"

2016-02-03, 09:34 PM
Despite having metal instead of flesh for hands now (not exactly the most dexterous or comforting of materials to have doctoring wounds), Luey has some experience in treating serious life-threatening wounds. Some idiot would always swing his axe around too hard while trying to show off and chop his leg along with the tree limb, or would take a tumble out of a tree. The wound on Emere's throat was even as serious as all that - the genasi must have been made of some tough stuff because the bleeding was already slowing by the time Luey started putting pressure on it.

(Emere is Stabilized but Unconscious now).

Meanwhile, the fight between the dwarves and the nasty, stupid, hobbitziz continues.
One of the ones hiding back in the street meets eyes with the one surrounded by Delvin and Garrathor, and suddenly a familiar shield of energy springs up around it - clearly these things are able to protect each other (it all makes sense now! To Garrathor, at least).

The surrounded one forces Delvin back with a flurry of slashes, and then whirls on Garrathor and attempts to plunge its dagger into his chest (I'm assuming he's the one marking it since Delvin was busy killing the other one this turn.)

The last one, meanwhile, charges Delvin, attempting to block his way to the one hanging back in the street and boosting its comrade!

Grunt #7
Attack Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Mental Link)
Damage: 5 (8 - 3 Resistance)

Grunt #8
Charge Delvin
To-Hit: [roll1] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 3

Sectoid #9
Standard: Establish Mental Link with #7

EVERYONE IS UP! (Except Emere, cuz he's out like a trout with gout!)

2016-02-03, 10:00 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 24/33 HP

When those two sectoids lock eyes, Garrathor can see the thin stream of purple psionic energy traveling from one to the other, two minds accomplishing together what one cannot. He's never seen the like, but at least now he can do something about this hobbling berzerker's impenetrable defenses.

"Stoutstout! Take out the one that's been hiding in the alley! It's the one making this blasted shield!"

To clear a path for his stout friend, the Godless Dwarf thrusts his hammer forward like a dagger, hoping to use the energy of the psionic bubble to blast the enemy behind it back.
Concussive Spike on SG#7. [roll0]. On hit: [roll1], and SG#8 is pushed 6 squares northeast/north into the small alley. SG7 is still marked to me, and thus I get to Mind Spike him if he OA's Delvin.

....I'm assuming that's a kill. I pushed Sectoid 8, finishing my turn by moving 5 to close distance to SG9 and Battlemind's Demand-ing it.

The psionic dwarf can't believe it when his mental weapon shatters the barrier his physical weapon could not, caving the hobbit's head in and sending its ally flying back into the alleyway. After a moment of stunned blinking, Garrathor points at the hobbit projectile and blurts out "Nevermind, you take that one." And runs off toward the enemy he'd just told Delvin to kill.

2016-02-03, 10:17 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin clears his head and nods at Garrathor.

By Moradin's beard, let's send these bas'erds back to the abyss they came from!

He charges down the alley, axe raised.

Charge @ SG8
[roll0] vs AC (this includes the +1 for charging)
[roll1] damage on a hit (this includes the +2 from me having THP, not that damage rolls matter for minions!), or SG8 is marked by me on a miss.

2016-02-03, 11:02 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Overjoyed at having broken the strange geas that was holding her in place, Cinder rushes after Garrathor and, the moment she spies the grey through the fog, takes a potshot at it before realising she's not exactly in a position to be too exposed, and rushing back to low cover.

Move: see map, and hide (for CA)

Standard: Gloaming Cut
[roll1] (+2 more if I have CA)
Effect: shift 2 (see map) and hide

2016-02-03, 11:16 PM
Hearing the dwarves shouting about chasing down aliens and regenerating shields, Luey leaves Emere to recuperate and leaps down to help while Cinder lays down some cover fire.

Acrobatics for the jump down: [roll0]+9

Charge at #9: [roll1]+9
Damage: [roll2]+9
(reroll: who cares it's a minion geez)

As the alien prepares to get one last shot on Garrathor, she rockets up the alley from behind the dwarf, kicks off the wall to get around him and catches the creature before it pulls the trigger.

2016-02-04, 06:44 AM
The fog-shrouded streets return to eerie, stifling silence as the last of the invaders is cut down.
As the adrenaline from the fight starts to fade, the pain of the injuries everyone has suffered rushes in to fill the gap.
X-COM was victorious in its first encounter against the alien menace . . . but it had been a troublingly close fight.
You were the absolute best that Amaranth had to offer as resistance - and Emere was out, Delvin was still bleeding (although not seriously enough to lose HP :smalltongue: ), and Cinder's entire body felt bruised.
Unless this group of invaders also represented the best that the X-Ds could field, Amaranth was in grave danger.

From the airship, the sound of the cabin door opening drifts through the mist, followed by Verstag's voice.

"Guys? You alive out here . . . . Hello?"

(You may resolve a short rest, which I imagine you will want very much before you move on to the beach. You can get Emere awake again enough to take the short rest with you, so he won't be unconscious forever either. It'll probably be a couple days before we start the beach encounter as I'll need time to write up the operational details and create a new map for the beach. Feel free to chit-chat with Verstag until then.)

2016-02-04, 12:36 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

"Guys? You alive out here . . . . Hello?"

Aye lad, we'll pull through. Check on the pegasus, we'll need you two ready to get us out of here before long.

Delvin waddles up to the fallen Emere and spits a mouthful of blood.

Don't leave us yet, friend, the Gods have plans for us yet, you'll see. He sighs wistfully. When all this is over, drinks are on me.

He sews his own wounds as best he can manage, and begins surveying the alien corpses, hoping to salvage something useful to use against them, or at the very least, hoping that one of them had a flask. Gods, the thirst is real.

short rest! Three surges will bring me up to 30/33HP, which I'm hoping will be sufficient. I soaked 55 damage that combat! So only having to spend surges 4/13 surges (worth 32 HP) is pretty decent.

2016-02-04, 05:45 PM
Having hung her axes back in their safety straps, Luey returns and pulls herself back up onto the deck with relatively little risk of hyperventilating.

"Yeah, we got them, Verstag, at least for now. They're sure not making it easy..."

She pulls Emere inside the cabin, props him up and searches through his pack to give him his canteen. She has a lot of questions about how long we're going to be waiting here and what our plan is going to be, but she can't seem to bring herself to ask them yet.

2016-02-04, 07:33 PM
Garrathor loops his hammer back into his belt. Before Luey departs for the eerily silent Skyranger, he slaps her on the back. "Nice kill. Most folks I see moving that fast are running away from something, good to see you've got hustle when we need it." Emere seems to be in good hands, so Garrathor looks Cinder over and later interrupts Delvin's corpse-looting to check him over and bandage any injuries Stoutstout might be ignoring like any self-respecting dwarf.

"It's like the frontier all over again." the psionic warrior sighs as he ministers to Delvin. "Those things fight under a completely different set of rules."

Short Rest recharges my Power Points. Spending 1 healing surge to bring my HP up to 32. I'm looking forward to being much more of a punching bag next fight.

2016-02-04, 08:33 PM
Emere groaned as he regained consciousness, though he quickly shook it off and was soon standing on his own again. "Is everyone okay?"

Spending 4 Surges to get back to full. I have 3 left today, hooray.

2016-02-04, 08:38 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"I'm bein' fine, thanks fer askin'." says Cinder, dusting herself off and dressing the wound from the grey's strange crossbows. "Bit of a rough tumble, them bastards, but I'm ready to go to th' beach, I'm thinkin'. Verstag, you gonna be fine on your own?"

Spend 1 Surge to get back to full

2016-02-04, 10:56 PM
Garrathor Scarhart

Garrathor shrugs at Emir's query. "I came out okay, barely a scratch made it under my armor. From the look of you I think I missed the front lines. Never let it be said a guy with a bow can't take a hit like a champ."

2016-02-05, 10:03 AM
(Yeah, things would have gotten interesting real quick if Delvin hadn't soaked so much damage with his temp HP and even Garrathor hadn't resisted some of his portion. And don't worry, it'll be his turn to be DM chew toy soon enough. I wouldn't be in such a rush to die if I were you . . . :xykon: )

Verstag gives an exaggerated sigh of relief when he sees that poor unconscious Emere is not all that's left of Team Epsilon and slings his heavy crossbow across his pack.

"Oh! Oh, whew, that's a relief! Glad to see everyone is okay . . ."

He says, looking down at the bloodstains Emere had left everywhere on the deck.

"Well, why don't you get yourselves patched up while I check on the Pegasus and the frame. Here, you can use the Skyranger's medical kit if you need it."

So saying, Verstag unslings the large pack he had also been carrying along with his weapon, and leaves it for you to dig through while he hops down to conduct his examination.
The medical bag is very well stocked - bandages, suture thread and needles, a small bottle of whiskey for disinfecting (although it was certainly drinkable as well), tourniquets, and a number of other injury-specific supplies such as burn salve. At the bottom of the kit was a well-crafted wooden box, held closed by a simple latch. Tucked inside the padded interior was perhaps the best medicine of all - five healing potions. Though the Old Man was known for doing anything to achieve victory including sacrificing those under his command, he loved his people and did everything he could to help them. And so with the resources of the whole world behind him, making sure each X-COM team had access to some magical healing if they needed it was a priority for him.

(Unless you don't want to take them with you, the party now has 5 Healing potions. There's your loot!)

The party patched themselves up and caught their breath over the next 5 minutes, which seemed to be all the time Verstag needed.

"Well, looks like ol' Peggy is alright if a bit spooked by all the fighting. Frame's in a fair bit worse shape given we bounced it against a couple stone buildings. Should hold together alright if we're just limping home, but if I try any fancy maneuvers like I did getting us here while that thing was shooting at us, things might get ugly. Y'know, that craft of theirs seemed like it was grounded before it came up out of the fog to tangle with us. You might be able to go pay it a visit if you move fast and careful - sure would be nice not to have to worry about that thing blasting us against on our way out."

Ducking back into the Skyranger, Verstag emerged a moment later with two fireworks. The two combustibles had been modified to be used for aerial signaling rather than entertainment.

"Here. I'm going to have Peggy take wing again and get us some rooftop spot somewhere nearby, real quiet like. Hopefully that'll get us off the streets and away from here before some of those things' friends come looking for them. I'll try to find a place that still shrouds us from sight while still letting me see clear sky. When you need me to come pick you up, launch one of these fireworks. If you've dealt with that flying thing and aren't taking fire, launch the blue one. If I might get into another dogfight with that thing or the landing zone is gonna be hot, launch the red one. That way I'll know I need to come quick, and to watch my own backside on approach. Make sense?"

Operation 1: Darkest Abyss

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1S5RP918MND9VWVRvMkfiUNSD3RxEphf4ZzLFN7s7Uq4/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Primary Objective:

Locate and Extract Professor Verdantdawn (INCOMPLETE)

Secondary Objectives:

Assist Citizens at Beach (INCOMPLETE)
Assist Citizens at Docks (INCOMPLETE)
Assist Citizens at Bonfire-lit Square (INCOMPLETE)
Investigate Embattled Manor (INCOMPLETE)
Disable X-D Flying Craft (INCOMPLETE)

"We should have enough rope available here in the Skyranger to let you rappel down to the beach - looked like there was a cliff down to it off to the west a couple blocks."

2016-02-05, 10:28 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"We should have enough rope available here in the Skyranger to let you rappel down to the beach - looked like there was a cliff down to it off to the west a couple blocks."

"Sure, I'll take one of them. Easier to get you ground-pounders up places if I can drop one o' 'em. Just put it down 'ere, I'll get to it in a minute. You wouldn't 'ave a bag I can borrow?".

Cinder then approaches one of the offered bottles, taller than she is, and places a hand on it with a look of concentration. Slowly, it shrinks to a truly minute version of itself, which she slips in a pocket in her greyish-blue clothes. "Bit o' a party trick, this - but it ain't like I can drag giant-sized stuff to battle.". She proceeds to also reduce the offered rope.

2016-02-05, 09:30 PM
Garrathor Scarhart

Garrathor loops a second coil of rope around his shoulder, and pockets one of the potions as well. "Better to need and not have and all that." If no one objects, he'll take custody of the fireworks as well. "Sounds like a simple-enough system. I definitely hope to make keeping that flying hammer grounded a priority."

2016-02-06, 03:18 AM
After pacing around the ship for a few minutes to pull herself together, Lucille picks up the rest of the supplies she'll need for the climb down to the beach. Hammer, pitons, grappling hook... the pack of standard equipment is already pretty heavy, but she manages to fit it all in. At least she can leave her bedroll on the ship.

When offered the last potion, she reluctantly accepts it and puts it in her belt pouch. Her hands are usually too full to take advantage of these expensive items in combat, but it makes sense for everyone to have one in an emergency.

"Right... the X/D ship." She tries to remember this town's layout, but her memory is only as clear as the fog-laden air. "So, where are we going first? Cinder and I could scout around, but I don't... I don't think we can afford to split up at this point."

2016-02-06, 08:32 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Right... the X/D ship." She tries to remember this town's layout, but her memory is only as clear as the fog-laden air. "So, where are we going first? Cinder and I could scout around, but I don't... I don't think we can afford to split up at this point."

"I still wanna make sure that whatever's goin' on in th' beach is nothin' to be worried 'bout. 'Ittin' the X-D ship? Huh. Ain't sure I wanna know what kinda firepower that thing 'as. We're 'ere to rescue some guy, not push back th' invasion." Cinder gives a meaning ful look towards Emere. "Look, I wanna kick alien butt as much as anyone, but we 'afta be realistic. Check out what we can, 'it 'em were it 'urts and they can't 'it back, find our 'friend' and get the 'ell outta 'ere - and that's if we're lucky. I ain't likin' my chances in this blasted fog. I ain't a melee fighter."

2016-02-06, 09:41 AM
Garrathor Scarhart

"I agree we should stick together and hit the beach first of anything Cinder, don't get me wrong; from your report it sounded the most time-sensitive of our options and our target may be down there. But you heard Verstag, the Skyranger might not make it off this rock if it's being shot at. I don't plan to stop the X-D invasion single-handed, but we've been given the job to extract someone and if we crash into the ocean we'll have failed no matter how much good we do here. We can't forget the long game."

2016-02-06, 06:13 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin nods at Garrathor.

He's smart, this one. You can tell because he's a dwarf.

He grabs another of the bundles of rope, and pockets one of the healing potions, just in case.

2016-02-06, 10:56 PM
Gathering up the supplies you need, including the healing potions, you set off to the west for the beach.
After traveling a block or two through the eerie deserted and fog-shrouded streets of Stardance Isle, you reach the cliff overlooking the beach.
It's not very impressive as far as cliffs go - not so much a sheer drop-off as it is a sharply sloped descent twenty feet down over about fifteen feet.
Having gone through some rather unpleasant obstacle courses during your training, most of you could probably manage to scramble your way down and back up the cliff face if need be - but with the aid of ropes you can make it down to the beach much quicker and easier (no checks, but if you want to climb up/down the cliff without ropes it'll be DC 15 Athletics).

Before you go rappelling down into an unknown situation, however, you peer down over the cliff, and while the fog makes it impossible to see every detail, you get enough.
There really is a giant leviathan of the sea beached down there, although it does not appear to be in distress.
Indeed, as you watch a group of four people shuffle nervously forward to right in front of its mouth, at which point the beast calmly opens its cavernous maw and allows them to step inside before just as calmly closing its mouth again and swallowing.

If evacuation this is, you're arriving at the tail end of it - there's only about a dozen people left waiting for their turn to go down the whale's gullet, scattering here and there about the beach. Another group of four is gathering a short distance from the whale, while three others rest on a pair of benches carved out of driftwood sitting next to an extinguished firepit - two are a young couple huddling together while the third is an older man, his clothes and hands bloodspattered, which he simply stares down at. Further up and down the beach, a man paces back and forth along the shore while another digs through a large pile of driftwood, respectively, to pass the time. The last refugees are a mother and her child huddle together at the base of the cliff, while their father is arguing with another figure who appears to be the leader of this evacuation.

Yes, there are a total of seven other figures down there, although half of them are out in the water and almost impossible to see were it not for the rare brief break in the fog.
They are tall and graceful-looking, their skin a faint shimmering blue.
Although they have legs, they are thickly scaled and their feet seem more like flippers.
Most of them carry spears and shields, but except for their leader who is being harassed by the irate gentleman, they seem to disdain armor and indeed wear only a modicum of clothing.
The leader herself is wearing a full breastplate and set of chainmail, the front of the armor emblazoned with some sort of symbol - a golden nautilus on a blue clamshell.

These creatures leading the evacuation . . . there's only one thing they could be - sea elves!
Elusive creatures, sea elves have often been mistaken for mermaids and the like throughout history, although perhaps it is more accurate to say that stories about mermaids were actually about sea elves.
There is some debate ascribed to their motives, however, as some claim that they are nefarious sea devils while others claim that's another race entirely and any story about a mariner lost at sea being saved by mysterious benefactors should be ascribed to sea elves.
In any event, while the nation of Whitehill acknowledges that they probably do exist, no official contact has ever been made with sea elves.

No one down on the beach seems to have noticed you yet, although that will probably change once you throw down the ropes and start climbing down to the beach.

Map of the Beach (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit) - Please place yourselves on the map wherever you would like to be when combat actually starts. I imagine we'll start the next fight in another day or so after you introduce yourselves.

2016-02-06, 11:22 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Sea elves. That's...unexpected, to say the least. There's been no official, recorded contact with them before." Emere muttered, just barely loud enough for the rest of the group to hear him as he worked on getting ropes ready. He was pretty sure he could scale the wall without them, but he didn't want to risk it after already forcibly losing consciousness once today. It would be faster to climb back up with the rope in place, anyway, if it came to that.


2016-02-06, 11:42 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder shrugs, "maybe not official, but there's been tales o' 'em for centuries. Sailors calling 'em mermaids and th' like. 'Ave not 'eard much about their intentions, but I ain't thinkin' they're up to anythin' too terrible. I mean, for all we know they're gonna sell them as slaves in some other port, but benefit of the doubt and all that. 'Sides, they ain't our enemies. Shall we ask 'em what they're plannin' to do with them refugees?"

2016-02-07, 03:26 AM
Luey squints through the fog, not sure what to make of this nonsense. "Sea elves? If we haven't heard from them in... ever... what are they doing here now? Also, is... is feeding everyone to a whale a real method of transportation?"

She reluctantly accepts that she's the only one who's still hung up on that part.

"...well, they're definitely not X-D's, and we were supposed to be discreet. Really, we've already seen enough to report it to the proper authorities once we're done with the mission..."

She stares down the cliff again, realizing how dumb that conclusion sounds. 'The proper authorities,' is the sort of institution she'd have relied on before she became a weaponized fusion of flesh and fire. Still, she doesn't say anything more on the matter. She'll go along with whatever the group says.

2016-02-08, 02:23 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"I want to ask them what they're doing. If they're friendly, great, they probably know more about the current situation than we do. If they're not, then those civilians need to be rescued. Either way I want to know why a civilization that has never made official contact with anyone else is here. Perhaps they know more about the observatory than we do, and perhaps they were its original architects. I mean, it was built by elves and no one agrees on which tribe because the elves most people talk about weren't seafarers at the time." Emere said, somewhat rambling as he continued to get his ropes ready.

2016-02-08, 06:36 AM
While your group continues to observe the sea elves and their efforts to evacuate the island, and whether your presence is needed, trouble rears its head down below.

From out at sea, one of the sea elves guarding out there begins to cry out in alarm.
No one sees what is causing the sea elf to shout out a warning to the shore, but something's definitely out there as a moment later the sea elf vanishes beneath the waves, and she does not surface again.
The other sea elf guarding the ocean side of the evacuation site begins looking around in confusion having heard the elf's shout, but he doesn't see anything.
Right up to the moment when several rusted chains come flying out of the water to wrap themselves around him and drag him under as well.

From the beach, the sea elves react with a mixture of panic and trained focus, adopting defensive positions while their leader shouts orders in an archaic form of Elvish (Cinder, at least, is used to it as most of the Eladrin nobility insist on still using the old form of Elvish).

"Hold your waves! We must protect these people until the whale is ready to leave!"

Okay, assuming you don't walk away from this upcoming fight, you can either start anywhere down on the beach, or you can start up on the cliff (the line of green squares to the far right of the map).

If you start on the Beach, you may start anywhere on the map except out to sea in the dark blue that forms the left-hand side of the map. Trust me, you don't want to be out that far anyway.

If you start out on the cliffs, you may attempt a Stealth check to start the fight hidden, and get a Surprise round.
HOWEVER, this surprise round will happen between the 1st and 2nd rounds of combat - you will sit out the first round.
Considering that the first round is going to be most of the bad guys lumbering into position out of the fog anyway, this is not the big of a deal.
On the other hand, from the cliff to the first line of squares on the beach is 4 squares, so anything not right up against the cliff is going to have Partial Concealment, and possibly Total Concealment if they're 6 or more squares away from the cliff.

You may move up and down the cliffs as you desire, but unless you're in the general vicinity of the ropes you've prepared, it's going to require DC 15 Climb checks. Using the ropes uses a full Move action to go up or down, but that's it - no climb checks, no need to move half your speed climbing, blah blah blah. However, only two people can use the ropes to go up or down per turn (since you've only had time to prepare two ropes before the sea elves come under attack.

2016-02-08, 11:52 AM
Garrathor Scarhart (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=672876) 32/33 HP

Garrathor grunts in agreement to Emere as he secures his own rope. "Aye, those folks getting herded don't seem to be either inclined or able to run away, so we'll be helping them one way or another. ...Hadn't thought about the intel opportunites though, good idea."

On the way down, he thinks out a few possible methods of contact, and the best way to determine whether or not these folk are being held against their will. That said, Garrathor is no diplomat. So when everyone's climbed down that's coming, he puts one hand on his hat to keep it stationary and another in a cone around his mouth and calls out "Hey! You folks in trouble!?"

Just then, the sea elves erupt into commotion, taking up battle stances...... facing away from the X-Com squad. Huh. "I suppose that's a yes!" he calls as he trundles down the beach to find a spot on the beachhead.

2016-02-08, 11:57 AM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Seeing Garrathor sprint north along the beach, Delvin takes up a southern defensive position, hoping to guard the scared citizens.

Seeing a straggler even further south through the fog, Delvin shouts out at him.

You there! With the Bucketball jersey on! Number Eleven! Get behind me, we've got incoming!

2016-02-08, 12:07 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Oh, Selanine," mutters Cinder, with a brief look towards the sky, "Dwarves rushing to a combat with elves. There's no way they ain't thinkin' the worst. Especially reclusive elves. Give me a sec, you lot, I'll try to warn them that we ain't with whatever just et their soldiers."

Cinder then shoots forward, flying at breakneck speed down the slope and then low along the sand. Her body starts to illuminate, the reddish glow of an ember. She stops at a respectful distance from the elven woman in charge, and her tinkling voice speaks in the cadences of formal elvish,
"Hail and well met, I bring glad tidings from the court of Cerridwen, who entreats your patience in listening to her humble servant, Cinder of the Ashborns" declares Cinder, in very stately (and formulaic) language. Her usual brogue is almost gone, and she is even managing to not drop her aitches, "We are in company of warriors, of many races, and would offer our help in your moment of need, for no cost intended or implied, save such that you would find appropriate in your hearts based on the services provided". Cinder's voice is slightly sing-song - she is quoting the standard offer of help between two Cedwigmar courts, a declaration honed over the years to prevent misunderstandings.
Cinder speaks in very stately language. Her usual brogue is almost gone, and she is even managing to not drop her aitches. There is definitely a certain sing-song quality to what she is saying - like she is reading from a book or reciting from memory

2016-02-08, 05:38 PM
Luey rappels down the cliff and approaches the beach, trying to make out what's going on with the chains through the fog. Thinking she hears something on the other side of the giant whale, she nods politely to the guards as she shuffles by them and the huddled masses, trying to peer around the leviathan.

Her limbs glow in the fog like ghostly candles. The whale probably takes a breath and splashes salt water on her, but it only causes a brief flicker in the flames; it's not really more uncomfortable than it would be for anyone else.

2016-02-08, 08:16 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit)

The sea elves react how you might expect someone to react after seeing two of their kinsmen attacked and likely killed, followed immediately thereafter by a group of strangers leaping down from above and rushing their position. All of the sea elves including their leader tense up, but while she ponders the situation her remaining four warriors brandish their weapons and shout at the group in archaic Elven.

"Stay back!"
"Identify yourselves!"
"Wavespeaker we have incoming! Orders!?"
"We're getting pinchered! Game over man, game over!"

Fortunately Cinder speeds forward and addresses the sea elf leader, who nods after listening intently to the pixie.
The leader replies to Cinder in the same lilting tone.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Cinder of the Ashborns. Your aid would be greatly appreciated, especially in light of our current circumstances. If you are capable of speaking these land dwellers' tongue, it would be very appreciated if you could serve as our translator. For the moment, however, I believe that your assistance in battle against would be appreciated even more highly."

Her brief acknowledgement of Cinder finished, the sea elf leader turns back to her own people.

"These land dwellers are to be considered our allies for the moment! Do them no harm unless they do harm to us first! For now, concentrate on our common enemy! Adopt defensive positions around the transport - it must not come to harm or these land dwellers are doomed!"

As it turns out, you don't have very long to wait to see this approaching common enemy. Wading out of the sea comes about a half dozen figures that as the fog thins are revealed to be undead, drowned victims of the sea most likely given their bloated appearance. Several of them wear the remains of what appears to be uniforms of the Whitehill navy, although most appear to be much older than that, swaddled in seaweed and with most of their bones showing through their tattered flesh. All of them carry long lengths of rusted chain, most of it looped around their arms and ready to be put to use in beating or garroting potential victims.

The creatures swimming to the surface further out to sea than the battle line of walking corpses is more disturbing. Their heads are bulbuous with inky black eyes, giving them a similar look as to the alien hobbits the party just found minutes ago. But other than their facial structure and their nakedness, there are no similarities between these creatures and the dead ones. These are tall and lithe, likely towering by a head or more over even Emere when standing to their full height, and their swimming motions are smooth and graceful. One cradles the body of one of the dead sea elf warriors, running its fingers across her forehead and along her temples as if petting the body.

From the fog further up the beach, another trio of the drowned dead shambles forth from the fog, while another of the graceful creatures moves out of the fog to block any attempt at retreat back to town, walking hunched over and bowlegged like a predator waiting for the final chase before the kill.

Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - [roll0]
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - [roll1]
Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - [roll2]

Cinder - [roll3]
Luey - [roll4]
Emere - [roll5]
Garrathor - [roll6]
Delvin - [roll7]

Sea Elf Warriors - [roll8]
Eurnara - [roll9]

Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - [roll10]
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - [roll11]
Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - [roll12]
Draugr - [roll13]

Battle Music! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiVUXCp8_jo&list=PL4GHJEjPloaZNLponULFAybn4lBN3IqLN)

2016-02-08, 08:26 PM
Sprinting out of the fog after it had so gracefully sauntered into view a moment ago, the lithe creature goes after the approaching form of Delvin.
As it runs forward, two tentacles trail off of its back behind the creature, like a perverse sort of cape.
After a moment's concentration, forms a glittering blade of pure energy over its hand and slashes at Delvin, dancing to one side before slapping the dwarf in the face with a tentacle, sending him reeling back towards the civilian he was trying to protect.
The force of the blow snaps Delvin's head back, and blood starts to leak from the dwarf's nose.

Move: Move up to civilian #11
Standard: Psionic Blade
To-Hit: [roll0] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Aquatoid Harbringer shifts up to 2 squares

Minor: Tentacle Delvin for 7 damage

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-08, 08:41 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder frowns as she listens to the elven language, "I'm a bit rusty on the Lords and Ladys' speech, but I think they accept us as allies, as long as we don't 'urt 'em," Cinder translates hurriedly, "Something about talkin' to us after. Also, they want to defend the whale, I think. Probably not a bad idea."

Then, all business, Cinder starts looking around for a target. The spooky necromancer advancing from the south seems like a target, so she dives for cover, and shoots.

Move: see map and hide (can hide in low cover because sneaky & moved 3)

If hidden, Sly flourish @ AH#3. If not hidden, gloaming cut so I can re-hide
[roll1] (+ 2 with CA)
[roll2] (+7 +Sneak attack with sly flourish)
[roll4] (if gloaming cut)

2016-02-08, 11:30 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 32/33

"They can guard their own whale, tell 'em my concern's gonna be for the landlubbers!" Garrathor calls back to Cinder as he sprays sand in his approach toward the line of bloated dead. He stops well away, psionic circlet glowing dimly as he thrusts his hammer toward one corpse and his shield at another.

Move to designated location.

Mind Spike on DD#10. [roll0] vs AC. [roll1] No other effect.

Battlemind's Demand on DD#11.

Triggered Action 1: Battle Resilience: The first time an attack hits or misses Garr, he gains Damage Resist 6 vs All until EONT.
Triggered Action 2: Mind Spike on DD11 if he violates my mark and is within melee range.
Triggered Action 3: OA anything applicable.
Triggered Action 4: Guardian's Counter on anything that attacks SC#2 if applicable (May be a stretch since it's a shift, not a teleport.) SC#2 and Garr both Shift 2, swapping places, and Garr takes an MBA against the triggering enemy if it's in melee range.

2016-02-09, 11:43 AM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Don't let him push you around, Delvin!" Emere said, rushing southward, figuring that Garrathor had the north flank well covered. Taking a moment he lined up a shot for Delvin to follow, then loosed an arrow.

Move, then use Race the Arrow on Aquatoid Harbringer #3 (with a -2 due partial concealment). If I hit, Delvin will charge him as a free action with a +4 power bonus to attack and damage.


2016-02-09, 09:32 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit)

As Delvin reels under the creature's attacks, Cinder takes aim and launches a crossbow bolt at its flank. The handful of splinters strike the creature high in the right shoulder, tearing the rubbery flesh there.
Unlike the previous group of invaders who appeared to have ink for blood, the substance that oozes out of the ravaged flesh is a translucent milky white.
The creature staggers back a step, and then turns to face Cinder fully, glaring at her with its beady eyes.

Emere's shot is not nearly as accurate, sinking down into the sand several feet away from the creature.

At the far end of the beach, Garrathor rushes forward, sending out a wave of mental force at one of the shamblers while challenging a second.
The wave of force slams into the creature, and the back of its skull explodes outward in response as the undead tumbles forward face-first into the sand - one down.

Out in the ocean, another of the lithe aliens swims over to where the trio of undead have wrapped the unfortunate sea elf up in their chains, nearly ripping the body apart.
Dark energy rippling down the creature's arm, it touches the corpse and a hideous transformation takes place.
Its flesh warps and becomes bloated, as rusty chains float up from the depths and wrap around its body and forearms, the metal barbs covering the chains biting deeply into the flesh.
With jerky movements, the defiled corpse shudders to life, now another one of the undead advancing onto the beach.

Satisfied with its work, the lithe alien swims over to where the ocean begins to give way to the beach, now no longer swimming but wading slowly ashore.

Move: Move over to Sea Elf Corpse
Minor: Molecular Control - Rally the Dead
Effect: Convert a dead body into a Decayed Draugr, or recharge a Decayed Draugr's Durable Are the Dead ability.
Standard: Move to indicated position on the map

Undeterred by this display of necromancy, the sea elves's leader advances just into the water, twirling her spear around her head and shouting encouragement to her warriors.

"Hold your ground, warriors of the sea! These land dwellers are counting on us to protect them, and we will not falter now! Let them move in to shore, and then meet them just shy of land!"

Move: Move to indicated position on the map
Standard: Ready a charge attack against any opponent that moves to 2 squares away from her

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-09, 11:14 PM
Indecisive at first about which way to go, Luey finally settles on the south end. As she makes out what's going on with the victims in the water, it seems confirm that her decision to go after the X-D first is the correct one.

She tightens her grip on her axes. What these creatures do to the dead is unforgivable.

Already tense from the first signs of trouble, she launches herself at the wall near the ropes, then rebounds to charge the slimy alien in an attempt to surround it.

She has more than enough first-round movement to start the charge train and still make it easy for Delvin to get to a flanking position.

Chaarge! [roll0]+8 +1(charging) +2 (first round advantage)
Damage potential: [roll1]+9

(reroll potential: [roll2])

Damage potential: [roll3]

(reroll potential: [roll4])

[roll5]+8 +2 (several sources of combat advantage) EDIT: +4 from Human power
Damage potential: [roll6]+12

(reroll potential: [roll7])

The tentacled monstrosity, thrown just slightly off-balance by the orange lights darting through its field of vision so quickly, is soon knocked to the ground by Lucille's charging axe. Quickly, too quickly, it makes to squirm aside, bending unnaturally to stay out of reach... but Lucille is determined. In one second, she treads on a tentacle to get into position and brings her axe down through the creature's head with a firewood-splitting blow.

Delvin can go fight something else now.

"Delvin! Get him into the... transport!" Luey's not sure what to call the whale, but as weird as it is, it's the safest place for the civilians right now.

2016-02-10, 07:05 AM
The last of the foul creatures runs its webbed hands up and down the dead sea elf's body, dark energy flowing off of it into the corpse.
Suddenly, it spasms to unlife, and a similar transformation happens as the dead sea elf's features become bloated and barbed rusted chains float up from the depths to wrap around its now-animate body.
The alien then swims for the shore, coming to stand at the very edge of the beach before land gives entirely way to sea, clearly hanging back to let its undead minions take the lead in charging ashore.

Minor: Molecular Control - Rally the Dead
Requires Corpse
Effect: Create a Decayed Draugr or recharge a Draugr's Durable are the Dead power

And that is exactly what they do a moment later, the assembled undead shambling ashore like an tide of their own.
They move slowly, stumbling forward, but seem unimpeded by the water.

Seaborne - Draugr have Water-walk
Relentless - During its turn, any damage (Aura damage, OAs, etc.) a Draugr takes is deferred until the end of its turn

The first undead that reaches the shore approaches the man who had been pacing along the beach, who has been frozen in terror since these monstrosities appeared. As the abomination raises its rusted chains menacingly, the sea elf leader charges into its flank, stabbing her spear into the thing's neck and nearly decapitating it.

Triggered Charge attack
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Charge)
Damage: [roll1]

"RUN, you stupid landweller!"

Unfortunately, that charge leaves the leader open as another of the undead comes charging ashore, unfurling its chains as it does so.
A third comes in at the sea elf warrior guarding the shore, and lashes at him with its chains as well, catching him off-guard by the surprising length of the chains.

Down south, two more of the undead monstrosities rush forward with sudden speed as they near the shore, unfurling chains in an attempt to snare the sea elf guarding the shore down there.

The last of the sea undead does not come ashore but instead wades up next to the back end of the whale, lashing at its backside with its barbed chains and ripping even its thick hide!

To the north, Garrathor gets a horrifying sight as the previously dead undead stirs! Despite the back of its end missing, the creature sits up, and then pushes itself upright once more, the motion dumping what was left of its brain down its backside. It stumbles forward and tries to punch him, while the one he had challenged steps forward and unfurls its long chains to whip at him. The third approaches the civilian still cowering on the bench, but in a blink Garrathor throws the old man aside, taking the blow meant for him! Sadly, the creature is out of reach of his axe, so no retaliation is forthcoming.

Most double move towards shore. Some make charge attacks.

DD#1 - Charge SEW#3
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Lacerating Chains

DD#3 - Charge SEW #3, if he's already dead move 1 square further
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 5
Hit: Lacerating Chains

DD#5 - Charge SEW #4
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 5
Hit: Lacerating Chains

DD#9 - Charge Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 5
Hit: Lacerating Chains

DD#10 - Expend Durable are the Dead, Charge Garrathor with claws
To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 4

DD#11 - Move 1 square forward, Attack Garrathor with Chains (Reach 2)
To-Hit: [roll7]
Damage: 5
Hit: Lacerating Chains

DD#12 - Move further, attack civilian, trigger Garrathor's Guardian Counter but no attack as it has reach
To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: 5
Hit: Lacerating Chains

The target gains Ongoing Damage 1 (Save Ends), stacks with itself

+1 Armor - Make a saving throw at the start of your turn. If pass, take no damage from this for that turn
+1 Neck - Change Save Ends to End of victim's Next Turn

Effect: The previously dead draugr returns to life and stands up as a move action.
Special: This power cannot recharge on the turn following its use.

+1 Weapon - The Draugr must pass a saving throw when attempting to use this power. On a failure, it stays dead and this power is expended.

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6

(I'll take the sea elves and civilians' turns tonight)

2016-02-10, 11:38 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder takes a look around the beach. The bloated corpses where dangerous, certainly, but probably could be handled by the others. She would much rather target their creators... but they are well into the mists. So she moves forward, keeping the bulk of the whale between her and them, and then waits for the chance to shoot.

Move: See map, and hide
[roll0](+2 for everyone beyond 10 squares)

Standard: Delay until RAH#1 is within 10 squares. Then Sly Flourish it & if hit, use Strike from shadows
If RAH#1 doesn't move or moves to where Cinder can't see him, Gloaming Cut DD#9
[roll1] (inc. mist; +2 if CA)
[roll2] +7 if Sly Flourish.
[roll3] (only with CA)

Free move (if Strike from shadows or if Gloaming cut was used): See map, and hide
[roll4](+2 for everyone beyond 10 squares)

2016-02-10, 02:37 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin checks over his wounds and determines that they're not too incapacitating. He then positions himself to wrap around the southern flank of the oncoming dead, hoping that to split their attention between him and achieving their goal.

He shouts again at the citizen next to him.

What are ye waiting for! Either help me kill these bas'ards or get in that whale!

Minor: Second Wind! I regain 8 HP and have +2 to all defenses until the start of my next turn.
Move: Move up to DD4 if the driftwood is creating a hard corner, I'll need to rely on rolling above a 10 athletics to ignore the water's difficult terrain, but if not, I can get there regardless.
Athletics Check: [roll0]
Standard: Crushing Surge against DD4
[roll1] vs AC
Hit: [roll2] damage, I gain 8 THP and he is marked by me EONT.
Miss: I gain 4 THP and he is marked by me EONT.

I have no idea if marks persist through temporary death. I also may require some backup down here. Killing one minion every two turns is going to take me a long ass time.

2016-02-10, 03:29 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Delvin, try to close with the thing making the undead! I'll try to clear the path a bit." Emere called out as he moved to get a clearer view at what he was shooting, then loosed an arrow at one of the undead creatures.

Move to within 5 squares so concealment is no longer a factor, then shoot an RBA at DD#1. I'll just roll to hit, since damage shouldn't matter against him.


2016-02-10, 06:37 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 32/33 HP

The dwarf knew the idiot on the bench would make an easier target. He also knew his armor would absorb most of the blow. What he didn't count on was the phantom chain wrapped around his leg, persistently tightening to the point of becoming uncomfortable. Odd. What wasn't odd was the man's state of panic on being tossed down from the bench right in the path of another corpse.

"Run for the whale, you fool! All of you, whale or death! Spread the word!"

With that strange warcry the cowboy dwarf hops down from the bench and winds up for another mental attack, creating a nice little sandstorm that bites at the de-brained zombie and forces the refugee toward safety.

Battle Resilience kicked in during the Draugrs' attacks, granting Garrathor Damage Resistance 6 until this turn. This Damage Resistance eats the last Draugr's damage, and I think it eats the damage from the Lacerating Chains ongoing damage though I could be wrong.

Move to designated position. Concussive Spike with Augment 1 against DD#10. [roll0] vs AC On hit, [roll1] and I push SC#2 three squares south and two squares west.

2016-02-10, 06:40 PM
(Assuming the above attack misses, Action Point to use Concussive Spike again. [roll0], [roll1])

2016-02-10, 09:31 PM
Link to Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit)

(Forgot to actually roll DD#7's attack versus whale)

To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

The elf warriors take the brutal deaths and defilement of their comrades pretty well, which is to say that they don't panic and flee.
They shout at the nearby group of civilians, beckoning them towards the whale's mouth, then turn and throw their harpoons at the nearby undead.

Throwing harpoon (javelin) at DD#5
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 4

Throwing harpoon (javelin) at DD#3
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 4

Both harpoons fly true, sinking deep into their targets' chests, and leaving them to crumple into the surf.

The civilians, meanwhile, do not take the sudden outbreak of carnage breaking out all around them well, and the air is filled with panicked shouts and screams as they flee towards the whale for safety.
The man Garrathor saved falls onto his butt in the sand, crawling back from the undead monstrosity on hands and knees before he manages to scramble back up onto his feet and flee.
The rest of the civilians do likewise, although the elderly couple on the bench remain where they are for the moment, watching as everyone pushes and shoves, trying to get up to the front of the line they had little interest in a few moments ago.

Thankfully, everyone is too desperate for a fight to break out, and the four people already lined up step up to the whale's mouth.
The leviathan opens its mouth a moment later, allowing them to step inside before closing and swallowing them, the beast perhaps the calmest of everyone here at the moment.

Everyone flees toward the whale, Civilian #2 shifts back away from the Draugr and then moves away.
Whale swallows #6, #7, #8, #10 - they're safe now unless the whale dies. Then things get messy.


Aquatoid #1 - [roll3]
Aquatoid #2 - [roll4]
Draugr - [roll5] - #10 can't recharge

Death Saving Throw: [roll6]

The party selects their targets amongst the undead and adds to the tally of bodies hitting the ground - Delvin smashes the legs out from under his opponent, Emere puts an arrow through a corpse's left eye, and Garrathor sends a wave of force rippling through the corpse he had already battered, causing it to literally explode from the inside out, showering the beach with bones and rotten flesh - it won't be getting back up from that one! (DD#10 is dead for real now, barring a Rally the Dead use). Cinder, meanwhile, bides her time for bigger game - and she doesn't have long to wait at all!

Wading through the heavy surf, the graceful alien lunges from the water at the sea elf leader.
In mid-air, a stream of splinters flies from Cinder's hands into the creature, catching it in the side and spinning it around.
The poison coating those barbs slows the creature somewhat, softening the blow it deals to the leader.

Move: Move 3 squares forward through the water
Standard: Charge Eurnara, triggering Cinder's attack - gets hit, now weakened
To-Hit: [roll7] vs. Lower of AC or Will (+1 Charge)
Damage: [roll8] Halved
Hit: Aquatoid Shifts 2 squares to indicated position

The sea elf leader follows up with a blow of her own, whirling about to confront this latest invader to come ashore and stab at its back as it blurs past her.
She pirouettes around the creature, giving some ground to the incoming wall of undead but making it clear that they'd have to go through her to get to anyone else.

Standard: Attack versus Aquatoid #1
To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Move: Shift to indicated position on the map

The leader manages to block the invader's lunge, but it manages to deflect her spear with its arm, leaving the two combatants locked together for a moment before they push each other away.

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-11, 01:22 AM
With the tentacled mutant seemingly bleeding out, and with Emere and Delvin staring down a series of monsters still out of her reach, Luey runs back to the middle of the beach to check on the other side, where the aliens seem to be pushing hard.

Rather than set up a complicated triggered attack that messes with the initiative order, I'll just move to increase Luey's battlefield coverage and let everyone else take their turn.

Feel free to blame me when the campaign fails for lack of one turn's worth of attacks. :smalltongue:

2016-02-11, 06:58 AM
Link to Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit)
Diving down into the water, the alien torpedoes towards the shore. As the water grows too shallow to swim, it returns to its feet, and lunges out of the surf at Emere who has strayed too close to the edge of the sea.

Move: Swim 6 squares
Athletics: [roll0] vs. DC 10
Standard: Charge Emere
To-Hit: [roll1] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: Aquatoid shifts 2 squares

Behind it, the undead that had been pitched face-first into the surf by the ranged attacks of Emere and the sea elves stir to life once more, lumbering out of the water to whip their chains at the genasi.
Even the one Delvin had chopped down somehow manages to get back up onto its feet and take a swing at him, while the last intact undead shambles over to the whale and starts lashing it.
It's brother far out in the surf also dances its chains across the whale's back.

The sea elf leader is swarms by a mob of the creatures, chains lashing out from all sides to rip and tear at her flesh.

Finally, displaying some semblance of tactics, one of the undead Garrathor had been distracted moves past the dwarf, only to suddenly turn and lash its chains at his unprotected back!

#1, #3, #4, #5, #8 - Durable are the Dead activates, and they stand up from prone as a Move action

#1 & #3 - Charge Emere
To-Hit: [roll3] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

#4 - Attack Delvin
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

#7 & #14 - Attack Whale
To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

To-Hit: [roll7]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

#6 & #9 - Move to flank Eurnara, attack
To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

#8 - Stand, Attack Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll10]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

#5, #13, #2 - Charge Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll11] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

To-Hit: [roll12] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

To-Hit: [roll13] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

#11 & #12 - Attack Garrathor (With Flanking after #12 moves 1 square south into position to flank)
To-Hit: [roll14] (+2 Flank)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

To-Hit: [roll15] (+2 Flank)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends), Stacks

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-11, 02:01 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Having not seen the Draugr up north re-un-die, and distracted by the Alien charging at Emere, Delvin appears to not even notice the decapitated draugr standing back up and missing him.

Instead, he wades through the water and charges at the Alien who just attacked his friend, cleaving viciously into both it and one of the zombies near it.

Take that ye jerk! Emere, let's not repeat last time, eh?

Only then does he glance back south and notice the zombie standing where he had just been. What in the nine hells? I killed ye, ye dirty bas'ard. Not that ye can hear me with no head. Moradin's beard I need a drink!

Move north or, if i pass my DC10 athletics check [roll0] northwest. This provokes from DD4.
DD4 vs my AC: [roll1]
Hit: 5 damage and ongoing 1 (stacks, SE)

Standard: Charge RAH2, provoking from DD3.
Ending position depends on my athletics roll earlier. If I passed it, I can land west of RAH2 between the two minions. If I failed it, I can land south of RAH2 east of DD3.

DD3 vs my AC: [roll2]
Hit: 5 damage and ongoing 1 (stacks, SE)

[roll3] vs RAH2's AC
Hit: [roll4] damage (+2 if I still have THP), I gain 4 THP (if I have less than 4), and RAH2 is marked EONT.
Miss: RAH2 is marked EONT.

Hack and Hew vs DD1 and RAH2 if I made my earlier athletics check, or DD3 and RAH2 if i failed it.
edit: I made it!
[roll5] vs DD1's AC
Hit: [roll6] damage (+2 if I have THP), I gain 8 THP (if I have less than 8), and DD1 is marked EONT.
Miss: I gain 4 THP (if I have less than 4) and DD1 is marked EONT.
[roll]1d20+7] vs RAH2 botched roll formatting -- I rolled a 20 in the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20411516&postcount=205)
Hit: [roll7] damage (I am guaranteed to have THP for this attack), I gain 8 THP (if I have less than 8), and RAH2 is marked EONT.
Miss: I gain 4 THP and RAH2 is marked EONT.

If either provoked attack hit me, here's a saving throw for the ongoing damage: [roll8]

2016-02-11, 07:11 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 31/33 HP

Garrathor manages to turn around and raise his shield to his flanker's chains, and his chosen foe's claws fail to pierce his side; the Scarharts spared no craftsmanship in providing for their prodigal son.

His heart leaps with joy when he sees how quickly the refugees are filing into the whale, then crashes back down to the bottom of his chest when he sees the sea-elf Cinder was talking to surrounded by corpse-chains. Defenders of all the realm's creatures. Well, a vow's a vow. Risking another attack he kicks his main assailant back and stomps his way down the beach, charging headlong into one of the dead men gradually binding the elf in jagged rusted chains. "HEY! LEAVE 'ER ALONE!" he shouts as he throws more body than hammer at the corpse.

First, taking 1 Ongoing Damage, going from 32 HP to 31.

Second, Moving southwest, provoking an Opportunity Attack from DD 11 (and maybe DD 12 depending on if it has threatening reach, which would account for the flanking.)

Third, Charge vs DD 6. Melee Basic [roll0] vs AC. On hit, [roll1].

Hopefully I can help manage the tide of enemies and work together with Eurnara to take down that Aquatoid.

Lacerating Chains [roll2]

2016-02-11, 07:25 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder smiles to herself as her attack catches the necromancing bastard as he was charging - hopefully saving the sel elf some pain in the process. The situation is quickly turning grim, though. "Luey, see if you can kill the southern one" she whispers, "I ain't likin' 'ow many are swarmin' th'elf. We're gonna be needin' Emere up 'ere."

Then, hoping Luey won't take long, she takes another shot at the northern leader -this one piercing skin and causing it to start bleeding - before flying to the whale's back and hunkering down.

Standard: Sly Flourish @ RAH#1
[roll0] (inc. fog & CA)
[roll1] (inc. Sneak Attack)

Move: see map, and hide

2016-02-11, 07:35 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"I have zero intention of being struck down this time, Delvin!" Emere said with a grimace as he stomped his foot on the ground. As he did so the veins on his skin flashed with light and the ground answered his call, shifting violently under the aquatoid's feet as it tried to knock the creature off balance. "If you would, Delvin?" Hopping backwards, Emere gestured towards the aquatoid.

Minor action to use Earthshock, followed by a Move to Shift 1 and finally a Direct the Strike to have Delvin (hopefully) smash the Aquatoid's head in.

[roll0] vs Fort.
Hit: Target is knocked prone.

[roll1] vs AC.

2016-02-11, 08:13 PM
(Man, those draugr got crappy rolls this round. Y'all are lucky. :smalltongue: )

The sea elves' leader is clearly a skilled combatant, as despite being beset upon from all sides by lashing chains, she manages to avoid or parry most of the blows with her spear.
Even so, her defense was not perfect - instead of being deflected one barbed chain simply wrapped around the shaft of her spear and then continued upwards, wrapping around her arm.
The elf gives a grunt of pain as the undead hauls back on the chain, nearly tearing the leader's weapon out of her grip to say nothing of her arm, now sporting several shallow lacerations from the chain's barbs.
Worse still, the sudden tension on her weapon arm throws the leader off-balance, allowing another undead to loop its chain around her right leg, nearly pulling her the rest of the way off of her feet.

Upon seeing this, her followers are quick to jump to her defense, and Garrathor follows their lead a moment later.
The northern sea elf shouts in alarm to his fellow, and both of them come charging into the swirling melee with a shout.

"Hey! The Wavespeaker is in trouble!"
"No! Hang on, Wavespeaker! We're coming to help!"

Move and Charge DD#9
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 4

Move and Charge DD#5 if #9 is dead, otherwise charge #9
To-Hit: [roll1] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 4

Despite the sea elves abandoning their post, the desperate civilians thankfully see the whale as their only hope and another group runs up to be devoured.
In a surprising display of repaying their salvation a few moments ago, the two civilians the elf and Garrathor had been protecting helped the elderly couple, pulling them up to their feet and escorting them in the general direction of the whale.

Civilians group up and a second bunch goes into the whale.
Third group forms up to go in at the end of next round.
Whale takes 1 Ongoing and makes save: [roll2]


Aquatoid #1 - [roll3]
Aquatoid #2 - [roll4]
Draugr - [roll5] - #1, #3, #4, #5, #8 Can't Recharge

Death Saving Throw: [roll6]

2016-02-11, 08:48 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit)

As the battle continues, the fighting continues to move closer to the whale. Delvin bumrushes the invader that had just attacked Emere from behind, hacking savagely into the back of the creature. As his weapon cleaves through the thing's rubbery flesh, it swings through the air in a wide arc that takes it around and into one of the nearby undead's neck, severing the head completely. With an audible crackle the dark energies driving the creature collapse, and the headless body crumples into the surf.

Seeing that latest enemy fall, almost as much by accident as by intent, somehow inspires Epsilon to push on through this battle! (EVERYONE GAINS AN ACTION POINT! Remember you don't get to use a second one if you have already used one this fight.)

Emere tries to throw the creature off balance so as to give Delvin another opening, but the alien manages to nimbly dance back from the roiling sand and avoid that particular trap.

Garrathor comes plowing into the growing melee on the northern half of the beach, taking down the undead that was still determinedly pulling on the chain it had wrapped around the elf leader's arm. Struck from behind, the creature topples into the surf, and the sudden slack allows the sea elf to twist her arm and weapon free of the barbs. She calls out something to the dwarf, and gestures a salute with the tip of her spear before turning her attention to attempting to extract her leg from the other loop of chain.

"Ow, that could have been much worse! You have my sincere thanks, stout man!"

Cinder shoots another stream of splinters into the one she had already soften up, but her latest attack is not as effective as the creature demonstrates a disturbing ability - the wound seals itself back up! It's not an immediate process, but the creature clearly takes after trolls as its injuries slowly begin to reseal. The worst is yet to come, however, as it flexes its arms before throwing them dramatically back behind it and sticking out its wiry chest, as a cloud of spores erupts from its body! The creature seems to breathe deeply as the spores expand out into a thick cloud around it, enveloping the entire melee, and its wounds begin to seal shut even faster. The undead, not needing to breathe, seem unaffected by the spores, but the effect on the sea elves and Garrathor is immediate as their throats start to constrict and their vision grey as they gasp of breath, their eyes and nostrils feeling as if they had just been set on fire!

It's at this point that the creature takes its leave of the group, torpedoing through the water to circle around the group and come up alongside the whale.

Start of Turn Regeneration - The Aquatoid regains 5 HP
Standard: Spore Cloud, Close Burst 3
All allies and user of this power gain Regeneration 5 (Save Ends), or increase Regeneration by 5 if they already have Regeneration - Does not affect minions as they die after being hit
All enemies gain Ongoing 5 Poison (Save Ends)

+1 Armor - Attack vs. Fort must succeed before applying Ongoing 5 Poison
+1 Neck - Gain Regeneration 2 (Save Ends)

Move: Swim to indicated position on the map
Athletics: [roll0] vs. DC 10
End of Turn Save to keep Regeneration Boost (Success = It's Gone): [roll1]

Wheezing and half-blind, the sea elf leader thrusts at the undead that looms up in front of her with a cry, and then twists her leg free of the chain (leaving behind some scales and flesh behind in the process).
She staggers back away from the still-advancing mass of undead, trying to catch her breath. As she does, she wheezes a prayer, and golden light flares up along her body, sealing the worst of her cuts and scrapes from the chains!

"Goddess! Deliver us all! But especially protect that stocky man!"

Takes Ongoing 2 Bleed & Ongoing 5 Poison, becomes Bloodied
Standard: Shielding Strike on DD#5
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hit: Garrathor gains 3 temp HP
Move: Move back to indicated position on the map, or shift if DD#5 is still alive
Minor: Martyr's Word on herself
Effect: Eurnara spends a healing surge and recovers 7 HP.
Saving Throw vs. Bleed: [roll4]
Saving Throw vs. Poison: [roll5]

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-12, 04:44 PM

Luey looks back and forth between the two conscious lead monsters as Cinder assesses the situation. The one that Delvin is wailing on at least seems to be tied up for the moment, and if we're trying to keep the monsters off of the merfolk...

"I might do you one better. (Excuse me.)" She pushes past the crowd of humanity waiting for the leviathan to clear its throat.

[roll0] +8 +1(charging)
On hit: [roll1] +9 +knockdown +second attack
(damage reroll on a 1: [roll2]

Second Attack: [roll3] +8 +2(prone target)
On hit: [roll4]+12
(damage reroll on a 1: [roll5])

Luey runs to the more crowded side of the beach, spins around launches herself at the bloodied alien. The blow bounces the monster against the whale and back into the water face-first, putting it in a position where her second strike can hurt it most just before it swims away.

One less monster swarming our fish friends.

2016-02-12, 07:42 PM
Eurnara can see Garrathor lift his hat with his shield-hand at her words of gratitude. Thankfully he's facing away from her because the Aquatoid and its undead minions are all treated to a baffled expression as he replies with a confused "Right back at ya-*HACK*"

Pleasantries are replaced by pain, and suddenly Garrathor is coughing and blinking tears out of his reddened eyes. This alarming new sensation is shortly followed by a familiar warmth starting through his chest and spreading through his limbs, invigorating him. I love being a walking contradiction. Garrathor the Godless thinks with a pained grin as he chokes down a cough and awaits the onslaught of the horde.

2016-02-13, 01:15 AM
Whirling on Delvin as the dwarf prepares his axe to hack into its back a third time, the tall alien slashes at him with a half-formed blade of mental energy before skittering back away from him.
Unfortunately for it, that desire to get away only incites the dwarf to press the attack, slashing at the alien yet again with his axe as it tries to back away from him.
Despite the dwarf's best efforts, however, the creature's wounds seem to be slowly resealing - so he'll just have to open up a few more!

Start of Turn: Regenerate 5 HP
Standard: Psionic Blade vs. Delvin
To-Hit: [roll0] Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Harbringer shifts 2 squares
Move: If Delvin is hit, move to position on the map. Otherwise, shift 1 square. Either one provokes Combat Challenge

To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The last two undead to the south move up to cover the alien's retreat, lashing at Delvin with their chains.

The two out to sea meanwhile continue to slash open the whale, the surf around the unfortunate creature beginning to become stained a deep crimson.

On the north side, the two undead Garrathor left behind close in to cut off his and the elf leader's escape, one charging forward at the elf and one at the dwarf. The other two nearby undead also focus their efforts on wrapping up the dwarf in their excruciating rust & salt water coated chains.

Meanwhile, killing the alien seems to have given Luey a bit of an unwelcome following, as four of the undead advance to lash at her in order to avenge their master.

DD#3 - Lash at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#4 - Charge Delvin
To-Hit: [roll5] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#14 & DD#7 - Lash Whale
To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

To-Hit: [roll7]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#12 - Charge Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll8] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#11 - Charge Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll9] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#6 - Expend Durable Are the Dead, Get Up, Lash Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll10]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#8 - Lash Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll11]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

DD#5, DD#9, DD#2, DD#13 - Move in and Lash Luey
To-Hit: [roll12]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

To-Hit: [roll13]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

To-Hit: [roll14]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

To-Hit: [roll15]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends, Stacks)

Although the group manages to dodge or fend off some of the blows, interestingly enough many of the group end up being lashed by a pair of chains - Delvin, Garrathor, and Luey each feel the intense pain of their skin being rended open by the barbs of the undeads' chains, allowing salt and flecks of rust to enter the wounds. The elf leader also doesn't avoid injury, taking another lash of chain across her back and she just barely manages to bite back a scream.
The tide, as they say, may be starting to turn against X-COM.


Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-13, 03:11 AM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Ye're not getting away with that ye filthy brute! shouts Delvin as the Aquatoid sprints past him to join the twitching body of his comrade.

Delvin backs away from the undead.

Cinder, Emere, a little help down here? We need to kill this bas'erd before he heals the tentacled one!

Neither willing nor able to pass up a good opportunity to charge someone who just hit him that hard, Delvin charges at the Aquatoid.

Move: Shift 1 square up diagonally away from DD3, which drops me 5 squares away from RAH2.
Standard: Charge RAH2!
[roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage and I gain 4 THP
Effect: RAH2 is marked EONT

Is the ongoing a poison effect (even if it doesn't deal typed damage)?
Saving Throw: [roll2]

2016-02-13, 07:53 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder doesn't answer Delvin's call - that'd give away her position - but he does refocus her attention on the last standing alien... and doesn't like how it is making progress towards the first one to die. It is at the very edge of her vision, but thankfully still quite visible, even in the blasted fog. She catches the already bleeding creature in the base of the neck, collapsing the creature next to its friend.

With her position compromised, Cinder shouts back at Delvin, "Is that what you 'ad in mind? I'll 'it the blasted zombies next - but maybe we oughta make sure those two stay down? I ain't likin' that the second one made a bee-line to the first."

Standard: Sly Flourish @RAH#2
[roll0] (inc. fog & CA)
[roll1] (inc. Sneak Attack)

More actions maybe to come depending on outcome
Move and hide. Will roll stealth in OOC

2016-02-13, 11:28 AM
Garrathor Scarhart 15 -> 23/33 HP

Garrathor glances among the sea elves, developing some semblance of a strategy, bug in another red-eyed blink he's fighting for his life as much as they are. The spores work through his system quickly enough - you spend enough time in dusty tunnels and plains and you learn to end coughing fits quickly - but the bits of chain that wedge themselves between the scales of his armor just bite deeper and deeper. He adopts a defensive stance, casting his anti-aggression bindings out to both the undead who followed him in an attempt to draw their attention from the humans' would-be saviors.

First, Dwarven Resilience to use my Second Wind as a minor action. 8 HP regained, +2 defenses until EONT.
Second, Iron Fist againat DD 6. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1]
Effect: Garrathor gains Damage Resistance 3 until EONT.
Third, Power Point Battlemind's Demand on DD 11 & 12.
Saves: [roll2] due to Cast Iron Stomach. [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

2016-02-14, 02:38 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"I think you've got things handled over there, Delvin. Luey! Clear a path towards Garrathor!" Emere said as he ran north.

Inspiring word on Luey, then yell at her to attack DD#5.



2016-02-14, 04:10 PM
The last handful of refugees run into the whale's mouth as it opens, the two men Garrathor saved helping the elderly couple forward.
The whale's mouth slams shut, and then the whale sits there a moment as if waiting for something.

That something is Eurnara's voice, chanting in Elven - it may be the workings of some sort of spell, given the cadence.

"Oh goddess of the waves, hear my plea! Let these land dwellers who are in need of your protection now be granted your mercy! Send your sacred leviathan back to its home, so that all may witness your glory!"

Whatever the sea elf was chanting, it apparently worked, as a massive wave began to build a little ways off-shore, racing towards the coast!

(At the end of Round 5, the wave will hit the shore, carrying the whale and its cargo of people out to sea. It may inadvertently carry some of you way out into the ocean squares to the west as well if you're still right along the beach when it happens.)

Hacking up bloody phlegm, the last two sea elves who had been helping to hold the tide of undead back collapse, prompting a scream of outrage from their leader.

Directed by Emere, Luey turns and hacks apart the nearby undead, literally disarming it and then hacking its head off with an expert twirl of her axes. Distracted by the effort, she doesn't notice as the "dead" alien she had cut down moments before stir to life once again. It rises to loom up over her from behind, and when she finally notices the shadow falling over her and starts to turn, the creature lurges forward, its features quite possibly pulled back into a cold smile as if to say "Gotcha!"

Boosted regeneration kicks in, healing the Aquatoid back up to 10 HP.
Move: Stand Up
Standard: Psionic Blade versus Luey
To-Hit: [roll0] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: The Aquatoid Harbringer shifts 2 squares

Save for Boosted Regeneration: [roll2]

The blade formed of psionic energy stabs deep into Luey's side, and the aquatic monstrosity twists the weapon in the wound, tearing open Luey's side and nearly disemboweling her - another inch or two deeper and her insides would now be on the outside!

Pressing a hand to her side again, the sea elf leader heals some of her injuries once more, and then steps back into the fray to stab furiously at one of the battered undead attacking Garrathor, shouting in her language the entire time.

"Fiends! Devils! You have taken your last life today! I will not let you have these land dwellers too!"

Minor: Martyr's Word on herself, healing for 7 again
Move: Shift to spot on map
Standard: Shielding Strike vs. DD#6
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Hit: Garrathor gains 3 temp HP

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9
Sea Elf Warriors - 6


2016-02-14, 05:19 PM

Blinded with pain both from psychic torment and from saltwater dousing her wounds, Luey can only try to hold onto her comrades' encouragement to keep herself standing as she turns on the unkillable monster... or at least, the very first monster she's encountered with the constitution to take two axes to the face and get back up afterwards. Team Epsilon's dwarves can usually handle that kind of assault, too, so really this shouldn't be that surprising.

Anyway, she's still pretty upset about it. In her anger, the flames in Luey's body reignite, venting boiling heat in the area around her as she swings her blades.

"Augh, what?! What do I have to do to get you to stay down?"
Activating the fire aura again. [roll0]+8
Damage potential:[roll1]+7
(reroll on a 1: [roll2])

Action Point: [roll3]+8
Damage potential:[roll4]+7
(reroll on a 1: [roll5])

Dual Attack: [roll6]
(reroll on a 1: [roll8])

Each Draugr within one square of her takes 5 fire damage as its turn starts.

Luey is quite a bit easier to deal with when she can't rocket around the battlefield, and it shows. The alien mockingly dips and dodges around her axes for what feels like ten minutes before she finally corners it with a horizontal swipe and spikes it back into the sand.

"Emere! Delvin!" she shouts through the mist, "We have to... tear the bodies apart or something! I'll try to keep the zombies back!"

That much accomplished, she decides to make good on her path-cutting responsibility and moves to stand over the body of the fallen sea elf. Her overheating, anger-fueled body dries the salt out of the surrounding vapor and leaves white splotches on her artificial skin. The smell of hot rust fills the air.

2016-02-14, 07:53 PM
Link to Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit)

As Luey shouts her warning, Delvin gets ample experience with the aquatic freak's inability to stay dead.
To wit, the one he had just struck down into the sand jumps up, its wounds sealing before his eyes, before it sprays a cloud of pollen in all directions!
Delvin immediately begins to gasp and wheeze as his throat burns worse than after taking a swing of the foulest moonshine.
The other fallen alien, however, reacts differently, as its wounds begin to reseal beneath the rain of pollen, and it starts to wake up . . .

Start of turn - Regeneration 5 kicks in, returning it to 5 HP
Move: Stand Up
Standard: Regen Spores, Close Burst 3
Harbringer #2 has its regeneration boosted by 5. Harbringer #3 gains Regeneration 5. Delvin gains Ongoing 5 damage (Save Ends)

Down south, the two undead charge Delvin from behind, trying to stop him from interfering with their master's revival.

The two by the whale continue to lash it with their chains. The three undead surrounded by Luey prove to be quite flammable as the heat from her body burns away the dampness, and then ignites their flesh. Even ablaze like a trio of effigies, however, they don't immediately go down, and lash at Luey one last time before succumbing to the flames.

Finally, to the far north end of the beach, the sea elf and Garrathor continue to defend themselves against the undead onslaught, fighting back to back.

On their turn, draugr delay any damage taken until the end of their turn.

DD#3 - Charge Delvin (Flank, Charge)
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#4 - Charge Delvin
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#7 - Attack Whale
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

DD#14 - Attack Whale
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

DD#2 - Attack Luey (+2 Flanking)
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#9 - Attack Luey (+2 Flanking)
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#13 - Attack Luey, or move and attack whale if Luey is down
To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#8 - Attack Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll7]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#11 - Attack Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

DD#12 - Attack Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 Damage

Luey is pummeled to her knees, and then the other undead comes up behind her and loops its chains around her neck, choking the life out of her. Throat lacerated, the undead lets the limp Luey drop to bleed out in the surf, while the third burning undead lashes the whale, before all three of them collapse into the surf at last. But they might not stay down for long . . .

Delvin takes a lashing chain to the side, and even through the haze of alcohol and battle-fury . . . it hurts. It hurts a lot! But somehow the dwarf stubbornly remains on his feet - but for how much longer?

Garrathor and the elf each take another lash from the chains, but both are hanging on for now.


Aquatoid #1 - [roll10]
Aquatoid #2 - [roll11]
Aquatoid #3 - [roll12]
Draugr - [roll13]

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 - 23
Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Aquatoid Harbringer #1 - 19
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9

Aquatoid Harbringer #3 will get up after Delvin if Delvin doesn't kill it.

2016-02-14, 09:30 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 23/32 HP

Garrathor once again has no clue what the sea-elf is saying save the rage that comes from her dying soldiers.... but that rage must have dredged up something fierce given massive the wave shrouded yet unmistakable in the fog. Corpses are still lashing at him from behind as he sees Luey go down, and he has to make a split decision whether to continue to ward off the forces attempting to bring him low, or charge across the shore to either kill the X-D struggling to get up or help Luey who's quickly going down.

Okay. Until the end of this turn, Garrathor has Damage Resist 3. He began the Draugrs' turn with 23 HP and 3 THP. One Draugr hit for 5 damage, of which Garr took 2. When his turn began, he took 1 of the Ongoing 4 Damage, leaving him with exactly the HP he ended his last turn with. I'm gonna inquire about a few things before I take my turn in a later post, because somebody might die depending on what Garr, Emir, and Eurnara do with their combined efforts.

2016-02-14, 10:54 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Great Moradin's Beard! Delvin bellows, My head hasn't felt like this since I drank an entire barrel of triple-hop at me grandpap's funeral! I may need some help over here!

Delvin manages to stumble towards the once-again-twitching tentacle-thing, and hacks into it with an overhead swing which leaves him feeling slightly better, though still, very bad.

Move: Shift 1
Standard:Coup-de-grace with Crushing Surge on TAH
Effect: 18 damage and I gain 8 THP. This puts it at -23, which if my math for how much it took before getting bloodied and then being at -5 is right, exactly kills it. If that math is wrong, I'd use Brash Strike instead which does 4 more, but only leaves me with 4 THP.

2016-02-14, 11:39 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Oh, for Selanine's sake. Die, you bloody things," comes Cinder's battle cry, her high pitched voice dripping with exasperation.

Standard: Sly Flourish @RAH#2
[roll0] (inc. fog & CA)
[roll1] (inc. Sneak Attack)

Move: see map, and hide

2016-02-15, 06:28 AM
Delvin's axe thunks down into the sand through the gangly creature's neck, and its head rolls away from its body.
Said body violently twitches and flails for a moment, and then lies still - the wounds that had been slowly sealing on it stop.
Suddenly, a portal of brilliant white light appears underneath the creature's body, sucking it down through it to parts unknown, and then it winks out of existence again.
The only thing left behind to show the creature was ever there are a few patches of sand stained a white-ish grey by its blood, and a thin powdery residue left behind by the portal.

Cinder's bolts hit a moment later, and the other alien topples back down into the sand again.
Its wound begin to slowly reseal yet again.

2016-02-15, 12:19 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 23/33 HP

Emere plunges himself like an arrow into the fray, splitting the X-D's head with an arrow and badgering Luey into fighting on as only he can. Suddenly unencumbered by those two concerns, the cowboy dwarf sends a hurried lance of force at the corpse harrying his sea-elf battle buddy and wades through chains to further harry his two original nemeses.

Concussive Spike on DD 8. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1]

Shift Right to enforce my mark on DD 11 & 12.

[roll2] vs Ongoing 4 Damage.

Countermeasures: If 12 shifts south, Garrathor will shift south with it. If either moves while adjacent, OA. If either attacks somebody other than Garrathor while adjacent, Mind Spike.

2016-02-15, 04:34 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Oy! Luey! I'm the only one allowed to do that, so you better get back on your feet!" Emere said as he put an arrow into the regenerating creature at his feet.

Inspiring Word on Luey again, then coup-de-grace with an RBA on RAH#1.

[roll0] If this hits it'll do 14 damage, which should put it down.

2016-02-15, 10:48 PM
Emere walks up to the regenerating beast, puts a boot on its chest, and fires an arrow directly into its forehead and point-blank range.
The force of the arrow penetrating the thing's skull splits it open like a melon, and a moment after its brains are splattered across the sand.
In front of everyone, a portal blinks into existence underneath the thing's body, sucking it down through to the other side in rapidly dissolving pieces.
An instant later, and all that remains is some bloodstained sand and a thin layer of white powder where the portal was open.

Filing that strange sight away for later, Emere shouts another encouraging word to Luey, and somehow that reaches her and stirs her back into consciousness. She's lying on the ground and in a lot of pain, but she can still fight!

(Luey is Prone and still taking Ongoing 2 damage I believe, but that shouldn't stop her from charging one of those draugr, possibly both if she's willing to charge past DD#12 to get at DD#11 while Garrathor has it marked. Probably not worth it.)

Letting out a wordless howl of rage and pain, the sea elf leader repeatedly stabs at the undead in front of her, trying to bring it down for good. Though her blows land, none of them seem to hit anything vital on the walking corpse, as it remains upright, weathering the series of blows stoically.

vs. DD#8
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Garrathor gets 3 temp HP.


2016-02-17, 12:40 AM

Hearing Emere's voice through an ear full of saltwater, Luey pulls herself to her feet and gasps for breath as the smoldering draugr rest in the surf, surrounding her. She steps over them and nods to Emere before charging at the pair currently hounding Garry.

She gets there faster than the shambling zombies can react, but in this case that isn't saying much. A splash of saltwater sloshes out of her arm's firecage and her feet sink into the wet sand as she moves to strike, throwing her too far off-balance to accomplish any fancy axe-spinning.

Before I forget: [roll0]

Question: can she just re-kill any Draugr next to her before they can get up again? Because if so, that's probably the best way to handle this. Her dual attack means she can (probably) hit two of them this way.

If not... She can turn her Charging Ram stance back on, which means that her charge attack doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity at all.

Move somewhere to the East and Charge DD11: [roll1]+9
Damage: it's a minion... [roll2]+9 anyway

Second attack on a hit, made against DD12: [roll3]+8
Damage for some reason: [roll4]+9

2016-02-17, 09:02 PM
As Delvin struggles to catch his breath, the alien responsible for spewing the spore cloud the dwarf was choking on stirs.
Leaping up to its feet, it folds its hands together in front of it for a moment, a shimmering field of energy swirling to life around it.
Then forming a blade of mental energy over one fist, it slashes at Delvin as it races past him.

Boosted Regen heals Aquatoid to 10 HP
Move: Stand Up
Minor: Molecular Control - Personal Mental Shield
Effect: The Aquatoid gains 10 temp HP and Resist 5 All

+1 Weapon - Ignore Resist 5 All

Standard: Psionic Blade vs. Delvin
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Aquatoid shifts 2 squares
Saving Throw for Boosted Regen: [roll2]

For a moment, Delvin remains on his feet.
Then the sensation of a spreading warmth causes him to look down, and he can see a rather serious wound in his chest spilling out his lifeblood.
Despite fighting against the sudden weakness spreading through his body, the dwarf falls to his knees in the sand, and then slumps over the rest of the way.
He just needed a brief rest . . . then these invaders would pay . . .

Meanwhile, the invader that refuses to die points at the whale, and as one the undead all turn and advance towards it, pounding the poor creature with their chains.
Eurnara, Garrathor, and Luey all try to cut down the undead they are fighting as those too, heedless of their own safety, advanced towards the whale.

Eurnara vs. DD#8 - [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Luey vs. DD#11
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Luey vs. DD#12
To-Hit: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Garrathor vs. DD#11
To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Garrathor vs. DD#12
To-Hit: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

2016-02-17, 09:12 PM
Each of them cut down one of the undead (okay, technically Luey killed both of hers, but give a dwarf a break, huh? :smalltongue: ) as they willfully turn their backs on the people they had been trying to kill a moment ago.
But despite this minor victory, none of them can do anything about the other undead that close in from all sides to rend and tear at the defenseless leviathan, including the three scorched ones that Luey had put down a few moments ago.

DD#13, DD#2, and DD#9 activate Durable are the Dead - they can't recharge it this turn
DD#9 charges with a claw, the other two chain lash the whale

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 4

To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

DD#3 & DD#4 Charge
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

Saving Throw: [roll7]


Aquatoid #2 - [roll8]
Draugr - [roll9] - #2, #13, & #9 can't recharge

Emere - 22
Garrathor - 22
Cinder - 21
Eurnara - 16
Luey - 13
Aquatoid Harbringer #2 - 10
Draugr - 10
Delvin - 9

DELVIN IS DYING! (Saving throw versus poison, Saving throw versus bleed, Death Save)

2016-02-17, 11:12 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin wakes up with a start, having had such a strange dream. He really should have stopped after the first four pints of Greenman's Absinthe Ale, but the third one made him forget the first, and by his ninth he was convinced he'd only drank three.

Anyway, the dream. He'd dreamt that all of this was lost. No more Stout Stout, no more Pail Ale, no more Greenman's, but funny you should say that, because the dream had featured green men. And zombies, and tentacles.

Delvin gurgles a bit, realizing he can't speak, and wonders what poison his cousin Risky Stoutstout had mixed into his Surprise Stout this week. He really should have stopped after the first four pints of it, after the eleven pints of Greenman's.

He rolls over a bit and feels a large wedge beneath him. A barrel lid, Sweet Moradin's Beard how much did I drink? It feels like Grandpap's axe is buried in me spleen.

Deciding to sleep it off is easier than he expects, as barely has the thought crossed his mind as everything fades to black.

Three saving throws.
Vs untyped ongoing [roll0]
Vs poison ongoing 5 [roll1]
Death save [roll2]

2016-02-18, 07:56 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 19/33 HP

Garrathor swings his hammer, and swings, and swings, and.... suddenly the fight around him has gone. He looks around in wonder until he sees the sea elf looking away in horror, and then he realizes what the constant wet thunking sounds are: the blasted zombies are trying to tear the whale apart to get to the people inside!

Which is absurd because at worst the whale will shove off with its last ounce of strength, die at sea, and the people trapped inside it will drown to death.

Now Garrathor's the one looking horrified.

In a frenzy he stomps his way down the beach to shove the undead away long enough to keep the people he's fought to protect from dying a slow death!

This may end with Garrathor at sea but he isn't thinking that far ahead right now. Depending on what senrath does with his turn, my turn might be better delayed until after Emere's turn.

Move as indicated.

Concussive Spike on DD 9. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1], and DD 2 & 13 are both pushed 4 squares northwest.

2016-02-18, 10:23 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"This is not going well!" Emere called out as he moved towards the fallen form of Delvin and loosed a pair of arrows at two of the draugr attacking the whale.

Move, then RBA on DD#4 followed by spending an Action Point to use a RBA on DD#3.


2016-02-19, 12:14 AM
"Now what?" A bleeding and exasperated Luey shouts as the Draugr suddenly decide to ignore them and go after the whale. Of course, that doesn't stop her and Garrathor from dropping the creeps one more time with parting shots. From there she runs to catch up with Emere and see what's the matter.

As she approaches through the mist, the last Harbinger comes into view. After a couple of steps, so does the crumpled form of a canned dwarf behind it.


Angrier than ever, she charges the monster responsible for this outrage, ignoring the shambling pile of chain and seaweed next to it. The undead ball of refuse seemingly pays Luey the same courtesy.

The aquatoid is just in range.


(reroll on a 1: [roll2])

If that hits, it's knocked prone and attack 2 happens:

(reroll on a 1: [roll5])

Still, it would take more than rage to re-ignite her waterlogged legs. The nimble alien sees her coming and sidesteps towards the surf.

2016-02-19, 01:10 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder's whole body seems to light up, pulsating with the red glow of a live ember. "Enough is ENOUGH! I 'ave 'ad it with these %&@$#$%&#in' undead on this %&@$#$%&#in' beach!"

Move: see map

Standard: Dazing Strike @RAH#2
[roll0] (inc. CA)
[roll1], and the target is Dazed UENT (Cinder's)

2016-02-20, 09:54 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vw3XuLGvbXvum2ZtKyHLRTp7qXakRYaNUZ-ZRdBrIWg/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

(I think I missed Eurnara's last round save for the ongoing 1 she has.)


Showing no hesitation about going into the water despite the incoming tidal wave, the sea elf leader charges into the surf, striking at one of the undead as it regains its footing following Garrathor's thunderous blow.

Move: Move into the surf
Standard: Charge DD#13 from the south, putting her adjacent to DD#2 as well
To-Hit: [roll1] (+1 Charge)
Damage: [roll2]
Saving Throw: [roll3]

With clear contempt, the alien invader ignores both Luey and Cinder - not entirely unjustified given both of their attacks bounce off of the shield of energy the alien has erected around itself.
As it sets its sights on the whale, however, that does leave it open for a follow-up attack from each operative.

To-Hit: [roll4] (+2 CA from Flanking)
Damage: [roll5]
Sneak Attack: [roll6]

To-Hit: [roll7] (+2 CA from Flanking)
Damage: [roll8]

Regen another 10 HP
Move: Move adjacent to the whale, provoking OAs from Cinder & Luey
Standard: Psionic Blade versus the whale
To-Hit: [roll9] Lower of AC or Will (Both 10)
Damage: [roll10]
Saving Throw versus Regen: [roll11]

The creature's arrogance is not entirely without merit, as again Luey and Cinder's strikes are deflected by its mental shield.

Driven on by the sheer singlemindness only an undead can have, the chain-wrapped corpses continue to batter at the whale, the one(s) to the north exposing themselves to the sea elf leader as they advance towards it once more. She is only too happy to stab at the retreating backs of the shambling bodies.

vs. DD#2
To-Hit: [roll12]

vs. DD#13 (if it still lives)
To-Hit: [roll13]

#7, #14, #3
To-Hit: [roll14]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll15]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll16]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

---If they still live--
To-Hit: [roll17]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

To-Hit: [roll18]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1

The massive sea beast spasms in agony as the chains tear deeply into its flesh, and with the way blood is leaking out of the numerous rents in its skin and blubber it is clear that the leviathan is on the verge of death. As the last of the undead and their alien leader prepare to deliver the deathblow, however, the wave comes crashing onto the beach.



-And for following rounds-

For several long moments the world is a spinning kaleidoscope of sky, sea, and sand, but as the wave finally relents and begins to sweep back into the sea reality returns to its normal upright position. Emere and Delvin are roughly where they were a moment before the wave hit - a bit wet but otherwise untouched by the wave. Luey and Cinder are buffeted about, caught in the wave's initial crash but then thrown clear a bit further inland as the wave retreats. There is no sign of any of the still-standing undead, nor their alien leader - Garrathor and the sea elf leader are missing as well. The whale is gone - through the fog, the group can catch sight of a massive flipper raising up from the surface of the sea, and then triumphantly slapping down into the water - the beast was now under its own power and leaving for some planned destination, likely wherever the sea elves called home. Its cargo would certainly be going on a long, strange trip, to see sights that ocean explorers who believed in the legend of sea elves had fantasized about for generations.

A minute later, another, much smaller shape broke the surface much closer to shore - the sea elf leader, who was clearly having a lot of trouble making it back to shore. Another moment, and it became clear why - she was struggling to drag a stout plate-mail clad figure ashore along with herself. Somehow, she makes it, and staggering up to her feet in the surf, drags Garrathor by one arm while the dwarf feebly tries to help by kicking his legs as his senses start to return. Once they are far enough onto the beach that the regular waves crashing around them will only threaten their feet, the sea elf collapses onto the beach next to Garrathor, finally allowing her injuries to catch up to her.

Other than the rhythmic crashing on the waves on the shore, the fog-shrouded beach is deathly silent.

(FIGHT OVER! You are able to take a short rest now, discuss in-character where to go next, and are free to converse/interact with Eurnara as you wish. It can be assumed that someone stabilizes Delvin before he fails three death saving throws. You will earn a total of 625 XP from the fight itself as I removed the worthless sea elf warriors' contribution, and receive an *additional* 300 XP for saving every single one of the human refugees and keeping the whale alive long enough for it to escape with them and all the others already inside it. Well done! Added together with the 800 XP from the first fight, that should put you at 1,725 XP by my count).

2016-02-21, 12:29 AM
Having just stumbled her way out of being carried off herself, Luey falls on her butt, panting. For a moment, she can do naught but stare out at the sea in abject confusion. Then, a choking noise behind her gets her attention.

Right! Delvin!

She flips over and scrambles over to the nearby dwarf to examine his injuries while Emere heads in the other direction to assess those emerging from the surf. The bizarre psionic burns are rough to deal with, but without the distractions of combat it's easy enough to Heimlich the blood out of his lungs and keep him breathing. When he finally opens his eyes and spouts some drunken nonsense, a relieved Luey finally flops on her back to take her turn lying motionless.

2016-02-21, 03:55 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Well, that was a bleedin' disaster," says Cinder, looking at her barely-standing companions. "So, do we want to check out the 'ouse, or shall we go directly to th' star-lookin' thingy? I'm not sure we are in any condition to keep pickin' fights that are no concern o' ours."

She then makes her way to the last remaining elf. She hesitates as she reaches her, clearly struggling to find the correct words in elven. "Your excellency, as promised, we delivered help." Then, she adds, in common, "We weren't as effective as I would've wanted us to be, though. Sorry 'bout that. Still, them bastards are dead. You said somethin' 'bout talkin' to us after the fight? We are kinda in a 'urry, but now's the time, while them earth-walkers are patchin' themselves. 'Opefully you can speak common, I ain't used the Lords and Ladies' language in many a Selanin cycle, and I don't think anyone else of my squad speaks it."

2016-02-21, 04:30 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

In his minds eye, Delvin finds himself in bed with not one, not two, but three of the barmaids after his cousin Portia's wedding. He pulls one of them in for a kiss by her beautiful beard, only, nothing about the kiss feels right. It feels burny and forced and tastes like a combination of blood and seawater, and Portia's Porter doesn't taste anything like that on the way down. On the way up, though...****.

He pushes the beauty away and leans over to retch.

He pushes Luey away and leans over to retch.

Gods, woman, it's not you. I never do this. Any of these things, really. He looks around.

I...honestly I'm not sure if I'm glad to be back here, but thanks for saving me all the same. When all of this is over, I owe ye a drink!

Delvin gathers his waterlogged equipment and begins to patch his armor and wounds to the best of his ability.

During the short rest, Delvin will spend 4 healing surges, which due to rounding, don't actually bring him to full HP, which is silly. He is at 32/33, with 5 healing surges remaining.

2016-02-22, 12:08 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 19 -> 27/33 HP (1 surge used, 11 10 remaining)

For a psionic, Garrathor has never been all that good at the whole "premonition" thing. It's not that he completely lacks the talent - he'll sometimes be distracted by a niggling thought that seems to come from nowhere - he's just rubbish at sorting out which thoughts are premonitions and what they might be warning about until the moment has passed.

Take the last few moments of the battle, for instance. When the wave started looming off the shoreline, Garrathor had a brief memory of mining common gemstones with his Aunt Jessa, particularly setting his mined stones in the small dwarfmade canal to wash all the dirt off them. As he made his valiant charge, the memory returned, his mind's eye seeming to focus on the dirt and pebbles that were washed down the canal.

Right as the wave hit, he had the thought: Oh. I'm one of the pebbles.

Which might not be a terrible problem if either of the two places he's spent most of his time in were known for large bodies of water. What part of him isn't panicking tells him to hold his breath, sink, and maybe he can walk to dry land. This thought ends when a chain - no, a hand radiating divine warmth locks around his beefy wrist and begins dragging him, and instead he wills himself to swim as he's never swum before, which is easy because he never has.


Back on dry land, seawater cascading off his armor and his soaked beard and braid, Garrathor... well he just lies there for a moment thinking back on how big a mistake those last twenty seconds were. Then he picks himself up. Then he picks his hat up, which has migrated five yards down the beach. Glancing around and seeing most of the group otherwise engaged, he slowly waddles up to Emir and slaps his hat back on with a squish.

"So..." he begins, his voice trailing off as he looks around at the corpses littering the beach, the remnants of white sand from the X-D's, and the rapidly filling crater of sand where there recently was a whale. "So uh.... hmmm...... .....I got nuthin', that was too crazy."

2016-02-22, 02:23 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere groaned as he surveyed what had happened. "So I think one thing is pretty clear. We are badly outmatched by sheer force of numbers by whatever these X-Ds can field. We need to come up with a new strategy."

Spending 2 healing surges to get back to full, leaving me with 1 left.

2016-02-22, 09:08 PM
The sea elf leader groans and pulls herself up into a sitting position after Cinder addresses her. She listens attentively to Cinder's speech, although her brow furrows in confusion after Cinder switches to Common. The she-sea-elf shakes her head after Cinder comes to a stop.

"You have my sincere gratitude for your timely assistance - your efforts have spared many lives. I am afraid that I don't understand your language. Could you . . . please continue to speak to me in the language you were using a moment ago? It is archaic, but understandable despite your strange accent."

The sea elf winces and presses a hand to her side, where blood continues to slowly ooze out.

"I believe I will need a few minutes to catch my breath, but Goddess willing, I should be able to walk soon. I imagine this beach will not remain safe - nowhere on this island will likely be safe soon. Do you have a way off of this island? I am afraid that I was only able to secure one transport, and while I should be able to swim home, the journey will be difficult for you unprepared. I swear that you would be welcome there if the journey could be made, however."

The elf takes another painful breath, and then manages a weak smile.

"Forgive me, my manners were forgotten in the heat of battle. My name is Eurnara, and I am a Waverider of the Order of the Golden Nautilus. I received a vision from my Goddess that the people of this island were in terrible danger, and so I came with what aid I could rally on such short notice. I am sorry that it was not enough. Are you inhabitants of this island as well? If there are more like you here, perhaps we can coordinate some sort of defense until my people can send more aid. That cave to the north appears defensible, and several of your people emerged from it. Perhaps we could use it for shelter?"

Eurnara tries to push herself up onto her feet, but settles back down onto the sand with a hiss of pain.

"If possible, I also need to get to the Star Tower at the top of your island. Would you be willing to do me the additional favor of escorting me there?"

2016-02-22, 09:56 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder listens attentively, her eyes screwed in concentration to make sure she catches every last word. She then raises her tiny finger, mutely requesting a moment. "Yo! People!" she shouts at the rest of the group, " Eurnara 'ere ain't speakin' common. Gonna do my best to remember the Court language, and if'n you 'ave questions, I'll be doin' my best to pass them over. Seems her goddess told 'er to come 'elp. She says there's a cave that is defensible, if we are desperate enough to try to defend the place -she said something 'bout reinforcements, I think? but she'd also like our 'elp to get to th' obsarv... observy... ruddy star-lookin' place up th' volcano."

Then, she turns to Eunara, closes her eyes, and falls once more into the cadence of elven language. Quite haltingly at first, but gaining fluency as the intricate language comes back to her.
"We are... Hunting Party? no... Combat Team. From small... group? Army? of many Courts... like, Human Court, and Dwarven Court and Court-Court, like me. Our Queens...I mean... leaders 'eard of the invaders and called... council? to create the army of many Courts. We came to this island looking for someone, and to 'elp if we could. Them" she points at each one in succession, "are Luey, Emere, Delvin and Garrathor. We do 'ave a way off the island, and I'm sure we can take you - not sure if to wherever you wanna go, but at least partway. Off the island, at least. But we ain't enough to set defend th'island - just five us. We need to go to the star tower also, so I think we will be 'appy to 'ave you."

"If your people want to send 'elp... Many 'ere would welcome it. But I can't promise to stay - we are reachin' the limit of our own strength as you can see. I cannot ask for sacrifices from others that I can't make myself. We need to find our missing soldier?... not-soldier?... like, of the army but not fighter of army?... we need to find them. I want to help these people, but we ain't enough." This last admission is almost torn out of her, and her eyes brifly shine red again. "I don't like running from a fight," she adds.

2016-02-23, 10:23 AM
Garrathor nods tiredly at Emir's observation. "Yeah, we maybe need to think of some hit-and-run tactics. The real problem is their diversity: knowledge is power, and we have no clue what to expect from one fight to the next."

He pauses to cough up a bit more seawater. "Speaking of unexpected, you're awfully fearless for a bowman. Where'd you learn your craft, and what madness possessed you to bring it here?"

He waves weakly when Cinder is making introductions. "Sounds good to me, but I vote we ignore the cave unless we have others to shelter in it. Unless yer friend saw something especially interesting. By the way, she can keep calling me 'Stumpy Man' If that's easier, I'll respond to both." Garrathor's pronunciation of the High Elven phrase Eurnara called him earlier leaves much to be desired.

2016-02-23, 10:53 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Sounds good to me, but I vote we ignore the cave unless we have others to shelter in it. Unless yer friend saw something especially interesting.

"She said somethin' 'bout seein' locals comin' out of it. I doubt they were livin' in a cave, not with 'ouses right 'ere, so maybe the cave takes ya somewhere? Like, up the volcano? I say, let's keep it in mind, if'n turns out the front doors ain't gonna be easy to go through".

"By the way, she can keep calling me 'Stumpy Man' If that's easier, I'll respond to both."
"You ain't lookin' that stumpy" says Cinder, "But then, I never understood why y'are called dwarves. You look as bloody 'uge as all other land-walkers to me."

2016-02-23, 04:52 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin finishes patching himself up the best he can, and staggers over to where the Sea Elf is talking with the rest of the group.

Excuse me miss, do you happen to have anything to drink? Even elf-wine is better than water at keeping those bas'erds out me head.

He catches up on the conversation thus far.

Well, I suppose we may as well head towards that tower. Perhaps this mission won't be a complete failure if we can get whatever you need from there.

2016-02-23, 10:50 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Emere looks over at Garrathor as he was addressed. "I was trained as part of the Nuwessan military. And you can honestly blame this blasted fog for most of it. I can't see well enough to shoot anything too far away. If I had my druthers we'd be engaging from much further back than is currently possible. And besides, it's hard to pick targets out for elimination when you're too far away to be heard properly, too. "

He looked around at the others before speaking again. "Regardless of what we do, there's no way we can survive another traditional combat. Regardless of which direction we go we need to be ready to break off contact at a moments notice and change targets as needed. I personally vote we head towards the tower over the mainland and come back for the tunnels if a cursory inspection shows that there are too many forces from here to there."

2016-02-24, 06:52 PM
Garrathor Scarhart

"Who're you callin' stumpy!?" Garrathor snorts in response to Cinder's comment, sitting on the remains of a bench and removing his boots.

A bit of explanation later...

"Who's she calling stumpy!?" he scoffs indignantly, pointing at Eurnara with one hand and holding a boot upside down with another.

A bit more explanation later...

"So I called me stumpy. ...'S a fair claim, I guess." the dwarf shrugs, not prepared to demand an apology from himself. "As for why we're called dwarves, my cousin happens to be a language buff, and if I could go back in time and tell my ancestors one thing it'd be this: don't let those tallfolk monopolize trade even though they've got the legs for it; the lingua franca trumps all other linguas. Speaking of which... I'd appreciate a translation here, Cindy."

Finished tipping the water out of his boots, the soggy dwarf tromps across the sand and extends a meaty hand toward the Waverider. "I don't have a clue what you're saying. And you don't have a clue what I'm saying. But that don't mean we don't understand each other. I ran to your rescue and you swam to mine- most folk'd call us even, but where I come from that makes us comrades-in-arms. So before we go anywhere else, from one comrade to another, thank you."

With this ritual out of the way, Garr can finally chip in on the group's course of action. "That all sounds good to me. Scout out the front doors first, keep these caves in mind as a backup. I prefer that because despite claims to the contrary dwarves are just as capable of getting lost in strange rock formations as anyone else. The people in it I don't think are a definite positive but at least down there we might get away from this fog so Emere can stop being such a front-line archer."

2016-02-24, 09:22 PM
Eurnara looks from person to person as Cinder introduces them, giving a friendly nod to each in turn.
After Delvin's question is translated, the sea elf shakes her head.

"Sorry my friend, but I did not bring anything with me but my weapons and gear. Perhaps we can find some of this "alcohol" within your village?"

Eurnara looks at Garrathor's extended hand in confusion a moment, and then reluctantly extends her own hand to place it within the dwarf's. She places her other hand on her chest and gives a slight bow, likely her own people's gesture of respect.

"It is pleasing to find land dwellers who are as honorable and courageous as yourself, Garrathor. You may be short in stature but clearly that has not impacted your skill as a warrior!"

It's around this time that Cinder describes the group is an alliance of different races, and Eurnara's jaw drops open in sudden realization.

"Wait, Garrathor and Delvin are not human!? I . . . I thought they were simply short, stocky humans!"

Covering her mouth with one hand, the sea elf kneels down in front of Garrathor and bows her head.

"I am sure that I have gravely insulted you with my ignorance. This is the first time I have actually seen land dwellers with my own eyes - I never knew that you were such a diverse lot, but that is no excuse. I beg for your forgiveness."

2016-02-24, 11:15 PM
"Don't panic because of it; I repent in advance if I make the same mistake. I'm just saddened by what happened to the rest of your Vikings."

Luey actually has a strong command of the Elven language, thanks long years spent deep in the woods. It's just that some of the common words used by wood elves have developed weird connotations in the parallel undersea society.

She has finally brought herself to get back up and start assessing her damage. The interface between her natural and artificial parts need adjusting, and the stab wounds most likely to open back up need some gauze.

2016-02-28, 07:57 PM
Eurnara frowns at the mention of her followers and their deaths.

"Yes . . . I am saddened by their loss as well. They were selfless to sacrifice their lives to save those land dwell - humans. I thank you again for your aid to ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain. The sea has already claimed their bodies, and the Goddess their souls - there is nothing more for us to do for them. I believe the pain of my injuries has eased enough - shall we be on our way? Where are we going now - to the Star Tower?"

Agreeing with Eurnara's sentiment to get the Professor and get the hell out of this nightmare, you climb back up the ropes to get yourself back up on top of the cliff overlooking the beach. Eurnara has a great deal of difficulty climbing, and it's little wonder - she has little experience with climbing and she wears no footwear, leaving her webbed feet bare which don't offer much traction. Eventually she simply hangs onto the rope while Garrathor and Delvin quickly haul her and the rope up.

The mist-shrouded streets are as empty and eerie as they were on the way to the beach, although now the lack of anything moving through the mist is welcome. Eurnara looks back and forth at the crowded-together buildings in open-mouthed wonderment, and she has to shake herself several times to hustle and catch back up with the group before you are separated by the thickening fog. At one point the group thinks it hears . . . musical instruments and voices singing!? - coming from a courtyard down a side street, but after recent experiences there would be no side trip.

Eventually, thankfully, the group reaches the small hill where the entrance to the observatory sits on a small hill at the base of the volcano. An outbuilding of the observatory sealed off from the rest of the island by walls running around the top of the hill, it should have a set of elevators that take guests and cargo directly up to the observatory proper. The only other way up is a set of winding trails that thread around the side of the volcano, and apparently traversing those is a long and unpleasant journey that would take hours. If reports from the island are accurate, the elevator ride up should only take a few minutes, assuming the elevators were still in working condition.

You find the outbuilding's gates hanging open, allowing easy access within, and while you find only corpses waiting for you inside, the presence of corpses here is troubling. It looks like the outbuilding's staff had at first tried to keep the island's citizens out, and then changed their mind and started letting people in to take shelter - presumably from the X-Ds. Someone or something got inside and butchered them all, citizen and staff member alike - and then quite possibly took one of the two elevators up to the observatory given that only one elevator is down here at the moment. The elevator that's left is loaded down with several stacked crates, all of them filled with dried fruits and meat - the people here were probably getting ready to retreat up to the observatory and wait this out, but they just ran out of time.

Something even more disturbing - it doesn't look like X-Ds killed these people. You certainly aren't an expert on the wounds X-D weaponry leaves behind just yet, but this work was messy - some of the people looked like they were mauled by some kind of animal, others like they had been battered by some sort of giant club or hammer - only a few died of precise pin-point wounds like that left behind by a rapier.

"What . . . what *happened* here? All these people . . . how horrible!"

Eurnara whispers, staring dumbly at the broken remains that was once more than a dozen human beings. There's nothing you can do for any of them now, of course - you just have to hope that whatever did this hasn't found the Professor in the observatory above just yet.

You pile into the remaining cargo elevator and flip the switch to start the winch up at the observatory high above. For a moment nothing happens, but then with a fierce shudder the elevator begins to lift up into the air, pulled airborne by the quartet of thick ropes running from pillars at each of the elevator's four corners. It's a fairly slow, uneventful ride up for the first few minutes - after about the first minute you ascend above the fog bank covering the island and are able to look out and see - well, not much. The view is probably quite stunning under normal circumstances but now the fog is covering the island, there's nothing but ocean til the horizon, and overhead there's nothing but a few clouds and the otherwise empty sky. Well, not entirely empty - as you continue to ascend up the side of the volcano a familiar silver hammer rises up out of the fog as well. The X-D gunship ascends with a high-pitched whine that you can hear even from this distance away, which changes in pitch and intensity as it picks up speed and zooms up to hang in the sky above the observatory in seconds. Thankfully it doesn't seem to notice you, although the figures that hop out of it to scamper around the observatory entrance above just might.

It's cargo deposited, the alien flying hammer zooms off again, disappearing around the side of the volcano - but not before shedding several droplets of silvery metal. Droplets that resolve into spindly constructs that hover down in your general direction. As you near the top, the other elevator begins to descend - and it looks like there are X-Ds aboard it. Looks like you were going to have to fight your way into the observatory after all!

You may arrange yourselves however you wish on the elevator, although note that you can't move beyond the bounds of that 6x6 set of squares unless you can fly. :smallwink:
The elevator is ascending at the rate of 30' a round. At the end of Round 2, it will reach the top of the observatory.
At the end of Round 1, the two elevators will be aligned vertically, allowing the X-Ds to try to hop aboard yourself by making a DC 10 Athletics check. I don't recommend hopping aboard their elevator simply due to the fact that it's descending out of the fight instead of ascending.
While the X-Ds on the other elevator (so during round 1) and those up on the observatory entrance plaza (Round 1 & 2) are above your group, they will be able to ignore the cover provided by the crates on your elevator.
The X-Ds above you, meanwhile, will have Superior Cover (+5 AC) if they're not right along an edge, and Partial Cover (+2) if they are standing along an edge peeking over at you.
The drones off to the east are approaching at a similar altitude to your elevator, so cover will be effective against them.
The drones are super minions - damage above 10 will destroy them instantly, less than that will Bloody them, or kill them if they're already Bloodied.

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xpsnOOcXR3pyMATvj9RqcUjSPquz2lp_-BOUPX0l6lM/edit)

Battle Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj8CH3dwBKA)

Elevator Grunts - [roll0]
Elevator Legionnaire - [roll1]
Drones - [roll2]
Centurion - [roll3]
Plaza Grunts - [roll4]
Cinder - [roll5]
Garrathor - [roll6]
Delvin - [roll7]
Luey - [roll8]
Emere - [roll9]
Eurnara - [roll10]

Drones - 22
Centurion - 18
Elevator Legionnaire - 15
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4

2016-02-28, 08:16 PM
The flying spindles hover towards the elevator, coming to a stop a good fifteen feet away from the edge of the platform.
A reddish glow appears around each of the constructs' "eye", turning into a ray of fiery light that lances towards Delvin.

Drone #1
Move: Move towards the elevator
Standard: Laser at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 7 Radiant

Drone #2
Move: Move towards the elevator
Standard: Laser at Delvin
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 7 Radiant

Up above, one of the figures briefly appears looking down through the slot where the elevator rests in the observatory landing's floor. It quickly ducks behind one of the large pillars supporting the winches pulling the elevator up, fiddling with someone on its belt.

Double Move to indicated position on the map
Minor: Pull Grenade from belt

On the elevator descending to meet your own, the armored X-D locks eyes with one of the unarmored hobbit-wannabes, but otherwise paces anxiously.

Minor: Mental Link on SG#3
Effect: SG#3 gains 10 temp HP, Resist 5 All, +5 Damage

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xpsnOOcXR3pyMATvj9RqcUjSPquz2lp_-BOUPX0l6lM/edit)

Drones - 22
Centurion - 18
Elevator Legionnaire - 15
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4


2016-02-29, 10:36 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder gets progressively more and more concerned about the lack of opposition as they cross the town, finding nothing but corpses in their way, and her mood gets darker and more waspish. She seems almost relieved to see the aliens camping at the top of the elevator shaft, even though it puts the group on a very dangerous spot. Without a word, she turns towards the incoming fliers, and engages them.

Move: 3 squares from somewhere, and hide at the starting position for the arrows in the map

Standard: Sly Flourish @ XD#2
[roll1] (+2 w/CA)
[roll3](Sneak Attack if damage < 10)(used in the attack below)

2016-02-29, 10:44 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder see the first drone go down, and immediately moves to a new cover position to target the second one. It too goes down, so she moves for the third time into the shadows of the northernmost pillar, away form the sight of the descending elevator.

Action point: Move & hide (warlord)

Gloaming Cut @ XD#1
[roll1] (+2 w/CA)
[roll2] (+ 8 w/Sneak Attack)
Effect: Move and Hide

2016-03-01, 12:33 AM
...can Luey do anything? I'm open to suggestions. Shooting a drone was pretty much all I had this turn, so now she's just kind of twiddling her thumbs.

2016-03-01, 12:41 AM
...can Luey do anything? I'm open to suggestions. Shooting a drone was pretty much all I had this turn, so now she's just kind of twiddling her thumbs.

You're in the IC thread!

Ummm you can always ready an action -- either readying a charge for the lieutenant making it across, or just a bow shot at one of them once they're not in cover, is a great use of an action.

You could also potentially try and shoot the guy up above if he's at all visible, since bows have long range.

2016-03-01, 06:53 PM
Lucille was hoping that the fog and the hammer-ship would turn out to have just been a diversion from the waterside assault, but it looks like that was wishful thinking. She pulls her longbow out of its tether on her back - it's not all one smooth motion, but it gets out quickly enough - and lets an arrow fly alongside Cinder's needles. The gyro-golem-things will just keep zapping everyone from off of the platform otherwise.

Pretty straightforward: ranged basic attack, with the spider stance up because climbing on boxes seems more likely than charging in this closed space.

[roll0]+7 +2 (first-round advantage) vs. AC (miss)

Damage = [roll1]+5 +2(spider stance)

She doesn't even see whether the arrow flies over or under the last drone, but whatever went wrong and however many needles are stuck in it, the thing is still flying around.

2016-03-01, 06:54 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 27/33 HP

"Not sure but it's nothing quite like what we've seen." Garrathor replies to Eurnara as he examines the corpses. "Some of these folk were mauled by animals, maybe those skinless dogs that run through walls, others were beaten to death by a club or hammer of some sort; only thing I've seen attack with a bludgeon was one o' the big hobbits, but that's not what happened here because there's no scorches from its light-tube. Let's take this as a warning, folks: we haven't seen everything these monsters have to offer."

The psychic dwarf hesitates long before stepping onto the elevator. If questioned about it, he replies "I've seen a lot of elevators. They're dangerous enough surrounded by stone let alone exposed to the air." Once on the elevator, he stays deliberately still, hunkered down and poised to launch himself with an outstretched hand should anybody begin to fall overboard. Despite his vigilant position he makes small talk, noting the weather once they break the cloud cover. "Again, I've seen a lot of elevators." he explains. "They make folks chatty. Old habits die hard." At the sight of the flying hammer he sighs quietly and shakes his head.

And then the action begins.

Garrathor scans around at first and listens for squadmates to ID enemies, unwilling to commit himself to a position until he knows where he's most needed. And where he's most needed seems to be facing the descending elevator stocked with a fresh supply of hobbits.

Making slow, deliberate movements he rolls over a crate of prunes and lands with a thump at the western edge of the elevator. He draws his hammer, takes on a faint blue-green glow as he readies for the initial onslaught, and shouts a challenge at the unearthly foes.

"C'mon, ya lice! Hit me with yer best shot!"
[roll0] check to autopsy the corpses.

First, moving to the designated position.
Second, taking a Readied Action to use Concussive Spike on the first enemy in range that is not the shielded SG3.
[roll1] vs AC. Hit: [roll2], and if SG3 is in range of the Blast 3 I push it 4 diagonally either northwest or southwest off its elevator.

The first time an enemy hits or misses Garrathor with an attack, it activates his Battle Resilience, granting him DR 6 until the end of his next turn.

2016-03-01, 08:24 PM
Readying her spear, Eurnara moves to the edge of the platform, wrapping her shield arm around the pillar for support while she pulls her weapon arm back and lets fly.
Her spear reveals itself to be a harpoon a moment later, as a thin rope trails from the weapon as it soars through the air at the spindly construct spitting a stream of sparks from where Cinder's bolt had hit it.
The spear flies true, shearing off one of the flier's spindly arms and causing it to rapidly spiral down out of sight, trailing a plume of smoke.
The sea elf quickly begins reeling the weapon back into her grasp with practiced speed.

Standard: Ranged Basic Attack using Harpoon versus XD#1
Mov: Move to indicated position on the map
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Minor: Reel back in the Harpoon

From the descending elevator the hobbits scamper over to the edge and lean down, snapping off shots at the group.

Standard: Shoot at Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 4

Standard: Mental Link with SG#4

Move: Move over to edge of the elevator
Standard: Shoot at Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll3] (+1 Link)
Damage: 9

Move: Move over to edge of the elevator
Standard: Shoot at Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll4] (+1 Link)
Damage: 9

The shots from the elevator zero in on Garrathor, who manages to mentally fortify his skin in time to slow the bolts that penetrate his armor, but they still draw blood with their passing.

(Reduce the two hits down to 3 damage apiece for 6 total).

Far above, more of the hobbits appear at the edge of where the elevator will eventually meet the stone platform of the observatory.

Move: Move to location on map
Standard: Mental Link with SG#7

Move: Move to location on map
Standard: Mental Link with SG#8

Move: Move to edge of platform
Standard: Shoot at Cinder (+1 Link, -2 Range)
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 9

Move: Move to edge of platform
Standard: Shoot at Delvin (+1 Link, -2 Range)
To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 9

One bolt thunks into Cinder's wing, throwing the pixie back against one of the crates, while the second shot dings off of Delvin's helmet and causing him to see double . . . and not in the pleasant drunk sense.

Drones - 22
Centurion - 18
Elevator Legionnaire - 15
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Elevator Grunts - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4


2016-03-02, 03:06 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Reeling a bit from the unexpectedly painful shot from above, Delvin rallies himself and moves over to the edge of the elevator, in an attempt to block the sectoids from jumping across.

Bring it on, ye foul bas'erds! Ye'll never take this realm while I'm alive!

He then hides behind his barrel-lid shield.

Since I am in a position to likely make OAs against oncoming minions, and since my desired trigger would be unnecessarily complicated, I am going to use total defense instead of overwatch. So:

Minor Action: Second Wind: I regain 8 HP and gain a +2 bonus to defenses until the start of my next turn.
Move Action: Move to edge, with whatever cover the northern rope grants.
Standard Action: Total Defense: I gain an additional stacking untyped +2 bonus to defenses until the start of my next turn.

Considerations: My OAs are made at +1 due to combat superiority, and they end a target's movement. This means that any sectoids who jump either over me or into the square south of me will be subject to a +8 vs AC attack which will, on a hit, stop them from having entered that space, which means a failed saving throw will mean they fall to certain death and a successful saving throw will leave them hanging on the edge prone. In addition, if I hit with an OA I will gain 4 THP.

2016-03-02, 04:56 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Being stuck on a small platform with nowhere to go while things shot at him was not high on Emere's list of favorite places. Still, he wasn't going to just let them shoot at him without doing anything about it. Raising his bow, he took a shot at one of the aliens peering over the edge.

RBA on SG#1.


2016-03-02, 08:12 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xpsnOOcXR3pyMATvj9RqcUjSPquz2lp_-BOUPX0l6lM/edit)

Emere's shot catches the invader right in the eye as it peeks around the support pillar it was hiding behind. The creature sways for a moment, and then tumbles off of the elevator platform, falling past the party's rising elevator, falling down into the mists out of sight (and presumably making a big mess down on the ground far below).

As the party's elevator continues to ascend at the same rate the invader's elevator descends, for a moment the two elevators come to be level with each other. The armored X-D blinks, breaking its mental contact as it prepares to jump. Garrathor and Delvin prepare their own weapons to greet the invader, and its at that moment that a small hand-sized metal canister drops down onto the elevator from above. An instant later, the metal casing of the ball bursts apart, allowing two globes of thick, viscous black goo to spill out.

The oozes roil for a moment on top of the crates, and then leap at the nearby X-D operatives, sticky pseudopods lashing out!

Move: Move 1 square over
Standard: Throw Ichoroid grenade
Effect: Create 2 Ichoroids that immediately attack targets in a Close Burst 1
Delvin = 1, Garrathor = 2, Luey = 3
Ichoroid #1: [roll0]
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 3
Hit Location: [roll2]
On-Hit: Binding Ooze

Ichoroid #2: [roll3]
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 3
Hit Location: [roll5]
On-Hit: Binding Ooze

Target cannot Escape using Athletics/Acrobatics
Non-AoE attacks deal half damage to Ichoroid, half damage to victim
Location 1: Eyes - Target is Blinded and Restrained Until Escape
Location 2: Mouth - Target cannot speak or breathe and Restrained Until Escape
Location 3: Hands - Target cannot attack (with hands), takes a -2 penalty to escape checks, and is Restrained Until Escape
Location 4: Legs - Target is Knocked Prone, Cannot Stand, and Neither Ichoroid nor Victim can be affected by Forced Movement, and Is Restrained Until Escape

All 4 locations Bound: Target is Helpless Until Escape

+1 Weapon: Only deal damage to Ichoroid, not grabbed victim
+1 Armor: Target Can Use Athletics/Acrobatics to Escape Normally
+1 Neck: Ichoroid Cannot Use Spread power to bind another location on its next turn

As the ooze lashes out at the clustered X-COM operatives, the armored X-D charges forward, making a desperate leap towards their elevator!

Move: Run and Jump
Athletics: [roll6] (vs. DC 10)

Delvin's OA: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]
(If hit Legionnaire auto-fails)

Garrathor's OA: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Garrathor's readied attack misses

Saving Throw to Avoid Fall: [roll11]

Assuming he somehow survives all that

Frightful Blade vs. Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll12] vs. AC OR Will, whichever is LOWER (Possible -2 if it's hanging off the side of the elevator)
Damage: [roll13] Psychic
Hit: Target is Pushed 2 squares and suffers Terrified Phobia
Effect: The target must end its turn farther away from the Legionnaire than it started its turn (Save Ends)

+1 Armor: Targets HIGHER of AC or Will
+1 Neck: Terrified Phobia lasts until the end of the victim's next turn rather than Save Ends.

Garrathor manages to swat the first flying ball of goo away from him with his shield, but the motion leaves him open for the second one, which goes low and wraps around his legs.
Although his mental defenses hold against the crushing pressure of the ooze, it still manages to topple him, and the dwarf goes down, finding himself glued to the floor of the elevator with the ooze stubbornly clinging to his legs while pseudopods continue to lash, trying to bind his arms as well.

(Pretty sure Garrathor gets a saving throw versus being knocked prone as well, now that I think of it. He's still restrained regardless.)

Garrathor takes a wild swing at the armored X-D as it comes soaring through the air, but it's Delvin who steps up. Bracing himself, the dwarf swings with all his might and catches the armored X-D right in the center of the chest.
The blow doesn't crush the X-D's armor, but the force of the blow does cause it to rebound and go flying back the way it came.
The X-D tumbles through the air, and just barely manages to flail a hand out to catch onto the edge of the platform.
Hanging precariously over the side, the X-D nonetheless stabs wildly with its spear with single-minded determination (misses Garrathor).

Centurion - 18
Elevator Legionnaire - 15
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Elevator Grunts - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4


2016-03-02, 08:45 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder touches the spot where the alien manage to tag her, but her fingers find no blood, just soreness. She quickly moves out their line of fire, to the shadows of the rope near Delvin's shoulders, and quickly peeks out, looking for a target that has missed her change of position, and therefore are leaving themselves open.

The bastard with the grenade turns out to be too busy observing his handiwork, and Cinder does not let the opportunity go to waste, placing a stream of darts precisely between is bulbous eyes, opening a massive gash in its face.

Move: see map, and hide

Standard: Sly Flourish
Target: if hidden from him, @SC#1. Otherwise, SG#2
[roll1] (+2 w/CA) (Crit!)

(Free RBA goes here. See next post)

If I have CA and I hit (and target still alive :smalltongue:), Strike from Shadows @SC#1, and hide

2016-03-02, 09:04 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

As happened in the first battle, Cinder's precise aim fills her with a sort of fierce pride, and as her eyes start glowing. Spying a smaller alien peeking just behind the opposite lift's ropes, she clenches her fist and sends a few of the darts at it, her face tightening with the effort. Her aim continues to be good, and the small creature gets hit in its forehead... with enough toxin that he drops dead instantly.

The same toxin clearly affect her first target, although not quite enough to kill, at least enough that it seems shaken and weakened. With the satisfaction of a job well done, Cinder retreats back into the shadows.

Free: RBA @SG#2, if allowed (see ooc (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20492844&postcount=293)), and @SC#1 otherwise

2016-03-02, 10:47 PM

Luey reflexively pulls her arm away from the box and reaches for her wood axe as the living black goo explodes from the canister and starts groping around. Then, the armored alien slams into the platform and starts pulling itself up.

"Oh, no you don't!"

No time to release her axes. Luey's metal limbs heat up and swat away the probing oozes as she acrobatically flips over the crates to stomp on the spear-wielding menace's meaty hand.

Minor: Switch to Charging Ram stance to get out of sticky opportunity attacks

Standard: Charge the dangling legionnaire with an unarmed attack!
oll0+8 (+5 dex, +1 charge, +2 c. adv. vs. prone target) EDIT: +4 with human power! vs. AC
Damage?: roll1+7 (+5 dex, +2 charging with ram stance)

Possible Free Punch (vs. dangling legionnaire, or perhaps vs. slime if DL is all out of piggies)
roll2+5 (dex), +2 (if against prone target) vs. AC
Damage??: oll3+5

Other Minor: Activate fire aura (to get in one more possible hit on SL if it's still hanging on, and to clear out the liquid minions)

The ball of Luey's carbon-black artificial foot stamps the armored legionnaire's hand with a dancer's accuracy. If there's one thing she's learned it's that the fire seems to know what to do; she just has to take advantage of it.

Speaking of which, as the alien switches from its squashed hand to its spear hand, a palpable gout of flame erupts from Luey's left arm, burning the oozes with the blowback as it powers her fist right into the legionnaire's face.

Easy: leave the bow sitting on a box.
Minor: switch to charging ram stance
Also minor: get the axes out
Standard: Charge the dangling legionnaire
[roll0]+11 (+8, +1 charge, +2 c. adv. vs. prone target) vs. AC
Damage?: [roll1]+14 (charging ram, headsman's chop)

(I'd post a d10 roll for the axe damage, but apparently it's dead anyway)

Free Hack at the non-stuck ooze
[roll2]+8 vs. AC
Damage??: [roll3]+7

After incidentally swatting at one of the oozes, Luey swings over the boxes, grips her metal-hafted axe mid-cartwheel and brings it down on the dangling alien's hand. The angle is such that the appendage splits in half down the middle rather than simply being cut off, but it loses its grip on the platform just the same.

2016-03-03, 08:14 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 21/33 HP

The ichoroid tugs mightily to bring its prey's legs together for an easy fall, but it's fighting against not only Garrathor's strugglings but also dwarven biology itself - the wide beings' legs are set naturally far apart, such that only very limber dwarves can touch their inner thighs together at all. It's still keeping the psionic warrior from repositioning himself though, and thus he smashes his hammer repeatedly down against his legs and the floor beneath, cracking the boards in his experiment to turn sentient ooze into inert paste.

First, Iron Fist against the attached Ichoroid. [roll0] Hit: [roll1].
Effect: Garr gains DR 3 until EONT.

Minor action: Battlemind's Demand on SG 3, Marking it.

If the Ichoroid dies, moving to the second square from the left on the top row of the elevator to be a big ol' target/meatshield for when the elevator finishes its ascent.

2016-03-03, 11:07 PM
Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xpsnOOcXR3pyMATvj9RqcUjSPquz2lp_-BOUPX0l6lM/edit)

Cinder's bolt rings the armored X-D's bell up top, and another wave of thorns released from her other arm tears apart one of the unarmored ones on the rival elevator, the mental anguish killing a second one.

Luey leaps over the crates, drawing her axes and bringing them crashing down on the armored X-D's arm as it struggles to pull itself up onto the elevator platform. Its arm cleaved through the middle, the invader clearly can't maintain his grip and falls down, down, down, out of sight through the mists.

Seeing Garrathor having trouble hitting the globe of ooze wrapped around his legs as the dwarf's weapon thunks into the elevator floor - Garrathor's aim being off likely due to concern about cleaving into his own leg - Eurnara advances to stand beside the dwarf. Cautiously, she thrusts her weapon down at the ooze, trying to skewer it and pull it off of Garrathor.

Move: Move to position
Standard: Shielding Thrust vs. Ichoroid on Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Half goes against Garrathor, minus 3 from Resist All)
Hit: Garrathor gains 3 temp HP

The sea elf's blow strikes true, ripping the ooze away from Garrathor's legs but only doing minimal damage. (Garrathor takes 1 damage after Resist 3 All)

Having seen what just happened to his comrades, the last X-D on the elevator holds his ground and snaps a shot off at Cinder.
From above, having few other targets not clustered near the far side of the elevator, the two unarmored X-Ds snap off shots at Emere who is the only target out in the open and alone (sorry!)
Their sights must be off because despite the straightforward shots all three X-Ds fail to hit their target.

SG#3 vs. Cinder
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 4

Maintain Mental Link

Maintain Mental Link

SG#7 vs. Emere
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 9

SG#8 vs. Emere
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 9

Centurion - 18
Elevator Legionnaire - 15
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Elevator Grunts - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4


2016-03-04, 01:21 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin shouts at the lone remaining grunt on the opposing elevator and beats his waraxe against his shield. That's right, ye foul bas'erd, stay over there!

He looks upwards, preparing to act as soon as the elevator reaches the top.

The elevator will snap into place at the top at the end of the round, right? If not, I'll RBA SG3 with my handaxe instead. Let me know here or in the OOC thread!

My plan is to delay for that, and then move+charge SG5 as soon as the elevator locks into place. By now, we understand that the presence of the shields around SGs 7 and 8 must be coming from other sectoids who are hiding nearby, so I don't feel too metagamey delaying to try and move+charge one of the shield providers lurking nearby. But again, if that's too much, I'm okay with RBAing SG3

[roll0] (-1 if i'm RBAing SG3 instead)
damage doesn't matter, since the grunts are minions.

2016-03-04, 06:52 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Cinder, take out that big one!" Emere said as he ducked behind one of the pillars, pointing at the Centurion.

Direct the Strike, having Cinder shoot the Centurion.


2016-03-04, 10:54 PM
Directed by Emere's voice, Cinder raises her arm and forces more thorns to spray out upwards at the armored X-D.
It pulls back around the pillar, but not fast enough as black blood splatters across the stone.

Delvin braces himself to charge forth as the elevator ascends the rest of the way up to the top.
As soon as the wooden platform touches against the stone landing, the dwarf's legs are pumping, driving him forward past the waiting X-Ds.
One lashes out at him with a dagger as he advances past the little freak (no way to get at SG#5 without provoking an OA methinks).

Unfortunately the dwarf's charge is overly aggressive and his axe swing is wild, slamming into the stone over its head.

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 9

Delvin takes a nasty cut across the arm for his trouble as he races past the X-D, but the tough dwarf shrugs it off.

As Delvin races past, the armored X-D steps back out from around the pillar.
The creature is heavily wounded, but still standing.
It's different from the previous armor-wearing X-Ds you've encountered - it's even taller, nearly the size of a human (although not quite as "burly" as the ones you had encountered on the beach).
It's also armed with what appears to be a long-shafted harpoon rather than a short spear and shield.

Advancing around its unarmored allies, the leader X-D raises its harpoon to level the tip at Delvin's back, and then works a lever built into the weapon's shaft.
There is a flash as the base of the harpoon's tip explodes, and the tip launches itself to slam into the dwarf's back!
The tip of the harpoon penetrates the back of the plate mail, but only just.
Even so, it still gives the harpoon enough of a grip that the X-D is able to reel Delvin back in towards him, the dwarf's plate boots sparking against the stone as he stubbornly digs his heels in.

Move: Move to indicated position on the map
Standard: Rocket Propelled Harpoon vs. Delvin
Range 5
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (Damage is Halved from Weakened)
Hit: Target is Impaled

Target Cannot Move further away from the Centurion (But may optionally move closer)
DC 18 Heal check can remove the Harpoon without injury (Failure simply doesn't remove the harpoon)
Normal escape (Athletics/Acrobatics) - Victim takes 2d4 damage
Forced movement escape - Victim takes 2d4+6 damage (a full attack's worth)


Minor: Reel In
Requires Impaled Target
Effect: Delvin is Pulled 3 squares (Reduced to 2 from dwarf resistance to forced movement)

Centurion - 18
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Elevator Grunts - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4


2016-03-04, 11:47 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

"Luey, 'im bastard with 'em 'arpoon s'all yours. Be a dear and finish 'im off", says Cinder, as she moves upwards, "They ain't gonna be 'aving as easy time stoppin' me from crossin' their lines."

She flies towards the pillars in a impressive parabola, taking her well beyond the reach of the front lines. She can't quite reach the pillars, so she takes a hasty shot before dropping close to the ground. Thankfully, even though the dart barely manages to scratch the skin of her target, it too shudders and dies, taking with him his shielded friend. "I'm thinkin' they're allergic to me oils."

Move: to the end of the squigly line (altitude goes from +1 to +4 above their heads, then back to +1, avoiding their OAs) and hide from SG5 and 6

Standard: Gloaming Cut @SG#6
[roll1] (+2 w/CA)
Effect: shift 2 and hide

2016-03-04, 11:51 PM
Luey tucks an axe under her arm and peers over the boxes as the elevator slams into place at the observatory plaza. She sticks her bow back in its place as she observes her surroundings. Blaster fire and needle-fairies are flying every which way. At least the mist is a little thinner up here...

...the sergeant-looking one... just harpooned Delvin? Well, we can't have that. Lucille jumps and kicks off of the box pile to dunk that punk.

Minor: get ye bow
Minor: put away ye bow

Standard: Box-related Charge at SC1!
Damage? [roll1]+9 (plus knock prone)
([roll2] if the first roll is a 1)

On hit: Attack an adjacent enemy or maybe the harpoon cable? It depends on what cinder does and what happens with the first attack.
[roll3]+10 ('cause he'll be prone...)
Damage? [roll4]+12
([roll5] if the first roll is a 1)

As Luey leaps from the stack of crates, one of them suddenly shifts under her. She manages to catch herself with one axe as she swings down the other, but the attack still comes up short.

2016-03-05, 08:52 AM
Garrathor Scarhart 20/33 HP + 3 THP

"Thank ya." Garr says to Eurnara with a tip of the hat, just as the elevator clangs to a stop. He rushes to the front lines to find... another hobbit with one of those darn psionic shields.

"Oy Cinder, wherever you are!" he calls into the air above his foe's head as his hammer crashes into the psychic bubble. If ya see one of the hobbits giving one of the front-liners the stink-eye, take that one out and the shield should vanish!"

Move to position, conveniently within 2 squares of Luey and Emere.

Iron Fist against SG#7. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1].
Effect: Garr gets Resist All 3 again.

Minor: Battlemind's Demand on SG#7 if it survives, or on SC#1 otherwise.

Off-turn action:
Trigger: Luey or Emere is hit with an attack.
Immediate Interrupt: Guardian's Counter. Garr and the ally shift 2 to swap places, Garr takes the attack, and makes a MBA if possible.

2016-03-06, 09:52 AM
Link to Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xpsnOOcXR3pyMATvj9RqcUjSPquz2lp_-BOUPX0l6lM/edit)

Eurnara moves up to join the rest of the group at the edge of the platform where it meets the landing, and stabs at the harpoon wielder's own back. Unlike the X-D's luck at breaching Delvin's armor, however, Eurnara's spear is turned aside harmlessly by the thick metal covering the X-D's back.

Move: Move up to indicated position
Standard: Shielding Stab
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Luey gains 3 temp HP

From below, the last grunt on the elevator attempts to shoot up at Emere through a tiny gap in between the platform and the landing. It's a highly improbably shot, and yet somehow, it flies true, the bolt slicing a cut on Emere's right leg as flies up through the narrow gap. The other X-D swings furiously with its dagger at Garrathor, but the dwarf is easily able to turn aside its blows, even with them being empowered by the other X-D's will.

To-Hit: [roll2] (-5 Superior Cover)
Damage: 4

Maintain Mental Link

SG#7 vs. Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 9

Centurion - 18
Cinder - 13
Garrathor - 13
Luey - 10
Eurnara - 8
Elevator Grunts - 8
Plaza Grunts - 5
Delvin - 5
Emere - 4


2016-03-06, 12:46 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin looks down at the harpoon embedded in his armor and scowls.

Ye'll pay for that, ye great ass, he bellows at the Centurion, but first let's get rid of your underlings!

Faster than you'd expect from a dwarf, Delvin's grandpap's Waraxe is affixed to his back, and he's got a Handaxe flying through the air at the cowardly grunt supplying the shield. For once, his aim is true, and the axe embeds itself in the sectoid's skull with a satisfying thunk. The shielded grunt lets out an even more satisfying squeltch as the energies shielding it explode, and falls to the ground.

As promised, Delvin then turns his attention back to the Centurion.

Now, I think I said ye'd pay for that? Delvin says calmly, before thrusting an armored fist into the Centurion's face.

Minor action: Stow Waraxe, draw Handaxe (Master at Arms lets me do this as one Minor)
Standard Action: RBA vs SG5: [roll0] vs AC -- If that's a hard corner and he's got cover, subtract 2 from that.

Action Point!:
On a miss, do it again, trading move action for another minor to pull out my other handaxe.
On a hit, move up to the Centurion and punch him in the face.
My background gives me a +1 to all rolls that are part of an AP action, so: [roll1] vs AC

^^ that crit, so 8 damage (1d4+4) and I gain 4 THP

2016-03-06, 01:26 PM
The armored X-D crumples under Delvin's fist, and with that the observatory landing appears to be clear of any hostile forces.

(If Emere wants to shoot at the last remaining sectoid on the elevator to try and get some revenge, he can. Either way, it disappears out of sight after his turn. Combat over! You may resolve a short rest if you wish, or immediately press on. You can assume that as some point you safely manage to extract the harpoon from Delvin's back. It'll take me a little bit of time to put together the next combat map - it's going to be a doozy!)

2016-03-08, 09:26 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder relaxes as the last enemy drops out of sight. She finds a clean surface to land on, and with much wincing - and a few words of encouragement - she puts some poultice on the red burn on her side. "Sehanine damn them all, them bastards are tough even when they ain't seen us comin'. And we still 'aven't seen the thing that mauled 'em bodies at shaft-bottom. I doubt it was them dogs that did it."

After a bit of a pause to catch her breath, adjust her patchwork of bandages and give time for her arms to grow a new set of thorns, Cinder takes flight again. "OK, I'm ready. Bit worried we ain't seen reinforcements. Them aliens either alredy 'ave what they wanted, or they're throwin' everything they've got at it - and with out luck, the idiot we're 'ere to rescue will be standin' next to whatever th'aliens want."

2016-03-09, 07:22 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 33 -> 28/33 HP, 2 Surges Spent, 8 Surges Remaining

Garrathor kicks one of the malformed grey bodies over the side of the elevator, watching it fall out of sight into the thick haze below. The blue ring around his head fades as his temper cools, and it is only then that he moves to assess the huge stick extending from Delvin's back and attempt to extract it.

"That they are." he nods to Cinder, his speech punctuated with grunts as he twists and tugs. "But I'd chalk this one up a victory for our side. We should thank our respective gods some of them were going down before they saw us come up - these hobbits weren't ready for us. I wonder why they'd send some of their folks down the elevator if they've already cleared the are below, though. Is it too hopeful to think they don't have the numbers to occupy the entire island?"

Finally fed up, he lets go of the spear and steps back. "Who in all the planes designed that armor of yours?" he asks his fellow dwarf accusingly, as if its maker could have anticipated the need to extract an impaled otherworldly spike.

2016-03-09, 07:40 PM
"I wonder why they'd send some of their folks down the elevator if they've already cleared the are below, though. Is it too hopeful to think they don't have the numbers to occupy the entire island?"


Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder stops in middair, a frown in her face. "That's a damn good question," she says. Hovering in midair, he thinks back at what they've seen so far, "They've got patrols out. A bunch o' the tiny ones, with one of the bigger ones to command - like the ones we killed when we landed. Maybe this was on its way out to give others a break? If we're lucky, that was it. If'n not, they might 'ave been out to 'unt for us - we ain't done much so far, but it's a damn sight better than most soldiers manage against 'em, and if word 'as got around 'bout our landin' and the beach fight..."

Cinder leaves the phrase hanging, as she looks around, "Yeah, I'm not likin' th'idea that they are knowin' we're comin'. I'mma go explore a'ead.". With that, Cinder starts moving around the room, towards the exists to check them out, although keeping the group in sight at all times.

2016-03-09, 07:58 PM
"Er... here."

To make Garry's task a little easier, Luey chops into the tight line tethering Delvin to the centurion's arm, causing it to retract into the harpoon gun with a weird electrical slurping sound.

"I'm still more worried about the ones from the beach," she contributes as she moves on to help dislodge the harpoon itself. "I mean... (hup) with those swimming necromancers, it... (careful!) ...it wouldn't take too many of them to just attack the island from all... (rrgh) sides... hwah!"

Psnikt! The stupid thing finally pops out of Delvin's armor. Thank goodness.

Luey looks up toward Cinder at the exits, hands the harpoon to Garry and stealthily moves to catch up with the fairy.

2016-03-09, 08:38 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Finally fed up, he lets go of the spear and steps back. "Who in all the planes designed that armor of yours?" he asks his fellow dwarf accusingly, as if its maker could have anticipated the need to extract an impaled otherworldly spike.

Funny ye should axe! This scale be made from hun'reds a Pailale pale ale pails! It took many ironwenches many nights to forge, but was a gift from Ol' Inda Pailale himself after me grandpap resolved the recipe dispute with this here ask. he says, gesturing with his Waraxe.

If anyone looks at him funnily, he does not notice, as he is too concerned with the spear that nearly impaled him. Yes, that's why he doesn't notice. Let's go with that.

2016-03-10, 12:27 AM
Garr leans in close to examine Delvin's armor upon this revalation, then inhales slowly. His eyes close in bliss.

"I thought it smelled familiar. Pailale '67. Moradin's beard, that was a good year." He slaps Delvin on the shoulder. Almost as good as Stoutstout '66. That axe knows its brews.

2016-03-11, 01:47 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Garr leans in close to examine Delvin's armor upon this revalation, then inhales slowly. His eyes close in bliss.

"I thought it smelled familiar. Pailale '67. Moradin's beard, that was a good year." He slaps Delvin on the shoulder. Almost as good as Stoutstout '66. That axe knows its brews.

Delvin's eyes glaze over a bit and he grins a stupid grin.
Ye've got quite a nose for history on ye, friend! When all of this is over, let's see if we can track down a barrel of Threebarrel Triplebock '62. Between us dwarves, that's where me Grandpap really stole his recipe from.

Sweet as the smell o' this scale be, I can't help but feel like plate may be more appropriate for these bas'erds we're facing, even if it may make swinging this 'ere axe a mite harder.

Technically, I'm wearing chainmail, because Battlerager Vigor gives me a +2 to damage rolls when I have THP if i'm wearing Chainmail or worse. Normally, that's a fairly decent trade-off, but these aliens are hard, so +1 AC (scale) is tempting, and +2 AC (plate) is even more so -- but of course I'd have to spend a feat for Plate, and I had planned on taking the one that gives me +2/tier to Battlerager Vigor THP generation at level 2. We'll see.

2016-03-13, 04:22 PM
(Derp, sorry. I'm so used to fighters wallowing around in plate mail that I forgot chainmail was a battlerager thing. I'll try to remember that for future depictions! And yeah, these aliens hit hard, although those temp HP are serving Delvin well too! :smallbiggrin:)

While everyone catches their breath or helps Delvin get off the hook (or harpoon, as it were), Cinder treats her injury and then moves on to scouting ahead.
In this case, that meant flying down the thoroughfare ahead to the set of double doors leading into the observatory.
Larger-than-life sized stone statues line the sides of the thoroughfare - they appear to all be of one man in various poses - a rakish pirate-looking fellow who probably was the adventurer who discovered this place and decided to turn it into his home several centuries ago. Clearly didn't lack for ego, that one.

The doors leading into the observatory itself are only partially intact, one half completely off its hinges and the other half hanging by only one bracket.
The wood shows signs of scouring where something heavy struck it repeatedly, presumably until the door finally gave way beneath the assault.
Peering into the entry room beyond, Cinder can see a similar scene of carnage as down below - half a dozen bodies scattered about, some mangled almost beyond recognition, two crushed, and one barely having any obvious injuries at all.

One of the bodies is slumped in the doorway leading into the room off to the west, holding that door partially open.
Although very faint, Cinder's keen ears can hear the sounds of conversation drifting through that doorway.

"Alright, Professor, you are officially out of time. We've got company coming, and since they just took out a batch of our other visitors from beyond the stars I'd rather not meet them face-to-face. You've got thirty more seconds to get this thing open before my friend here opens up your head."

Link to the Upcoming Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit)

(Although there is no fight as yet, so maybe you can resolve this through - hah - diplomacy?)

2016-03-13, 05:41 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder carefully guides the rest of the team to the observatory doors, then listens carefully. "Well, now that's interestin'," she whispers to the rest of the team "Someone's in there threatenin' t'open the professor's 'ead, and they ain't alien. They know we're comin', and they know we've been killin' aliens, so they are a bit scared o' us, or at least not willin' to risk a fight if they can just get the professor to open some thin' afore we get to 'em. They just gave 'im 30 seconds, so I say we 'it 'em before the professor looses 'is nerve."

We have no diplomacy worth a damn in our team - Cinder I believe has the best modifier, and it is an untrained +3. If there is a chance of getting a surprise round (maybe by some of us hiding while the dwarves stroll in) so it is not a complete waste, then maybe, but otherwise, I say rush in guns blazing.

2016-03-15, 10:04 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

After a very quick, whispered conversation on their options, Cinder concludes, "OK, I know we ain't all 'appy 'bout 'aving to fight 'ome-grown bastards rather than aliens, but we've gotta get the professor out. I'll try to get 'em to think we want to negotiate for 'is life, so we can get close to 'em and maybe lower their guard. You two" she points at the dwarves, "look dangerous. We charge when I say 'now'.".

Cinder lets the dwarves take point, while she hovers behind them. With the casual, unrelenting movement that comes naturally to dwarves and glaciers, they push through the doors to the inner chamber. "'Ello, there. Sorry to barge in, but we couldn't 'elp but over'ear." she says, by way of introduction, speaking in a light, airy tone while letting the enemy group take a good look at the group, "You are right: you ain't wanna face us in battle, but we are willing to make a deal," Cinder offers, attempting to sound like she really means it, while watching them for signs of relaxing and leaving themselves open for an attack they hopefully no longer expect. "'Ow about we talk to the professor, and convince 'im for you?"

She judges that this should be the best moment so she gestures at the guy in charge and says, "You seem like you're in charge. 'Ow about it, are you ready to deal with us now?"

[roll0], as per what is described in OOC

Also, I encourage the rest of the team to aid Cinder with any intimidation (or any other fitting skills) they can think of.

2016-03-15, 06:57 PM
Garrathor Scarhart

"Triplebock '62, eh?" Garr scratches his chin somewhere behind his beard. "Never heard of it. And that's coming from somebody who was raised in a holy house of Moradin. Sounds like a good side-project, it's a -" Cinder arrives as he extends his hand to seal the promise, forcing the grave matter of priceless alcohol recovery to be shelved for later.

"Look dangerous? I'm more used to looking like a bystander but I can try. Stoutstout, I'll try to suss out the one doling out orders. If I nod at someone, that's whose attention we focus on grabbing."

Shield in his hand and hammer at his belt, Garrathor is the first to open the door - with his reflex-quick psionic shield, he's the idea first target should the unknowns decide to greet their entrance with bolts or spellfire. As he steps to the side and waits for Delvin to enter beside him, the battlemind glances about the room to assess the group holding the Professor hostage. Should he spot a probable leader, he'll deliberately keep his body between the leader and Cinder until she chooses to reveal herself. Wrapped in the familiar role of stoic bodyguard, he says nothing until the code word from Cinder, at which point he lets out a deep bellow and charges.

Not sure if that was good justification for aiding Cinder's check with the Insight skill, so I'll just roll [roll0] and Inspectre can add 10 if Insight works or 1 if Bluff/Intimidate is more appropriate.

2016-03-15, 08:17 PM
Venturing towards the voices, it looks like the professor and whoever has them are to the west in the observatory dome itself.
To get there, the team must cross the entry room, passing in between two heavily weathered statues that likely once depicted humanoids of some type but have been reduced to little more than blobs with hands spread, as if beckoning the group to pass into the next room. Eurnara stops for a moment to peer up at the statues.

"My people."

The sea elf says with conviction, and then hurries to catch up with the group as they step over the body into the next room which seems to have been a small museum hastily converted into a storage room given the crates of supplies haphazardly stacked up to one side, opposite the wall lined with display cases filled with corroded instruments.

The door into the observatory dome itself is shut, although the group can still faintly hear the sounds of conversation on the other side (basically just the same speaker urging the Professor to hurry).

With a hastily-thought out plan in place, Garrathor shoulders the door open without hesitation, expecting to be greeted by a hail of arrows and spells.
No attack is forthcoming, but the scene awaiting the group is nonetheless concerning - several more bodies lay scattered about on the floor.
The source of these deaths is fairly obvious - three figures stand throughout the northern half of the dome, their faces obscured by wooden masks carved to resemble some sort of monster.
Squatting on the far side of a table piled high with beakers of alchemical compounds is a squat, crimson-skinned creature covered in bloodstained spines that could only be a devil or demon of some sort.

These masks, while somewhat unique in style, strongly resemble Three-kin tribal masks worn by several clans in the Tablelands when they go to war.
Given that none of these people are giant mantis-men, you are unsure of the significance of them wearing these other than for intimidation purposes and to conceal their identities.

Despite the masks concealing their faces, it is relatively easy to identify the gender and race of each individual - the one standing by the professor is some sort of elf or half-elf male, the one standing nearby with a large maul still dripping blood onto the floor is a female orc, and the last one, shrouded by shadows that dance around him, stands in the back by the other door leading into the observatory dome (and holding it open) is a tiefling male.

A frazzled-looking male eladrin with streaks of green hair, who is presumably Professor Verdantdawn, stands next to the elf on the telescope platform. He seems to be adjusting several tiny mirrors on the telescope to direct light down onto a breadloaf-sized box covered in carved runes that sits on a pedestal beneath the telescope. Many of the runes are glowing with a soft inner light, save for one set on the box's south side - it seems likely that the professor is attempting to adjust the light somehow to get those runes to light up as well. Following the telescope's light backward, it seems like the light is not coming from the sun itself at all, but rather filtering down from a number of the constellations painted on the dome's roof.

The elf levels some sort of hand-held weapon at Garrathor as he comes in - it vaguely resembles the fire-spitting tube one of the X-Ds had, although this one was partially made out of wood and was held in his hand rather than mounted on his wrist (for visualization purposes, it's a flintlock pistol). As Delvin and Cinder file into the room behind Garrathor, the elf shifts his aim off of Garrathor to return the weapon to pointing at Verdantdawn's head.

"That's close enough, unless you want the professor to join his assistants on the floor. Now who are you people and what are you doing here?"

"X-COM, I presume. The professor said you'd be coming."

The tiefling interjects, prompting a snort from the orc and a bark of a laugh from the elf.

"Well now! So the professor was telling the truth about that not-so-empty threat, was he? Interesting . . . now what do the governments' secret lap dogs want with a crazy old elf like the professor here?"

The elf says and then listens to the beginning of Cinder's offer, although the orc gives a loud snort at the offer of help.


The elf is less dismissive of the actually-fake offer, although Garrathor manages to catch that the elf gives just the barest tilt of his head to bring the tiefling into his line of sight, who nods ever so slightly. (Insight result: So - elf is the talker, the orc is the muscle, and the tiefling's the one really in charge). Garrathor passes that info on with a subtle head tilt of his own, and while the elf starts to accept Cinder's offer she gives the signal to start the attack. This mysterious group is caught off-guard from the sudden shift from negotiation to violence - apparently they had been over confident that a weapon to the professor's head would be suitable deterrent to hostilities. They thought wrong.

Tempest Desperado - [roll0]
Tempest Berserker - [roll1]
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - [roll2]

-+2 Emere Bonus Included-
Cinder - [roll3]
Delvin - [roll4]
Garrathor - [roll5]
Luey - [roll6]
Emere - [roll7]
Eurnara - [roll8]

Battle Theme Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6R1r6v529k)

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit)

Tempest Desperado - 24
Luey - 23
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Tempest Berserker - 17
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Garrathor - 4


Then Desperado, then LUEY again!

2016-03-15, 09:18 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder does not hesitate to press her advantage: she grabs the back of Delvin's armour, summersaults above his head while tightening into a ball for extra speed, and propels herself at the elf before they understand what's happening. Sword first, she slams into the elf, opening a gash, then forces him to turn his back on the rest of the group by dancing around his head to the other side.

Surprise Standard action: Charge w/ Handspring Assault@Desperado
[roll0] (inc. charge & CA)
Hit: shift two (see map)

2016-03-15, 10:27 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Even as Cinder vaults over his head, Delvin closes distance with the demon, hoping to fend off its advance on his friends.

He then swings his axe in a brutal arc over his head towards the bound fiend before him.

Free action as we roll initiative: Move my speed!
Standard from Surprise Round: Brash Strike vs Bound Fiend's
[roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage and I gain 4 THP.
Effect: The fiend is marked EONT, and I grant him (only him) CA EONT.

2016-03-16, 11:54 AM
Garrathor Scarhart 33/33 HP

Garr grins at the confusion and surprise he reads off the masked ones' body language - a hostage isn't a hostage if his captors are currently using him for something else.

His roar doesn't come anywhere close to coherent words as he vaults the table before him, sending steel instruments clattering to the floor. He lands swinging, his hammer sliding off the table on a crash course with the pig-faced orc warrior.

My one action (assuming I don't have to spend an action to draw my weapon) is to charge the Tempest Berserker, ending my movement one square south of her.
MBA [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1]

If I do have to draw my weapon because I stated it was holstered, well, I draw my weapon.

Unfortunately Garrathor lacks the momentum he'd expected when he slides off the table, and his hammer comes up short.

2016-03-17, 06:25 PM
Luey was tensed up and ready to charge in as soon as Cinder told her about the conversation on this side of the door. She stewed and stared in silence while everyone went through with plan A. Now that we've switched to plan B, she's perfectly ready to express her outrage as these... these... Rrrgh!

Man, she can't even think of the right word to describe these jerks.

Charging the elven wolf-desperado! I doubt the exact path matters; she's just going to the square that puts her between the mallet-wielder and the hostage.

Attack: [roll0]+11
(possible reroll: [roll1])
Damage: [roll2]+9
(possible reroll: [roll3])

Second Attack: [roll4]+9
Damage: [roll5]+12
(possible reroll: [roll6])

Luey rounds the laboratory table and rockets toward the traitors, knocking the gun-toting elf over and stopping the moblin with the hammer from re-taking their hostage.

"Get to the door!" she tells the professor, having already clobbered wolf-mask to the ground and put an axe in his back for good measure. He's still moving to get up from it, but he probably won't be able to get a parting shot on the professor from that position.

2016-03-19, 03:42 PM
"Urgh . . . *hack* . . . so it's gonna be like that?"

The half-elf grunts from his position on the floor, spitting out a mouthful of blood as a deep red stain spreads across his back from where Luey wrenched her axe free.

It's at this point that things *really* get out of control, as green fire blossoms across the ceiling of the observatory dome and chunks of stone rain down suddenly without warning.
Within a few seconds, a sizable hole has been blasted in the roof, revealing the hammer-shaped X-D craft to be hovering above the observatory, emitting an almost deafening high-pitched whine as it hangs in the air overhead.

Thankfully, most of the stone that would have been in danger of striking anyone below is deflected away by the telescope, but the damage that this causes to the instrument along with the now-missing part of the ceiling interrupts whatever these strange interlopers were attempting to unlock. The runes around the outside of the stone cube fade into lifeless stone once more, and the masked tiefling gives a cry of outrage and frustration.

"Damnit! We were so close . . . alright, forget the professor and grab the Cube! We'll open it at the other facility - come on! Move!"

Taking this as a signal, the half-elf springs into action. Although he's clearly badly injured, the half-elf still manages to lash out with his foot, catching Luey solidly in the left knee as she closes in for the killing blow. Given that her legs are made of fire and metal now, the blow doesn't hurt her, but it does knock her off-balance long enough for the half-elf to sweep up onto his feet. (I don't think standing up provokes an OA in 4E, although there might be a feat or some such that grants it. Let me know if Luey or Cinder would get one from the half-elf standing up).

With the free hand he had been previously using to hold onto the professor with, the half-elf scoops up the stone cube from its pedestal, grunting from pain the effort causes as he tucks the stone cube under his arm. He then kicks off the pedestal, summersaulting into the air just over the arc of Luey's axes as she takes another swipe at him. Cinder also tries to swoop in and nearly gets a boot to the head for her trouble as the half-elf continues tumbling down the stairs of the telescope's platform and shoulder-rolls across the floor, coming to a stop next to the tiefling.

"I got this boss."

The half-elf grunts as he raises his weapon at Luey and pulls the trigger.
Whatever was expected to happen, it clearly doesn't as only a small puff of smoke emerges from the barrel.

"Useless piece of crap!"

The half-elf growls, shoving the weapon into a holster before disappearing through the open doorway past the tiefling.

Move: Stand up from Prone
Minor: Pick up Stone Cube
Standard: Evasive Pistol Shot vs. Luey
Effect: Before (or after) the attack, the Desperado can shift 4 squares
To-Hit: [roll0] vs. Lower of AC or Reflex
Damage: [roll1]

+1 Armor - Attack must go against Higher of AC or Reflex


Action Point: Move into the next room to current location
Action Recovery: As a free action, the Desperado may spend a healing surge (recovering 14 HP) upon spending an action point.

"Stop them! He's getting away with the artifact!"

Professor Verdantdawn cries out, apparently not caring that he nearly got his head blown off before you showed up, but then he made the study of astrology his life work so you know his priorities are a little off.

From the room you had just exited from, Eurnara peers in alongside Emere to catch a glimpse of the half-elf as he flees - and what he's carrying.

"Hey! That's what I was sent to retrieve! It's a relic of my people! Bring that back you monster!"

Ignoring the two elves's protests, the tiefling starts edging back into the doorway as its fiendish pet snarls and swipes ineffectually at Delvin with its claws.

"We are leaving! Come on - we can deal with X-COM another time!"

"Aw, but the party's just starting!"

The orc growls with barely restrained glee as she whirls the massive hammer around her in a few practice swings.

Your mission was to retrieve Professor Verdantdawn - as soon as that orc got out of the way you could probably withdraw and get out of here, mission accomplished.
On the other hand, these were clearly some bad people, and whatever ancient sea elf artifact this stone cube was, it probably would mean trouble down the road if these people got to keep it.

Adding complications to this decision was the X-D dropship hanging overhead, which was getting involved again as three beams of light, each as wide of a person, shone down through the hole the alien craft had blasted in the roof. From the X-D ship itself, it looked like several X-Ds were starting to emerge from the craft and position themselves over the beams, either to aim them or use them for some other purpose.

(The X-Ds shown on the map will not be present in the fight until the beginning of next round, when they ride the beams down to the ground. Until then they are visible but have superior cover from the dropship - but they can't see you guys so you have CA against them so it's only a +3 bonus to all defenses instead of the usual +5 bonus. You may pursue the TEMPEST operatives and continue that fight, or begin a fighting withdraw of your own and let them flee.)

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit)

Tempest Desperado - 24
Luey - 23
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Tempest Berserker - 17
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Garrathor - 4


2016-03-20, 12:37 AM
This is currently plan A. If anyone thinks that there's a glaring problem with this plan - BEFORE OPENING THE ROLLS - let me know in the ooc and we can address it.

"Nn... Hey!" Luey instinctively shields her eyes from the green flashes, and by the time she looks again she's been kicked in the shins and the desperado is backflipping over her head. This guy is fast.

At Eunara's and V.D.'s urging, Luey isn't inclined to let wolf-mask get away. Garr can see to it that the professor gets away safely. Still, as squid-face organizes the retreat, something starts bugging her.

"W-wait. You aren't working with them?" she asks the orc lady as she cautiously paces around her, flinching at least once to block that hammer she's swinging around.

Barring some truly convincing response, Luey's reaction is going to be roughly the same:

"Wh... then what's your problem? Ugh!"

With that, Luey lights up her legs, bolts across the room and practically leaves the orc cartoonishly spinning in place.

Note that Charging Ram stance is still active. I should probably have announced it officially last turn, but there you go.

Move: Shift up or maybe left - it doesn't really matter.
Standard: charge the diabolist. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (Though is she's a decent bodyguard, the shift might have, in which case the whole round might need reconsidering.)

Attack: [roll0]+9 vs. AC

Damage?: [roll1]+9
(possible re-roll: [roll2])

If this works, it knocks down the tiefling. The plan in that case is to spend an action point and charge through the door, using a jump check to get over him. Movement made while charging doesn't provoke AoO for her, but this might be kind of a gray area, so let me know whether it's kosher or not.

EDIT: Actually, she'll bloody him with Headsman's Chop and use her action point to get out of the weird position where the sectoids are dropping in next to her. This means charging someone else. She goes after the bound fiend because taking it out would have freed up Delvin to do pretty much whatever he wanted.

Jump!: [roll3]+5

Charge Wolfmask Bound Fiend: [roll4]+9 vs. AC

Damage?: [roll5]+9
(possible re-roll: [roll6])

Dual Attack (vs. Diabolist after first charge): [roll7]+10 (counting bonus vs. grounded opponent)
Damage??:[roll8]+12 (counting headsman's chop)
(possible re-roll: [roll9])

She rockets to the guy in the squid mask and slams him into the doorframe, sending him tumbling to the ground. The follow-up is practically a reflex to Luey now; the diabolist gets the tip of his tail lopped off against the other side of the doorframe. Still, he's doing a great job blocking the cyber-girl's path even if he is on the floor and bleeding.

Luey glances over her shoulder and sees Cinder trying to line up a shot on the escaping gun-wielder. The fairy quickly signals her to move out of the way, and she complies by bringing her flaming legs back to life and dashing along the wall toward the bound fiend. She didn't really think this far ahead, so the result looks more like she's poking it in the back to get its attention than actually attacking. Delvin might be able to take advantage nonetheless, though; he's much more clever than he looks.

2016-03-21, 04:19 PM
Delvin might be able to take advantage nonetheless, though; he's much more clever than he looks.

And much less sober, but don't tell anyone.

2016-03-22, 09:07 PM
"You're the one that started - hey!"

The orc grunts as Luey pushes past her in a blur, faster than she can react with her big slow hammer.
As she slams the tiefling into the doorframe and chops at his tail, a crackle of red lightning passes between the tiefling and its outsider pet.
The result of this is that while he's still down on the floor, the tiefling is not as badly injured by Luey's strikes, while a large wound appears on the fiend's back.
Luey then turns and charges the fiend from behind, but her axe is turning aside by the spines covering the creature's back.
In response, the outsider arches its back and hops backward, jabbing its spines at Luey like some sort of freakish porcupine.
If her limbs were flesh and blood they likely would have been rended by the spines' sharp tips, but the attack only causes very minor damage to the metal of her arms.

Life Link
Free Action, Triggered on being hit by an attack
Effect: The diabolist may shift any amount of damage he desires to the Bound Fiend, taking the rest himself, but he must take at least 1 damage. Damage in excess of the bound fiend's HP is lost.

Spiny Shell
Immediate Reaction (Which I believe refreshes during the creature's turn, which means this will happen again since it's turn is right after Luey's. From the Rules Compendium - Therefore, if a creature takes an immediate action, it can’t take another one until the start of its next turn.)
Trigger: Attacked in Melee
Effect: The attacker takes 3 damage.

Then the fiend she had just poked turns into a whirlwind of fangs and claws as it lashes at Delvin. While Delvin is busy with the tiefling's fiendish pet, the masked fiend-born drags himself back up onto his feet by clinging to the doorframe.

"**** it!"

He declares, hefting the faintly glowing red orb in his hand, and throwing it down into the floor at his feet.
There is a loud crash of breaking glass, the sound of screams, and an eruption of fire from the shattered orb's interior.
As the flame winks out, four miniature-sized devils/demons similar in appearance to the tiefling's pet are standing in an arc before the tiefling!

"Kill that golem thing! That damn butterfly too!"

The tiefling commands, and with a shriek of acknowledgement the four dog-sized fiends races forward, two attacking Luey from behind while the other two charge towards Cinder. Not bothering to see the effects of his work, the tiefling turns and ducks through the doorway with a shout of "Cover our retreat!" The sound of a door behind thrown open comes from the next room a few moments later.

One of the miniature fiends throws itself at Cinder, swatting the pixie and nearly sending her tumbling to the ground, but she manages to regain control and twist away from the second attacker. Luey is not so lucky, as both fiends leap on her back, rending and tearing what's left of her fleshy bits further. The end result is that the former lumberjill is barely standing at the end of the brutal assault.

Move: Stand Up
Standard: Equipment Daily - Orb of Shadows Summon
Effect: The Diabolist summons 4 lesser bound fiends (same stats, but minion version). Each may immediately take a set of full actions.

Move: Move to indicated position in the next room – Activates Shadow Walk (Grants Concealment, but Not Superior Concealment due to destruction of Orb of Shadows)

Minor: Open door

Standard: Claw & Fang vs. Delvin
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Effect: Target is afflicted by the Mark of the Beast

Target is Cursed until the End of the Encounter and suffers an extra 1d6 damage when attacked by Diabolist or Bound Fiend.

+1 Neck: Target is Cursed (Save Ends)

#1 & #2
Standard: Charge Cinder
To-Hit: [roll2] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 4
To-Hit: [roll3] (+1 Charge)
Damage: 4

#3 & #4
Move: Move into melee with Luey
Standard: Attack Luey
To-Hit: [roll4] (+2 Flanking)
Damage: 4
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 4

“Well, it’s been fun! But it looks like we’ll have to settle this some other time. Too bad.”

The orc grunts as she turns and joins her companions in fleeing, leaving her back open for Garrathor to take another swing at her. The orc takes up position on the other side of the door, and grins for a moment at you all before she slams the door shut with her foot.

The female orc has not moved away from the closed door like her companions. She’s standing there, waiting . . .

To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Move: Move to indicated position, provoking from Garrathor (already rolled)
Minor: Close Door
Standard: Action which the party cannot see

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit)

Tempest Desperado - 24
Luey - 23
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Tempest Berserker - 17
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Garrathor - 4


2016-03-25, 12:54 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin staggers a bit, but it's unclear whether it's due to the blow he just took, or whether he's just staggering. If he is drunk, it's unclear where he's hiding his stash.

Stabilizing himself, Delvin strikes out at the Fiend before him. Should the fiend fall, he has a surprise in store for the lesser fiends bullying Luey.

Minor Action: Second Wind - regain 8 HP and gain a +2 to defenses until my next turn starts
Brash Strike vs Bound Fiend
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage on a hit, it's marked by me, and I gain 4 THP.
Effect: The fiend gains CA against me EONT.

I don't know why I'm typing all that, since it has 1 hp left.

Move: Advance up to the two mini-fiends near Luey
AP, gaining +1 to all rolls as part of the AP
Hack and Hew vs both mini-fiends
Minion 3:[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage and I gain 8 THP.
Minion 4:[roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage and I gain 8 THP.
Free Action: Shift 4 after the attack from APing under Emere's watch.

After his flurry of blows, Delvin positions himself in a defensive position both near the doorway and in place to hack at the Trooper as it lands.

[roll6] vs AC, [roll7] damage, I gain 4 THP, and it's marked EONT.

2016-03-26, 02:12 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 33/33 HP

Garr's swipe at his boar-masked quarry is followed by at first a clumsy attempt to get to his feet. Finally with a frustrated grunt he flops onto his back and pushes up, a green pulse of light launching him upright as translucent pale green feline legs form beneath his feet. Upon these new legs he charges for the door the Tempest agent has just shut.

Now anyone who has spent time around dwarves will be familiar with the sight and sound of their walking pattern, to the point that many a goblin ambush has been triggered solely by counting dwarven steps. Thus the Boar-woman hardly has to think to expect her pursuer to charge against the door in six paces. And so she is completely taken by surprise when a force rams the door open after only four stomps.

Move action: move to space before door. Minor: open door. Standard if Berzerker is adjacent: Accelerating Strike on said enemy.

[roll0] vs AC. (The +2 is from the Combat Advantage that Accelerating Strike's attack automatically gets.)

Hit: [roll1], and Garr does not grant OA's to berzerker for the rest of the encounter.

Miss: Half damage.

Effect: Garr gains +2 to movement speed and +1 to shift speed until end of encounter.

Off-Turn Actions:
Battle Resilience: As a free action interrupt to being hit or missed with an attack, Garr gains DR 6 until EONT.
Defensive Counter: an enemy hits an ally within 2 squares of Garr, as an immediate interrupt he and the ally swap places, and if adjacent to the triggering enemy he makes a MBA.

2016-03-26, 03:40 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder weaves in the air, taking a bit of a scratch from the summoned fiends, but otherwise not taking her eyes off her actual quarry. Moving back a bit to get her some aiming space, she spies the elf with the doodad through the now open door, and takes aim, hoping to put him down.
Move: shift 1 back and hide (from Desperado & Diabolist)

Standard: Sly Flourish @Desperado
[roll1] (+2 if hidden)

2016-03-26, 03:49 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder watches as her darts fly true, but the elf bastard saw them coming as well and manages to put up an arm in front of his neck where Cinder's attack would have been truly devastating. Not one to give up, Cinder takes a second shot before he can get any further, and the renewed attack is too much. He falls to the ground.

AP: Sly Flourish @Desperado
[roll1]Should've been 1d6+7. Still, 8 (min damage) was enough to kill

Move: see map, and hide

2016-03-26, 06:10 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Darting into the room, Emere called a quick word of encouragement at Luey as he drew back one of his specially fletched broadhead arrows and let it fly at the berserker.

Move, then Minor to use Inspiring Word on Luey, healing an additional [roll0] points. Then with my Standard use Relentless Wounding on the Berserker. I'll make another post after for my AP usage, since what I do will vary depending on if I hit or not and I'd rather not write out an if/then statement. Scratch that. I'm not actually in a position that I want to spend my AP. I'll probably use it next round.

Hit: Until the end of the encounter my allies gain a +4 power bonus to damage vs the Berserker.
Miss: Power is Reliable, so is not expended on a miss.

2016-03-27, 03:26 PM
As the X-COM operatives swing into action and Cinder's bolts take down the fleeing masked half-elf, he collapses to the ground, the stone box tumbling from his hands.
A moment later, and an explosion engulfs the half-elf as he breaths his last, reducing the body and everything its carrying to charcoal.
The Tiefling is unharmed by the explosion, but curses vehemently as he scrambles after the dropped box which is still intact.

Cleaving through the summoned fiends, Delvin readies a swing and nearly hits the tube-equipped X-D as it descends to the floor via the beam of light.

As Garrathor shoulders open the door in a blur of speed, although he catches the orc off-guard at the suddenness of the motion she still manages to take a swing at him. (Readied action goes off after Garrathor's minor to open the door.)
But clearly the dwarf's sudden speed in opening the door throws off the orc's aim, and her swing goes completely wide.

Crushing Surge vs. Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: The Berserker gains 6 temp HP

Garrathor and Emere team up to double-team the pig-masked orc, but although she grunts under the assault she remains undaunted.

Eurnara moves into the room and takes up a defensive position, beckoning at Professor Verdantdawn while shouting at him.

"This way! I'll cover your retreat!"

Move: Move to indicated position
Standard: Ready a charge against any enemy approaching the southeast corner of the room (like that descending legionnaire to the south)

"You must recover the artifact! It is very important!"

The professor-astrologist shouts, yet nonetheless attempts to get out of the way of the battle.

Double Move to indicated position

Trooper: [roll2]
Legionnaire 1: [roll3]
Legionnaire 2: [roll4]

As soon as the X-Ds have landed on the floor of the observatory, the flying hammer moves off, swooping around out of sight to the far side of the building.

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Trooper: 19
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Tempest Berserker - 17
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Garrathor - 4


2016-03-27, 07:05 PM
Luey groans and gasps - not loudly enough to be heard over the rest of the commotion - as the thinner fiends leap onto her back, but Delvin comes through, hacking through the big baddie and slapping away the smaller ones on his way to the fiend. She nods to the whirling, drunken beard-creature as he resumes course. "Phew... thanks."

As Emere's urging, Luey turns and works up the nerve to return to the fray for the artifact. She quick-steps over to the door just behind Delvin and finds the other, more sober dwarf already pushing his way through the masked orc. More importantly, the ringleader is on the other side of that room picking up the macguffin. We still have no idea what it is or what they're trying to do with it, but we all saw what they did to get it. Whoever these people are, they're not up to anything good.

Move to Garrathor's square, then charge:

[roll0]+9 vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]+9 (plus knock prone)
(re-roll 1: [roll2])

On hit, follow-up:
[roll3]+10 vs. AC (accounting for prone target)
Damage: [roll4]+12
(re-roll 1: [roll5])

On miss: Probably use Human power to make it not miss.

"Coming through, Garrathor!"

The flame-cyborg pushes through the doorway and rockets across the room, again leaving pig-mask's maul swinging into the smoke behind her. In an instant, she's pinned the tiefling on the ground with her military axe and has her wood-cutting axe poised to deliver the coup de grâce.

"D... drop it!"

Of course by the time she gets the words out, squid-face has already lost his grip on the cube. He's unconscious. So, at least that much worked itself out.

...that's when Luey notices the state of the other guy.

2016-03-28, 05:37 AM
As Luey knocks the tiefling to the floor again, he raises a hand and blasts her with a ball of flame (immediate reaction to first hit, which definitely hits).

Infernal Wrath - Immediate Reaction
Effect: Attacker takes [roll0] Fire damage

The blast hurts, but mostly it just pisses her off as she brings the flat of her axe down on the bridge of the tiefling's nose, pushing the mask down onto his face.
With the shadows surrounding him, Luey nearly misses and hits the floor next to his head instead, but a sudden surge of concentration lets her hit dead on-center. (Second follow-up hit would have missed due to concealment, until Luey used racial human power to give +4 to-hit).

As the tiefling loses consciousness, Luey notices the state of the other guy . . . and that's pretty much the point when the tiefling explodes. Thankfully the blast is mostly concentrated on destroying the tiefling's body, but Luey still gets a little scorched.

Effect: The tiefling explodes. Anyone adjacent takes [roll1] Fire damage (this is why the tiefling took no damage as he had more than Resist 6 Fire)

Back in the observatory room, the X-Ds land and immediately start moving.
The first spear-wielder moves around the side of the telescope platform as if going after Emere, but as Cinder comes into line the legionnaire changes its mind and turns and charges the pixie instead.

Move: Move to the northeast corner of the telescope platform. That should eliminate Cinder's cover, allowing him to see her.
Standard: Charge Cinder
To-Hit: [roll2] (+1 Charge)
Damage: [roll3]
Hit: Cinder is Marked

The tube X-D backpedals wildly away from Delvin, leaving itself open to another swing from his axe, but the blow fails to bring the X-D down and so the invader manages to scamper away, unleashing a stream of green fire back at the dwarf as it escapes. But, seeing Emere and the fiends, the alien has nowhere else to go except back towards the bench of delicate, dangerous alchemical supplies.

Move: Shift back away from Delvin, triggering his Combat Challenge
Standard: Run And Gun (vs. Delvin)
Effect: Trooper moves up to 3 squares, making an attack at some point during that move (after the 1st square)
To-Hit: [roll4] vs. LOWER of AC or Reflex
Damage: [roll5] Fire/Lightning

To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

The last alien moves around the platform to the south, and gets a pissed-off sea elf for its trouble.

Move: Move south around the telescope platform, triggering Eurnara's charge
Standard: Attack Eurnara after her charge
To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Hit: Eurnara is Marked

Charge Legionnaire
To-Hit: [roll10] (+1 Charge)
Damage: [roll11]

Demonstrating that the fiends are no friend of the aliens, the remaining two fiends the tiefling had summoned rage out of control and descend on the spear-wielding X-D's back.

Both move up and attack the Legionnare
To-Hit: [roll12]
Damage: 4

To-Hit: [roll13]
Damage: 4

Turning from the doorway, even through the mask Luey can tell the orc is leering at her.

"Bitch, you made two mistakes. One, you ignored me. Two, you're between me and my exit!"

The orc advances toward Luey, and as she does she fiddles with the shaft of her hammer. In response, oil begins running from a reservoir inside the shaft, coating the head of the hammer. This oil is then ignited a moment later, covering the head of the weapon in a veil of flame! Reaching Luey, the orc swings her maul around to, as the weapon is named, maul her.

Minor: Activate Flaming Hammer
Move: Move away from Garrathor, provoking an OA
Standard: Rejuveninating Strike on Luey
To-Hit: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Bonus Fire Damage: [roll16] Fire
Hit: The Berserker spends a healing surge.
Effect: Luey is Marked

To-Hit: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]

2016-03-28, 05:42 AM
"Oh no you didn't!" The orc grunts as Luey manages to dodge the orc's first swing, until she brings the weapon back around!

Crushing Surge vs. Luey
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Berserk gains 6 temp HP

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit)

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Trooper: 19
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Tempest Berserker - 17
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Garrathor - 4


2016-03-28, 08:10 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

As the alien rushes her, Cinder readies her sword. As the spear comes at her, Cidner goes into a sizzy figure of eight, keeping it at bay, sometimes by mere inches. "I'm good!" she shouts over the alien's head at Emere, "But I think Luey is in a bit of a sticky mess."

Then she moves into the offensive, half running, half flying along the spear shaft, her rapier dripping with all the greenish sap she can produce. She takes a stab at him, then moves back a step, hoping the poison will work. Unfortunately, all she hits is armour, and her attack is ineffective

Standard: Dazing Strike@SL#1
[roll0] (inc. CA)
Hit: Dazed UENT(Cinder's)

Move: Shift 1 (see map)

2016-03-29, 06:29 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 33/33 HP + 3 DR

The brawl at the door is as fierce as it is brief, with Garrathor and his pig-masked opponent trading blows in quick succession, Garr's blue psionic barrier weathering each of her hammer blows much the way the transparent X-D shields absorbed his at the start of this operation. Ya killed those guards downstairs! Why'd ya kill 'em!? Yer more monster than the bloody hobbits!" he shouts, his fury driving his hammer into her arm and shoulder. When she breaks off to continue her escape he can only jerk to the side to make way for the cyborg barreling through the path he cleared.

Regaining his balance atop his slender ectoplasmic legs, the elevated dwarf glances back at the landing X-D's and taps Delvin's shoulder with his shield. "You take care a' Luey, I'll cover the other two." Wasting no time, he thrusts his stocky body forward on a collision course with the looming Hobbit that just landed in the middle of the room, his psychic aura flaring as he swings his hammer.

Move to location indicated on map. Iron Fist with Augment 2 on ST#1. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1]. If this thing survives, spending an Action Point to do it again unaugmented.

[roll2] vs AC. Hit: [roll3]
If the Trooper survives, Battlemind's Demand to mark the Trooper. If the Trooper falls, Battlemind's Demand to Mark the Legionairre.

Garr gains 3 DR until EONT.

Off-Turn Action only if Trooper dies. : Guardian's Counter should any attack hit an ally within 2 squares of me, should it apply.

2016-03-30, 11:52 AM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Seeing Luey's pyromechanical legs leaking fast, Delvin advances on the orc with his axe slung back over his shoulder.

Do ye wear 'at pig mask in honor of ye mother? he asks, while simultaneously swinging his axe at the orc's less-protected backside.

Move: Move!
Minor: Wish I had more minor action powers.
Standard: Driving Attack vs the TEMPEST Berserker from flanking.
[roll0] vs AC
Hit:[roll1] damage, I gain 8 THP, and he is marked EONT. Push 1 square and follow.
Miss: half damage and I gain 4 THP
Effect: make the secondary attack.
[roll2] vs FORT
Hit: [roll3] damage, I gain 8 THP, and he is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Miss: half damage

Luey, grab the cube and run! We'll take care o' these pig-sons!

2016-03-31, 11:03 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Garrathor, take that one out!" Emere shouted as he raced past the pair on his way to get a good look at what Luey's condition was. "Luey, you're fine. We're almost done here, just hold on a little longer."

Using Direct the Strike to have Garrathor swing at the Trooper. Then move and use Inspiring Word on Luey, for an additional [roll0].


2016-03-31, 11:06 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Noticing that the trooper was still up, Emere swore before sending an arrow in his direction.

Action point to use Race the Arrow on the Trooper. If it hits, Garrathor can make another MBA with a +4 to hit and damage.



2016-04-04, 07:38 PM
Running after the masked orc, Delvin catches up to her in time to see her catch Luey with a backswing from her flaming hammer, nearly driving the half-lumberjill half-golem to the ground with a single blow.
After such a pair of heavy swings, however, the orc is off-balance and is unable to dodge Delvin's own hellacious blow, flinging the orc across the room and into the wall.

"Aww . . . ****."

The orc grunts as she slumps to the floor, an explosion engulfing her and the nearby table in a fiery cataclysm an instant later.
The stone box lies a short distance from Luey's feet, easy to scoop up and tuck under one of her arms if she so wishes, although doing so will likely require stowing one of her weapons. (Minor action to pick up, requires one hand to carry around, weights about 30 pounds).

Despite the death of the last of the mysterious operatives, the battle is still not over - in addition to the X-Ds in the observatory dome, Luey watches as a quartet of those flying metal spindly-armed orbs come floating into the next room over through the two open-faced windows.

Taking a turn this coming round . . .
Initiative: [roll0]

The entire building rocks as another barrage of green fire from the hammer craft slams into the far side of the structure.

"What is that thing trying to do, bring the entire building down on us!?" The professor cries out while Eurnara continues to duel her opponent.

"There were defensive magics worked into this structure! We just need to find and activate them! Check the statues we passed!" (Back out in the lobby - they've been marked on the map).

Shielding Strike vs. Legionnaire #2
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: Verdantdawn gains 3 temp HP

"I'll go check the statues! But . . . shouldn't one of you come with me!?"

Verdantdawn cries out, before ducking into the next room. (Moves into the next room, but waits for escort before going all the way out into the lobby.

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit)

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Trooper: 19
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Drones - 7
Garrathor - 4


2016-04-05, 09:43 PM
"R... Right!"

With a nod to Emere and Delvin, Luey attempts to hastily scoop up the artifact with one arm and go, but the the intricate piece proves surprisingly brick-like in its obstinacy. That is to say, it's way heavier than she thought it would be, and it doesn't have any good gripping points. With a sharp breath of frustration, she puts away her axes and picks up the stone with both hands.

Seeing and hearing the drones buzzing in ahead of her, she looks for an alternate exit and finds it: she charge-leaps onto the table and slides across it to kick open the southern door!


With a dramatic slam followed by a more subdued thump, she tumbles out onto the floor in the hallway.

2016-04-11, 05:26 AM
While Luey is making good on her own escape, the fight continues in the observatory.

Both armored X-Ds concentrate on their blades for a moment, wrapping them in magical shadowy energy.
Then they both strike, one stabbing at Eurnara, one at Cinder.
The tube-equipped X-D, meanwhile, backpedals while firing at Garrathor. It's not quite fast enough to sidestep his a swing from his warhammer, however.

Standard: Frightful Blade vs. Cinder
To-Hit: [roll0] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll1] Psychic
Hit: Target is Pushed 2 squares and suffers Terrified Phobia

Terrified Phobia
Effect: The target must end its turn farther away from the Legionnaire than it started its turn (Save Ends)

+1 Armor: Targets HIGHER of AC or Will
+1 Neck: Terrified Phobia lasts until the end of the victim's next turn rather than Save Ends.

If hit, will push Cinder 1 square north, and then use its move action to Shift up after her

Move: Shift one square to the east. Garrathor's ability kicks in that allows him to shift 1 after the opponent.
Standard: Shot on the Run vs. Garrathor which provokes an OA

To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

(If it survives)
To-Hit: [roll4] vs. Lower of AC or Reflex
Damage: [roll5] Fire/Lightning
Effect: The Trooper moves 3 squares

Standard: Frightful Blade vs. Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll6] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll7] Psychic
Hit: Target is Pushed 2 squares and suffers Terrified Phobia

Terrified Phobia
Effect: The target must end its turn farther away from the Legionnaire than it started its turn (Save Ends)

+1 Armor: Targets HIGHER of AC or Will
+1 Neck: Terrified Phobia lasts until the end of the victim's next turn rather than Save Ends.

Eurnara stands firm, but Cinder is sent reeling from the blow. From her perspective, the armored X-D grows to gigantic size, threatening to squash her with a single footstep. She has to get away, as far away from it as possible!

Garrathor's swing almost connects but misses, and the trooper pumps a volley of green fire into his gut for his trouble before scampering away to the far side of the table.

Out of control, the two pint-sized fiends continue their assault on their nearest target - namely the X-D!

To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: 4

To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: 4

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Trooper: 19
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Drones - 7
Garrathor - 4


2016-04-11, 12:35 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 19/33HP + 3 DR

(Fluff for Garr's off-turn action as described in Inspectre's above post)

As soon as the towering X-D begins its retreat, Garrathor's ectoplasmic stilts transform into exact copies of the grey hulk's legs, facing the same direction as the originals despite the orientation of the dwarf atop them. For every step the giant hobbit takes, the false legs take the exact same step a fraction of a second later, which means he can knock his foe's shot off-target but unfortunately he turns a shot against Cinder into a point-blank disharge into his own shoulder. The dwarf roars in pain as green light particles fly off him at all angles, but the roar turns into a short laugh through gritted teeth. "C'mon, try that again!" he shouts as the slag on his shield shoulder cools. "I haven't had a good tickle like that all day!" Despite his bravado, the blast gives the X-D a chance to make a retreat.

2016-04-11, 03:13 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder clutches at the bleeding wound, then looks up at the seemingly gigantic alien. "I'm gonna need a bigger sword. Time for a strategic retreat". She makes a couple of slashes to give herself breathing room, then scampers the moment the alien moves to dodge. Flying over the rubble of the telescope, she misjudges her trajectory and end up slamming against the other trooper. "Hey, Eurnara, bit o' 'elp?"

Standard: Gloaming Cut@SL#1
[roll0] (inc. CA)
Effect: shift 2: see map

Move: See map

2016-04-13, 09:22 AM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin spits down at the felled TEMPEST Pig-face, and retreats back into the main observatory dome. Seeing his friends in trouble, he charges the sectoid trooper and swings his axe in a staggering blow.

To be clear here, Delvin is staggering, but the blow is also rather forceful. A staggering staggering blow, if you will.

Move: back into the room with the others
Standard: Charge ST1: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage (4 more, if we're gaming the fact that Emere's bonus lasts until the end of his next turn and he hasn't taken it yet, even though I already benefitted from it)
Effect: ST1 is marked by me EONT

2016-04-15, 10:55 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

Seeing as everyone was wisely retreating back towards the entrance hall, Emere moved to join them, taking a shot at the alien between Cinder and Eurnara.

Move as per on the map, then use Paint the Bullseye on SL#2.

Hit: Until the start of my next turn, my allies gain a +4 power bonus to damage rolls against the target.

2016-04-17, 01:23 PM
(Yeah, you only ever gain the benefits of a "until end of turn" buff once, regardless of the order people take their actions in. Not counting Action points and such, of course.)

Delvin cuts down the tube-wielding invader, while Cinder flees her terrifying opponent, only to run into the other one. At her call for aid, Eurnara spins around to catch the invader in between them. She gives a terse nod at Cinder's request, imbuing her spear with golden light before her latest thrust at the X-D. As her weapon reaches its maximum extension, the golden light flies from the spear, flowing around the invader to wash over Cinder, closing several of her wounds. Eurnara seems to grunt in pain from the effort, however.

Move: Shift 1 square south to flank Legionnaire
Minor: Marytr's Word on Cinder - Eurnara spends a healing surge and Cinder heals for Cinder's surge value plus [roll0].
Standard: Shielding Strike on Legionnaire
To-Hit: [roll1] (+2 Flank)
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: Cinder gains 3 temp HP.

In the other room, the floating constructs spread out throughout the observatory building, hunting.
One moves through the library that Luey glimpsed and opens the door into the hallway she took cover in with a blast of its levitation field.
Another moves over to the door to the room on the far side of the building, and upon blasting the door open, fires at something within that room.
The last two chase after Luey, having caught a glimpse of the X-COM operative through the doorway as they came in.
Fortunately, she has taken cover behind the table that had been set up in front of that doorway, protecting her from the barrage of laser rays that were fired her way.

#1 & #2
Move: Move into the room where all the dead TEMPEST are.
Standard: Shoot at Luey (-5 Superior Cover, -2 Prone)
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 7

To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 7

Double Move
Minor: Open door to hallway

Move: Move to spot in the library
Minor: Open door
Standard: Shoot at unknown target
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 7

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Trooper: 19
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Drones - 7
Garrathor - 4


2016-04-17, 09:54 PM
After burning up the perfectly good centerpiece that Luey had knocked over, the Drones take a second to recharge their lasers, leaving Luey a small window to scramble through the door across the narrow hallway and pull it closed behind her.

Luey gasps for breath and clears her throat. "Professor! Box! You needed it?"

I'm not actually sure which way these doors actually open? I'm assuming that you can open a door as part of a move action, but it takes a minor action to close one, such that Luey can end her turn standing. If it takes a minor action for both sides... I guess she's crawling?

2016-04-20, 07:41 PM
Garrathor the Godless 19 --> 27/33 HP after Second Wind

As Garrathor braces for another impact, Delvin crashes into the trooper doing far more damage with an axe and pure dwarven fury than its light tube could ever do to one thing. He takes a moment to dull the shoulder pain ramming into his mind like a spike, then charges past Stoutstout, slapping the other dwarf on the back.

"Thanks, mate! I owe you a pitcher!"

His feline stilts propel him out of the room this all started in and past the crouching figures of Luey and Professor Verdantdawn to take up a defensive stance next to one of the statues that might save their lives. And mutters a prayer to Moradin to grant him the resilience of said statues.

First things first: Second Wind as a minor action. My 7 movement speed lets me reach the statue room in a double move, both to scout out what's inside and act as a target.

Off-turn action: Guardian's Counter. If either Luey or Verdantdawn is hit by an attack while within 2 squares of Garr, he swaps places with them and becomes the new target of the triggering attack. MBA if possible after the triggering attack is resolved.

2016-04-20, 08:30 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Mutation: [roll1]

(Since Luey and Garrathor are up around the end of the current round/start of the new round, I'll just take care of end of round stuff, like Verdantdawn's actions, after Luey's turn - that way he can go take the artifact off her hands, leaving her free to blender some more fools.)

Garrathor catches his breath as he races past the elven researcher cowering by the door to take up position between the two statues. Both are just as ravaged by the elements as before - barely more than vague humanoid shapes after so many years of exposure to the elements. If there was still some sort of magical power in them, it could only be hoped that moving the statues from wherever they had been resting outside had not finished the job that the elements had started.

Determined to keep moving, Luey leaps back up to her feet as the barrage of laser light momentarily pauses, crashing through the door opposite the hallway from her and then shouldering it back closed just as quickly. Verdantdawn jumps back into the corner of the small room, huddling against the display case for a moment before he realizes that Luey is a friendly. Or maybe it's just the stone cube cradled in her arms that catches his attention.

"Oh good! You recovered it from those . . . those butchers of history! This is a very important artifact . . . but I have no idea what it does."

The professor admits sheepishly after a moment, as he hurries over to Luey's side and accepts the artifact, taking a moment to look down upon it like a mother might her child. Unlike a child, or the trained operatives handling it easily, the elf clearly does not have the strength to carry the stone easily, even though he insists on it as he walks away from Luey to join Garrathor in the other room, hefting the stone cube along with him. (Verdantdawn's speed is reduced to 3 while carrying the cube - but that does leave everyone else's hands free!)

He stares up in befuddlement at the worn statue next to him and Garrathor.

"I have no idea what to do here . . . we definitely found no switch or magical rune carved in it that said "Activate me!"

Verdantdawn grouses, and then looks over his shoulder back towards the observatory through the several still-open doorways, and shouts something in elvish at Eurnara.


Still busy fighting for her life, Eurnara shouts back a terse, one-word reply.


Move: Move to Luey
Minor: Take artifact from her
Standard: Move to stand behind Garrathor

For a moment, the building again shakes as the alien craft outside unleashes a barrage of green fire down towards the earth . . . but it didn't seem to be targeting the observatory itself. A few moments later, mist begins to seep in under the double doors leading back to the elevator platform. A few moments after that, and something heavy slams into the door. Not built for a siege and not currently barricaded anyway, the double doors boom open, allowing mist to begin crawling into the room - and four zombies bound in rusted chains to come shambling in.

"The extradimensionals have necromancers amongst their number!!? Fascinating . . . Verdantdawn observes, peering over Garrathor's shoulder as the shambling quartet take up defensive positions around the now-open door to the outside.

Initiative: [roll2]

2016-04-20, 08:44 PM
Meanwhile in the observatory itself, the battle continues.
Ignoring Cinder, the armored X-D continues itself assault against Eurnara, while the other stabs at the two lesser fiends, who continue clawing at it.
The invader has apparently never dealt with such creatures before, as its spear thrust continues to go wide while the fiends' claws sink deeply into its flesh, pulling the armor apart and leaving black blood welding up through the rent metal.

#1 - Attack Lesser Fiend 1
To-Hit: [roll0]

#2 - Attack Eurnara
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: Eurnara is Marked

#1 (If Alive)
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 4

To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 4

Link to the Battle-Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Draugr - 12 DELAY
Unseen Attacker - 8
Drones - 7
Garrathor - 4


2016-04-20, 09:12 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder takes a deep breath as the elf's magic closes her wounds and banishes her headache.
"You will need to help with the statues, I think". Once again, she attempts to stab the legionnaire, misses by a whisker, and mutters to herself, "Them bastards weren't this 'ard 'alf an 'our ago. What the 'ell is wrong with me?"

Standard: Sly Flourish @SL#2
[roll0] (inc. CA)

Move: if I kill the thing, Run-fly to the next room (will update map), and hide
[roll3](includes running penalty)
Move: shift down

2016-04-21, 01:41 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Delvin sways slightly before catching himself after Garrathor's back slap, and, hearing tiny little adorable pixie cursing, he turns towards where Cinder has still been unable to extricate herself from the sights of the Legionnaire.

What the hell kind of word is 'extricate' anyway? he slur-mumbles, before charging at the sectoid with his axe raised high. Isn't that some sort of fancy word for poop?

Move: move!
Minor: stagger a bit, rant drunkenly
Standard: Charge vs SL#2's AC: [roll0] (includes CA)
Hit: [roll1] damage
Effect: if it lives, it's marked EONT.

Delvin looks down at the viscera now coating the blade of his axe, and scrunches his face as the scent of disemboweled sectoid washes over him.

My fault; that was a bad question.

He nudges Eurnara, who is holding her hand over her face with a disgusted expression, and points her in the direction of the Professor and pillars.

You too, little one, and you too, Emere. Get out of here when you can. I'll guard our rear.

2016-04-25, 09:51 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Already working on leaving!" Emere called back to Delvin as he let loose a parting shot at the legionnaire, before turning and heading towards the way out.

RBA on SL1, then move to the door out of the observatory room (already done).


2016-04-26, 07:40 PM
The sea elf nods her thanks at Delvin as the armored X-D collapses to the floor in a bloody, severed heap.
She dashes past Emere, coming up to stand beside the professor as he looks back over his shoulder and calls out to her again in elven.

"What do you mean, pray!? To whom?"

Eurnara is quick to snap back an answer as she kneels in front of the northern statue.

"Here! It'll be quicker to show you!"

(Activating the statues will take a standard action and will happen at the end of next turn - Eurnara's first, and then Verdantdawn's on his turn at the end of the round.)

Double move to current location

As Eurnara arrives, the shambling corpses form up into a mobile wall and advance towards the group, whirling their rusted chains as they come.
Nearing Garrathor, they all lash at the dwarf, the southernmost one having trouble landing a solid hit on account of the statue.

Move: All advance to current locations, forming a wall
Standard: Attack Garrathor - #4 has a cover penalty

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends) or Increase Existing Ongoing by 1

To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends) or Increase Existing Ongoing by 1

To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends) or Increase Existing Ongoing by 1

To-Hit: [roll3] (-2 Cover)
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends) or Increase Existing Ongoing by 1

Meanwhile, the lone drone still in the back of the complex gets attacked by the unknown assailant it was shooting at.

(Yeah, it's an aquatoid - tentacled one. If it had been a Regenerator I'd have rerolled it.)

Minor: Tentacle drone
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Hit: Drone pulled adjacent
Move: Move adjacent to Drone if Tentacle missed

Standard: Attack Drone
To-Hit: [roll6] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Damage: [roll7]

Meanwhile in the observatory, two spindly constructs float into the room, each firing at one of the fiends gnawing on the last X-D standing in the room.
The door leading from the lobby to the central hallway also flies open, revealing a drone that fires . . . at one of the walking corpses!?

Move: Move into observatory
Standard: Shoot at Bound Fiend #1
To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: 7

Move: Move into observatory
Standard: Shoot at Bound Fiend #2
To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: 7

#3 (If still alive)
Move: Shift back
Standard: Shoot at Aquatoid #1
To-Hit: [roll10]
Damage: 7

Move: Move to spot in the hallway
Minor: Open door to the lobby
Standard: Shoot at Draugr #4
To-Hit: [roll11]
Damage: 7

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Legionnaire 2: 16
Tempest Diabolist/Bound Fiend - 18
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Draugr - 12 DELAY
Unseen Attacker - 8
Drones - 7
Garrathor - 4


2016-04-28, 06:57 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 12 -ongoing-> 9 -potion-> 19/33HP, 6 surges remaining 3 Damage Resistance

When the chained dead burst through the door, Garrathor goes stock still. The sight of the things advancing on him brings back the memory of being washed out to sea, which causes his skin to visibly pale. Unfortunately what snaps him out of this is the searing pain of the chains raking across his limbs and tearing at his armor; the flashback broke both his focus and his psionic shielding. Emere can see the melted armor of his shoulder get yanked off by one chain and his exposed shoulder beneath scourged by another Draugr's chain. The rest of the team just hears a scream of agony from the cowboy dwarf, followed by an incoherent howl of rage as he throws himself flailing into the corpses' midst.

"Dripping dead! Dripping dead!" he finally manages to shout. While his flailing is physically ineffective, he's able to channel this release of aggression into a new shield. It also grants him a slim moment to take out one of the team's emergency potions and down it with his shield hand.

First, spending a Minor Action to chug a Healing Potion.

Second, shifting 1 square right to be in melee range of the three standing Draugrs.

Third, wishing I was Delvin so they couldn't just shift without provoking to get into range of my two charges.

Fourth, IRON FIST!:smallfurious: Against DD#2. [roll0] On hit, it's a minion so splat.
Effect: Garr gains 3 DR until the end of his next turn.

No marks, no Guardian's Counter since moving the two elf-folk away from the statues would be counterproductive.

Rolled save vs ongoing damage in the OOC thread. Rolled a 4, so Garr's still barbed.

2016-05-04, 08:04 PM
"Make way coming through!"

Luey shouts as she charges past the professor, pulling out her axes again and chopping wildly at the wall of dripping dead as she comes up alongside Garrathor.

"I got yer back Garry!"

Minor: Redraw weapons - I assume she stowed her axes before picking up the stone box, or has spare axes or something
Move: Move into position for a charge
Standard: Charge DD#3 - Off-hand if the charge hits going to DD#2
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Limbs going flying as Luey's axes strike true, although from what the group has seen previously these drowned dead would be back on their feet shortly.

Meanwhile in the observatory, the other armored X-D, now free of the tide of fiendish claws and teeth, charges Delvin from behind while the dwarf is focused on cleaning the other alien's brains off of his axe.
Unfortunately, all the alien manages to do is clang its weapon loudly off of Delvin's back as his armor holds and deflects the thrust.

Move: Move south
Standard: Charge Delvin
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Hit: Delvin is Marked

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Garrathor - 4
Luey - 23
Legionnaire 1: 22
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Draugr - 12 DELAY
Unseen Attacker - 8
Drones - 7


2016-05-04, 08:45 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Hoping to finally land a solid blow on the damned legionnaire, Cinder flies in a large circle, slashing as she rushes by before the psychic command forces her away from it once more.

Move: see map

Standard: Gloaming Cut
[roll0] (inc. CA)

Effect: shift 2
If hit, I'll also do Strike from Shadows and move an extra 2 to beyond the door.

2016-05-05, 10:13 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Delvin, drop that thing and get over here! Another good hit looks like it should do it." Emere called behind him as he continued to pull back with the rest of the group.

Direct the Strike to allow Delvin to hit SL1, then move back.

2016-05-05, 11:27 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

As the alien slaps his back, Delvin turns, surprised, and immediately begins to laugh a gleeful belly laugh.

Did ye see 'at? Did ye see 'at?

He devolves further into a fit of giggles.

I think this sh*thead just marked me. Wut's he gonna do, bleed on me?

Finally regaining some sense of drunken composure, Delvin finishes turning towards the Legionnaire and brandishes his axe.

F*ck it, he manages to say with a straight face, may as well do as he says.

Minor: Pray to Moradin for more beer and better dice, in that order.
Standard: Brash Strike vs *******.
[roll0] vs AC,
Hit:[roll1] damage (I have THP still!), and I grant him CA EONT.
Effect: He's marked if he's alive.
Move: If he's dead, i'm going to run 7 squares towards the rest of the party. If he's alive, I'll shift 1 towards the door staying adjacent to him.

2016-05-08, 09:31 PM
As Delvin cleaves the armored X-D literally in half, and Emere and Cinder start making their way towards the door, Eurnara kneels down in front of the statue, laying a hand on a vaguely defined foot.

"Do what I do. Melora, goddess and protector of your chosen people! Hear me now! You promised that you would always watch over us. Our ancient enemy has returned - lend us your strength now so that we might survive and give praise to your name!"

For a moment, there doesn't seem to be a response . . . and then the statue begins to glow, throwing off a faint light that gradually grows in strength, casting an eerie glow through the mist beginning to build up in the room. Bathed in the light, Garrathor feels his savage injuries beginning to seal closed, and some of the pain fades from Luey's own injuries. Just in time, as the walking corpses climb back up onto their feet and unleash another wave of flensing chains.

Move: Drop Prone
Standard: Activate Statue - Those within 3 squares (the blue aura) of the statue gain Regeneration 3, which lasts until the end of the next round after leaving the aura.

Healing for their next rounds has already been applied to Garrathor, Luey, Emere, and Eurnara.

Durable Are the Dead activates, reviving the slain draugr
Spliting attacks between Luey (#1 & #2) and Garrathor (#3 & #4)

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

From the doorway to the north, a tentacle suddenly appears, attempting to wrap around the floating construct and crush it!

Move: Move south from the destruction of Drone #4, crashing through the door into the northern hallway
Minor: Tentacle versus drone #3, pulling adjacent if it hits
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Standard: Psionic Blade or Charge versus Drone #3
To-Hit: [roll6] LOWER of AC or Will
Damage: [roll7]

#1 & #2
Move: Move closer to Cinder
Standard: Shoot at Cinder
To-Hit: [roll8]
Damage: 7

To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: 7

(if still Alive)
Move: Shift back 1
Standard: Shoot at Aquatoid
To-Hit: [roll10]
Damage: 7

The professor awkwardly falls to his knees as well, clearly stumbling over his words.

"Um . . . Melora, it's Eris Verdantdawn. I know I ah . . . never had much time for you before, so I'm . . . not really . . . good at this whole prayer thing. But if you could help us out here . . . I really . . . really appreciate - oh sod it."

Arcane power crackling from his fingertips, Verdantdawn touches the statue, sending a jolt of magic into the ancient stone. Whether it was the magic or the attempt at prayer, that statue also starts glowing, although this is less of a soft, reassuring glow and more of a searing brilliance that forces those in the room to squint in order to see clearly (no mechanical penalty though!). The effect on the shambling corpses is even more dramatic, as they seize up for a moment, shadowy tendrils flaying off of them and disintegrating in the light. It doesn't render them inert, but the undead seem noticeably weaker even so.

Move: Fall Prone
Standard: Activate Statue
Effect: While within 5 squares of the statue, the draugr cannot activate nor recharge their Durable Are the Dead ability - if they die within the aura, they're dead, permanently.

Three more of the shambling dead stagger in through the open front door, immediately recoiling in the brilliant light.
Eurnara frowns as she looks up, snapping at the professor, who shouts back, and then fills in the rest of the group in Common.

"What have you done!? This isn't the protection that I was expecting! Is there another statue somewhere!?"

"I . . . yes! Yes, there's another statue in the study! Through those doors!"

"Everyone! We need to get into the study to the east! It's through those double doors across the foyer from us!"

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Garrathor - 4
Luey - 23
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Draugr - 12 DELAY
Unseen Attacker - 8
Drones - 7


NEW OBJECTIVE: GET Eurnara/Verdantdawn to the last statue in the Study (eastmost room).

2016-05-08, 09:59 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder, finally released from the mental compulsion, shakes her head and draws her breath, trying to find her center. Unfortunately, she is immediately under fire from the drones, so she finds herself diving and weaving once more, avoiding the attacks. With few options, she rushes after the rest of the team through the doors, just in time to see the undead piling in front of Luey and Garrathor. "What in Sehanine's name is goin' on 'ere?" she asks, rather rhetorically, "You meanin' to tell me th'undead are not part of th'alien force? And those guys that were saunterin' 'round like they owned the place weren't their allies neither? Just 'ow many people decided to come to this god-forsaken island today?"

With little hope to get an answer, she falls back on her custom: shoot anything that looks dangerous, and let the bosses figure it out. She has a distant shot on the tentacle guy, and she takes it. Her darts finally hit their mark. "'Bout damned time. That attack really did a number on me." With the enemy in her sights, Cinder launches her last poisoned dart, causing the tentacled thing to lose its strength for a few seconds. Cinder then rushes into cover, and disappears in the shadows.

Move: see map, and hide

Standard: Sly Flourish @AH#1
[roll1] (+2 if hidden)
[roll3] (if hidden)

If I hit, use Strike from Shadows: AH#1 is weakened UENT (Cinder's) & Cinder moves 2 and hides (roll in OOC)

2016-05-12, 06:25 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 19/33 HP DR 3 EONT. Ongoing Damage 4 Save-Ends.

"I can see another statue from here! We'll clear a path, run like a draegloth's chasin' ya!" Garrathor bellows as he continues his assault. With Luey fighting side-by-side with him, the dwarf on stilts manages to club one corpse's head clean off its shoulders and break through the line, hoping his squadmates can widen the hole he just punched.

Ongoing damage deals 4-3=1 HP, Regen heals 3, bringing Garr back to his previous turn's total of 19 HP.

First, attacking DD #2 with Iron Fist. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: [roll1].

Effect: DR remains in effect.

My actions for the rest of this turn will depend on whether the above attack hit or not.

I shift 2 (due to my +1 Shift speed from my Daily) to end on the left side of DD 6.

Battlemind's Demand on DD 6, marking it.

I shift 1 square south.

Battlemind's Demand on DD 1, marking it.

Pray to Moradin that Luey can clear a path.

...I'm guessing the draugr went splat. Rolled my save in the OOC thread, got a 2. Garr's still bleeding like a stuck orc.

Reminder: If Garrathor uses his Mind Spike (damages a marked thing for hitting an ally) he gains 4 THP.

If an ally within 2 squares of him gets hit after the target of Garr's mark has acted, Guardian's Counter to swap places with the ally and eat the attack.

2016-05-12, 11:56 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

As Delvin stops for a moment to catch his breath, Cinder streaks past him and he sees Garrathor behead one of the Draugr ahead.

Watch out, 'mere! one more dwarf coming through! Shut the door behind us when you follow -- we've got multiple flyers incoming from behind!

He raises his shield in front of himself and charges full force at the zombie engaging Luey.

I got this 'un, lass! Support Garr with the others.

Unfortunately, it would appear that hiding behind your shield negatively impacts your vision, as Delvin completely misses the Draugr.

Luey only has one minion adjacent to her, which just seems wrong, so I'm going to kill (or mark) it, so that she can move down north of Garrathor and potentially kill both 1 and 6.

Move+Charge DD3: [roll0] vs AC edit:well, i was overdue for a ****ty roll.
Hit: damage
Miss: he's marked EONT.

2016-05-15, 02:04 AM
"Nnh... That's a good question..." Luey tells Cinder as she swats away more slimy draugr chains. As the monsters recoil from the second statue, and it dawn on her what this could mean, Luey's eyes light up. "Oh! Thank the gods! Well, [thank Melora, specifically,]" she says, partially in elven, as she backs towards the shrine away from the recovering shambler.

She acknowledges the instructions of the priestess and the tactician - move up to Garry and clear a path to the next room. "Okay, got it! HEADS UP!"

Luey leaps through the fray, swinging her axes over the dwarves' heads to connect with the weakened monsters.

It's good to be back! Now, CHAAAARGE!

[roll0]+9 vs. AC on Draugr #6
[roll1]+9 for damage
[roll2] for the potential reroll

Second attack if the first one hits! Another Draugr! Probably #1 since Delvin called #3!

[roll3]+8 vs. AC on Draugr #6
[roll4]+7 for damage
[roll5] for the potential reroll

These are minions so why am I even rolling for damage I must be crazy

It takes her a moment to find an opening, but these shamblers are slow enough that the charge works regardless. Lucille brings both of her axes down on the draugr between Garry and the door and excitedly scatters the chains and seaweed as the monster dissolves into debris. By the time she stops savoring her sweet revenge, she has to start defending herself against the ones behind her rather than take another good swing.

2016-05-16, 08:39 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Excuse me, Cinder!" Emere called out as he squeezed through the door and slammed it shut behind him. "Garr, try to thin them out a bit more!"

Move to share a space with Cinder, then minor to close the door behind him. Standard to have Garrathor to swing at DD#5.


2016-05-19, 05:25 PM
"Garr, try to thin them out a bit more!"

In response to this helpful advice, Garrathor responds with a roar above the din: "How'm I supposed-" "Three o' clock, eighth rib, loose armor strap!"

A bit embarrassed, the dwarf glances to his right and sees the dangling strip of leather. He grabs it with his buckler hand and beats into the chest of the suddenly immobilized draugr, caving its chest in and breaking its spine within three swings. The abomination falls, and Garr stands ready to shield his teammates against more blows despite the metal shards digging into his shoulder.

Since my mark is dead, minor edit to my off-turn contingency. Garr will use Guardian's Counter if Luey, Verdantdawn, or Eurnara is hit with an attack within 2 squares of him.

2016-05-21, 09:44 PM
Garrathor and Luey begin to chop their way through the wall of walking corpses, the previously formidable undead suddenly a lot less relentless and durable in the light emanating from the statue.
Delvin brings up the rear, and although his axe sinks into the drowned dead's thigh to absolutely no effect, the dwarf gets another chance as the corpse turns to take a swing at Luey.

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Delvin's blow hands solidly in the corpse's back, but once again doesn't hit anything vital as its chains lash out and strike Luey in the back of the head.

The rest of the undead also close in on Garrathor, clearly smelling blood in the water . . . or air, as the case may be, and all of them try to rip the poor dwarf's wounds wider despite the shimmering field of force hovering around him, helping to keep his innards on the inside where they belong. And Garrathor is lucky to have that field intact, or his head would have been literally torn from his shoulders as the undead's chains strike with unerring accuracy, leaving numerous rending wounds in his face and neck even *with* the protection of his armor and psionic shielding. (Damn, that's a lot of crits. Good thing they were minions. :smalleek: )

(If he's still alive, #3 versus Luey - +2 Flank negates -2 Mark)
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

All other three vs. Garrathor - 3 less damage from Resist All if they even hit

#1 vs. Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll3] (+2 Flank)
Damage: 5
Hit: Plus Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

#7 vs. Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll4] (+2 Flank)
Damage: 5
Hit: Plus Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

#4 vs. Garrathor
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 5
Hit: Plus Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

While the dwarf continues to get pummeled near the entrance, the tentacled monstrosity shoulders its way through the doorway to the north, finally revealing itself as it makes a beeline for the statues.
As it does so, a crackling electric dischange builds between the prongs of the floating construct, which attempts to sway forward and jab them into the freakish invader's back.

To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 4 Lightning

Its dark eyes narrow as it reaches the statue and peers around it at the group by the statues, although whether from pain, the bright light of the statue, or simply hate is impossible to say.
Although it's motions are slow, its one arm still lashes out with impressive speed, grasping at Cinder.
It drags the pixie off of Emere's shoulder, across the intervening distance, and then holding the tiny operative still in its one tentacled hand, it brings the other up in a slash of psionic energy.
Although Cinder manages to twist out of the physical blow, the mental anguish is a different matter and blood begins to drip from her nose.
(Barely enough each time - 16 vs. AC & 14 vs. Will. Thankfully weakened!)

Move: Move to indicated position on the map, drawing an AoO from the drone
Minor: Tentacle Arm vs. Cinder
To-Hit: [roll7]
Hit: Pull Cinder to the nearest adjacent square - i.e. Southwest of Aquatoid, West of Statue
Standard: If Cinder was pulled adjacent, Psionic Blade vs. Cinder, otherwise using Standard as Minor to activate Psionic Shield
To-Hit: [roll9] vs. Lower of AC or Will
Hit: Harbringer may shift 2 squares - it'll shift one to the west

The flying construct that had been shooting at the invader (once more confirming that it seems there were multiple factions at play here, and none of them got along).
The other two continue chasing the group, a barrage of light rays burning holes in the door right next to Verdantdawn, who jumps in surprise and gives an undignified scream of fright.
Although not unjustified - the door did just explode into a hail of scorched fragments right next to him, after all.

#1 & #2
Move: Move into next room
Standard: Shoot at door to the west of Verdantdawn (if both hit, that should be enough to destroy it given its an interior door - AC 10)
To-Hit: [roll11]
Damage: 7

To-Hit: [roll12]
Damage: 7

Move: Move into lobby
Standard: Shoot at Harbringer again
To-Hit: [roll13]
Damage: 7

As the group continues to fight forward, another trio of drenched corpses shamble into the lobby, all of them again recoiling as the bright light of the statue plays over their bodies. One of them recoils and stumbles back a short distance from the door, and suddenly seems to pull itself together - clearly marking the boundary of how far the light is effective. Lucky - if the statues had been arranged to be flanking the door against the wall, the light wouldn't have reached the front door at all, and the wall of endless undead might be considerably more dangerous.

Again, the building trembles as explosions and the sound of crumbling stone come from the room ahead where the team was attempting to reach. Sounds like the X-D airship is getting ready to drop more infantry down into the building.

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Garrathor - 4
Luey - 23
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Draugr - 12 DELAY
Unseen Attacker - 8
Drones - 7

EVERYONE IS UP! (Regen for everyone for this round, and any ongoing damage, has been taken care of)

2016-05-21, 10:05 PM
Delvin Stoutstout, Stout Brewer of Stout Stouts (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=673246)

Hearing Cinder squeak with pain, Delvin steps back from the decaying horde and charges to her aid.

Move: Shift back 1 square to just east of Verdantdawn.
Standard: Charge, through Eurnara's space and into Cinder's. I could have done more damage more accurately if I provoked from 2 Draugr, but I'd rather not do that.
[roll0] vs Harbinger's AC
Hit: [roll1] damage
Effect: it's marked EONT.

2016-05-22, 01:33 AM
Seeing a clear path to the door, Luey extricates herself from the fray and gets ready to make a break for it... but she can't bring herself to leave Garrathor surrounded by the swampy horde. Besides, she's seen what her flames can do, and now these monsters are just asking for it.

She charges back into the Draugr pile, trying to bring down the one that isn't in the consecrated aura yet. The fire in her limbs vents in all directions; even from 10 feet away, Garrathor can notice the furnace-like heat of elemental exhaust enough to avoid getting any closer. The Draugr in front of him are caught between a rock and a hot place.

"I've got these ones!"

It probably doesn't matter, but between an axe hit and the fire aura I might be able to keep that one down for a turn at least.

Move: Shift up a bit. This definitely doesn't matter except for the flavor text above.
Minor: Activate Blazing Corona
Standard: Charge Southish to DD9!

[roll0]+9 vs. AC (DD9)
[roll1]+9 Damage

[roll2]+8 vs. AC (DD7?)
[roll3]+7 Damage

2016-05-22, 06:50 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder decides that staying next to the tentacles guy won't be healthy, especially once the poison that weakens him wears out, so she cuts and runs, accepting a third blow in the process. She flies to the cover of a column, attempts to hide, and takes her shot at the bastard. Cinder's shot is best described as average but, bloodied as he already was, it's enough to take him down.
Move: see map, and hide

Standard: Sly Flourish@ AH#1 (if hidden from him; else, someone I'm hidden from, to be determined based on the hide roll success)
[roll1] (inc. CA)

2016-05-23, 01:19 PM
Garrathor Scarhart 12/33 HP 3 DR EONT, Ongoing 7 Save-Ends

As Garr continues to weather the storm of corpses, he himself begins to look more corpselike in both appearance and movement, sheer willpower taking over functions his muscles and tendons just can't keep up. Perhaps more alarming than the open wounds that are kept from spilling open by his psionic field is the fact that this very field is beginning to take on a scarlet hue from containing the blood loss. The now red-shaded dwarf lashes out with a crimson cat-leg to knock down another of the bodies and slams his hammer down onto its skull, taking ever more gashes across his head for his troubles.

A rusty chain rips off his hat, the jagged links tearing a bald streak across his exposed hair. Despite all his wounds, the dwarf continues to stand, his chest heaving like a bellows next to the living furnace that is now Luey. "Good on yer, Girlie." he cheers in slurred speech toward the flaming spectacle.

Iron Fist on DD 1. [roll0] vs AC. Hit: Draugr dies. Effect: DR continues to ward off certain death.

Minor Action: Battlemind's Demand on DD 4 so Cinder hopefully doesn't die.

Move action: Stagger from blood loss.


2016-05-27, 10:07 PM
Emere, the One Who Seeks

"Garrathor, keep doing what you're doing, although preferably with less bleeding. Try to pull back towards me when you can. Cinder, you're not tied down so you might want to get into this healing light thing, too. Gods above know that you look like you need it." Emere said as he surveyed the situation. Turning to the professor he spoke again. "Excuse me, Professor, but you might want to clear away from that door now."

Sorry this took so long. Somehow I got it into my head that I'd already posted this.

Move: Noble Presence to allow Cinder and Verdantdawn to shift up to 2 and gain +2 power bonus to defenses until the end of my next turn. I've moved them on the map to save some time but technically they get to choose their squares themselves, so if they actually wanted to move somewhere else they can go ahead and do that.

Standard: Direct the Strike to have Garrathor swing at DD#4.

2016-05-28, 07:11 AM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier
"Will do, Emerth" says Cinder, as she moves back into the healing aura. However, she sticks to the shadows, hoping this time noone will spot her

2016-05-30, 03:54 PM
Eurnara dashes forward and puts her spear through one of the remainning shambling corpses.

Move: Move up
Standard: Shielding Strike on DD#3
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Garrathor gains 3 temp HP

Luey dives into the middle of a large group of the undead, a fiery corona surrounding her as she does so. Weakened by the light, many of them collapse immediately, but the one already knocked down (out of the light and thus both Durable are the Dead and Relentless still function) manages to lash her across the back before also succumbing to the flames. The last undead standing continues the merciless assault on Garrathor. Glancing outside, Luey sees a thick cover of fog obscuring much of the elevator courtyard, but she can make out more shambling figures approaching through the mist. A lot more.

Activate Durable are the Dead & Relentless to get one last swing at Luey before dying for good.
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: 5
Hit: Ongoing 1 (Save Ends)

DD#3 (if alive)
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: 5
Hit: Garrathor is up to Ongoing 8 (Save Ends)

To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: 5
Hit: Garrathor is up to Ongoing 8 or 9 (Save Ends)

All three drones focus their fire on Eurnara.

Drone #1
To-Hit: [roll5]
Damage: 7

Drone #2
To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: 7

Drone #3
To-Hit: [roll7]
Damage: 7

Although no other threats reveal themselves, it seems likely it's only a matter of time before more undead & tentacle freaks come in through the front, or the X-Ds make it down from their airship into the building.

Link to the Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1afpxF2j1eLCBbQ9MbGN1X6B72OBGyFXjJSg8B-2wFdo/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Garrathor - 4
Luey - 23
Emere - 16
Eurnara - 15
Cinder - 14
Delvin - 9
Draugr - 12 DELAY
Drones - 7

2016-05-30, 04:20 PM

Cinder Ashborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=207457), Pixie Harrier

Cinder peeks through the blasted door, considering her shot. Then, she looks over her shoulder to the drone between them and their target. "Priorities," she whispers to herself as she shoots it, and destroys it. "Time to fall back, people!" she shouts, before melting into the shadows across the door, and moving along the back wall.

Gloaming Cut @D#3
[roll0] (inc. CA)
Effect: shift 2 (see map) and hide (from drones)
[roll3](NOTE: drones cannot tell where I moved to after this point)

Move: See map. Hide again (from draugr too)