View Full Version : Campaign help

2016-01-25, 09:48 AM
So I am starting a game with real life friends that will use Gestalt with the right class having to be a monster from. http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9557.0

They are experiments from a world's spanning empire that has waged war on the deities across the multiverse. Once complete with their monster class they can take a melee class or if their main class is melee a caster. I plan on having the empire being sided with demons and devils having been united under Asmodious.

I'm lookin for ideas for travel between planets. Thinking of a magic sea sort of thing where all world's are connected to it by portals. Also I'm posative they are wanting to make their own monster army to try and take over everything. One of them is playing a red skaadi monk for them implant thingy. I need tips and ideas please

2016-01-25, 10:53 AM
I'm lookin for ideas for travel between planets. Thinking of a magic sea sort of thing where all world's are connected to it by portals.

This is the astral plane, almost word for word. It is the go to for magic travel, travel between planes, or traveling long distances in a plane in seconds.

As for the idea- if the players want to make an army, give them several options to do so. Places to recruit, or others to conquer by force, etc. Also, plan for them allying on either side of the war, or perhaps becoming their own side and killing everything else.

2016-01-25, 11:11 AM
You don't, strictly speaking, need portals. Just make all planes coterminous - you can sail from the plain of Air to the plane of Smoke as long as you can survive the stormy environments there. You'd need to make them somewhat different though (they can't be infinite in all directions, for one, but they can still be infinite upwards).

2016-01-25, 02:10 PM
You don't, strictly speaking, need portals. Just make all planes coterminous - you can sail from the plain of Air to the plane of Smoke as long as you can survive the stormy environments there. You'd need to make them somewhat different though (they can't be infinite in all directions, for one, but they can still be infinite upwards).

Well its not different planes it's different planets on the material plane. The material plane dosent have to be a single planet. That's what I'm trying to connect is the planets not the planes.

Also to the person above this post because I don't know how to quote multiple times. Im prepared for them to take sides or their own. I'm pretty sure they gonna go out on their own.

2016-01-25, 02:54 PM
Well its not different planes it's different planets on the material plane. The material plane dosent have to be a single planet. That's what I'm trying to connect is the planets not the planes.
Oh, I see! That's even easier. The "astral soup" idea works - planets are just bubbles of atmosphere with rocks inside, floating around a space ocean. To enter a planet, you swim up to it, breach its atmosphere, and try not to fall down. Alternatively, it is possible to swim "on top" of an atmosphere, in effect treating as the surface of the ocean. It is best not to think about gravity.

Alternatively, the ancients were right and the sky is literally a shell speckled with stars. In that case, the stars could be portals, entering which takes you to another sphere, with its own planet and firmament.

2016-01-25, 05:23 PM
Oh, I see! That's even easier. The "astral soup" idea works - planets are just bubbles of atmosphere with rocks inside, floating around a space ocean. To enter a planet, you swim up to it, breach its atmosphere, and try not to fall down. Alternatively, it is possible to swim "on top" of an atmosphere, in effect treating as the surface of the ocean. It is best not to think about gravity.

Alternatively, the ancients were right and the sky is literally a shell speckled with stars. In that case, the stars could be portals, entering which takes you to another sphere, with its own planet and firmament.

Ohh the soup sounds beautiful lol. Thank you so much lol. Now I just need to figure out how ima work this divine war lol. I'm wanting the deities to be waging war against the mortals for turning their back on them and have Asmodious having united devils and demons to fight against the divine. And having the mortal empire on his side.

2016-01-26, 12:19 AM
The easiest way to travel between planets is Plane Shift (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/planeShift.htm). Just shift to the material plane with destination: Planet X. Not very accurate on a local scale, but instant, precise travel to within 500 miles of your target on a cosmic scale is pretty impressive.

However, available at a lower level and a much more interesting means of planar travel is Astral Caravan (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralCaravan.htm). Basically, everyone links up and wonders the astral plane, trying to find a rift within that can lead to their destination. Minimum travel time: 6 days, so lots of time for "fun" while they're traveling. If you like the idea of the Astral Soup, Astral Caravan could be their way of entering and exiting the soup.

2016-01-26, 01:27 AM
Have you looked into Spelljammer? There's a 3.x Spelljammer community that's done lots of conversion work, plus some sorta-official stuff in Dungeon #92. It's wooden spaceships surrounded by atmosphere bubbles, sailing through space. It has a whole system for conntecting different plants & solar systems together.