View Full Version : Pathfinder Ptolus Player needs Detail Refresher [SPOILERS]

2016-01-26, 01:55 AM
My group decided to start up a game of Ptolus converted for Pathfinder. However, due to sickness, finding new jobs, and other problems, we've done the first week in game across a... four month period or so. This has left me confused and forgetting story elements. For example, we almost melted down the statue we were contracted to recover.

Is there anyone familiar with the setting that could help refresh me on some of those important details that no doubt happened in the first week? Here's what I recall about our adventure so far:

-We went to the shopping area and saved this pregnant girl, escorting her to the church.
-Asked some questions found out her lover's occupation in politics, but not his name.
-We followed up the lead of her attackers, and ended up killing Torridan Cran
-We got the messenger from the noble and accepted his job to retrieve the statue from Cran's brother.
-We went and worked for Cran's brother, saving his vampire daughter and returning the watch. We were able to find out it's the recipe and all that.
-He was killed (not sure if the enemy mobsters or his daughter.)
-We delivered his daughter to that place that pays you per HD of creature.
-We stopped the thing at the theater, but I don't remember any of the details about why, what, or who. (DM just lapsed that whole encounter because he had other things he wanted us to move on to.)

(As a side note, we went to try and kill the rats several times cause that looked like the most generic lvl 1 quest ever and we all got lost due to the huge time between sessions. So we are aware that the rats have guns and some stronger guys deeper in the nest. Oh! We killed the priestess/mother/whatever in our escape one time, dunno how important that is, yet.)

As you can see, I'm pretty lost for the story. My friend, who is also playing, has gone through this setting before and really loved it. I want to, too, but this total lack of information on part is hampering my ability to do so. All help is appreciated.