View Full Version : Computer Let's Play XCom ITP2: The Replasmaing (setup phase)

2016-01-26, 11:13 AM
There will be spoilers

Weeks have passed since XCom, a group of meme-spouting robots, people who can't aim with rocket launchers, memory implanted clones, and other ne'er-do-wells assaulted the temple ship with inexplicably one squad with no backup or support. Skyrangers are expensive, they don't just grow on trees. Plus we HAD two for all of 3 seconds, but then the aliens blew it up during the base assault. Oh, and the temple ship blew up throwing eleyrium everywhere making every human potentially a latent psychic.

Still, the work of the XCom project is never done. It takes a lot of work to fund mad science and lavish parties through arms dealing laser weapons. The Party Barge, a de-weaponed battleship captured over Beijing causes a lot of property damage when someone wants to drive it for the first time. Oh, and something about a vague threat of 'what comes next' or something. We can probably ignore-

"Commander, a new alien battlegroup has been sighted approaching earth. These new contacts bear different markings from the first wave of-" *static, until the image is replaced with that of an Ethereal*

Citizens of Earth, we would like to congratulate you on your victory over a splinter group of our empire, those guys were jerks. Anyhow, blah blah blah, uplifted into galactic civilization, blah blah next phase of your knowledge as a species. Just have to take care of one thing first

A kinetic strike from orbit hits just south of Kansas City, Missouri, hitting a top secret military bunker.

Playthrough Rules
This is a blind playthrough of XCOM2 following in the footsteps of the previous XCom ITP
I haven't decided on difficulty, but it's likely on whatever the game calls normal
No save scumming
Recommendations will be taken from the thread, but this will not do the "hivemind" decision structure

If you'd like to be an agent, VIP, or EVIL COLLABORATOR WHICH WILL BE CRUSHED please post your preferred class, customization options, and whether you want to wear a monocle (default is yes). The clone lab (which never existed) was blown up, so if your operative dies, the only recourse we have is to recruit your secret identical twin who will have a mustache.

If you've posted in the XCOM2 master thread I'll be adding you to the roster.
If you want to be a psy-op, well the ship has probably sailed on that one as the resources to field many of them probably won't be had

Eldan - any class, dark hair, swiss nationality, German language pack if necessary
Cikomyr, French-speaking Canadian. Heavy weapon Enthusiast. If you can make it. Bald with a brown goatee and a Tiley Hat if possible. Fair skinned
Flickerdart, Russian nationality (not sure if you can get the right voice, if not then English is fine). Brown hair.
Yana, American (preferably not a southern accent), blonde, ranger, monocle. Sniper
Dienekes, American, Chicago/Midwestern accent. Tall guy, glasses, with brown beard and hair. If you're going for accuracy scar under left cheek and hair looks like it hasn't been combed ever. Ranger (sword)
SlyGuyMcFly, Caucasian, British accent, fedora and cigarette. If possible, plaid pattern on the armor. Grenadier class.
Silfer - monocle and top hat, with bad aim and a stock
Khaine, Scandinavian psyker.Huge man, long blond hair, a beard you could lose small birds in. Likes comming up with zen like comments, and dedicated pacifist, refusing to harm another human being. But killing aliens with his mind.
TheTeaMustflow is a bit long, so maybe just Teasman. XCOM or friendly VIP (don't mind class), either as English or as Welsh as possible
Narkis - Greek Ranger, slicing filthy xenos up close and personal, as it was meant to be.
Raziel, an Israeli Ranger/marksman, brown hair, trimmed beard. likes calling himself death incarnate because of his time in the I.D.F
Artanis "Legacy" d'Aiur, male American Psi-trooper. Preferably wielding a bright blue weapon, yellow/gold armor, no helmet, and something to make it look like his eyes glow
Hiro Protagonest, Sniper or Ranger, fair skin, long hair and beard like Jesus, baseball cap (with mic if they still have that option from EU/EW). American. Black armor with silver (or white if unavailable) trim/highlights/accents. Basically make it look as much like Raven Guard armor as possible.
Sholos, reporting for duty! Hacking extraordinaire, never leave home without my Gremlin. American male, white, fan of solid bold colors that probably have no place on the battlefield. Bright green hair, blown-out style and will absolutely take a monocle into any altercation.

Neanderthal Kugg reporting for GRAAAAAAAHHH!

Preferred class: Ranger.
This color skin, long black hair, earth-tone armor. Monocle? "Pip pip."

Continued Feb 5

2016-02-01, 01:11 AM
Sholos, reporting for duty! Hacking extraordinaire, never leave home without my Gremlin. American male, white, fan of solid bold colors that probably have no place on the battlefield. Bright green hair, blown-out style and will absolutely take a monocle into any altercation.

Alex Knight
2016-02-01, 05:00 AM
Purge the Xenos. Especially the 'Lids.

2016-02-01, 05:08 PM
"So what's the deal with this uhh... his name's Kugg??"

"Not sure but that's one of the few things he responds to, Sir. Well, in a peaceful manner anyhow."

"And he's being recommended for active duty.... why?"

"Well you know that Arctic expedition that made the tabloids just before the Second Wave?"

"You mean 'Encino Man 2'? That tripe about unfreezing a caveman and teaching him language?"

"Yes, Sir. That's him, Sir."

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"Well the aliens wiped out the base he was at. Rumor has it they were developing surface-to-air alloy missiles there. ....They found him in an intact corridor with a xeno-bloodied steel pipe and a lot of trophies. His teachers were shut in a room further down, unscathed."

"Well, that sounds like either a war hero or cannon fodder. Process him and ship him out, just make up any background info you don't have.

Neanderthal Kugg reporting for GRAAAAAAAHHH!

Preferred class: Ranger. Edit: Grenadier also acceptable.
This color skin, long black hair, earth-tone armor. Monocle? "Pip pip."

2016-02-03, 10:49 AM
Waiting list in order of posts, though I may give preference to classes that we need more of

2016-02-03, 12:04 PM
Oh, regarding my entry from the main thread:

If Psi Trooper is out of the question, then a chop-tastic Ranger would be alright as a Plan B.

Still no monocle though.

2016-02-03, 12:44 PM
Eldan, dark hair, nationality something middle European (German, probably, I doubt they have Swiss). Class doesn't matter much. The hacker one, maybe?

2016-02-03, 01:38 PM
Eldan, dark hair, nationality something middle European (German, probably, I doubt they have Swiss). Class doesn't matter much. The hacker one, maybe?

Why are you posting again, you're already first in line.:smalltongue:

2016-02-03, 01:48 PM
And now I have to consider whether to install Long war mods

Centurions yes/no?
Submachine Guns yes/no?
Leaders yes/no?

Hiro Protagonest
2016-02-03, 05:41 PM
BTW, when I said "Sniper" I meant Sharpshooter. You can pick Gunslinger skills if you want.

Oh and American/Canadian, kinda generic midwest accent.

Yes to Centurions and Leaders. No comment on SMGs.

2016-02-03, 06:17 PM
Russdm reporting in. Want a shotgun, grenades, and a "Hail Mary!" charge in firing or throwing grenades at enemies. Class open, but something that makes shotgunning things to death workable. Appearance preference would be slightly like Peter griffin (who I have been told I look like) or the Star wars kid (Since I also look slightly like that guy) Or maybe a dude with shades worn at all times. Cause I wear my sunglasses at night thank you.

Oh, and if you want to conduct "MAD SCIENCE!!!!!" on me, go right ahead...

Update: I am a chubby geek from the Puget Sound, but originally from Virginia so perhaps a mix of accents could work. Also, thinking of being influenced here by Sarge from RvB

2016-02-03, 06:48 PM
And now I have to consider whether to install Long war mods

Centurions yes/no?
Submachine Guns yes/no?
Leaders yes/no?

All of the above.

2016-02-03, 08:21 PM
I'm gonna say yes to all mods. I won't be using them in my first playthrough and I wanna see them.

2016-02-08, 08:25 PM
20 years later.

"This the guy?"
-"Looks like it"
"So many questions"
-"Like what the hell the aliens wanted with him?"
"And whether he was an AI, a person, or an abstract concept, and now he's in some sort of robot suit and"
*lighting crashes, an old XCOM operative from the first war appears, with four prosthetic limbs and an assault rifle*
--"Your clothes. Give them to me"
"Alright, what now"
--"Time travel loops. Long story short, every time there's a screwup we hit the reset button"
--"Don't reinvent fruit loops as a way to spark rebellion. Don't try and 'weaponize Australia'."
"Thanks for the warning. But wait, if we pay attention doesn't that cause a-"
--"AAAAAAAAH MY TIMELINE" *pops out of reality*
"Just like the old days"
-"Hope distraction squad didn't get any more time travelers, we're already behind schedule"

"Why do half of all of xcom have beards anyway?"
-"The aliens man, they did it. The beard is for peace"
Pictured: peace

Alright, so the good news is once fully defrosted, we found out that a ton of the playgrounders made it into the starting pool of rookies. The bad news is I don't know if all the classes are consistent with what they are in the pool. Well first thing's first, we need to take care of some pending resistance actions

your basic sneak 'n' hack. Have a full squad of playgrounders to send in.
"He looks happy. Very happy. I like happiness"
-"Like, we all like happiness. Let us make them happy. Show the people the joys of joy"

and less rookies = more good

Inbetween mission
"Commander, it is good to see you"
-"wait, I'm a person"
-"so what the hell happened"
"Well xcom ate an orbital kinetic strike, and then we all thought 'hey, they were eating up like 10% of global GDP"
-""**** **** *** ***** **** you, you *** ***** ***** *** **** **** chihuahua **** ****"
"And we probably wouldn't have done that if we knew it would lead to Orwell/Kafka, literally"
"They made a clone baby using both of their DNA."
-"Does this have a point?"
"Not really, we're just touching base so you can hear my sexy voice"
*transmission ends*

"Commander, this thing we pulled out of your skull is shiny, I'm going to go cut open some corpses"

Well at least he's honest.

Up next - terror missions, rescuing an inappropriately helmeted scientist, and more

2016-02-08, 08:32 PM
It's started! Excellent! I can't wait for Rookie Me to show up and save the day/die horribly/get a squadmate killed due to incompetence.

2016-02-08, 09:16 PM
I'm okay with this result. Excited to see how sniper-me works out.

2016-02-08, 09:59 PM
And so it begins... How many of us will survive the coming months?

2016-02-08, 11:39 PM
If Kugg's specialty isn't set in stone (or ice) yet, since there are a number of Ranger applicants I wouldn't mind Kugg being a Grenadier either, specifically of the minigun variety. I like the idea of linguists trying to teach him the bare minimum of "Point here, hold steady. Point where man in hat waves to."

2016-02-09, 08:19 PM
Let me know how I do, and especially kill stats and death. I would like to know how I go out in a blaze of glory/stupidity/epic-ness/cat failure, and what I manage to kill.

2016-03-13, 07:17 PM
So? Did we lose then? Been a month.