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2016-01-26, 01:37 PM

It was a cold dark night; thunder shook the sky as torrential rain pounded against the beautiful glass windows of Peinture manor. Summer was coming to a close, and the harvest season was right around the bend, the mixture of the two seasons colliding with one another causing streaks of lighting to pierce the very sky, casting an eerie light across the grounds on which Peinture manor had been built. Centuries ago the founders of the town known as Furtifwood had built the great Peinture manor atop the hill overlooking what would one day become a small village. Their belief was that all those who resided inside the manor would watch over those who lived in the small town, and give an early warning system much like a watchtower, without taking away from the beauty of the land.

Because the storm raging outside kept people far away from the hill Peinture manor was built on, no one noticed the lone cloaked figure dancing from shadow to shadow across the estate. While many of the lights of the estate were off, a few candles still were lit, and it was these rooms in which the figure avoided, as well as the rear of the building. It was not until the east wing, that the figure had found their way inside Peinture manor. For you see while most would think the window was too high to reach, and that trying to jump up and reach its sill would make too much noise, the figure instead looked to the many trees around the house, and soon enough found one, just besides one of the windows.

Wasting little time the figure clawed their way up to the lower branches that were strong enough to support the weight of a person, while high enough to accomplish the task. Once satisfied, the figure waited for the time to pass, becoming in essence an extension of the very branch that supported the weight that now lay upon it by this stranger. With a flash of lighting, the shuffling of leafs and the blink of an eye the figure is gone, leaving no trace of their passing besides a single fallen leaf.

It seems like hours go by, as seconds tick away, however the sound of a metal latch moving was all that was needed. In one flowing movement the window that had been locked only moments ago, opened and closed, leaving a dripping wet cloak to fall into the bushes just below the window. Inside the darkened dining room, standing before the window now stood a rather unremarkable figure in the servants’ attire of Peinture manor. Not taking any chances the thief carefully locked the window once more, making sure that the cloak would not be seen from the window in the storm raging outside before heading towards the double doors made out of mahogany, a rare wood in these parts to be sure.

While there’re many rumors as to how Ms. Rose, the current owner, came to own Peinture manor, no one in Furtifwood can agree. After all, the manor was originally supposed to be the home of the leading official of the town, which for a short time it was. You see, at one point Ms. Rose was engaged to be married to the previous mayor’s son, Angelis Wintergates. However for some reason the two had a falling out and Angelis moved back into his family’s holdings in Furtifwood, while Elizabeth stayed in Peinture manor. Some say it was because the two had a child before being officially married, something both parties deny. What they cannot deny however is that a young woman bearing a striking resemblance to both Ms. Elizabeth and Angelis now resides inside the estate. Nor can they deny that the young woman is the exact same age as how many years Angelis and Elizabeth have been apart.

However the arguments of nobles and the many rumors about them were of no concern to the thief, having memorized the floor plan from a map that had been supplied for this very job. Moving with purpose, the nondescript figure made their way carefully to the main hall, ignoring the vast amount of wealth on display until reaching the doors that would lead to the sitting room, and thus the object that had led to the job. Opening the doors revealed a large room, big enough for even the grandest castle. This was something the figure found very odd given this was a small town, nowhere near anything of importance. Black and white marble covered the entire floor, and the walls were covered with thousands of pictures of what one would assume to be the previous owners of the estate. In one corner sat a writing desk that would fetch at least a few hundred in the right market; however all of this paled to the item that had brought the figure here. Above the fireplace it sat, waiting to be taken as if it were calling out. The thief took a step forward. No sooner had they done so than the door closed behind the figure and red hair was seen at the top of one of the chairs by the fireplace.

"I wondered how long it would take someone to come looking for this. Honestly I am surprised it took this long given its history of owners." A femine voice called from the one of the two chairs before the fireplace, not bothering once to turn around. "The question now, however, is what to do with you; I could easily have you killed. After all you are trespassing. However I think I would rather you do something else for me," The woman said to the figure who had thought not a single thing had gone wrong in the entire plan.

"Odd that you would catch me, as if you already knew someone would be coming. However it seems I am at a disadvantage, saying I do enjoy my neck where it is.," The thief replied, trying to move forward, However, not a single limb would respond.

"Unlike you, I do not leave things to chance. I want you to leave a trail that you came for the object you were hired for and leave. Kill a servant if you must to make it look like your attempt was foiled. I do not care, however it must be done right. I will tell you when your contract is over, until I do so you work for me now, is that understood?"

"May I at least know who my employer is?" The thief asked, trying to get a look at who sat on the chair.

"All you need to know is that if you fail me you will die. Now go do as you have been told."

"If you insist, however know that who hired me won’t take my failure kindly and will try to kill me, meaning that you are simply an obstacle to be taken down to get to me." The thief said, bowing ever so slightly and taking a step towards the door to do as had been asked. Finding a way to get out of this mess would be the first thing to do in the morning after the trail was left behind.

To Inglata Lostoma,

I am aware you are unfamiliar with me, Mr. Lostoma. However, due to recent events, I have become quite familiar with you. Because of this, I have sent this letter asking for your assistance in a personal matter, something I could only trust someone of such a noble bloodline to do for me. I sadly cannot disclose full details on the job I have for you in the event that my messenger is intercepted. I do hope you understand that the nature of this business I rather keep very private. I don't understand what this last sentence is saying. Explain it to me and I can find a way to clear it up for you. Should you agree to meet with me, simply inform the one who has given you this letter and he will bring you to my estate, where we can talk more freely.
I do hope that you will agree to this meeting, and, if you agree, I can assure you that you will be paid for your services. Whether your payment is in scrolls you wish to collect, or in gold is up to you.

Until we meet,


It had been a week now since you had received the letter asking for your aid in matters. It still seemed odd how easy it was for the “messenger”, as he liked to call himself, had been able to find you. Men wearing fullplate armor and carrying around large swords didn’t seem like the kind that would be able to follow someone looking at finer things in life; however he had found him and brought the letter.

Arguing the point would be pointless however for the scroll case handed to him was still sealed by red wax, and had the seal of some noble house if he had to guess on it. Looking back at the letter and how it was delivered it was easy to tell the amount of wealth, and thus knowledge the sender must hold. After all the ink was not of the normal variety but rather a much rarer purple shade. There was also the fact that the messenger was to await his response and escort him back to the estate that was a clear sign this woman E.R. had a rather large sum of gold, and who better to accept a dragons hoard and knowledge then one who’s blood carried that of some of the most ancient of all dragons inside of it?

At least it sounded good when the job was accepted. After a week of traveling through hilled terrain, only to be led to a forest it became clear this may be a trap. After all someone of your prestige blood would warrant people wanting to keep on display. Imagine all the knowledge they would hold at their fingertips, the young races were rather foolish if they thought they could cage a child of the dragon.

“By nightfall we should arrive at our destination Mr. Inglata, also I would like to put your mind at ease, trust me when I say it is rather odd for a village to be so far away from known land. However my employer likes her home because like your own it is isolated from society, and thus keeps to the older ways of living. I must warn you though.” The messenger said, scanning the forest around them. Dark things roam these woods, I would not advise leaving the town once we arrive without someone who is familiar with the land. Otherwise death may be the kindest thing you find out here.”

The man’s warning was odd and perhaps even multi layered. Could the reason you had been called here to act as a simple thug, to get rid of what was troubling the town and be paid like another fool? Surely if that were the case the woman would have simply said so, no need for all the secrecy?

Stan, the messenger, left you to your thoughts as he led you the rest of the way to your destination. It was the lights of lanterns that first gave away the town as you looked through the tree line as the sun began to set.“Best to pick up the speed; don’t want to be outside the gates when they close. More dangerous than when we first entered these bloody woods.” Stan called back as he began to break out into a slow jog for the last few miles towards the town.

Another hour passed before you reached the gates of the small village, and you could see guards already lighting lanterns in the streets, as well as torches on along the tall wooden walls around the town as you entered. It seemed as if this place was rather used to being attacked to have such lengths in place, after all the sun still looked like it had another half hour before setting.

“This way, won’t be long now.” Stan called back to you as he moved through the crowds of people milling to their homes and off of their streets. Clearly these people seemed not to like to be out once it was dark, not even children stayed on the streets. Most of the stores were closed you noticed, a few seemed to remain open. Though for every one that was open, another five were closed. Bars and inns seemed to be the only places that were left open as you followed Stan towards a large hill lined with trees of all sorts.

It wasn’t long before Peinture manor came into view. The great estate seemed to tower over the small village, set apart from it by the hill it sat atop. The land around the estate looked well kept, as if servants took care of it each day, so that not even a blade of grass was out of place. Even the trees seemed to be planted in some kind of pattern leading towards the estates massive double doors. Soon enough though those towering doors were mere inches before you, and before turning around to make sure you were ready, Stan reached up to the brass knocker upon the door and knocked three times upon its wooden frame.

Nearly a minute went by as the two of you waited outside the doors to be greeted. “May I help you?” asked a rather older gentleman in what was clearly a servants uniform.

“I am the messenger that was sent to bring Mr. Lostoma.” Stan said smiling at the servant. . “So now that I have brought him if I could get paid, I would much like to be inside the local tavern before night falls.” Stan explained to the man, while you had seen Stan nervous a few times when Bandits had come across the two of you in your travels, never once had the man seemed as worried as he did now, looking constantly at the sky darkening.

“I see Stan was it not?” The man asked from the door, looking at you for a moment before replying. “I shall be back in a moment, why don’t the two of you come inside and wait in the sitting area. You are the first to arrive so it shouldn’t be long.” The man said opening the mahogany door for the two of you to enter.

Once inside, you find notice the amount of wealth on display in the corridor you are in. Marble floors cover the entirety of the room, while stone statues depict various figures, both male and female, on each side of you. The walls in-between the figures each hold a tapestry depicting a black and white rose intertwined on a red backdrop. “Wow look at this place. I knew they were rich, but this is a whole other league.” Stan whispered to you in awe as he followed the servant to the other side of the short corridor.

“Please take a seat, I will be back shortly with your payment Stan.” The servant explained as he opened the doors for you to see a grand sitting room filled with all sorts of treasures. “Before I go if either of you need to use the lavatory, you simply walk through that door on the left, and it will be the first door you see on your left hand side.” And with that he left through the northern door, closing it behind him, leaving you and Stan to wait.

With the servant gone, you are allowed to look over the many fine objects in the sitting room, from the mahogany writing desk that seems to take up a good portion of the upper right corner of the room, a picture depicting a noble with a rapier in his left hand pointed down at the ground, in the fashion of that century can be seen with a beautiful fireplace behind him.

“Gentlemen!” Comes the voice of the servant as he reenters the room with a small bag of coins. “Stan you may leave now and my lady would like to thank you for your services once more.” The man says not unkindly to Stan before allowing the man to leave on his own before looking to you. “I have been asked by my Lady to escort you to the guest’s rooms. There are two in total, one for men, and another for women. I can assure you however that you will find that you will have plenty of privacy.” The man, clearly the house butler now that you think of it says as he begins leading you towards the double doors on the west wall.

“My Lady would like me to express her deepest gratitude for coming so swiftly and promises that once the other two associates she has hired arrive she will be happy to explain everything to you. Until then you have been given leave to explore the entire West wing, and should you grow hungry the East wing holds the dining room and kitchen. She asks however that you do not enter the Northern part of the house until all are here. And should you need anything the servant’s quarters happen to be at the far end of the West wing, or you may simply ring the bell in the room and I, Walter, or one of the other attendants shall come and see what you need.” Walter says before bowing to you and leaving you before a wooden door, like all the others made of mahogany with brass fixtures.

The question remains however what should you do first? Clearly your hostess was expecting others, but who knows when they would arrive. Add in once they did if you hadn’t already chosen which bed you wanted you wouldn’t have a choice in the matter. Then again who knows what else lay beyond your bedroom? You know two doors down there was a lavatory, and the next room over was no doubt the room for any female companions. Further down Walter had explained the servants lived, so that left the door across from you, along with the one down a slight ways for investigation.

To Alyona Castele,

I hope this letter finds you well Ms. Castele, and I must say your reputation precedes you, especially in noble circles. Your skills at being able to hunt creatures down that no mortal could ever hope to defeat have led me into looking for your assistance. I wish I could divulge more information within this letter; however I am weary of prying eyes, and have no wish for my private business to become a matter of public gossip. Should you agree to listen to my request, the messenger is to guide you to my estate in Furtifwoods. Know that either way you will be compensated for your time, whether you refuse to take on the work or not. Should you accept, I assure you that you will find the payment more than satisfactory.



Looking once more at the piece of parchment that had been delivered to you three days ago you are reminded of the beautiful wax seal that had been used over the scroll case protecting the letter, and allowing you to know that it had not been opened. The parchment the note had been written on smelled of lavender, and the ink used was clearly of higher quality due to the rather vibrant purple coloring. No doubt this was the person’s way of showing they had wealth and were willing to pay you a good fortune for whatever it was they wished to hire you for.

Then there was the matter of the messenger, surly whoever hired this messenger wanted to make sure it was delivered, for the person carrying it was well armed and armored. Sure, you had seen knights dressed as such, but never messengers. Messengers were supposed to be fleet of foot, and as such had more slender builds than the man who stood before you, and they definitely were not supposed to smell like a dwarven brewery. However, that was exactly what stood before you. A very tall brown haired dwarf, though his height wouldn’t be noteworthy had he been a different race, who either had his wineskin to his lips, or was spending time polishing his two handed blade he kept strapped to his back.

“Can never be too careful around the parts we be going Ms. Alyona. Then again, most people who are foolish enough to get in the way of old Aegis never seem to have a single thing to say afterwards.” The dwarf would often say when traveling along the kings road.

It wasn’t until after the two of you left the kings road, and headed Northwest taking a forested path that he became somber and quiet. It seemed as though all his bravado has left him while the two of you traveled these woods that seemed to close in all around you each night. “These woods aren’t right.” He once told you as the fire the two of you had built for camp that night seemed to cast shadows all around the two of you. “It’s too quiet, as if everything out there,” he said gesturing to the surrounding woods, “ is hiding from something dark and sinister. Ain’t never been anywhere like it.” He explained to you Aegis was always close at hand those nights.

That night neither of you slept much, as the shadows seemed to move the entire night. Every now and then a branch would snap, and the dwarf would leap to his feet, Aegis in hand ready to strike down whatever came out of the shadows. Each time however, nothing came, nothing moved, and the two of you once more began to settle down, for not even the vampiric blood in your veins could detect anything outside your line of vision that could see just as well in the dark as it did in the light.

The next morning finally came after what seemed like an eternity, and with heavy eyes the two of you quickly packed up camp and began out as fast as you could the last leg of distance to your employer’s home. It was no wonder she had asked you to come though now, just walking through these woods you could feel something lurking deep within, ancient, powerful, and dangerous. The only thing you could be sure of was that whatever evil slept in these woods, was not what had bothered you last night.

Night had already fallen as the two of you ran the last of the distance from where you were to the town of Furtifwood. While neither of you would ever say you were scared of those woods, sleeping in them again was not an option. So it came as no surprise when you came to the town that you were greeted by lanterns hung high on a large wooden wall every fifteen feet apart, and that the gate into the side was closed. In the distance you could see a man waving something as he looked down towards the gate, before hearing another voice call from behind the wall.

“State your business here strange. No one comes here after night has fallen, and we have never opened the gates once the sun has set.” The man said from the other side of the wooden fence. It was clear even from this side of the fence that the man was worried, you could smell his fear thick in the air, as easily as a summer rain.

“We are employees of Ms.Eliz…” However before the dwarf could finish the man behind the gate scoffed as if he didn’t believe a word the dwarf was going to say when another voice joined his own, a much more gentle voice.

“Please Fredrik at least allow them to stay in the hut outside, if you do not believe their story. I won’t ask you to break tradition, as we both know what happened last time someone opened the gates. However we made the hut for this reason last Matrinalis.” The woman’s voice spoke from behind the wall to the guard, clearly named Fredrik. Her voice was like a gentle stream that could become dangerous rapids should it be wronged.

“Fine but if anything happens this is on you; I won’t take the blame for this one. That shelter was made for those who came just after we closed the gates, not well after night had come.” Fredrik replied to the woman before seeming to turn his attention back to you and the dwarven messenger. Head to the east, and stay in the torchlight, when you come to a tree split in two, walk over to it. Behind it you will find a small hut, when you get inside stay there until the sun rises once more. If you survive the night, then you may be allowed to enter our city.” Fredrik said sounding old and tired. “And one more thing, if you try to sneak into this village I will put a crossbow bolt through your heart.” And with that you could feel the man walking away from the gate to return to wherever he had been previous to you and your messenger arriving.

“Best be moving then, shall we Ms.Alyona.” the dwarf said to you as he made his way in the direction you both had been told to travel. It wasn’t more than ten minutes before you found the small little hut, if it could be called such a thing. Sure it had four walls and a roof, but so did shacks and outhouses, something this definitely reminded you of. However for all its simplicity it seemed odd as you got closer that the door handle seemed to be made out of silver. “Shall we?” The dwarf said turning the nod of the door and walking into a small room that had two cots in it along with a single chest. A lantern hung unlit on the outside of the house, with fresh oil in it, however besides these few items the hut was entirely bare.

As the two of you got comfortable for the night, setting up your belongings the sight of a sturdy heavy beam as well as two wooden hook like apparatuses near the door caught your eye, and as the dwarf followed where you were looking he nodded in understanding “ No doubt for us to be able to lock the door from the inside Ms. Alyona. After all if they won’t let people into the village after dusk has fallen, I doubt they would want those they sent to their safe house to be attacked by bandits or such. A simple curtsy.” He said walking over and placing the thick beam of wood in place, effectively locking the door.

To Jorgen Totenseele,

While normally I do not write letters to pretenders and such filth, I find your story rather curious. You go by the name of my missing great grandfather’s uncle who went missing in the age of towers before the family name Totenseele lost all of its power. Either you are extremely bold to use such a name these days, the name of the scion of the Totenseele family, a family that I myself belong to through blood. Or you are very foolish, either way I would like to see the man who uses my grandfather’s name so freely in a world that no longer remembers such a noble house besides the branch families who once belonged to it.


Who was this E.R who called you an imposter of her great whatever, and why if they didn’t believe you were who you said you were would they actually send for you with a messenger and all? It was all rather odd, however when three well-armed men showed up at your door, you tended not to ask questions, and simply follow. Each day they marched you for eight hours straight, heading to the east. It wasn’t until two weeks went by that you began to recognize some of the landmarks of your own time. You had heard of your family having holdings in Furtifwood when you were a boy, though you had never gone there yourself. So the fact you were being led there showed that at least the writer of this letter did at least know of your family, and perhaps thus could help you return to your own time.

“Hurry it up boy, we don’t have time for you to sight see, it’s still a two day journey through these woods, and with the way you are walking it will be four.” Came the voice of one of the three people sent to lead you to E.R. Hired goons no doubt, however they had not attacked you, or done any harm to you since you agreed to come so there was no point in giving them reason to now.

“You seem to be forgetting we only have seven hours each day instead of eight to march Borris.” Came the fiery voice of the leader of the group sent to bring you to E.R. “These woods aren’t friendly to people like us, we have to set up a camp while the sun is still up and make sure there is plenty of firewood.”

“Don’t forget about the traps we need to set up to make sure the perimeter is secure as well. Fire is all well and good, until it goes out. Better to have an early warning system then one that comes too late.” The last of them said, the man was much older than the other two, and was dressed in fine robes. Clearly someone of importance, or at least power in this time.

“That’s why we hired you Martin. You set the traps and do that magic stuff you do. Just make sure I don’t get bothered while I’m sleeping.” The leader called back not bothering to turn around to see if you had picked up the pace.

And so it went on like this for two days as they kept on complaining about how slow you moved as they had to keep stopping to make sure you and Martin didn’t pass out in the woods. It was clear even to you though that there was something different in these woods you hadn’t seen anywhere else in your travels. It was as if some old magic still lived here, and the land itself was alive with it.

It wasn’t until the third night came and camp was set up that they began talking actually to you in any kind of friendly manner. “So what did you do to piss off this person enough to pay our price to bring you in alive?” Borris asked you as he tore off a hunk of rabbit with his teeth.

“I was wondering that myself actually. Just feeling the energy of these woods alone tells me that whoever would live in such a place would have no fear of outsiders, and wouldn’t even pay much attention to the outside world. So what makes you so special kid?” Martin asked as tried to keep his own robes clean while he ate some stew out of a bowl, while reading a book.

“Give it a break you two. We have a job; you shouldn’t go asking questions that are above your pay grade. You may not like the answer that you get.” The leader of the group said before turning to look at you. “ We will be reaching our destination by tomorrow afternoon the latest. I won’t be taking any breaks, and if you are not up early you won’t be eating. Me and my boys have been away from our families long enough, and I won’t make them stay away another day longer because you want to drag your feet. So long as we have that clear we should have an easy trip the rest of the night.” The man said to you sounding tired, not per say angry.

The question now however was what to do after you finished eating. Stay awake and try to escape, who knows maybe if Martin was on watch you could escape, saying you had to relieve yourself. Or you could just go to sleep, you had seen their leader with a bow, and he rarely missed his target.

2016-01-27, 12:06 AM
As Walter was talking, Inglata had already set his mind on a course of action. That determination almost surprised himself, but he would not tolerate such treatment. He waited for the servant to finish, but the moment the door closed, he picked up the bell, giving the actual qualities of it, no doubt rich and gaudy, like most of what he had seen so far, and rang it.

Part of him was curious to see how the servant would react to such a summoning, but he didn't let his face show it as he slipped of his backpack and dropped it nonchalantly on one of the beds, a single draconic rune marking that it is his possession, before looking at Walter. "I'm afraid that in my guide's haste to be rid of me before he is completely consumed by his fear of the dark, I had little opportunity to dine properly. I am sure that my hostess does not wish for me to dine alone, so I will have you show me to the dining room and then inform her that it is not my wish, either." He let his voice carry a tiny hint of venom, enough that the servant would notice that Inglata may have been insulted.

He was already displeased with this "Lady", and letting her do as she wished would not do, especially if she wishes for Inglata to work for her. No matter the wealth and stature of a person, whenever he takes the role of a host, to not greet their guest, nor have their first meal together, was unacceptable. He did not think that he was there to teach a noble proper etiquette, but he would not shy from the task.

2016-01-28, 09:29 AM
As the heavy beam fell into place, Alyona could feel her chest lightening just a bit, she wanted to sigh in relief, but pushed the urge away, instead taking a deep breath and crossing her arms. Eyes closed, she thought about her present situation. A mysterious letter from a possible employer, its unique carrier, the unease they both felt the night before in this same forest, and finally the rude behavior of the guard at the gate going into town. Anger briefly marred her delicate features, but she pushed it away as well, focusing instead on the light of her goddess.
The Lady Pharasma never let her down when her nerves needed calming or when she needed guidance. It was by the Lady's will that she decided go along with the dwarf when he arrived out of the blue a few days ago. As she read the the letter he had handed her, she could feel Pharasma compelling her to take this opportunity, which won out over her own unease about the strange circumstances.
Soon far more calm, she opened her eyes and set them on her companion. She yawned first, unable to contain it after their less than restful night the previous evening and the pace at which they traveled all day. "Sir, you've met our employer, yes? What sort of person is she? Do you know more of this town?" she asked softly, subconsciously keeping her voice low, so as to not rouse the dark things in the night the villagers seemed so afraid of.

2016-02-03, 06:00 PM
He chose to remain. These people were Leucadia the only clues he had to family in this time, and it wouldn't do to simply walk out on them. Maybe historical records from his time would show where the wyrm went after it had banished him.
Besides, it wouldnt do to try and escape when his magics were so affected by the trip. He could probably right his way through one of them before being brought low. A prospect that didn't appeal to him in the least.
And so, as every other night for the last fortnight, he may his head down and wondered on what tomorrow would bring.

2016-02-08, 11:38 PM
The butler had not been surprised when the sound of the brass bell ringing came from the room he had just left. In truth Walter had expected it to come much sooner, to show this much restraint was indeed a welcome surprise for the head servant of Peinture manor. Normally those who were guests of his mistress didn’t even wait for him to turn around before lifting up the metal contraption and shaking it back and forth to hear what kind of sound it made. “Or perhaps they just wish to see if I meant it when I told them someone would serve them once they rang it.” Walter mentally notes, turning to open the beautiful mahogany door once more as he does so.
Knocking gently on the dark wood Walter calls out from behind the door, not wishing to be rude in the case Mr. Iostoma was getting changed. “May I enter?” As he waits for a reply, the head butler slowly begins counting, making sure to give their guest enough time to reply, and when it did come, entered the room. “I hope everything is to your liking inside the room, if not we can have it changed so that you feel more comfortable.” The man says kindly to you, looking around the room and taking note of your bag sitting atop of one of the beds. “If you are wondering about the linens I can assure you that they are freshly laid. Mistress Rose would be very upset if it were not so.” Walter explains before listening patiently to what you have to say.
“I can see now what the problem seems to be, however let me assure you that weren’t our intentions.” Walter says kindly, a reassuring smile on his old wrinkled face. “You are not from around these parts of the world Mr. Iostoma, and as such should not be aware of the superstition that comes with living here if you are of the lower class.” Waiting for you to grasp, at least slightly, what he was trying to say. Walter continues taking a seat by the wooden desk in the right corner of the room. “You may not have noticed last night due to the moon not being full, and for that I am pleased. When this village was founded it was believed creatures roamed the woods all around, and for the most part to this day that is true. Every few hundred years, or so I am told, a hunter runs off into the woods during the full moon and returns telling stories of wolves showing an intelligence they had never seen before.” Pausing for a moment to see if you draw the conclusion he was explaining, Walter continues none the less. “The second night of the full moon there is always a search party after these occasions, looking for the supposed wolves. Yet each time either the wolves are not found, or those who went looking are found dead the next morning. I was told by my great grandfather before he passed that was the reason why they built the high wooden walls all those years ago. A story passed down to him from his own grandfather. I won’t say that it is impossible for an intelligent creature to have lived so long without being caught outside this town, roaming the woods. However I do not believe for a second that if there ever was a beast, it would still be alive to this day. Accidents no doubt if I were to guess.” Walter says, throwing the entire idea off as if it were a story told to scare children, and keep them from going out at night.
Standing up with his story over Walter begins heading towards the door to leave the room, keeping his body in the frame of the door as he continues his tale. “For those reasons this town has made it impossible to enter the town on the days the moon is full after the sun sets, days like tonight, and the next three nights for example. However they did build a small hut outside the village in the instance someone did come to the village after curfew, they would at least have a safe place to sleep for the night so long as they could open the door. And that is why your guide wished you here so quickly, I hope that it clears up that miscommunication.”
Walter then looks down the hall before turning back to you. “So if you wish to dine now, I can indeed show you to our dining quarters, and once there ask the cooks to make something for you. I cannot however promise you my mistress will be there. You see, when you arrived she was in a meeting with the mayor of the town, and it has not to my knowledge ended at the moment. You see in this town people eat after darkness has fallen most of the time, as such the cooks are still preparing dinner for the night. If you wish to wait and dine with Lady Rose I assure you it is very possible, just only after the meal is done. Otherwise you would be supping alone.” Walter explains, taking his time to answer any questions you might have. “ In the end my mistress believes that it is best to eat with her house guests after all business for the day has been finished, why be interrupted during a meal and fine wine. When one may simply wait slightly longer and enjoy their meal and company. If you wish I could come and get you when dinner is served.”

So many mysteries, and yet had it not been for this letter not a single one would be known to you. However to solve a problem one normally had to look for answers, even if they didn’t fall into place at the moment. Lady Pharasma surely wouldn’t have set you on this path were there any other choice. And so looking to your guide you begin to ask him questions about your employer, the town itself, anything that could help you here and now.
“Well let me think.” The dwarf replied shifting his gaze from the window to you. “I know this town has been here for a few centuries at the least, heard about the humans who settled here from my father when I was a boy. He always told me to stay away from this place at night however, and if I had to be anywhere near these woods to make sure I kept a fire going all night long to keep back the things that lurked. Now I don’t know about humans, however dwarves are not known for making tales like the one my father did. Nor was he anything but a traditionalist, work the forge man.” Your messenger explained looking back to the window, before getting up and throwing another log on the fire. “Over the decades I have heard tales from the humans, crazy ones at that. Of wolves attacking when the moon is full, with more intelligence then the hunters who are used to dealing with such beasts.” He explains before pointing outside the window, where the clouds part to reveal a full moon. “If I take what the stories have in common with what my farther would say, I would pray to whatever gods your kind worship that we make it through the night. Sure those guards said we would be safe, but I don’t see them outside their high wooden walls, nor are we in a defensible place either. The only safty we have is a wooden bar covering a door.”
“Now let me see, you want to be knowing about Ms. Rose now do you? I can tell you that she is a human from a noble family that dates back to when the town was first founded, something not many in this town can claim. The Rose family always has been led by a strong female, unlike normal households, and when married the male changes their name. Unnatural as it may seem however, the family has done good by this town to my knowledge.” The dwarf explains as he scratches his beard trying to think of anything else.
“Personality wise I would say she looks out for the best interests of her town, however her sending out messengers to people outside the village is rather odd. Sure she normally entertains visitors to the town, and even invites the townsfolk up, a family a day normally to enjoy a little bit of wealth. She has never sent out a messenger to actually bring anyone back before, as far as I am aware her entire family lives here, and has died here. I cannot explain why you would be called here unless she fears for the safety of the village, as she also called on two others, I do not know who they are as it wasn’t important to me finding you, but you wanted to know about her.” He explains to you taking a swing from his wineskin.

Roll a listen check please DC is 15

The choice to stay wasn’t a difficult one for you to make. These three people, while rude seemed to be your only real ties to the family you had left in your time. Maybe records were kept of what happened after the wicked Wyrm banished you from your on time, to live out life in this strange place for a reason. Either way the trip had affected your magic, and trying to escape didn’t seem like a choice that would work out in the long run. And so you lay your head down for the night, as you had for the last few nights waiting for the dawning sun to rise, and with luck a meeting with your family.
The sounds of yelling awaken you from a deep slumber as you watch your three guards looking around the camp, each lighting a torch and reaching for their weapon strapped to their belt. “I’m telling you boss I heard something.” You could hear Boris saying from a short distance away, your eyes still filled with sleep as you look around. Slowly getting up your eyes catch the reflection of the full moon in the sky illuminating the field you are camped in, as the clouds pass by it that had only moments ago hidden it away from your sight.
“I think one of us should take watch sir. It seems Boris is too wrapped up in old wives tales. After all nothing has crossed the barrier I would have been alarmed if it happened.”The old man said in the robes, throwing his own torch back into the fire before heading over to the small watch tower they had set up quickly to have a better view of the area. “Just like I said nothing.”
“Alright you two calm down, Boris why don’t you get some sleep, Armand take up watch for him. I will relieve you in three hours.” The leader of the group replied as he looked towards you. “Don’t worry, false alarm. However I wouldn’t try wandering off. Boris normally isn’t wrong, and if he said he heard something it’s out there. What I am not sure, could be an owl for all I know.”
“You think I would wake everyone up over a dam owl? I’m telling you it was something else.” Boris says frantically, before throwing his hands up in the air when no one will listen. After all their wasn’t a single sound besides that of the campfire.

2016-02-16, 01:00 PM
Inglata considered the servant. So the man was happy enough to divulge information, more than requested even, when prompted, but otherwise wouldn't.

"Lycanthropy doesn't shorten the life of the afflicted." Inglata notes offhandedly. "Many non-humans live long lives, so a cautious enough elven, gnomish or dwarven werewolf could live for a surprising amount of years. Not to mention the possibility of passing on the curse..." He says, but it is clear he has little interest in the topic beyond the academic possibility. It did not seem to be the reason for the sending, and a lycan was beyond his abilities.

"I shall wait for dinner to be ready, then, but I do wish warm water to be prepared, so I may wash before I dine with Lady Rose." Inglata says, but pauses before dismissing the servant. "Do the townsfolk visit your mistress often? What would the mayor discuss with her at such an hour?"

2016-02-16, 10:21 PM
“I am sorry Mr. Iostoma but that is not a word I am familiar with.” Walter admits to you, without hesitation. “Werewolf, is that what the outside world calls an intelligent animal? I do not see why it needs such a long name; however I am not of the learned sort. Though if you could what would this WEREwolf, have to do with a member of another race?” Walter asks a bit curious, while he may have said he didn’t believe in the stories, it is clear by his shown interest that it is not entirely so. “Do you think these other races are training these wolves to hunt? And what curse are you referring to exactly. Please forgive me Mr. Iostoma however I have lived inside this small village my entire life, as has my family since its founding. We know very little about the world outside of Smaragd forest I am afraid.”

While I am sure your character due to his race, and knowldge knows the term, common folk who are kinda secluded may not. They think its a smart wolf.
Also I have been working on the history of this place and while the town is called Furtifwood, the forest it resides in is called Smaragd. And no bonus points for being able to know what it means.

Walter patiently waits for you to finish with your many questions before replying. “Lady Rose normally invites one family each night up to dine with her and her family. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. So in a way she has built a relationship with them much like a mayor would. Because of this, and the fact she lives in this house, the people come to her with problems the mayor cannot deal with himself. The two of them have set certain guidelines as to the help that can be given, and it has helped easy both of their loads considerably because of it.” Walter explains to you as he thinks on the second half of your question.

“I would say Lord Maxwell visits once a week. Normally to discuss the going ons of the town no doubt. However I would not know for certain as I have many other things to attend to keeping the house up and running for day to day life.” Walter explains as he walks over to the front door and opens it. “As for your bath sir, it shall be readied for you at once. Thanks to some of the inventions created in our town it should be ready in only five minutes or so. Do you remember where I told you the lavatory was?” Walter asks, turning around and looking at you, though never directly in the eyes. As he stands in the wooden doorway waiting for your reply.

While the town doesn't know the term werewolf, they do have a form of working plumbing. Think a toilet like our own so never a smell, and a large tub in the room as well.

2016-02-17, 12:36 AM
Inglata considers Walter for a moment before replying. "Lycanthropy is a word derived from the ancient tongue, where lokus means wolf and anthrōpos means human, coming together to form a wolf-man, but throughout the years, lycanthropy came to describe the generic curse of a human-animal transformation. During a full moon, a person afflicted with lycanthropy will transform into his animal form, where if he were to transform into a wolf, he would be called a werewolf, while a wererat is a person that transforms into a rat, a werebear, into a bear, and so on. A person bitten by a lycan will most likely become a lycan as well, due to the curse being transmitted through the saliva. In this, lycanthropy is more accurately described as an affliction, but the mixed way it interacts with curative magic led to a lot of arguments for either classification. Besides saliva, lycanthropy is also hereditary, meaning that a werewolf could pass it on through their children. The nature of the curse can also mean that the lycan may not be aware of his affliction for a while and pass it on unknowingly, though it's very unlikely for it to be passed by kissing... Not impossible, mind you. There is also the reverse of the curse, wolfwere for example, in which an animal will transform into a human during a full moon, but... There haven't been recorded cases of that, and it is a phenomenon that is unlikely to be true."

Inglata raises an eyebrow at Walter's explanation. "Families come to dine here? Do they stay for the night as well, or brave the darkness to return to their own beds?"

"Yes, left and left." Ignlata says simply, but tilts his head slightly. Were servants here not expected to wait until explicitly dismissed?

2016-02-18, 10:33 PM
Walter patiently listens to all you have to say on your deduction of the creatures being werewolfs, and how such creatures came to be with much interest. “For once I am pleased to say that Ms. Rose’s money was well worth it to get someone so versed in this kind of knowledge. I will have to pass this along to her mind you. After all it could help keep the town secure. If you wish I could wait until dinner was served however for you to explain it to her.” Walter says sounding a bit worried, perhaps he fears one of the creatures may even live in the village.

“Is it so odd for those who can better the lives of their neighbors doing so where you are from?” Walter asks out of curiosity, the question sounding innocent compared to what sort of implications it could have held. “Unless the weather is bad outside all the families return home after they sup with us yes. As for the darkness, while the townsfolk do not like it during the full moon because of the reasons mentioned earlier. They have no qualms during any other phase of the moon however. Depending on what my Mistress wishes you may even see the whole affair. Though for the next three nights it will no doubt only being the mayor coming here at night. He is the only one brave enough to walk after dusk during the full moon.” Walter explains kindly, letting you know that you were more than welcome to witness the interaction, as well as warn you ahead of time that it was a common occurrence here.

Happy to hear you remembered where the bathrooms were located Walter bows his head. “Now if you will excuse me, I have to make sure the kitchen staff finishes the dinner, your bath is ready for you, and check in on Lady Rose and her guest.” Walter says, waiting a few moments to see if you had any other questions.

2016-02-19, 12:50 AM
Inglata raises an eyebrow. "For once? Does your mistress often spend her coin in ways you do not approve?"

"Where I'm from? There is no great disparity between my people's lifestyles. Everybody depends on each other and works together, so one cannot better himself without bettering his neighbors. Out here, in the human world? Well, I had a different experience. It's not unusual for nobles to host people in their homes, but it is only other nobles, with few exceptions, such as myself. The interaction between nobles and commonfolk can usually be summarized by general distaste." Inglata pauses. "Though I'm not quite sure how dinner and a sleepover can be classified as bettering their lives.

Inglata simply nods to Walter after that, signaling the man that he is dismissed.

2016-02-19, 10:47 PM
As Inglata questions Walter on the expenditures of his mistress he sees where he had misspoken and carefully thinks on his reply. Telling the stranger would only sow discord in the relationship of employer and employ, something Walter could not have. So as Walter finally decided what to say, he took the burden once more upon himself if the stranger were mad, it would be better he were mad at him. “I seem to have said too much. Forgive me Mr. Iostoma, however I can say no more on this matter. For the personal affairs of the Rose family, are not my own and as such not mine to reveal.”
Walter listens to what you have seen of the human world so far compared to your own, intrigued it seems by what you have to say. “Sadly most places outside of your home are like this. You will learn though that every now and again you will find an exception to the rule. It will mostly appear in secluded areas where everyone depends on one another for their survival. A small village hidden in the woods for example cannot expect to get help from its neighbor village outside the forest because of the vast distance alone. Even when it comes to trade, we go to the village less than a day’s ride from the woods, they do not come here to our home.” Walter explains, raising a white gloved hand to his chin as he thinks on the other half of your question.
Seeming to have finally come to a reasonable answer Walter looks up to you once more, coming out of his little trance like state. “If you show a person something to aspire to they will reach for the stars. And if you let the common man speak out about the problems they see going on you can either fix the problem, or explain to them why it is so. A noble who doesn’t appeal to the people will soon lose their faith in that person looking out for their best interests.” Walter finishes, hoping that would answer your question adequately.
Being dismissed, Walter closes the door behind him, and for a short time you can hear his footfalls on the floor heading back to the main room, before the sound of a door shutting behind him signals that he has left the wing. Walter said it would be five minutes before the bathroom was ready for you, more than enough time to unpack if you wished and get the room to your liking.

2016-02-20, 01:55 PM
Inglata raises an eyebrow at Walter's response, but he decides that there was nothing he could gain by pushing the man. He remains silent as Walter explains his opinion, deciding not to discuss it further. His words did not sound like the words of a servant, but more of a person that has been brought up to believe them.

When Walter leaves, Inglata takes out one of his sets of clothing and straightens it out on his bed. Then he removes his armor, setting it aside, and once the water seems to be ready, he goes to clean himself and put on his clean clothes.

2016-02-22, 12:22 PM
It wasn’t long after you finished getting your clothing ready for dinner this evening when a gentle knocking was heard from the door, followed by a woman’s voice. “My lord I am here to inform you that your bath is ready now. Do you need me to fetch anything for your bath?” the servants voice asks you, always keeping her tone respectful of someone higher then herself. The differences between her and Walter were as clear as day for someone who had been used to spending times with nobles such as yourself. Where before you only had what Walter said as proof of his standing in this manor, now you were able to hear with your own ears the differences in which other servants treated you.

The bath was pleasant enough. You have had worse, as well as better. The clear scent of lavender mixed with roses assailed your keen draconic senses as you waked into the room. The room itself was rather simple, functional but no real wealth was thrown into its design. In the center of the room was a hole dug into the ground it seems, and lined with some kind of stone, easily big enough for four people to sit in comfortably. And it was filled to the top with water, and rose leaves, making at least one of the scents now make sense.

Tired of being covered in the grime of a week’s travel, you sink into the pool of water and begin to take much pride on cleaning yourself, making sure each draconic scale shined like a precious stone. Thankfully these people understood what hot water was, for otherwise the experience would not have been so pleasant. However for such primitive people compared to your own, they were adequate accommodations.

Once complete and dressed in the finest clothing you had decided to bring along with you on your journey, you made your way across to the east wing, which you were told held the dining room and kitchen. The truth was neither room was hard to find. Heading back to the sitting room, you crossed to the mahogany door on the opposite side you had just left, and followed your nose from there. Soon enough you were before a simple doorframe with no door on it looking into a kitchen where a handful of women were preparing a fine feast it seemed.

“So did you hear about those poor souls found dead in the woods? They say it was that wolf again.” Called out one of the younger girls working on a stew of sorts from the look of it.

“Couldn’t of been, wasn’t a full moon last night. And everyone knows that one only comes out during the full moon. Kind of like how the dear mayor only comes to see Ms. Rose at that time. I think he’s afraid and just wants her protection. After all you can see anything from the tower.” Replied an older servant, taking a rather large chicken, or at least it looked like a chicken, out of the oven.

“But I thought he came because it was the only time the two of them could spend alone. You know with the other young girl staying here and all.” Replied the younger one once more before the sound of a wooden spoon hitting a table could be heard as the third spoke up.

“Both of you be quite, we have a guest.” The last of the servants said as she turned to look at you, a warm smile on her face.. “I was told we had unique company coming to stay with us for a while, I didn’t expect a dragon however.” The woman said bowing slightly before looking back up at you. “Is there anything me and my girls may do for you? I know most people enjoy our cooking, however I have never had such an exotic lord at my kitchen before.” She said with both respect, and a hint of a challenge coming on, as if she saw your stomach as another country to conquer with her fine cooking skills.

2016-02-23, 11:25 AM
"Please, no need to stop talking at my expense. There isn't really nobility among my people, so there is no need for such formality." Inglata says with a smile as he stretches out his wings, shining brightly from the tiny droplets of water still clinging to the scales. "My name is Inglata IosToma, and I did not mean to intrude. If I become a bother at any moment, I give you permission to shoo me off." He adds, laughing. I came here out of curiosity. You see, I fancy myself a scholar. I like gathering all kinds of information, and there is a lot to learn about a place from what and how the food is prepared. And it's well known that all the juiciest rumors and freshest information goes through the kitchens first. People rarely pay much notice to those who prepare and bring the food, and never shy from continuing their private conversations..." He says, pausing to find himself a place to sit. "I've never been in a village as secluded as yours, so I feel there is much I could learn here. And perhaps you might supply me some information that I could use to impress your mistress? I'd be most grateful."

2016-02-25, 11:11 PM
As you try to place the woman at easy it seems to fail you notice, sure they are listening to what you say, however they still see you as a noble, and not one of them, which is proven more so when the head cook speaks up. “Perhaps where you are from you are not considered nobility Mr. IosToma, but here in our world you are. Dragons are very rarely seen in these parts, and those with humanoid blood even less so.” As she says this you notice the two other women however looking over your sparkling wings before quickly looking down and going back to work.

“When it comes to this kitchen you can be assured I will shoo you away. However so long as you don’t get in the way, there is no reason for me to have you leave.” The head cook says looking up from the food she was preparing momentarily an adding “The name is Elanor by the way. No need for a last name on my account, just another servant is all.” Elanor says before going back to her work, speaking the entire time. “The younger one is Alexandria, and the one that looks old enough to be my mother is Madeline.” Elanor explains out of curtesy as she seems to move around the kitchen like it were a stage, and she the star of the show. “Never heard that saying before, being able to tell a lot about a place due to their food. However you are the scholar not I so I shall take you at your word. As for rumors and information I cannot deny that everyone has to come here at one point or another for food, that doesn’t mean however that just anyone can hear what we do. It’s a special trust given to the cooking staff from the others.” Elanor explains heading over to an oven that she opens a smidgen before closing it back up.

“Impressing Ms. Rose I have no problem helping with, as it will make both of our lives easier however if you wish to learn other things about the town you will have to see someone else, or prove yourself worthy. I am sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear. I am nothing if not loyal however, and will not betray my friends.” Elanor says, leaning against a countertop thinking about what to tell you. “Well if you couldn’t tell from what you have seen of the house, Ms. Rose enjoys the finer things in life. Whether it be the newest item in the town, or the most exotic pets. It shows her power, something she likes to keep up. She enjoys roses, as the name, and smell of the house shows, even some of the library deals with plants from what I hear, I myself have no time to read so wouldn’t know. She enjoys duels, and her parents were famous for their skill, whether she inherited their skill is unknown however, she never lets anyone near her father’s blade, it’s the reason you are here in fact.”