View Full Version : New Campaign: Home Town, or New Town?

2016-01-26, 08:14 PM
One of the things I've wondered about:

Is it better for the PCs to start in a new town, or their home town?

Generally, I think it's better to come up with a reason for the PCs to have met and start their adventure in a new town. There is a sense of wonder and newness to it. The disadvantage to this is if an NPC is in trouble and needs rescuing, there is no emotional investment in the person.

Home towns are better, in my opinion, for story hooks. The PCs may have family, children, and have a community of trusted NPCs and maybe even rivals. However, the disadvantage to this is they can end up feeling obligated to stay due to old allegiances. Ties that bind and all. It can be a pain, however, for the DM to explain the history behind their time in their hometown.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on it? Is it better to start your story off in a home town or new town?

2016-01-26, 08:21 PM
In general, I make this decision based on Character level in 3.X. Characters that are 3rd level or below are less likely to have ventured far afield into exotic new locales, so it often makes more narrative sense to have the campaign start in, or at least near, the home town of at least a couple of the Characters. Conversely, Characters who are above, say, 5th level or so have often outgrown the challenges of a home town adventure (assuming 'home town' isn't a synonym here for 'major metropolis,' in which case their entire career could theoretically have them within the same city limits).