View Full Version : Pathfinder help me add some flavor to this encounter - need 4 archer type monsters

2016-01-27, 05:33 PM
I am finalizing an encounter for a game this weekend. I have most of the components, just need some additional flavor.

The PCs are 7 8th levels with 4 5-6th level followers, all mounted except a few in a wagon.

They are trekking across a near-arctic forest mountain, moving from the borders of one kingdom to the next with the goal of raiding some mining concerns in the second kingdom to get alchemical supplies for a different mission.

While traveling they are going to find an ancient aqueduct running along the ridge of the mountain. The aqueduct is a ruin from a long lost kingdom they have learned a little about. The aqueduct is crumbling, but still tall. Though they might spend the time and effort to find a way to get over it, horses, wagon and all, they are more likely going to follow it down mountain looking for an easier way through. (If they don't no big, then they'd just miss this encounter and have a different one.)

A group of monsters led by a witch have taken up residence in this aqueduct and ambush groups that come through. The only groups that do so are groups like ours that are trying to skirt the legal borders. The witch has a large group of pechs under her sway who patrol the aquaduct using stone tell to have the aqueduct tell them when people are approaching one of the gaps, then the witch shadow-walks a group of troops there to ambush the travelers.

The gap they will be going through is 180' from wall to wall, with only one non-straight path of normal terrain, the rest is rendered difficult terrain from the crumbled stones. The aqueduct looms up 80' on either side of them casting deep shadows into the gap. There are numerous still standing columns of crumbled stone and bits of larger collapse for cover if they use it.

The troops I know are there now are following:

Two stone giants, who will be up on the top of the aqueduct and will start combat hurling stones down upon the party that stray into the gap.

Four shadowbrood cloakers who are camouflaged on the inner walls of the aqueduct. They are attached to echo-tubes that the pechs have formed with stone shape that allow the cloakers to "Moan" into the tubes which directs the moan effect down to the lower level where the party will be. If the cloakers are not seen, they will continue to moan for the 6 rounds it takes to try and get the helpless save against the party. If the party flies up to try and get to the stone giants and archers, the cloakers will drop their silent image camo, blur up, then detach one at a time to intercept the flying party members and try to entangle them. They will Maze them if they start taking damage and if the ambush really goes south, they will grab one of the enemy party , wrap them up and dim door away.

two ghoul dire wolves being ridden by two imperial ghasts who will come charging in from the front after the ambush begins to try and engage the front of the party. They are being controlled by the witch which means if the party try to command undead them, they will be making opposing charisma checks.

And lastly, 12 pechs and 4 chupacabras who are hiding underground. If the party fall back and try to leave the way they come, the pechs will collapse a floor trap, dropping at least part of the party down 20' then ramp them down another 100' to a shallow chamber. There the pechs will try to use wall of stone to dome over the party, entrapping some of them while they deal with those that make reflex saves during the fall. If the party doesn't fall back, they are tasked with skirmish hitting the PCs by using stone shape to pop out of the ground to hit, then diving back in for protection the next turn.

Now here's the part I need. I need four "archer" types that will be stationed high up the aqueduct and be using fire to keep the party pinned down. They don't need to be archers, they can use spells or other missile fire to do so, but what I need are four colorful creatures of moderate intelligence who could be part of this band. Preferably, one or two should have some spells so that I can match the spellcasters in the party if needed. (the party is weak on spell casters. they have a Magus and an alchemist, but no wizards or sorcerers. They have 2 clerics, but they are both very unoptimized)

If I can't find four creatures, then I will make class leveled frost men or class leveled hobbos or something, but I'd prefer four distinct and unusual creatures. The story behind this band is that they are a bunch of random monsters that have no business working together, but most were slaves working at one of the mining concerns until the witch freed them. But now the witch controls them through a combination of fear, power and influence. So four distinct creatures would be best.

The reason I'm thinking about making one of them a frost man (perhaps with some ranger or barbarian levels) is because I like the idea of them having a missile weapon, but also a backup effect. In the frost man's case, if they get close, he will rip off his eyepatch and hit them with his cone of cold eye weapon. That kind of thing. So if the others had a similar set up (missile weapon and backup supernatural/spell like ability) that would be useful.

Kol Korran
2016-01-28, 12:55 AM
From the classes I assume you're playing PF, and I'm fairly new to it, but here are some ideas from past games, some of this is from 3.5, bit perhaps you can adjust? Not sure of the power level of the creatures you're seeking, so this may be all over the board:
- Archer demons: from 3.5 MM 3, demons with 4 arms, 2 bows, optimized for archery. My group named them "machine gun" demons. Quite fun!
- Gauth, or other leader beholder kin. Eye beams galore!
- Medusa archers. (In myth and some versions they are talented archers ) they practiced archery for those who would stay out of their gaze range. Have them wear some sort of face cover, and if the party comes close, then reveal her true nature. Could lace here arrows with poison driver snakes...
- Harpy archer (3.5 even gave a sample statblock ). Again, same idea with range, only this one flies as well.
- Some sort of a hag? Could be an advisor / lieutenant for the witch, and offer some magical support, and be camouflaged as some other creature...
- Naga. Powerful caster, and quite a challenge in close quarters.

(BTW, i've made some rendition of the hags, Nagas and stone giants in one of my projects, which you may find interesting. See the compendium link in my sig).

Good luck!