View Full Version : I was wondering if anyone have ideas for spellsword/gish

2016-01-27, 11:53 PM
I was looking to build a Gish or Spellsword, someone who uses magic to augment her attacks. Keep in mind I'm new to D&D5e and it would be my first game in the rule system. Character creation would be point buy 27 points limited to 2 books.

I'm use to Dervish Dancer in Pathfinder archetype, with Dervish Dancer feat.

2016-01-28, 12:02 AM
Out of the box, using just the basic rules I would suggest Fighter with the Eldritch Knight if you want to be a fighter with a few magic tricks to help, Paladin if you want to be a fighter where you focus your magic into your attacks and defenses regularly, or Valor Bard if you want to be primarily a caster (and a strong one) that can also throw down.

2016-01-28, 12:28 AM
There's also Blade Pact Warlock, for something sort of between Valor Bard and Eldritch Knight. They can be sort of finicky though, and I don't know if I'd really recommend them to new players.

I'm not familiar with Pathfinder, but based on a quick google search the Dervish Dancer feat's main thing was allowing you to use dexterity instead of strength for melee attack and damage rolls? In 5e that's a default option available to anyone using the correct weapon. Any melee weapon with the finesse property (daggers, scimitars, shortswords, rapiers, whips) can use dexterity instead of strength as its attack stat.

2016-01-28, 01:21 AM
Gish classes:
- Fighter -> Eldritch Knight
- Cleric -> Death Domain (War Domain is adequate)
- Bard -> College of Valor
- Paladin -> Any Oath
- Warlock -> Pact of the Blade
- Wizard -> Bladesinger (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)

The two most-compared are Eldritch Knight and Bladesinger. You go EK if you want to hit stuff very well and use some spells; you go bladesinger if you want to use spells and occasionally hit stuff very well.

2016-01-28, 02:30 AM
Gish classes:
- Fighter -> Eldritch Knight
- Cleric -> Death Domain (War Domain is adequate)
- Bard -> College of Valor
- Paladin -> Any Oath
- Warlock -> Pact of the Blade
- Wizard -> Bladesinger (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)

The two most-compared are Eldritch Knight and Bladesinger. You go EK if you want to hit stuff very well and use some spells; you go bladesinger if you want to use spells and occasionally hit stuff very well.

That's a "Bingo"!

2016-01-28, 04:28 AM
The most straight forward GISH I can think of would to go High Elf (You Get Green Flame Blade from the SCAG) Fighter Battlemaster, then at Level 4 take a feat for Magic Initiate or Spell sniper.

-Magic Initiate gets you 2 more Cantrips (Thinking Booming Blade and Lightning Lash. Also From SCAG. Then for the 1st level spell either Find Familiar if you want utility. or perhaps Mage Armor for something that last a long time but fits more of your combat style)
-Spells sniper would get you booming blade and now allow you to attack with both greenflame blade and booming blade from 10ft as long as you are using a reach weapon. (This opens up access to Halberds, Glaives, Lance, and my personal favorite Whip.

After this you can just build yourself as a DEX fighter, using Rapiers (Or Whip(s) as I recommended for spells sniper) between the cantrip melee attacks which still allow you to use most maneuvers. These will make you feel like your flourishing in combat for the most part. Try taking Sweeping attack (Combos with green flame blade well), Precision attack(Don't want to miss) and Maneuvering attack.

Just take all your class levels in fighter(At least to 12 for a 3rd attack at 11 and then ASI at 12. (If you want to complicate it a little, 3 level of rogue would get you swashbuckler(Also form the SCAG), which would let you move in and out of combat easily, then going fighter the rest of the way.

IMO this is the simplest version of a GISH you can get. With the Rogue part being more complicated but more Dervishy.

Sir cryosin
2016-01-28, 07:13 AM
On the wotc weds it they have the favored soul sorcerer. It is a viable gish. I will be using it as my next charter. The charter will have magic but he hates magic users and the magic he uses will be spells to stop mage like counterspell dispel magic and so on.

2016-01-28, 07:21 AM
Gish classes:
- Fighter -> Eldritch Knight
- Cleric -> Death Domain (War Domain is adequate)
- Bard -> College of Valor
- Paladin -> Any Oath
- Warlock -> Pact of the Blade
- Wizard -> Bladesinger (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)

The two most-compared are Eldritch Knight and Bladesinger. You go EK if you want to hit stuff very well and use some spells; you go bladesinger if you want to use spells and occasionally hit stuff very well.

Rogue -> Arcane Trickster
Ranger -> Hunter - Whirlwind Attack is the closest "dervish" feature in the game.

2016-01-28, 10:02 AM
Gish classes:
- Cleric -> Death Domain (War Domain is adequate)

Isn't the Tempest Domain adequate too?

2016-01-28, 02:16 PM
or if you multiclass, just get one martial class and one full caster.

mabriss lethe
2016-01-28, 06:17 PM
I'd probably go with Eldritch Knight as a first foray into 5E gishing. It's a little simpler than the other options, allowing you to focus more on sussing out the system, yet will still perform well in its niche.

2016-01-28, 07:47 PM
Sun Soul monk if you like blasting and doing a lot every turn.

It's stupid simple. You don't need to 'build' anything, you don't have to worry about long rests, choosing spells, etc.

You have a standard ranged blast with Radiant Sun Bolt

You have a Cone AOE Burning Hands, up to 9th level, as a BONUS action.

You have a Free Fireball, which you can increase to a standard fireball ---- the standard fireball is all you really need against hordes of enemies, since they're all going to be very low CR.

Whatever the number of creatures in the encounter, there's a blast for that.

You get all of this per short rest.
(Not even, you only need 30 min, a short rest is a minimum of 1 hour)

You have so much mobility, so many attacks, you can stun off of those attacks, and a great SPELL as a BONUS action

For a Gish, the SS Monk feels like a fighter-caster every turn.

Other classes can do a lot of things on different turns, but I love how the SS Monk weaves it together mechanically in their action economy.


Also, you're casting burning hands on top of your Extra Attack by level 6.

You feel Gishy very early.

It's also straight forward with no thinking involved. You can always spend half your Ki to cast Burning hands at max level.

It scales, it's simple, you don't have to wait for it, and you have a lot of action every single round.

2016-01-28, 08:41 PM
Isn't the Tempest Domain adequate too?
You are absolutely correct, although it does (almost) require the magic initiate feat.

Booming blade and lightning lash combined with the channel divinity to maximize lightning and thunder damage brings it around the same damage as the death domain, although it cannot void resistances like the death domain.

2016-01-28, 11:32 PM
You are absolutely correct, although it does (almost) require the magic initiate feat.

Why the Magic Initiate feat? For Shocking Grasp to combine with Thunderbot Strike feature?

2016-01-28, 11:35 PM
Why the Magic Initiate feat? For Shocking Grasp to combine with Thunderbot Strike feature?
I would prefer booming blade and/or lightning lash, but yes!

2016-01-29, 12:54 AM
I was looking to build a Gish or Spellsword, someone who uses magic to augment her attacks. Keep in mind I'm new to D&D5e and it would be my first game in the rule system. Character creation would be point buy 27 points limited to 2 books.

I'm use to Dervish Dancer in Pathfinder archetype, with Dervish Dancer feat.

Right out of the box (levels 1 - 3) the best +augment my attacks with spells+ is the Paladin.

Take the mobile feat and then dance your way across the battlefield smiting and spellcasting.