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2016-01-28, 06:34 PM
You have been gathered by a Aeon Priest by the name of Jezzel Drex who claims a angel whispered their names to him to help bring a being from a previous world to theirs. You may have your own reasons to follow through on this request besides the wealth and prestige but they are your own.

You have been gathered in the town best known for the massive column at its center going towards the stars. It is here Jezzel has his sanctum but alas the note did not include a address or description of his dwelling. Might be time to explore don't you think? Maybe ask around for information about Jezzel and this mysterious mission.

2016-01-29, 02:56 AM
Drex had chosen a rather eclectic group of recruits. They must have been an odd sight as they wandered through this small farming community. The group's sole female member, Kia Iraldi, stood uncertainly to the left of her teammates...and to their right.

"Maybe this is a test. He might be timing how long it takes us to find him."

That speculation came in stereo. The two Kias (one on each side) spoke in perfect unison. It wasn't always like that. Sometimes they took turns being the one to speak. Their eyes half-heartedly scanned the area for clues. Kia wasn't much good at this sort of thing. She fully expected her more scholarly teammates to find the Priest long before she did.

2016-01-30, 01:01 AM
The woman made him edgy. He'd heard of people who could be in two places at once, but this was the first time that he'd seen it up close. He fiddled with his bandages as a way to stop staring at the one he thought of as the duplicate, since he could never be sure if that was who it was. The talking in sync only made it creepier

"I can't think of a reason why a man o' the cloth would do a thing like that. More'n likely that it slipped the man's mind in light o' his fantastical revelation."

Beanstalk wasn't a big town. If a new Aeon priest was in town, then people would be talking. And even if this Drex isn't new, it shouldn't be hard to find out where the priesthood is.

2016-01-30, 04:54 AM
With bald head and clad in threadbare rags, Kilian Bohl touches a silver finger to his brow at the mention of a man of the cloth, "False priests. Not a true follower of the one true god. Call them not priests, it is blasphemy! This name will be buried in sand like so many artifacts of god. They are archaeologists unearthing the remains of my lord on high." Golden veins began showing through the skin on his hands as he got worked up, his rant building up some sort of psychic pressure behind his eyes as he clamped his eyes shut and began to breathe slowly in order to regulate his emotions and drive away the wrath of his Lord lest he unleash it on someone undeserving. When he opens his eyes again almost all of the golden glow has gone from around the irises and turned them back to a dark green and his hands are once again a fully opaque and subdued silver, "No, yes, easy to find, likely a test. One of you ask people. My grandeur unsettles people. I don't talk to people. They see their sins reflected in my hands and fidget under the gaze of god."

2016-01-30, 07:02 AM
Kia rolled all four of her eyes. These priestly types were always overvaluing themselves. Having a few fancy magic tricks was no reason to call yourself a divine messenger. Still, Kilian's particular brand of magic did seem handy to have around. So for the moment, she'd put up with his endless egotism. With an audible sigh, Kia wandered towards the nearest collection of people. Might as well try asking for directions.

Kia will start questioning people about the priest's whereabouts.

Skill roll (in case one is needed): [roll0]

Since both Kias are cooperating here, I think (correct me if I'm wrong here) that the difficulty gets reduced by one step.

2016-01-30, 10:51 AM
After a bit of time has passed and following the advice of locals you work your way closer to the center of town towards the Beanstalk. It is said the aeon priest keeps his sanctum near it in observance of the world above and the link between. You spot what must be the sanctum by its strange decor and acolytes standing outside speaking of the lost warriors who climbed the Beanstalk to join the Gods. The doorway is open and you hear fevered shouting within as several people flee.

2016-01-30, 12:01 PM
"Well, I reckon we found our man." Akira strolls on up to one of the acolytes standing at minimum safe distance and gives them a friendly nod.

"Pardon the interruption, we're looking for a fella named Jezzel Drex. That him, sounding agitated in there?"

2016-01-30, 06:13 PM
The acolyte smiles and nods. "Yes that is our Lord, he is having the most glorious of possessions channeling the whim of he on High!" The acolyte chatters with his companions in a broken tongue before looking back to you. "Are you the chosen ones the master made haste gathering?!" He looks to his companions who bow their heads in prayer as they rush inside to meet the chaotic mess of their masters revelry.

2016-01-30, 06:51 PM

Kia followed the acolytes with some trepidation. The money from this job had better be worth it.

2016-01-30, 07:39 PM
"Well, we definitely got an offer 'bout a job from 'im. Reckon we could go and see him?"

Akira remains cheerful. This Drex was turning out to be no more than a mad nano with some bad tech. Easy work for good pay.

2016-01-30, 09:09 PM
Kilian does his best to stifle his objections, at least until he can confirm the heretics are indeed heretics and deserving of treatment as such. He keeps his mouth clamped shut and follows after the others, the faintest hint of his golden veins visible under the back of his hands.

2016-01-31, 04:25 PM
Inside the chamber is a mess of a workshop and chapel depicting several obviously holy symbols to esoteric gods including a pallid mask and a polyp surrounded by trinkets and offering of notes and stranger things. In the middle of this mess are the acolytes trying to calm there master. Drex appears to be a eldery man, his skull covered in thick plates of metal with four ports studding the back. "They arrive just as you say my angel!" The man turns revealing a lack of eyes only 4 lenses that click and shift in focus. His clothes seems similar to a Aeon Priest but archaic and he wears many symbols and glyphs. " Welcome children of Light! We have called you by the whim of He for you are to aid me in his quest." He clears a table of clutter tossing it to the floor and barks orders in the broken tongue to his acolytes who quickly scurry off and bring back a platter of cups and two pitchers. "Drink my friends! Relax in his Grace!"

2016-01-31, 07:00 PM
Brother Gael can be heard before being seen, his quaterstaff hitting the ground with every other step. He steps into the chamber and immediately shields his eyes from some of the artifacts in the room, as if they give off burning light. Dressed in what look like the robes of a priest himself, he makes his way with head turned downwards towards Drex. A metal implant on the front of his skull catches light. He mutters softly to himself, "Soul of the mind, key to life's ether. Soul of the lost, withdrawn from its vessel. Let strength be granted... Hmmm..."

With a final, louder resounding thud of his staff, he stops short of Drex, almost uncomfortably close. "What?" Brother Gael spurts out the word with venom, as if annoyed with being summoned to this place. His milky eyes affixed to Drex with a scowl to match.

2016-01-31, 07:09 PM
Kia hovered at the edge of the room. She was in no hurry to go any further. Three mad Priests of different religions in the same place? Best to keep your distance.

2016-01-31, 08:27 PM
The mad aeon priest grinned ear from ear as his eyes made audible clicks as they shifted slowly taking on different hues. "I see the angels were right, the three will find the one!" He tries to offer everyone cups before pulling a wad of papers from his coat spreading them across the table. Both Gael and Kilian see something familiar in their writing. Gael is hit with a surreal feeling as his mind is pulled to some where else in a trance. Drex simply looks on and smiles muttering something as he drums his fingers in a beat of fours. "He sees the Light! So do you! The angels spoke to me in dreams and now as they take my flesh as their own!" He pulls the center of his robes apart revealing his chest and the heavy scared flesh filled with silver runes. "I was enlightened twelve years ago on a delve into ruins of the prior world. I found something I was destined to find and the struggle afterwards proves it!" He pulled up his sleeve revealing hexagonal burns. "I was infected by a Hexen there, turns out a hive had established itself quite well. But he on High burned the infection from me and purged those not loyal to HIM!" The priest returns his robes to their previous state and smiles. "I promised you wealth and knowledge and you shall have it if you join me on my mission! I seek relics of the old ones, I seek to bring their influence back! To establish order in this world!"

Adrift in Chaos there is the HIM for he is the light of man. Chosen to bear his word, his prophecies, you will bring the Light to the Darkness. In the Chaos you will find his relics, take them, become them. The last image you see is the searing form of HIM looking down upon you offering a hand.

The acolytes look on and bow before the three nanos offering prayers. rubbing their hands together as silver dust falls from them. All of this seems quite odd and not very faithful to the traditional aeon priest you may have encountered over your lives.

2016-01-31, 08:58 PM
Brother Gael's demeanor completely changes once he starts reading what was set before him. His expression goes from annoyed to confused. His eyes dart around the room, he turns his head quickly from side to side as if terrified of his surroundings. His voice cracks, almost as if he resists breaking down into a crying mess, "I... I... Yes, I concede to your will and continue to bear my punishment. Your power makes us human, more than human, then human no more..." After a few silent mutterings to himself he pauses...

Suddenly, Brother Gael falls back onto the ground as if pushed back, "Ah! B-behold!" The old man stretches his shaking hand upwards, reaching, tears streaming down his face.

2016-01-31, 09:16 PM
Akira grins. Just like he thought, mad nanos and old tech. "Well, I'm not about to speak for any o' my compatriots, but I'm willing to go out and look for the relics o' the old ones."

2016-01-31, 09:40 PM
Golden light pulses up Kilian's hands as he looks over Drex, "I need a name. I know the name of my Lord, but what is yours? Pronouns are harmful. If it is one and the same I must know it! I cannot not know. I can help, but edicts prohibit me from fully installing a new world order in full if it diametrically opposes the will of my Lord. Give me this knowledge."

I mostly just tossed a name onto the "god" that has contacted Jamian, and if these are intended to be the same entity the name doesn't really matter so long as it fits your narrative. He's mostly just trying to see if these are divine relics of his god or a different (completely) false god. He'll still do it, but it'll affect his disposition while doing so.

2016-01-31, 09:44 PM
Kia's first instinct was to flee in the opposite direction. Unfortunately for her, fleeing didn't pay the bills. If she passed on every job that looked crazy or sketchy, she'd barely get any work at all. So she reluctantly faced down the raving lunatic who called himself a priest...All three of them.

"I m-might be interested. Still, there's a few things left to be settled. Forgive me for diluting the religious fervour with my crass materialism: But what exactly do you want us to do? And what rewards are you offering?"

2016-01-31, 10:26 PM
Drex nodded and smiled as he knelt to Brother Gael placing hands on his shoulders. "Brother we shall serve his whim! What ever affliction he is testing you with will be cured by the time this is done!" He turned his head to kilian and laughed. "Our Lord has many names for they are HE! HIM! The Light of Progression among a Chaotic World!" He stands up and glides back to his table pulling out a heavy bag dropping it on the table. "I can offer some payment from my tithe, a simple ten shins a piece is all I can offer for now. Once we go to the ruins you may take want you wish except any relics we find." He places both hands on the table as his eyes click and spin again as he focused on all those in front of him as the acolytes shuffle around the workshop trying to make the mess organized.

2016-01-31, 11:13 PM
Brother Gael snaps out of his trance and composes himself. He stands, brushing off his robes, especially where Drex touched him. "You celebrate when you must cower in fear and reverence. I owe a debt for my sins and am reminded even when I close my eyes to it. Light burns, just as darkness soothes, the night and the dream is long... Remember this."

Gael moves towards the bag, jabbing an acolyte in the ribs to move out of his way. He comtemplates the bag for a moment before looking up at Kilian. His stare lingers with looks of confusion and then understanding. "H-how did you manage to find this one?.. Nevermind, I will search... But only if this one joins the hunt."

Gael moves to stand next to Kilian and pulls out a silver spoon, rubbing his thumb along it while he studies Kilian closely.


2016-01-31, 11:47 PM
Kilian's fingers have taken on a lustrous sheen and the golden pulses along his veins show no signs of stopping, "I will accept this commission, but I reserve judgement on this god of yours. I am as yet unconvinced until I receive some direct sign from HIM myself."

2016-02-01, 12:06 AM
"That's an acceptable wage, I suppose."

As Gael moved to stand beside Killian, Akira would find himself gaining a companion too. Kia had begun to feel isolated by all this cryptic priestly talk. Was the whole mission going to be like this? For the sake of her sanity, she needed to form at least one social connection that wasn't based on mad babbling. So with that in mind, the two of her edged closer to Akira, until they stood on either side of him. They each leaned in to whisper in one of his ears.

"This situation is getting creepier by the minute."

The irony of this observation was completely lost on her.

2016-02-01, 12:10 AM
Akira nods and smiles. "That sounds fair to me. I'll gladly accept those terms, Mister Drex."

The nanos were all carrying on about some kind of religious figure, but as far as Akira was concerned, all that really mattered was the cash. It didn't look like this Priest was looking into anything concerning him, which was a slight disappointment, but the funds he could get would open doors once this job was over.

Akira manages to maintain his composure when the two-in-one gives him the stereo treatment. Not knowing which one he should be talking to, he settles for whispering back to the one on his left.

"Oh, y'know how nanos get sometimes. Nothin' new here, jus' seems a little creepier on account of that there's three of em in the same room."

2016-02-01, 12:38 AM
This time, only the lefthand Kia whispered. Whenever people addressed one of her directly, the other one tended to keep quiet. It was a good rule of thumb to remember, should someone want a more normal conversation with her.

"I'm not so sure. Most of the Nanos that cross my path are far more coherent than this. I get the feeling that I'll be very glad of your company on this trip..."

2016-02-01, 12:41 AM
He claps his hands and smiles. "Excellent! Now for your pay!" Drax breaks the bag down into small stacks of shins for the group and returns it to its compartment. With a audible click his eyes spun while his hands moved automatically scribbling heavily into the table with a pen. Quickly his acolytes moved to take care of their master while one looked to the group and nodded.

"Take your pay and return soon so you may go on this holy quest," said the acolyte who spoke to you earlier as he rushes you off. "There master resides in his trance and once he is out we shall call for a guide."

2016-02-01, 02:08 AM
Brother Gael grabs his share of shins off the table and turns to Kilian.

"Dragons fly for heated cries, come dancing forth from keenest eyes. Knowing this, where will you take us?"

Brother Gael motions to the exit, "Perhaps we should prepare ourselves for this dark endeavor?"

2016-02-01, 11:33 AM
"Feeling's mutual miss." Akira walks up to the table and takes his pay with a nod to the acolytes.

"Well, I'd say that equippin' ourselves with supplies might be a good idea. Though I wouldn' call it a 'Dark Endeavour' just yet."

2016-02-01, 07:03 PM
I've already got most of the supplies I need. This won't take long."

Kia scooped up her share of the Shins, and then followed herself out of the building. It'd be nice to escape the religious insanity for a while. Despite her earlier words, she took her time browsing the market; Even though her shopping list was all of two items long. You never knew what interesting bargains might be lurking in the stalls. When Kia eventually returned to the mad priest's lair, she was fully armed and armoured. Hopefully she and Akira would be up to the task of protecting the 'great visionaries' they'd been hired to guard.

2016-02-01, 10:42 PM
Brother Gael beckons for Kilian to follow as he walks down to the market as well, slowly browsing everywhere he goes. Suddenly he is assaulted by compulsion coming from deep inside his very core. He has felt this before, and often. There is only one thing that can be done now....

"I... Am hungry...."

2016-02-01, 10:59 PM
Kilian accepts his down payment and chuckles as he follows Gael out, "Aye, vittles would not go amiss. And if you manage to spill food all over yourself like I suspect you will, I've got a solution for that. Quite literally, actually. I could ask for divine providence in cleaning up messes, but that would be wasteful and wrong. So very wasteful. We may also need a few morsels for the road, maybe a few tools. Want to split the cost for some tools for tinkering with divine relics? I seem to have gotten mine eaten by a cat. Yes a bloody cat. No, you don't get details."

Looking for a day or two of rations, just in case, and hoping someone might be willing to split the cost of a bag of light tools at 5 shins each. Might could do with some extra torches, but I've got 2 on hand.

2016-02-01, 11:27 PM
The market is full of people both native and exotic selling wares. You spot at least three civil looking aeon priest wandering the stalls and a few non humans. Though after a while you hit the open food stalls with people hocking fresh fried or frozen meals, some pleasing to the eyes while others to the nose and some in neither category. Among the stalls are some beast as well alive and dead, each doing their own thing as merchants try and hock their meats. "Seskii! Rare seskii meat aged to perfection! Hard cheese good for the road! Exotic spices and salts from the salt merchants by the sea!"

Inside the aeon priest dwelling the acolytes move to work on small projects while another runs outside shouting. "I shall return with the guide! He shall know the way!" The mad aeon priest finally slumped into a chair placed behind him in expectancy of his collapse. One of the acolytes approaches those you stayed behind or returned in time. "If your belly aches or your thirst is great we can cater to your hunger with a simple meal, our kitchen is filled with food and staffed by one of our own."

You can find what you can easily acquire. Weapons, armor, food, beast of burden.

2016-02-01, 11:33 PM
"Our minds will serve well enough against any numenera, as will hedge magic against any nefarious stains on our garments. So, Master Kilian was it? You also claim to see without seeing as Drex does? What do you believe then? That stars are pinholes in the cover of night your god blankets over us to sleep? A parent is god in the eyes of a child, so as it is with us and the "gods"."

Brother Gael spits out the word "gods" as though it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He speaks while searching for a place to sit and eat, for his stomach beckons him loudly.

2016-02-02, 12:20 PM
Akira, having completed his minimal shopping needs, returns in time to witness the collapse of the mad priest. "I 'ppreciate the offer of a meal before we set off for parts unknown. If'n you can spare it, I'd gladly eat with you fine gentlemen."

2016-02-02, 03:38 PM
Kia likewise accepted the offered meal. No sense in passing up a free gift. But when the pair sat down to eat, those present might notice something strange: One Kia ate and drank far more enthusiastically than the other one. Normally their reactions were in such perfect synch as to be indistinguishable. Weird.

2016-02-02, 04:15 PM
After a moment food was brought out for your enjoyment by the acolytes that featured heavily fish and mollusk in hearty sauces served with bread and cheese. "Our master should wake soon, until then please enjoy your meal." The acolyte looks to Kia. "Is something not of your taste miss? We could prepare something special for you." He looks concerned.

A hard knock can be heard outside as a acolyte scampers in and darts to a hidden room. A grunt can be heard as a tall tattooed man enters wielding a metal spear and simple armor of hides followed by a blueish seskii. "Hello gentlemen and ladies, I will be your guide for this journey. This is Blue my companion." He pats the seskiis head as its tongue lolled to the side at the attention.

2016-02-02, 04:48 PM
After a moment food was brought out for your enjoyment by the acolytes that featured heavily fish and mollusk in hearty sauces served with bread and cheese. "Our master should wake soon, until then please enjoy your meal." The acolyte looks to Kia. "Is something not of your taste miss? We could prepare something special for you." He looks concerned.

The less enthusiastic Kia looked a little surprised. She'd found nothing to complain about in the meal.

"Hmm? No, it's all delicious. I'm really enjoying it."

The other one, though, was quick to understand the acolyte's confusion. Again, it was a bit weird to see her so 'desynched' from her twin.

"Pay no mind to our different reactions. We both have exactly the same tastes. It's just that this is the first food I've eaten in over a week. I don't actually need to eat, you see: So I tend to go without, to help conserve our rations."

Ah, so this one must be the duplicate. This was the first time that she'd given herself away.

A hard knock can be heard outside as a acolyte scampers in and darts to a hidden room. A grunt can be heard as a tall tattooed man enters wielding a metal spear and simple armor of hides followed by a blueish seskii. "Hello gentlemen and ladies, I will be your guide for this journey. This is Blue my companion." He pats the seskiis head as its tongue lolled to the side at the attention.

Both Kias rose to greet the newcomer. She always liked to make a good first impression with her guides. Such people performed a vital service in this chaotic world.

"Glad to meet you, sir. If you don't mind my asking, how far will we be travelling?"

2016-02-02, 09:49 PM
He collects some food good for travels and returns to the Aeon Priests and while sitting down to eat he responds to Gael's comment, "My god is one that has been forgotten. Things he has revealed to me do make me wary of other religions, but it is not something to be spoken of here. It would be most rude. My god revealed truths to me and elevated me from a mere boy into a fully grown man with the knowledge to acknowledge false miracles, to operate relics. I trust what I have seen. If another god shows me their own truth, I cannot deny that, but neither can I deny my own."

He looks to the guide when he enters and nods in greeting but does not rise from his food, "Good day, sir guide. Kilian Bohl, and you?"

2016-02-03, 12:51 AM
Brother Gael sits and begins to consume the food in front of him with great joy, abandoning completely the appearence of the old cook he seems to be. Paying attention to Kilian, he speak in between bites, "There are people in the world so hungry, that God and the ultimate truth cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. Perspective is everything young deliverer! I sense that soon all of our perspectives will be shifted, one way or another..."

Continuing to devour his meal, refilling his plate twice, Brother Gael looks up at their guide and his seskii, "Delightful! Oh, how I love these creatures! Pure of heart and with the courage to boot!" Brother Gael stands from his seat and approaches the seskii with a piece of fish in hand, "May I?" He asks the guide, extending his hand with food towards the seskii, "I find it interesting that if you provide them with food, water, shelter, and affection they will think you are as a god. Unlike man, who believes if he is provided as such above others, he is as a god, no?"

Brother Gael lowers himself to the seskii's level, awaiting permission to feed the noble creature.

2016-02-03, 01:09 AM
Akira simply raises his glass in greeting to the guide, busy devouring his fish, bread and cheese.

2016-02-03, 01:44 PM
The guide nodded. "You can call me Zal Derek and go ahead Blue is friendly as can be." He scratches the Seskii behind the ear before nodding to the room. "I am told we are to travel west in hopes of finding a ruin that Jezzel Drex has found in old maps and 'revelations'. The trip will take two days if we take it easy by foot and hopefully avoid any problems." He pulled a map from his bag and rolls it out on the table showing the indicated route. "This time of year a group of margr can be found migrating and slaughtering around the mountains so we'll avoid that." Drex began to stir in his chair and slowly came too and began consuming the food infront of him. His ports sparked a bit and the smell of burning copper could be smelled.

2016-02-04, 08:51 PM
Brother Gael feeds the seskii, his attentions now totally focused on the animal. He pays no mind to the conversation or people around him. From belly rubs to whatever games he can play with the creature, he may as well be gone.

2016-02-04, 09:07 PM
Akira swallows a mouthful of food before leaning over the map and looking over the proposed route. "Glad to hear we're avoidin' the Margr. Though, you ever been near the area our employer is aimin' to get to?"

2016-02-06, 12:53 AM
"A few years back but I saw nothing important. I was leading a herd for a local Shepard to another settlement," he replied as he rummaged though his bag. "Drax insist his sight beyond sight will show him more then our mortal eyes can see."

Drex awakens to the mention of his name. " I am ready brothers and sisters of creation! Let us be off!" He stands up as his robe slips free revealing his scarred flesh as his acolytes quickly clothe him in travel clothes and donning a wide be hat. He grabs a staff and strokes the ornate runes that cover its length.

These runes glow brightlyto your vision and see phantom hands places on Drex shoulders

2016-02-06, 06:19 AM
Kia followed Drex's lead; Pausing only to grab a last mouthful of food. She was quick to voice her commitment to the mission at hand.

"Rghtkj smunf!"

...Probably should have finished chewing first.

2016-02-07, 01:11 PM
The old man Gael grumbles at being interrupted from playing with the seskii. He stands and shields his eyes from Drex, even more annoyed now seemingly at the mere sight of the man. He makes his way to the doorway grumbling, "Shrouded... With steady stride... Colored by blood... Clear of mind... Proud... Church... Beasts... Shackle... Only ye... True blades..."

2016-02-07, 08:05 PM
Kilian nods and stands to follow, "Then let us be away. Standing about is no way to uncover the mysteries of the divine."

2016-02-07, 09:08 PM
Akira snags the last of his meal and deposits it into bread. "Well the pay's good, so I won't be complainin' if we turn out to be chasin' stars." He slings his travel pack over his shoulder, then looks around in confusion for a moment. Evidently giving up on finding what he's misplaced, he follows Drex out the door once the mad nano is ready.

2016-02-08, 12:32 AM
Zal nodded and moved to exit the room. "I'll move to the edge of of town take your time." The man moves out followed by Blue while Drex strolled out of the workshop shouting to his acolytes to keep the chapel open and tend to his projects. As your party moves on you notice several aeon priest follow and move as Drex waves to them as they try to avoid him.

"Old friends of mine who dont see eye to eye anymore."

Zal is found on the edge of the settlement with Blue and four more seskiis bearing on their backs small packs. He waves happily before trying to keep two of his companions calmed and prevent him from running to the group. "I brought some companions! They need the training anyways!"

2016-02-08, 06:11 AM
Brother Gael stops his mutterings when he notices all the glorious beasts gathered and he smiles ear to ear, "Oh, happy day! We could not ask for greater companions for our decent into the unknown!" Gael can be found fawning over the many seskii, learning their names and giving gratuitous belly rubs.

2016-02-08, 11:20 PM
Zal laughs at Gaels reaction to the seskiis. "I have a small farm on the edge of town where my family raises and trains them for several duties including hunting, protecting, and acting as couriers." He pats Blues head before giving the seskii a treat then handing a few hard biscuits to Gael for his new friends. "I've had a knack for training and breeding seskii's and other animals since I was a boy, once we are back I wish you to come visit us and possibly pick one if you wish. You seem quite fond of our mutual friends." He checked his bags and his hounds before nodding muttering something. "The four dont have names, my daughter calls them Blinky, Stony, Toothy, and Sly." He points to each of the seskiis.

Drex gave a hearty laugh and tapped his staff on the ground. "So be it Zal but we must go! Night draws near and we should go before darkness cover these lands!" The priest began to walk giving praise to the fundamental forces of reality as his sockets sparked briefly. He moves as if he knows the way only to stop every few feet looking around questioningly but then laughs and continues on.

2016-02-09, 04:42 AM
And so the journey began. Kia settled automatically into her role as a guard. As she walked, two pairs of eyes scanned the surroundings. Her job was to protect this mad priest from any danger he might stumble into: And from the looks of it, he wouldn't be making that easy.

2016-02-09, 07:07 AM
Gael take the treats excitedly, "No creature is as noble as the seskii, in this old man's opinion! My father made a living off excavating ruins and had a seskii companion of his own. He was family, and my guardian. His name was Rex..." Brother Gael pauses and swallows hard, choking on his own words, "Your offer is too kind and I graciously accept, should I survive this endeavor." Brother Gael's spirits seem dampened just as much as they were uplifted.

2016-02-09, 10:57 AM
Akira falls to the back of the group, slowing down to a comfortable marching pace that can last all day. No sense in rushing and wearing himself out. As he walks, he keeps an eye on the seskiis' behavior, trusting them to notice any danger before the party does.

2016-02-09, 04:25 PM
Zal smiles."Dont be so negative Gael! We shall all return! You might like my daughter." He looks at Drex and then back to Gael whispering "I think she has promise as a nano at the age of 8 but she speaks of fairies and spirits...I dont want Drex or the Priesthood to know. They'll rip her mothers teaching from her." He seems worried by the thought but whistles for his seksii's to move in formation to move on but Blinky stays near Gael.

You make it to a clear open path well trodded. Zal mentions it is a common path and it would be easier to take it to their destination but darkness is growing near and night can be a dangerous time in the Ninth World. Drex seems insistent of going onward but the mad nanos expectations seem in favor of a night without interuptions. Zal works moves to all the seksii's activating small glow globes emitting a dim light.

Drex seems infuriated and begins shouting. "I hired you to take us to the gate! I care not if your afraid of the dark or the abhumans! There is a goal that must be achieved." He begins tapping his staff heavily on the ground and pacing. "I see clearly in the night! Why cant you!" The priest screeches and begins to spasm as his muscles twitch like before in the workshop.

2016-02-09, 04:59 PM
"Sir, these relics you seek have been lying there for generations. Surely an extra few hours won't make any difference? Besides, we'll have a better chance of actually reaching them if we avoid unnecessary risks."

2016-02-09, 05:46 PM
Brother Gael whispers back to Zal, "Ah, is she a natural psionic then? No worries, I never cared much for the Aeon Priests or their kind anyway. You have a friend in me, Zal. Mark my words, your little one should have a proper teacher eventually lest she end up like myself, mind peeled away and barriers between the in betweens broken where only eldritch horrors pour out to feast on your soul with no concept of compassion or humanity. Cold prying tendrils seeping into ones mind asking for blood and eyes, blood an.... I'm sorry, sometimes I lose my grip." Gael's voice rises and falls unnaturally and takes different tones randomly, his face shows his embarassment. Gael pats Zal on the shoulder and with a thud of his staff on the ground summons a globe of light at the top of his staff.

G"ael, annoyed with Drex, "Drex!!!.... Shut up, man and beast alike must rest and eat. My old bones ache anyway. Zal, you're the lead here, where shall we set up camp? And be thanksful that you do not see as we do..."

2016-02-10, 12:41 PM
Zal nods. "Thank you Gael." He points to mound visible in the distance. "There, if we hurry we can get in the shelter we built a few winters back." He watches Drex slowly leave his state of mad shaking. "Its safe, theyre spaced evenly along the trail meant for travelers and herdsman." He starts walking, "lets not make to much noise since 'father' Drex had such a revelation." He whistles low as the seskiis move as a pack following Zal.

Drex pants heavily. "YES SLEEP! I REQUIRE REST!" The aeon priest grumbles and fidgets slightly as he leans on his staff slowly limping after Zal. Night has come completely as the moon is visible in the sky, a faint glimmer covers its horizon. Two seskii's move ahead their small glow globes bobbing in the distance but stop abruptly falling to the ground letting out a audible yelp that is soon covered by screeching.

2016-02-11, 03:53 PM
"Looks like we aint gettin' any rest just yet." Akira slips his twin blades out of their holsters, and moves cautiously ahead into the darkness where they last saw the glowglobes, on guard against the horrors of the night.

2016-02-11, 04:15 PM
Like Akira, Kia also wielded two weapons: Albeit in a rather different way. One of her drew a heavy greatsword, and moved to follow her fellow Glaive. The other stayed back, with a loaded dart launcher ready to fire.

2016-02-13, 06:34 PM
This may begin combat was hoping for our nanos to speak up.

Drex leaned on his staff and simply watching the mess unfold as Zal unhooked his shield and attached it to his bracer and wielding his spear as he moved fleet of foot into the night his spear tip glowing in the moonlight as he shouted, "Goddess guide my spear! Slay the beast ahead!" The warriors spear began to sing for lack of words as the two remaining seskiis followed their master in his hunt.

2016-02-14, 08:12 PM
Brother Gael looks towards the screeching in horror, his features quickly shift to rage as he begins to take steps towards the yelping seskiis. "AS YOU WOULD DEFEND ME WITH TOOTH AND CLAW, I SHALL DO THE SAME!" Brother Gael drops his staff and charges after Zal, his hands snapping, poping, and growing long, sharp claws.


Initiative [roll0]

2016-02-14, 08:40 PM
Kilian's hands take on a gleaming, translucent silver and the veins of gold circuitry flash into life at their full brightness as his mind spins into readiness for hostilities. A slight golden glow flows from his mouth as he speaks, "Crush our enemies, then, and my god's grace will repair the wounds they inevitably lay upon you and crush the minds of any that dare approach me."

Sorry, life has kinda sucked lately. Still about.
Initiative: [roll0]

2016-02-14, 10:14 PM
If you wish to use a power, cypher, etc, let us know. Post rolls in spoilers please and lets get this ball rolling.

In the thick grass those who get close see several quadrupedal shapes about the size of a seskii but a pale sickish color. Their skulls seem avian in nature ending in cruel beaks. They're surrounding the two seksii's as they attempt to bite and tear chunks of flesh free. The seskiis yelp and lash out attempting to defend themselves. Zal tosses his spear into the carnage piercing the side of one of the creatures causing ranks to break as the things turn to the group. They screech in unison as a few turn on their downed companion. It seems at least seven of these creatures are present and they dont seem too happy in the dim light of the moon. They shift eagerly moving to attack the closest threat.

2016-02-14, 11:06 PM
Both Kias would follow Akira's lead. They'd both strike whichever enemy he chose.

Initiative Roll: [roll0]

Kia attack roll: [roll1]. Kia will probably have an asset, thanks to Opportunist.

Duplicate attack roll: [roll2]

2016-02-15, 10:37 PM
The players got first activation but gonna GM Intrusion one. 1XP to XIII ant one to a player of his choice. Make a speed defense roll XIII :D

One of the larger specimens breaks ranks and pushes past its kin lunging to strike Brother Gael with its claws and beak. It smells foul as its pallid flesh shows glistening sores leaking a ooze. It attempts to rip chunks of flesh from Gael. The others begin to form semi circles converging on their prey.

2016-02-16, 07:39 PM
Brother Gael snarls at the oncoming assault and...


2016-02-17, 03:30 PM
The creatures attempt to strike is pushed back by the nano. It screeches as its flesh begins to emit a pallid glow as its eye sockets begin the glow revealing hollow sockets. Gaels sight can see something though, shimmering runes cover this things skull.FLESH FOR THE PACK, it echoes into your mind. The rest of its pack screeches in unison moving closer to the prey.

Zal recovers his spear and emits a low bark as the injured seskii's ran to Drax side as the old priest simply laughed. "A trial from he on High! We accept your challenge Oh Lord!" The old man begin to tap his staff on the ground counting down from one hundred.

Zal brought his shield up as two seskii's left and three of the creature approached him. "Broken Hounds! Foul creatures of endless hunger! Goddess above protect us!"

2016-02-17, 04:28 PM
Akira moves to intercept the hound attacking Gael, arm blades flashing in the light of the glow globes as he strikes at the foul thing.


2016-02-17, 07:04 PM
Brother Gael rushes to Zal's side, helping to form a defense around the injured seskiis. He snarls and howls at the creatures, attempting to taunt them into attacking him instead of the seskii.

DRAW ATTACK Intellect task: on success, forces npc to attack Gael (+1 to difficulty step)

2016-02-17, 09:17 PM
With the strange hounds taking chunks of flesh Kilian moves to replace what was stolen with golden light that would slowly turn into real flesh.

[SPOILER]Sorry I haven't been responsive, mother's been in the hospital and between going to the hospital and a raather heavy schedule I've not been online much. Posting from a phone sucks, so if the roll breaks can someone else roll for me

Healing Touch, 1 intellect, reduced by 1 from edge, difficulty 2
[roll]1d6[roll] might healing?
edit: damn, it ate my slashes. ugh hate posting from phone[SPOILER]

2016-02-17, 09:30 PM
With the strange hounds taking chunks of flesh Kilian moves to replace what was stolen with golden light that would slowly turn into real flesh.

[SPOILER]Sorry I haven't been responsive, mother's been in the hospital and between going to the hospital and a raather heavy schedule I've not been online much. Posting from a phone sucks, so if the roll breaks can someone else roll for me

Healing Touch, 1 intellect, reduced by 1 from edge, difficulty 2
[roll]1d6[roll] might healing?
edit: damn, it ate my slashes. ugh hate posting from phone[SPOILER]

Healing Touch, 1 intellect, reduced by 1 from edge, difficulty 2


2016-02-17, 10:37 PM
I understand, I work over a chunk of the week away from home and use mobile to do all this. I switched it off the mobile viewer though its horrible.

The creature akira attempted to strike is cut clear across its side causing a mixture of blood and pus seeping from its new wound. It screeches and tries to shake the wound off and going after the one who had harmed him. Three of the other creatures break rank and go for the nanos and the seskiis while the remaining four go after the Akira and the twins. Drex stamps his staff down and shouts. "Blessing of Lord on High!" Shimmering patterns cover the form of Gael and Kilian as one of the glyphs along its shaft simmers out. Zal has uncovered more of these creatures as he forces his spear into them with the aid of his hounds. The larger of the specimens screeches as its goes after Gael. The wounds of the seskii knit close.

The Gift Drex gives is 1 Armor to Gael and Killian. Killian and Gael require defense rolls as do Akira and the twins. Also Kia gains a asset for working in tandem with her twin. Two broken hounds go after Kilian while the larger specimen goes after Gael. Two go after the twins as well as Akira.

2016-02-18, 01:09 AM
Brother Gael lets out a crazed laugh as he squares off with the larger specimen.


2016-02-22, 02:01 AM
The creature tries to push through against the priest biting hard into his arm. Its saliva begins to burn as its beak clamps down hard.WE WILL FEED. It attempts to use its claws to slash at Gael as it tries to rip a chunk of meat free.

Gael is dealt 4 damage and sorry guys, I was at a con all weekend running demos and buying stuff.

2016-02-24, 06:29 AM
"AAHHRGG!! I WILL TEAR YOU ASUNDER!" Brother Gael's old body is shaken by the vicious assault, but his spirit remains unbroken. He lashes out at the beast grappling his arm, going for it's throat.

[roll0] + 3

2016-02-24, 06:23 PM
The Kias frowned as their and Akira's combined assault failed to dispatch the beast. Even though all three of their weapons had hit their mark, the enemy remained standing. If each member of the attacking horde was this tough, then defeating them wouldn't be easy. The Kias once again struck at the wounded creature: Determined to reduce the number of enemies before the party got overwhelmed.

Kia's Speed Defence (trained): [roll0]
Twin's Speed Defence: [roll1]

Kia and her twin will attack the creature they wounded previously.

Kia's attack: [roll2] {Difficulty reduced by two steps, thanks to Opportunist and cooperating with her twin}
Twin's attack: [roll3]

2016-02-24, 07:49 PM
Kia you rolled 1's so you get a XP and choose a player to give a additional XP too.

Kia dodged the attack from the pack but her twin was not so lucky being pushed back and knocked from her feet. In a attempt to strike against her target one of the broken hound slams into Kia knocking her down beside her twin as they try and clamp down with their beaks.

Zal works in tandem with his seskii's killing two of the creatures as he moves in towards Kia attempting to aid by stabbing the broken hounds that had moved to stand on them. "Scavengers! By the Mother I shall take your skulls!"

Gaels claws dig deep into the creatures neck ripping a chunk of meat free. The smell of rot fills the air as its hot rancid blood flows. NO I WILL NOT BECOME FOOD. The creature screeches and tries to shrug off the injury.

2016-02-24, 08:29 PM
Almost laughing, Akira seems to dance on the battlefield. He grins, full of mirth, as he finds the beat of the fight and twirls and dips in time with it, coming up to rake at the hound latched on to Brother Gael.

Trained Speed Defense: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]

Spend a might point to activate Thrust.

2016-02-25, 12:47 PM
Kia lay sprawled on the ground; Trying to recover. Faced with the fury of oncoming jaws, she finally gave up on trying to dispatch the beast that she and Akira had wounded earlier. Her fellow glaive would just have to finish that one alone. Her greatsword and dart launcher both set their sights on a new target.

The Kias focus their attack on one of the beasts that knocked them down. Also, I should point out that Kia is activating 'Thrust' on each attack (since there's no reason why she wouldn't).

Kia: [roll0]; Difficulty reduced by two steps (as before)
Twin: [roll1]

2016-02-25, 07:00 PM
The twin strike the broken hound holding them down as Zal gave both a stab as bones can be heard breaking. The things screech and clumsily dark off attempting to escape. The twins can feel and smell the creatures blood clinging to their clothes.

The larger specimen shrieked in pain and convulsed as Gael and Akira struck their foe. It slumps to the floor weakly bleeding a foul concoction. The few stragglers left quickly dart back into the night echoing a scream.

Drex laughs as the group slowly recovers from the carnage. "Excellent! See oh Lord on High! We shall surpass you challenge!" The Priest smiles and begins walking onward into the night only guided by the light of his staff.

2016-02-25, 11:43 PM
Kia breathed a synchronised sigh of relief. Thank goodness these creatures had a sense of self preservation. Had they been the type that fights to the death, the party could have suffered casualties. She helped herself to her feet, and walked over to rejoin everyone else.

"Is everyone still in favour of resting here? If we do, those things might return in greater numbers."

2016-02-26, 07:12 AM
Brother Gael breathes heavily while scanning the area around them for more threats. The bones in his hands crack and pop as they return to normal. "We should find shelter somewhere else, agreed."

2016-02-26, 11:51 AM
Akira hurries through making sure the fallen hounds are slain, cutting what passes for throats on the foul creatures. "Movin' on sounds good to me. I don't particularly feel like making camp until we're in a more defensible position."

2016-02-27, 06:43 PM
Zal nodded before looking over his seskiis and administering medicine with a injector he produces from a bag. "Indeed, the spot I am taking us too is secure. It's in a mound." Drex stops and looks back waiting. Zal whistles as the seskiis gather round and move with him. "Let us make haste I don't have many shots left."

It takes about a hours walk to get there avoiding wild patches of rough terrain. The mound so to speak is ten feet tall and thirty feet wide. There is a circular metal disk that has a seam down the center. A low light hums above it providing light. The guide begins to work on the door and grunts as he tries to pull the disk apart. "It's stuck, maybe you guys can fix it? It's something my wife could figure out but I lack the skill with numenera." He begins digging around the edge of the door untill he uncovers a small panel that shows a steady line of symbols.

2016-02-28, 08:52 PM
"Ah, lets see if I can't do something about this," Brother Gael takes a look at the panel...

[roll0] + 3

Edit: w00t w00t!

2016-02-28, 10:06 PM
The panel let's out a ping and a line of glyphs cross it's surface until a image appears. A representation of the door turning and opening. After touching the panel the doors slide free releasing a plesent smell. The inside looks comfortable, chairs sit around a coil rising from the ground that begins to glow red softly. To one side there are shelves filled with jars and boxes labeled 'food stuff' and 'supplies'. There seems to be a table not far with a solid looking black top that beeps every few minutes. There are five doors around the room like the one you entered through but only five feet in height and three two feet in width.

Zal laughs as Drex enters looking over the Strange environment. "New Discoveries made by Zal and his strange family! Why did you not speak of this before!'

The guide entered tossed his bag on a larger crate as the seskiis darted to the Strange coil basking in its glow. " My family's little shelter for the storms, my wife's work. Don't break it, she got the spirit to accept us." He wanders over to a corner and moves a few things around and lights two candles and begins to sing a soft ghostly song as the lights begin to brighten.

2016-02-28, 11:56 PM
Brother Gael smiles, "Quite the cozy corner you have here, my friend" Brother Gael moves to the beeping table to inspect it. "How did she build such a wonder?"

Inspecting table [roll0] + 3

2016-02-29, 02:07 AM
Drex overlooks the whole table and grunts before observing the rest of this structure. Zal keeps singing until the lights brighten to a better brightness and a audible tune replies to the song. He nods and gets up moving to the table when Gael is observing. "To be honest she did not build it we simply found and repurposed it after dealing with the spirit of the place. It wasn't to fond of us but we give it offerings and keep it happy so we are allowed in" Zal taps the table as window appears in its black surface showing three bubbles that after being tapped causes the table to warm up. "She says it told her this has many uses but the most practical is to cook food." He goes over to the shelves and begins pulling four small boxes and placing them on the counter begins to pull raw meat, bread, vegetables, and fruit. He begins to cook with these materials filling the room with a more pleasant smell. "This is the only chamber we could unlock besides a small closet. There are things in there she said the spirit talkers used but she wasnt skilled in their uses." He points to four doors with a knife then jabs the meat on the hot top. "Those remain locked, we never thought of trying to get them open."

Drex scoffed. "This place is a miracle I am surprised you got to work! He sits near the seskiis and looks into the coil. "This alone I would tear apart in my chapel in his name but you use it for what? Warmth!" The lights dim around the priest.

2016-02-29, 11:32 AM
Akira settles into one of the chairs, warming his hands over the coil while dinner cooks. He gives his employer a cheerful smile when he starts to rant. "Not all of us out here have the luxury of tearin' apart the Old Works. Sometimes, ya take what ya can get an' don't question it none, yer jus' thankful for the shelter an' the warm food."

2016-02-29, 06:26 PM
"Can't you just appreciate things as they are, Drex?" Brother Gael shakes his head in disapproval. Brother Gael, facinated with the cozy corner. He inspects things, only looking to fix, improve, or understand them and not just vivisect the numenera present as the Aeon Priest would.

[roll0] + 3

2016-02-29, 09:02 PM
The table has a few more windows that can be opened by lines of glyphs can be seen running across all of them. Gaels vision can see a ghostly shape figure drifting around the room. It appears inhuman like a wraith covered in a wispy cloak. It hovers over Drex glaring at the priest. Gael has a deeper understanding of this room and possibly the spirit. The small window shows fives lights, one green and the rest red.

Zal laughs and portions the food and retrieves plates. "Here friends eat if you wish there is enough for us all." He then moves to another crate made of a strange synth and opens the lid retrieving bags made of foil. Retrieving bowls he pours their contents and places them on the ground whistling as the seskiis hurried to chow down. "They love this stuff what ever it is."

Drex scoffed and nodded. "I shall not eat, simply sustain myself in faith." The priest isn't aware of his spectator and simply focuses on the coil muttering till he begins to sway in a trance. Gaels sight sees the phantom move to the shrine and phase through the wall.

2016-03-01, 06:53 AM
Kia hurried eagerly into the shelter. Now this was a campsite! Far better than what she usually had to put up with. The food received a warm reception too (especially from Kia two). Before tucking in, she gave Zal a double smile of gratitude.

"Thanks very much for your hospitality."

2016-03-01, 06:54 PM
Gael stands as he eats, graciously accepting the food from Zal. "If you don't mind, I'm facinated with all this and will be studying this wonderful place. Fear not, I have no intentions of perverting your wife's work." Gael follows the spirit to the shrine, inspecting it, searching for a way to commune with the "spirit"

2016-03-02, 01:38 PM
Zal simply watches and smiles as Gael approaches the shrine. "That was built by my wife, its common in her culture to give spirits proper respect." He began to hum and shift some as he began to gather more food for the seskiis. Gaels vision see's small trinkets on the shrine that resemble broken pieces of numenera and a few things that give faint glow that dances to his sight. As Zal sings the glow brightens and a echo can be heard by Gael.Appeasement.Unknown Vector source of unstable feed. Investigate. . The guide moves to feed the seskiis more, they accept happily as he looks them over."Eat friends and rest for the night." He points to a crate. "Inside are blankets."

2016-03-05, 06:45 AM
"Curiouser and curiouser..." Gael leans into the shrine and quietly starts chanting in an attempt to appease and make contact with this machine spirit.

"Aktiva cons sequentia
Librius machina auroris dei
Ignis optika carta mond
Deus mechanicus
Anima mechanica

2016-03-05, 02:06 PM
The wraith slowly appeared looking at Gael as it's body shimmered. It reaches out to Gael as it's hand shimmered. It emits a line of words til it matches his chant. "Spirit Talker, you offering is accepted. Ask questions and I shall answer." This echoes in the mind of Gael.

Zal makes sure everyone is in the chamber and seals the door shut for the night. He makes a spot on the floor near the coil with the seskiis piling ontop. The creatures move round as he gets in place and yawns.

2016-03-05, 05:22 PM
Slightly surprised at the sudden voice, but not completely, Brother Gael speaks with his mind,

"I am Gael and I am friend to the family that resides here from time to time, as I am told even reconstructed this place. I seek understanding of you and this safe haven, and I offer my skills to any repair or upgrade possible here. May I warn you of the other such as I, he would vivisect this place and it's wonders to understand it for his selfish gain."

2016-03-06, 12:24 AM
The spirit pointed a limb towards Drex. "We sense his barrier and the thing inside him." It spreads it arms and projects further out of the wall. "If you do not intrude on my core program then yes, you may attempt to repair my seals." It gestured to the doors. "Previous tennets did damage before the spirit Talker and her mate discovered us and did so to respect me."

At the mention of Drex something began to slither from the shuddering form. It looked like a mass of red data similar to the spirit. It found its path cut short by a barrier.

2016-03-06, 07:18 AM
The spirit pointed a limb towards Drex. "We sense his barrier and the thing inside him." It spreads it arms and projects further out of the wall. "If you do not intrude on my core program then yes, you may attempt to repair my seals." It gestured to the doors. "Previous tennets did damage before the spirit Talker and her mate discovered us and did so to respect me."

At the mention of Drex something began to slither from the shuddering form. It looked like a mass of red data similar to the spirit. It found its path cut short by a barrier.

Gael was interested in continuing this conversation, but thought he would gain it's trust by completing the repair. He had fully understood the symbols at the door and would now attempt to repair it.

I did roll a 20 on that door, but in case you want another roll to understand and repair,

+ 3
[roll] 1d20

2016-03-06, 02:43 PM
It points to the table and hovers over to it as the red data form slithered back into Drex. "This console holds the keys. You may attempt to breach the sealed doors through the code." Gaels hands move over the panel as windows open and enlarge showing symbols that resonate in his mind. After tinkering the lights turns red to green. A audible hiss can be heard as the four sealed doors begin to hum and crack as motors begin come to life. The doors open slightly as a low light hums inside.

The spirit glides back to its shrine as the doors hum and close. "Good the seals are fixed and my connection to the world below is stable. Come morning it will be safe to venture down if you wish. Now sleep spirit Talker and be wary of the old Priest."

2016-03-06, 04:23 PM
It points to the table and hovers over to it as the red data form slithered back into Drex. "This console holds the keys. You may attempt to breach the sealed doors through the code." Gaels hands move over the panel as windows open and enlarge showing symbols that resonate in his mind. After tinkering the lights turns red to green. A audible hiss can be heard as the four sealed doors begin to hum and crack as motors begin come to life. The doors open slightly as a low light hums inside.

The spirit glides back to its shrine as the doors hum and close. "Good the seals are fixed and my connection to the world below is stable. Come morning it will be safe to venture down if you wish. Now sleep spirit Talker and be wary of the old Priest."

With a sigh of relief and sense of accomplishment, Gael offers a polite nod to the spirit. You need not warn me of that one.

Gael cuddles up to the seskiis on the floor and closes his eyes. Closing his eyes offered no respite to the things he saw beyond that fueled his nightmares.

2016-03-06, 05:51 PM
Morning comes as the rooms lighting brightens becoming more plesent as the sounds of bird chirping can be heard. The structure hums as the coil begins to cool down. Zal is first to wake and begins preparing rations for the day. Drex wakes and breaks out a small alter and begins his morning prayer as he mutters about He on High. The seskiis run to the door as the large seal opens as morning light filters in.

Zal laughs at the seskiis. "Did brother Gael make friends with the spirit of this place?" He sang as the song replied like last night. "The place seems more alive." He looks at Drex and watches the weird ritual as he prepares food.

2016-03-06, 07:00 PM
The sight of Kia sleeping was actually rather adorable. The two of her lay cuddled up with one another, like little children; As if each was the other's teddy bear. When morning came, their eyes opened groggily. Blinking away the sleep, they disentangled themselves and clambered to their feet.

"*Yaaaawwwnnn* Morning all."

2016-03-07, 06:12 AM
Morning comes as the rooms lighting brightens becoming more plesent as the sounds of bird chirping can be heard. The structure hums as the coil begins to cool down. Zal is first to wake and begins preparing rations for the day. Drex wakes and breaks out a small alter and begins his morning prayer as he mutters about He on High. The seskiis run to the door as the large seal opens as morning light filters in.

Zal laughs at the seskiis. "Did brother Gael make friends with the spirit of this place?" He sang as the song replied like last night. "The place seems more alive." He looks at Drex and watches the weird ritual as he prepares food.

"Ahhh, good morning all! I may have given the place a little love last night, it may surprise you yet!" Brother Gael steps outside to take in some fresh morning air, petting any seskii along the way. He stands in the doorway, cracking his old bones. Maybe sleeping on the floor at his age wasn't such a good idea.

2016-03-07, 10:14 PM
Akira blinks the sleep out of his eyes, and sits up away from the wall he was using as a bed. "Huh? Wuzzat?"

He looks around the shelter blearily, before snapping his attention to the food being prepared. The smell seems to wake him up somewhat, and he rises unsteadily to his feet.

2016-03-08, 02:22 AM
Drex gathers his shrine and staff before standing up. "We must hurry! I had a revelation in my slumber and the Whisperer spoke to me the esoteric lore I cannot share!" He fidgets some as he moves very mechanically. "Curse my old bones!" The priest tries to move to the open door the sun hitting his lenses. "Gael my brother in divinity! What secrets did you divulge from this primitives understanding of the art that makes this place?" He leans on his staff looking at the nano his eyes letting out audible clicks.

Zal portions the food and feeds his seskiis. "Drex let us eat and get ready." He whistles as Blue and the four others come back into the room bumping and stumbling past Gael. The guide sings a soft song as the structure responds in kind. Several steady humming sounds can be heard coming from the doors that were sealed the night prior. "If you folks need anything let me know." He looks to Akira and the twins. "Morning ladies, breakfast is served help yourself."

2016-03-08, 06:45 AM
Gael scoffs at Drex's claim of brotherhood, "Nothing, this is a rudimentary shelter. After searching and seeing, it's true value lies in the love and care put into it; unless you desperately require a salvaged basic heating coil for preparing food, but I don't think you've fallen so low yet." Gael grabs his own staff and makes ready for the road ahead, bidding silent farewell to the machine spirit of this place. He reached out with his mind in hopes of making contact again.
I bid you farewell and hope to return soon to explore your depths, freshly unlocked. But not with the other one here. Have you a name, or shall I call you spirit forevermore?

2016-03-08, 11:50 AM
"Don't (*yawn*) mind if I do."

Kia stumbled towards the smell of food. It didn't take long for her energy to return. Soon she was tucking enthusiastically into a double helping of breakfast. Once she'd licked the last few crumbs from her mouth, she gave Zal another big smile. People like him deserved good treatment.

"Thanks again for taking care of us. We really appreciate it."

A while later, she was armed, armoured, and ready to depart.

2016-03-09, 12:58 AM
The spirit hovers to the middles of the room and emits a audible screech of static. "That is my name but the spirit talker called us Haven and so can you." It glides around the room reaching tendrils out touching devices before gliding back into the wall. "Come back and discover old priest."

Zal eats his fill and packs supplies before fishing out several small devices and putting them in his bag. "I am ready when you all are."

Drex huffs. "I fear we may be to late! How long have we been here! I feel weary!" His skull ports spark as he twitches. "Alas brother you do not indulge in the esoteric!" He scoffs at the comment about the coil. "I would never salvage before a proper understanding, I only seek relics of They!"

2016-03-09, 12:17 PM
The spirit hovers to the middles of the room and emits a audible screech of static. "That is my name but the spirit talker called us Haven and so can you." It glides around the room reaching tendrils out touching devices before gliding back into the wall. "Come back and discover old priest."

Zal eats his fill and packs supplies before fishing out several small devices and putting them in his bag. "I am ready when you all are."

Drex huffs. "I fear we may be to late! How long have we been here! I feel weary!" His skull ports spark as he twitches. "Alas brother you do not indulge in the esoteric!" He scoffs at the comment about the coil. "I would never salvage before a proper understanding, I only seek relics of They!"

Brother Gael rubbed his forehead, "Shall we get a move on then?"

2016-03-09, 12:23 PM
Akira pauses mid-chew, staring at Drex. He swallows, and starts stuffing the last of his breakfast into a piece of bread for the road. "Yep, think we should."

2016-03-09, 06:15 PM
Zal whistles as his seskiis dart back out the door and as your group leaves it seals shut again. The journey continues as the sun slowly glides across the sky. Five hours have passed and Zal looks to the sky as it looks down on you. "Strange thought I saw something." He lets out a click of his tongue as the seskii's scout ahead. "Keeps eyes peeled if you can, it may just be a bird or something but doesnt hurt to be careful." He pulls out a small map from his bag and looks it over. "We should reach our location early it seems. Give or take another seven hours and clear weather." He puts it away and keeps walking on. "Are Akira and Kia doing okay? I dont want to go to fast for you."

Drex huffs, "It seems the blessing is upon us!" He keeps up with Gael and looks to his brother. "Tell me Gael, tell me of your first vision of HE." The priest eyes click and whirl.

2016-03-09, 08:05 PM
"I'm fine, thanks. Long marches are a way of life in this business."

As advised, Kia made sure to watch the skies. At least one of her was always looking up. She marched onwards in high spirits. So far, this job had been better than expected. Drex's mental state still worried her; But it had yet to cause any real problems. Kia spent most of her time walking next to Akira. She had more in common with her fellow Glaive than she did with the priests. If he was in the mood for company, she'd happily wile away the trip chatting with him.

"...So anyway, it's been nice to finally meet the mysterious Akira in person. Dunno if you've noticed, but there's a lot of rumours about you floating around. Any truth to them?"

2016-03-09, 08:43 PM
"I've hiked further'n this before, don't worry 'bout me."

Akira just laughs at Kia's question. "Well, first I'd like to hear 'bout which rumors you've heard. I haven't exactly gotten the warmest o' welcomes in some places."

2016-03-09, 09:10 PM
"Some people say that you weren't born, but made: An attempt to create the ultimate warrior. It's done a lot of good for your reputation, I'll tell you that. And now that you're right here beside me, I can't help but ask about it."

Kia's tone was remarkably matter-of-fact. She showed no sign of being prejudiced, or in search of a potential rival's weak point. She simply sounded curious. As her mother often said, 'being strange isn't a good thing or a bad thing. It's just a thing'.

"And don't feel like you need to hold your curiosity back either. If you've got any questions about me, then ask away."

2016-03-10, 01:28 AM
"More or less true. Made, yes. Ultimate Warrior, I ain't got the foggiest." Akira shrugs. "I ain't exactly what most folks expect when they hear 'Ultimate Warrior'. Lot of 'em 'spect me to be wearin' full plate an' carrying round a sword as big as I am."

He grins and shrugs again. "But the reputation does help a little. More likely ta find payin' work I s'pose. Though, I'd think that yer own peculiarity would be a better draw'n mine, two glaives for the price 'o one."

2016-03-10, 11:55 AM
Both Kias (one on each side of Akira) gave him a playful grin.

"Oh yes, it's been great for business. Really helped me get started. But still..."

The smile faded a little. There was a wistfulness to Kia's expression now.

"Quirks like mine don't sit well with a lot of people, you know? Oh, they don't throw rocks at me or anything; But there's a look in their eyes that says a lot.

...It's in your eyes too, sometimes. Be honest: I creep you out a little, don't I?"

2016-03-10, 01:56 PM
Brother Gael doesn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation, and so he doesn't rudely assert himself into it. He'd leave that to Drex. He understood though, for he had been treated the same way often. His vision blurred the lines of different realities and in times of stress or excitement he was prone to fits of "insanity"

The worst part was his rambling weren't random at all, just lacking context. They were true, but perhaps not on this plane of existence or this time. This journey had brought him flashes of churches, hunters, and blood. Of men and women broken, given in to base desires. He tried to keep it all in, but it threatened to eat away what remained of the control he had over his mind. And so he continued his mumbling.

"A beast is a curse, and a curse is a shackle..."

2016-03-10, 02:12 PM
Akira nods. "You do. But then," he grins widely, showing off pointed fangs. "I think all of us who're 'off' do that."

2016-03-10, 02:49 PM
Kia's smile regained its vigour. This man understood the real meaning of 'tolerance'. Tolerance wasn't about being comfortable with everything: It was about learning to live with the things that made you uncomfortable.

"That we do. I guess that's why people like us so often end up working together. And listen: If there's anything I can do to lessen that creepy vibe, just say so. I want us to be able to relax around each other."

2016-03-10, 08:29 PM
The trip seems uneventful as the sun cross the sky. Drex looks over his companions his eyes clicking and whirling as he huffed. He tries to keep probing Gael and after being ignored he tried to probe his other companions with other questions that seem to sensitive to answer. Zal eventually stops to look at his map nods. "I believe we are here, Drex do you see it?" The landscape seems very open but the ground sinks down to a hard rocky terrain forming a bowl shape.

The old Priest looks it over. "My eyes fail me. I must meditate on it." The Priest sits down and begins grumbling as his sockets spark. to Gaels vision the priest is wreathed in phantom hands and tendrils feeding into the sockets. He begins to mumble, 'sight of angels in service of HE, show me the world beyond sight.' It trails off in erratic breathing and convulsions.

On closer inspection there seems to be four rocky structures in the pit that looks evenly placed. The pit seems about twenty feet deep and made of rough broken terrain and a few broken forms can be seen laying in heaps randomly about.

Here is a good point for perception and any checks you feel is necessary.

2016-03-11, 01:28 PM
Brother Gael sighs, he hated actively calling on his... sight... The old priest produces an ornate spoon from his robes and clasps it tightly, holding it up between his eyes. He begins chanting as well. Poems, numbers, equations, tongue twisters, and other nonsense.

Perception roll - See the Unseen/ +3 to seeing or finding stuffs.

2016-03-12, 12:35 AM
Akira keeps distance between himself and Drex. Some of those questions hit too close to home for the glaive. And considering how the mad priest views the Numenera, well...

With this in mind, he picks his way around the bowl, surveying the area for traps, guards, or other strangeness.

Looking for things: [roll0]

2016-03-12, 03:46 AM
Kia continued to divide her gaze between earth and sky. She was determined to cover all the angles from which danger could arrive.

Perception: [roll0] {has an asset}

2016-03-12, 02:19 PM
Gaels vision blurs as a phantom structure surrounded by writing tendrils fills his mind and dark whispers in his soul. 'COME' They cry out to the priest as the image becomes more refined as the Cyclopean structure begins to bleed into reality slowly. Before he knew it his body began to move awkwardly into the bowl quickly compelled by the calling as it's resonated with a familiar tone. HIM.

Kia notices a faint shimmering effect in the sky and the pit that upon closer looks appears very clean. Akira and twins notice something stirring in the pit from the largest of the heaps. It screeches as it oozes out forming a mass of quivering flesh filled with eyes and gaping maws. It moves to direction Gael descends from.

Zal barks a order for his seskiis to get back as he rummages in his bag. Drex though in his mad insight follows Gael calling out to his brother "He calls us!" Ignoring the creature as it Gibber's and slowly approaches.

Using Gaels mad descriptor

2016-03-13, 12:00 AM
Akira's eyes widen in horror as the thing emerges. Then he's shedding his pack and drawing his b- where'd his bow go? No time for that. He draws his twin blades and starts charging down the slope at the gibbering thing. "Kia! Try'n get those damn fools clear of that thing! I'm counting on the both of ya to keep 'em clear!"

2016-03-13, 04:06 AM
"On it!"

Damn, this was exactly what she'd been afraid of. The two lunatics had taken an all expenses paid trip to la-la land. Uttering a stream of less than pleasant syllables, Kia dashed down the pit as fast as she could safely manage. If and when she reached the priests, they'd find themselves on the receiving end of a synchronised slap to the face.


And if that failed, she was quite willing to drag them both away by their collars.

2016-03-16, 08:49 PM
Clasping his hands over his ears, the old man speaks. "It's EVERYWHERE! So Loud! I HAVE to go, I am but a slave... YOU WILL MOVE, CREATURE!" The well-placed slap to the face is what he needed and he immediately snaps out of it, "Oh, hello dear, it seems we have a problem," Gael's attention now on the abomination and he runs back up to the rest of the party, staff at the ready to defend himself.

2016-03-16, 11:27 PM
The quivering, gibbering horror spreads out three meters as it's ever shifting mass forms tendrils. It leaves a acidic scent in the air. Akira meets face to quivering mass. It tries to reach out for the man as it's mass begins to split into two.

Drex takes the hit and screams."Why! Why did you hit me! He called to us!" His eyes whirl and click at the sight of the thing. "A precursor tool! Why must we destroy it when it could be used!"

Zal produces a silver sphere and tosses it to the sky as it hovers overhead emitting a screech as a bolt of energy flies from it hitting the mass. "Drex we cannot simply bottle it for later! Kill the thing!" The man produces a buzzer and begins tampering with its controls.

please roll it

2016-03-17, 12:32 AM
The battle is joined. Akira rushes headlong at his foe, blades poised parry the thing's grasping pseudopod, and slip into its unguarded flesh.

Initiative: [roll0]

Speed Defence: [roll1]

Attacks: reduce difficulty by one for light weapons, and Thrust for +1 damage.



2016-03-17, 12:40 AM
Brother Gael lays his staff down, the sickening pop of bones and tearing of flesh are heard as his hands form into bestial claws once more! He charges the thing like a feral animal, howling and screaming, tearing and slashing with his claws.


Sculpt Flesh!

On my turn, I will attack
[roll1] + 3

Unarmed - 1 damage + 1 for claws (I think it's plus 1)

2016-03-17, 12:56 AM
The priests seemed to have regained their senses; For now. Further slappings would be administered as needed. For now, Kia placed her slapping hands back on her weapons. She hefted her greatsword and charged; While also firing a shot from her dart launcher.

Greatsword: [roll0] {Difficulty reduced by two steps}
Dart Launcher: [roll1]

2016-03-17, 05:41 PM
Akiras blade sliced through the grasping tendril with ease as a splattering of protoplasm sprays into the air. It smells rancid and acidic and if the spatter touches skin it will burn. It screeches as eyes shift to look at the attacker. Gaels claws miss their mark as well as half of the twins attacks and part of the mass separates and forms a semi Humanoid mockery that gibbers gleefully mimicking the voice of Drex. "A smart tool we are." It lashes out with tendrils at Gael and one of the Kias. The Kia wielding the blade sinks deep into its flesh as corrosive fluids seep.

Drex kneels behind the group crying, "oh ancient tool! Device of the Gods! I serve HE!" The humanoid reature gibbers in response as the thing forms a multitude of eyes and maws all whispering dark secrets. The priest falls to the ground in religous revelry.

Target number I am gonna say is 21 but the cypher employed by Zal is reducing it to 18. Gael needs to make a defense roll for a mental attack from the humanoid thing.

2016-03-17, 06:04 PM
Gael felt the instrusion coming, a mental attack. Something he was quite familiar with, considering his disposition. Unfortunately, the "receptive" and "open" nature of his mind had made him weak against such attacks, he was at a disadvatage.

Gael has an inability to defend against mental attacks
[roll0] -3

2016-03-18, 03:13 AM
Kia's noses wrinkled in disgust. This was one of the least appealing creatures she'd ever had the displeasure of fighting. As she attacked and dodged, she tried her best to avoid touching any of that caustic ichor.

Speed Defence: [roll0] {Trained}

Greatsword: [roll1] {Two steps easier}
Dart Launcher: [roll2]

2016-03-18, 12:11 PM
The mad gibbering fills Gaels mind as the Kia holding the great sword misses her target. Tendrils of toxic flesh reach out caressing the women as she it pulled into its mass. "Raw Materials." It screeches as it's body seeps acidic fluids burning the girl. The larger mass attempts to move over Akira reaching out with tendrils and toothy maws.

Killian moves past Zal and Drex and shouts a prayer to his God releasing a torrent of divine energy at what ever mind the creature consuming Kia had.

Kia willl take 5 more damage each round if inside the creature as it attempts to digest her. It's a might check to free yourself.

Gaels takes 3 mental damage

Also it's a GM Intrusion so XP for you and one other player of choice you feel did something good.

2016-03-18, 12:59 PM

Both pain and disgust mingled in Kia's scream. She thrashed and moaned as the mass enveloped her: All thought of dignity forgotten in the midst of this horrifying experience. Her other self's composure was only a little better. Letting her dart launcher fall to the ground, she desperately rushed forward. Two identical pairs of hands reached out and grasped one another. While one Kia struggled desperately to free herself, the other pulled with all her might.

Might: [roll0] {Using Four Hands Are Better Than Two to decrease the difficulty by one step}

2016-03-18, 01:00 PM
Might: [roll0] {Using Four Hands Are Better Than Two to decrease the difficulty by one step}

2016-03-18, 01:01 PM
Might: [roll0] {Using Four Hands Are Better Than Two to decrease the difficulty by one step}

2016-03-18, 01:02 PM
Akira stabs at the tendrils as fast as they attack, trying to beat them back and avoid Kia's fate. This thing might be like him, and there's no telling how their separate parts will interact.

Speed Defense: [roll0]

Attacks: Using thrust again, and difficulty is lowered by one step.



2016-03-18, 05:22 PM
Gael's blank eyes bulge in his head and veins bulge on his forehead as the monster has his way with Gael's fragmented mind, "GET OUT!!!" He screamed in pain as he lunged at the disgusting creature with his claws yet again.

Clawed hand attack
[roll0] + 3

2016-03-19, 03:40 AM
The twins teamwork pans out well as the Kia comes screaming out of the thing. Mild acidic burns dot her flesh.

The mass approaching and attempting to over run Akira gibbers and screeches as Drex holds his staff in both hands over head shouting to the heavens. "Stop before HE! I am his priest and you will obey!" The creatures freeze mid motion. Gaels vision flares as glyphs cover the creatures similar to the runes burning in his mind. The old Priest waves you away from the Creatures. "Hurry!" He cries, " It is only bound for so long by the Chains of Law!" Akiras blade digs deep into the thing hitting something solid that causes his sword to vibrate.

Killian continues his assult as the thing quivers screeching out a horrid cry. "I will purge this Demon!" He begins mumbling as static fills the air.

2016-03-19, 04:36 AM
Being freed from the creature brought Kia little relief. She was still in excruciating pain. With the help of her other self, she staggered back to her feet. Shaky hands reclaimed her greatsword from where it had fallen. Meanwhile two more hands were snatching up a dart launcher. Kia struggled to regain control of herself. Ye Gods, the pain...

I'm assuming that I don't get an attack this round.

2016-03-19, 05:28 PM
Akira snarls under his breath, and aims for that metal with a rapid twin strike in the hopes of puncturing it.

Third time's the charm?
Thrust, and spend three might points for increased damage.



2016-03-19, 05:32 PM
His old body protested at all of this, he wasn't meant to fight like this. But he had no other weapons in his arsenal, no other gifts granted. He was first and foremost a scholar, a man of science. But for right now, he had to be an animal.

Attack with claws

2016-03-20, 04:11 AM
As both Gael and Akira hit their targets the forms quivered. Akiras protoplasmic mass began to screech as it's flesh began to crystalize. The form Bevan to twist and jerk attempting to out race it's calcification but alas it could not. After a moment the thing had become a wicked statue of horror. It's grim visage of maws and eyes reached for some invisible God in the sky. Gaels target crumbles inward as his claws hit something bard that shatters. It's body begins to boil and suddenly freezes like it's other half.

Drex muttered as he shambled to the twisted forms. His lenses click and whirl as he runs a finger over them. "Marvellous!" He begins collecting samples.

Zal looks into the pit. "Is it safe for the seskiis?"

2016-03-20, 04:23 AM
Gael's hands once again pop and tear until they're normal again. He retrieves his staff, rubbing his aches and pains. "I don't believe it's safe for anybody, but that is where we must go. The abyss calls to all of us."

2016-03-20, 04:38 AM
Kia stood gasping as the creature calcified right in front of her. She looked around at the teammates who'd helped to vanquish the beast. Had this expedition consisted of just the two of her, she doubted it would have ended in victory.

"Good work everyone. Why don't we take a quick break..."

And then she collapsed.

Recovery roll: [roll0]

2016-03-20, 03:52 PM
Drex begans to looks around the pit and begins mumbling as he points at the center of the pit. "I see something there." He grabs Gael and tries to move him to see what was in his sights. "Look Brother, see the schism? See the flesh of reality scarred?" The area he had indicated was a strange shimmering aura that if focused upon solidified into a arch. "Our ancestors did this to protect us, they were primitive but alas the wound can be turned open."

Zal wanders down as Killian approaches Kia and preforms his sorcery on the injured girl. The cypher deployed by Zal fell to the ground with a thud. Killian scowls at Drex before looking at the others. "Who else requires my blessings."

Zal looks at the statues cringing. "Mockeries of life these things are." He draws his spear and with speed pierce's both thing. They shatter in a rain of crystaline patterns and several metallic objects. " I don't like demons or the formless ones."

Healing Kia for:

2016-03-20, 05:55 PM
Kia sighed in relief as the healing Esotery washed over her. Much better. The Glaive rose to her feet once again: This time far more steadily. She was back in action. Relief quickly became alarm, though, when she heard Drex talking about opening a gate to who knows where. Kia was quick to raise some concerns.

"Wait a second. What sort of opposition is likely to be on the other side that thing? Because I'm not in any hurry to face an army of those blob creatures. Are we up to the task of breaching that barrier?"

2016-03-21, 10:18 AM
Gael resented his touch, but went with it. He focused on the shimmer, saw the arch, and sighed. "I see it. Are we to mend this tear in the veil?"

2016-03-21, 10:20 AM
Akira takes deep, shuddering breaths and starts thanking all the gods he knows that the thing had died. The nanos talk of wounds and scars was beyond his ability to understand, but this monster wasn't. He starts knocking away calcified pieces of flesh to get to its power source.

2016-03-21, 10:56 AM
Drex grinned and with religious fervor shouted, "No brother! We are to peal back the scab! We shall enter as the angels command and retrieve his Holy's lost relics!" He begins rambling and slowly approaches the tear touching the ethereal gates as his sockets spark. "We shall enter and find a dominion where his Relics hide...They sealed them away fearing his return! Those primitives!"

Zal looks at the mad Nano. "Count me out priest, I was paid to get you here and back." He looks at the 'gate' that was spoken of by the two. "I will not open or enter a spirit gate, my wife speaks of the demons hiding on the other side of those things and I am not going to tempt Wyrd!" The guide rubs his neck and looks at the group.

Akiras disturbance of the rubbles causes some of it to crumble to a acidic smelling dust. Among the remains several devices can be seen including a set of metal rods. They seem complete and most likely the remains of previous prey of the creature. With some study their purpose might be discerned.

2016-03-21, 11:51 AM
Gael wanted to close to rift more than anything, but he would not. He had an idea, a completely insane idea born of desperation.

"Alright then, let us proceed." Before doing so, Gael approaches Zal, "You're a good man and I'm so glad I had the pleasure of meeting you and your seskii friends. "Brother Gael embraces Zal closely, whispering "Secrets await at your Haven" He draws back from the embrace, "Goodbye, friend... Drex! Pay the man, he's earned it."

2016-03-21, 12:05 PM
No sooner had Gael withdrawn from Zal, than Kia replaced him. The Seskii herder would find himself on the receiving end of a very enthusiastic double hug.

"Thank you yet again, for everything. Stay safe. And for the record, I think you're making the right call. If I could leave along with you, I would."

She was going to miss that man.

2016-03-21, 12:16 PM
Akira pulls the rods out of the wreckage gingerly, as if they might spring to life at any second and devour him. Once they haven't detonated from his inexpert handling, or the beast hasn't sprung back to life, he slides them into his pack for later and straightens up. Under his breath he mutters, "Dear Elhit, I thank you for this boon, and ask for your continued guidance in the long hunt."

With the thanks given, he gives Zal a reassuring smile. "Far's I'm concerned, you don't have to come any farther with us. We can get back to that hut o' yours without trouble, so why don't we meet there once we're done here."

2016-03-22, 12:22 AM
Drex grumbles as he turns and approaches the guide holding out a small synth bag. "Here Zal, have your shins and trinkets. I no longer require your services!"He drops the bag as Zal catches it then returns to the arch as he mutters trying to unlock its secrets.

Zal nods and looks to Gael as he gives hugs to his friends. "I will be at Haven if needed, will be there at least 3 days doing some clean up."He whistles as Blue and her pack round up around the man. "If you survive the ordeal come see me at Haven or my home, we shall feast. Also Gael thanks for letting me know." He turns and begins walking to the edge of the pit going up pass its lip with his pack. After a few minutes the man was gone from sight.

After Zal has left the aeon priest falls to his knees convulsing in a religious fervor. "Yes oh LORD! SHOW ME THE WAY!" The priest sockets sparked as black oil ran down his face his lenses glowing bright. He raises his staff as glyphs glow and flow into the world forming around the arch creating some kind of ritual circle.

2016-03-22, 01:25 PM
Brother Gael shields his eyes, "A few steps back would be advisable," Gael takes his own advice, stepping back while observing this ritual.

2016-03-22, 01:38 PM
Kia followed suit. She couldn't back away too far, though. Melee fighters like her needed to be close to the action.

2016-03-22, 04:10 PM
The scar begins to glow red as a fracture forms in the arc. Code forms along the crack as reality bleeds to those sensitive to the world outside. The layers of reality begins to be pulled back as countless dimensions could be glimpsed. "We seek the palace of the Old King!" The code shifts as do the layers of reality as a deep blue aura radiates from the arc. Drex began to laugh maniacally as tendrils of ethereal essence probe his body while he gets up uneasy moving to the rift before being pulled through.

2016-03-22, 04:31 PM

Kia cried out, but didn't rush forward. The manner of Drex's disappearance made her hesitate. She was in no hurry to have ethereal tendrils probing her body, thank you very much. She looked askance at her companions.

"What do we do?!"

2016-03-22, 06:04 PM
Brother Gael was not in the least surprised, retaining his composure. "Know now, young ones, that what you see here is only a small glimpse into my constant torture. The veil peeled back, otherworldly things that set off the alarms in your brain telling you it is... Wrong... That it doesn't belong and it's mere observation by you tears at your mind. My only advice: turn back now. For those foolish enough, come, let us venture further where power and madness beyond our imagination may wait. Drex, left unchecked there, could doom us all." Brother Gael moves towards the rift, clenching his golden spoon. He speaks calmly, "This one seeks the Palace of the Old Kings"

2016-03-22, 11:15 PM
Akira stares blankly at the spot where his employer was just sucked into the void by ethereal tendrils. The quivering mound of flesh was bad enough, but this...

He grits his teeth. A job's a job and he'll see it through. "Dear Elhit, I dunno if you'll be there with me during this, but if I die in there and you ain't there to take me, well, it's been nice followin' you, so I'll be alright. Don' worry 'bout me none."

Steeling himself he faces the rift, gripping his blades tight, and forces the words out through teeth clenched hard enough to bite through synth. "I seek the Palace o' the Old Kings."

2016-03-23, 06:12 PM
All those who approach the rift and recite those old words find their body pulled through the ethereal tendrils. Your minds feel torn and stitched back together as information expands your thoughts. It hurts as your body becomes numb as you glimpse a vast cosmic void for a brief moment filled with twinkling stars? You think their stars of your world. But then you find yourself sore in a strange room. It was small and had eight arches in this circular room. In its center is a cystraline tree the seems well rooted jnto the metal floor.

Drex pops from behind the tree his lens clicking. "Welcome my friends to the throne room of the old gods, the place of gates!" He moves around the room touching the gates. "With these will find the Seed of Dominion and the Mask of the Lost King!"

2016-03-23, 06:24 PM
It took a little while for Kia to follow the others. She had serious reservations about this whole 'jumping into alien rifts' thing. But without any teammates left, hanging around on this side might well be lethal. So reluctantly, she stepped forward and allowed the rift to envelop her. She emerged in the circular room, with a mind that suddenly felt too full; And lungs that felt too empty. She struggled to gasp out a few words.

"What was *hah* that?!"

2016-03-24, 05:28 AM
Gael rubs his forehead, "What is this place? A crossroads?" He lets out an audible sigh, "By the looks of this place we'll find no shortage of potent technology... And no shortage of ways to die." There was a quivering excitement in Gael's voice, the priest was barely holding himself together when he started the insane ramblings once again.

"Shrouded by night... Colored by blood... Proud hunter of the church... Only ye are the true blades of the church."

2016-03-24, 04:46 PM
Drex grins wide. "Yes a crossroads brother! A satalite between our world and so many others!" He rubs his hands together as he reads the gate and growls. "Alas I am not a gifted linguist! These scribbles mean nothing to me!" He touches a wall and flinches as a audible hiss is heard by all and the door and several panels lift showing what is outside. The sea of stars like the sight they all saw before coming here. Information begins to bubble in your mind calling up Aliens words that attempt to translate. A wall glides quickly apart making a five foot opening between two of the portal arcs. "What is this? More secrets!"

2016-03-24, 10:16 PM
Kia was completely out of her element. The myriad stars were reflected in four eyes, that struggled in vain to comprehend them. She suddenly felt uncertain, anxious, and so very small.

"W-well, let me know when you've figured out what to do. I'm afraid I'll be no help at all there."

2016-03-25, 06:49 AM
Gael tries to be reassuring, "Do not fret, Kia. None of us know what we're doing, it's all guess work. Welcome to science." In retrospect, maybe not successfully.

Gael holds his spoon tightly to the port on his forehead as he inspects the area, attempting to make more sense of things.

Perception - 1 step easier to find hidden things/See the Unseen
Understanding this alien numenera - 1 step easier

2016-03-25, 05:27 PM
As Gael scans the room he spots four other hidden panels between the arches. They might be sliding panels but Gaels attempting to divine their methods of operations yields no results. He does see Drexes ethereal partner is no longer beside the mad priest. Upon observation the crystaline tree roots have several glyphs glowing brightly. Touching one causes the crystal to hum and glow. Maybe experimenting with this may yield answers. The arcs resonate with a strange energy that seem chaotic to you but unified.

Drex pulls a large ball in his hand and presses a knob on its exterior. "That fool had a device that I desired." He drops the ball that bounces once and unfurls into a strange humanoid thing that comes up to knee hieght. " Go down this tunnel and return if you find anything. " the thing scampers down hissing Drexes name.

2016-03-25, 07:14 PM
Akira looks even less comfortable in here than he did outside. He fidgets with the rods, spinning one in his hand and studying it intently like he doesn't want to face the truth of the crystal room.

Examine the numenera: [roll0]

2016-03-26, 02:48 AM
While Gael analysed the surroundings, Kia edged closer to her fellow Glaive. Akira seemed to have much the same opinion of this place as she did. After making sure that the Nanos weren't eavesdropping, she whispered in both of his ears.

"You know, I'm only in this business for the money. I've got a family to feed, and bills to pay. That's it. All this talk of sacred missions and destiny really puts me on edge."

2016-03-26, 12:21 PM
Akira nods, and whispers back. "I'm feelin' like I shoulda asked for more money. But, at the end o' the day, its jus' a regular job for us glaives, ain't it? Keep the nanos from blowin' everythin' up, kill the monsters, an' get paid."

2016-03-27, 06:17 PM
Gael, becoming frustrated, begins to furiously experiment with the glyphs. "What is the point of sight if one cannot understand!" His mumblings and ticks intensify the more he attempts to understand the machine.

Understanding Numenera, trained - [roll0]

2016-03-27, 11:49 PM
After hitting seveal glyphs the sounds harmonize. One of the arcs glow brightly as a image appears inside. A city shining and golden standing tall among crashing waves. After hitting more sigils another portal opens on the other side of the room as the arc sparks. Drex has wandered off It seems following his homoculi. The portal shows a world broken and smoldering. Great winged beast flying through the sky raining death from above.

2016-03-27, 11:52 PM
Akira stares, transfixed by the carnage and destruction being wrought before his eyes. "Uh, Gael, think you can shut that particular portal off 'fore Drex gets back here with the fool idea o' goin' through it? I like the looks o' the city more'n that war right there."

2016-03-28, 12:17 AM
Brother Gael frantically worked his hands in a continued effort to make sense of the controls. He was breathing heavily, sweating... His movements became more and more erratic. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be somebody else, Akira? I do. All the time. SIX are the paths of enlightenment. Some are revealed to us, lesser beings: third the eye, fourth the chemically altered state, fifth - death. The others remain a mystery to me. But there are no mysteries, no untruths that can withstand my sight! I see even the flickering embers, the lambent lights of your souls!!"

2016-03-28, 12:28 AM
"Well, s'nice to know I've got one. Remind me to take you to a bar in Thriest so I can settle a bet." Akira scratches the back of his head, waiting for some thing to come charging out of one of the portals.

"S'far as wantin' to be someone else though, might be kinda nice. Specially right about now."

2016-03-28, 02:11 AM
Gaels mad tampering causes the six other arches to begin coming to life. Their images flicker as the signals become stronger. Something stirs inside the crystals though at this event. The harmonizing hum becomes hard to hear and painful as the room grows warmer. The crystals glow and audible hiss is heard as the secret doors Gael saw open revealing three closets filled with strange tools and devices as well as a long hallway. One of the hovels has something different. It looks humanoid but barely a skeleton of mechanical parts with a head consisting of a square box with a optic sensor visible.

Gales mind fills with thoughts not his own.Eight gates open except one to Midgard. Lost Traveller sees beyond into a realm of infinite possibilities. You saw the old one stirring in his eon old slumber, the gate and key, the revelry of chaos in the dark woods. Tell me fallen one do you withstand his glare? The gates stabilize showing six more worlds.A world flooded by its past. The wreckage of a exodus lost in excess. The world in a hellish war stuck reliving the memories day by day. A stygian mist filled realm filled with lost souls. A wasteland of ice and snow filled with horrors of flesh. The graveyard of a artificial god. A creeping pain crawls up Gaels spine.The forgotten palace still lies there traveller. The realm of earth and stone is still within grasp, the cold dark places may lead to your world. With a slammed hand Gael shuts the portals down as the things whispers begin to dwindle.

Akiras rod extends and morphs into a strange device in the presence of the humming crystals and portals. His mind begins to fill with information on dimensional numenera and the rumors of strange summoning tools by barbaric groups. Feeling its power resonate it grows hot but quickly freezes cold and returns to its collapsed form.

"What is that racket?!"Shouts Drex as his stumbling through the hallway can be heard. "I have found many wonders worth their salt in shins, strange and shiny baubles."

Summoning Staff
Level: 4
Usable: Metallic staff with a small attached cylinder
Effect: This device requires two separate
actions to fully activate. The first action
involves the small cylinder, which has a glass
lens on one end. With the cylinder, the user
locates a random ultraterrestrial being (whose
level is equal to or less than the cypher level)
dwelling somewhere other than the Ninth
World. The being becomes visible in the lens.
On the next action, the user can use the staff
to open a portal and pull the ultraterrestrial
into this world.
The ultraterrestrial cannot resist, but once
it arrives, it is not automatically compelled
to do anything. Unless it can return under its
own power or through some other means, it
is in this world to stay.When the user finds an
ultraterrestrial in the first step of this process, he
can choose not to bring it into this world, but he
cannot use the device to find another being.

2016-03-28, 07:51 AM
Kia struggled to make herself heard above the din.

"I'll go intercept Drex! You stay here and help with...whatever all this is!"

Then she rushed off in the direction that Drex had gone. Someone needed to supervise that lunatic. Besides, having a clear goal helped keep her sane. This crazy situation was rapidly eroding her willpower.

2016-03-28, 09:57 PM
The old man yelps in pain, attempting to claw at his spine, "I am a victim of cruel fate! I ASKED FOR NONE OF THIS!" With a slam of his fist the portal shut down, and Gael calms down significantly. "I... It is over for now." Gael eyes Akira's staff, "Ah, I see. A device of great power, to be sure. Take care of how you use it, young one." Gael moved to the humanoid construct to inspect it further, he took great interest in it.

"Drex! We must speak..." Gael discusses the voice in his head with Drex, trying to make sense of the event.

Understanding Numenera +1 step - [roll0]

2016-03-28, 11:34 PM
Drex stumbles past the kias into the room with two synth bag the size of packs. "I placed them conveniently in these for your pickings." He has made it to late to see the other worlds in the portals and at the beckoning of Gael the priest examined the thing in the closet. "It seems to be a basic automaton." He produces a small tool kit and forces the chest to open revealing internal mechanisms. "It is no sacred device so do with it as you wish." When the voices are mentioned he goes silent for a while before placing the bags down. "You are channeling something higher then us, possibly HE? I know not the angels do not speak to me anymore." The priest looks distantly and sighs, "I cannot remember why I danced in revelry in his name but we have our mission."

The automaton is pretty basic except a few hollow socket on its frame. After digging through the stuff in the heaps of the closets several modules can be found that fit. Armor, what looks like weapons, tools? The internal components seem to be in pretty good condition compared to those you may have seen in the past. There is a small screen inside that blinks red three times and blue once.

"Oh!" Drex exclaimed as he looked back down the hallway he emerged from. "There is a strange suit of armor down there! Plus other things! Also what have you found?"

2016-03-31, 05:37 PM
Drex glass eyes glaze over as he stops and drops the bags as he turns and begins to walk to the portals that flicker to life. "To his Hall!" Tendrils erupt from portal of the sea city and pull him in. It shimmers as the other gates show familiar places and some not. One shows a strange ruin.

"That was close, are you folks okay?" A man wearing a skin tight suit steps out of a wall. He seems ethereal for a moment then solid. "Drex had theories that we knew were risky, what ever he was channeling wasn't supposed to be." He is a well built man, he wears a strange cloak that seems to move and twitch as he moves. He has implants like Gaels except cords of a organic material link to several devices he is wearing including goggles around his neck.

The structure shakes as the portals flicker giving out a high pitch whine. The man hurries and rummages though the pile and finds a small orb and smashes it on the ground. A bubble forms that shows the place this all started, Drex chapel. Several other priest can be seen there clean. "Hurry grab your things! Take what you want!" He leaps in as suddenly the walls appear to buckle and look close to bursting.

A XP to Gael and Akira and 1 for everyone. Meant to award this earlier.

2016-04-01, 01:11 PM

Kia's client was gone before she could even reach out to him. Damn it! As much as she disliked the mad priest, she'd never wished him dead. And what's more, she'd failed her mission. This disgrace would forever be a black mark on her ledger.

The young Glaive rushed straight for the portal, without stopping to grab anything. She wasn't about to risk getting trapped in this place. Also, she probably didn't deserve to gain anything here. She'd failed, plain and simple. How pathetic.

2016-04-02, 08:30 AM
"What? Dammit! Who are you?" More questions than answers, as usual, thought Gael. The urgency of the situation dawned on Gael, this was their escape from this terminal of portals. He rushed to the automaton and other artifacts, moving as much of it as possible towards the bursting portal back to the chapel. Drex... Leaving Drex behind didn't bother Gael on a moral level, just more on the leaving a madman in a place of immense power kind of level. Now wasn't the time for thinking, unfortunately. He summoned every ounce of his strength, even using hedge magic to levitate what he can out of there.

Mad dash for the portal while grabbing as much phat lewt as possible, primarily the skeletal automaton.

2016-04-03, 12:25 AM
Akira doesn't bother wondering what Drex is doing. He just follows his instincts and goes after his employer, stopping only long enough to snatch a few of the more weapon-like oddities out of the pile.

2016-04-04, 03:47 PM

You cross through the portal and get hit with the smell of the ocean and a surge if information. The world seemed familiar as the city of glistening towers stood vigilant above the waves. It would be beautiful if not for your situation of falling from the sky to the waters. Akira spots Drex below as he sheds his robe, the man's physical appearance has changed. His silhouette seemed more streamlined and his skin changed color? What could it be? He cries out as he hits the water. The sea shimmers as the great leviathans beneath the waves grow and fade from sight.

Akira needs to make a speed role and prepare for the fall.


The man looks at the portal and grumbles as Akira follows Drex. "Damn! Your friend followed the mad one!" He stomps a foot and looks to Gael and Kias and to his companions, other men wearing similar suits of skin tight synth and organic technologies. "With any luck they may make it back or die there, who knows?"

The automaton Gael brought through wakens and spits out a line of words that make no sense and sound like broken Truth or a archaic variant.

"Do you know of the priest plans Gael?" Asked a individual who exited a hidden room that was not visible before. It was a women, tall and pale as a ghoul dancing in moonlight. She bore a rune on her forehead at the base of her hairline. Her hair was a dark oily color and sheen not unlike the skin suit the men wore. The dress that clung to her form was made from a strange grey synth that twitches as she passed the men as they averted eye to optic contact. The acolytes are no where to be seen and the mad priest notes are missing. Two small probes hover and circle the twins as they scan their bodies.

2016-04-04, 10:45 PM
"He did what?!"

Kia spun around. With growing panic, she saw that Akira was nowhere to be seen. Had he really followed Drex through that portal? Idiot! There was such a thing as being too dedicated. Kia desperately turned to the newest newcomer. Like a lost child, she begged to be shown a way out of all this madness.

"Is there really nothing we can do? Please, you have to help. I have no idea what to d-Hey, not so close! Back off, you flying pests!"

Four hands swatted at the two drones that were invading her personal space. Her nerves were close to breaking point right now.

2016-04-05, 01:11 AM
"Welp," Akira says to no one in particular as the wind rushes past, "'Ere we go again."

He tucks himself into a ball, then opens up to get his feet under him for the landing.


2016-04-07, 05:22 PM
Akira moves in time to hit the water right. It's cold on the skin and several things can't be seen shimmering beneath the waves. Large fish some you have never seen before and others familiar. A figure approached from the depths, smooth and graceful like a shark. After a moment you see Drex who mutters words in his changed state. A disc of energy forms beneath your feet that rushes you to the surface where the air is briney but pure Drex pulls himself aboard the disk, his skin had become rubbery and grey and slits can be seen in his neck. "Behold! The City of the Lost! A relic or two can be found in its place and that is what we seek!"

The women nods and crosses her arms over her chest. "Don't swat at those. They're checking for Clingers." The probes move to Gael and pick at his clothes with small tendrils removing pieces of contaminants. She sighs and rubs her forehead and looks to the twins. "I can't help your friends from here. The datasphere is mending the wound your friend ripped open. We have few cyphers that can help in this situation, we'll have to contact Home." She looks to a man in her crew who begins tapping on a screen of Numenera. "It will take some time, please be patient."

2016-04-07, 07:50 PM
Akira spits out some of the sea and coughs as he lies down on the disk, letting the alien sun warm him after the unexpected swim. "Drex, correct me if'n I'm wrong, but I don't recall dimension hoppin' bein' mentioned back at the temple."

2016-04-08, 03:08 AM
"'Clingers'? Something's clinging to me?!"

Each Kia started frantically checking the other. It at least gave her something to focus on while she waited. She felt so utterly helpless...

2016-04-08, 04:07 PM
"No girls you are okay." The women looks at a slate she produces from her dress looking over data then to her group who had placed all the materials deemed hazardous in crates. "Begin transport to Home. Do not stop on our part." The men began to move boxes to the hidden room and a warm static filled the air. It began to fill like that chamber of doors and portals. The automaton begans to speak clear words.

"What are your orders, my model is built for augment and XXXZ." It pauses and spits out a line of code. "Forgive me my core is old and requires proper maintenance."

The women raises a brow. "That thing should be dead. Surprised the antique works." It moves to the twins and scans then and reassures them they are bug free except Kias twin condition.

"You didn't ask my child but I must say I am surprised you didn't translate. I have done this in my dreams many times." He urged to disk towards the city simply grinning as they close in on the golden and pearl spires. Several small vessels can be seen at the edge of the city as well as a mixture of people of varying shapes and sizes.

2016-04-09, 12:05 AM
Kia bristled at the mention of her dual nature being a 'bug'. That automaton might as well have spat in her face! Incensed, she stomped away from the vile thing. Her attention turned to the mysterious woman. It was time to get some much needed clarity.

"Now that things are less hectic, I'd appreciate a few answers. Who are you? Why are you here? Where is 'Home'? What's happening?!"

2016-04-11, 07:04 PM
"Home is a far away land girl." She turned the pad around to show a image of two masses the mirrored each other except the top was adorned with spires and lights. To Gaels eyes there appear to be a ever shifting image in the background. "We are here to clean up the mess that Jezzel Drex started five years ago. His research and tampering with the datasphere and the-"She pauses looking for the right word. "I believe your people call it the Outside." Turning the slate back around the women began swiping and tapping the screen. "Did Drex have a female associate? Anyone he may have introduced you too before you left?"

From the kitchen stumbles a bruised acolyte. A burned glyph in his chest causing his flesh to blister. "Mistress Ariel! The Brood Mother!" He screams in pain as he tries to breath heavy. "Master brought her here a year ago and she left." He covers his mouth to scream.

A man comes from the hidden room wearing a skin tight suit covered it organic tubes and spikes. He is bald and his flesh the same ghoulish color of the others except a respirator covers his mouth. In one hand he holds a strange device with several vials visible filled with fluids of a rainbow of colors.

"I am Keleq, Sister of the Silent Oracle. That is why you do not delve into the forbidden as your employer has as well as your friend." The women nods to the man who moves to the acolyte examining his wounds."Any other questions? That acolyte wont last much longer."

The docks of the city are filled with strange crafts of organic and metallic designs. Humans ranging from normal to more adapted aquatic forms can be seen working the docks tossing salvage and large fish onto the solid platforms. Drex smiles and steps onto the platform before laughing and looking around. "They told me I was mad! The pockets of reality held only death but look here civilization is still abound." He strolls around a bit looking everyone over before stopping at a shout he grumbles and turns to the source.

"JEZZEL DREX, SON OF A WHORE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO GET HERE!?" The voice came from a group of strong men and women. They wore simple and light clothing the colors of gold and blue. Several held clubs and knives but they surrounded the source of the call. A old women as tall Gael and just as weary looking glaring at the priest.

2016-04-12, 06:57 AM
Kia lapsed into silence. Clearly the scope of Drex's affairs had been far larger than he'd told anyone: Which was a hard thing to pull off, considering that he'd claimed to be working for a God. For now, the young mercenary just let Keleq go about her business. She still needed a lot more information before she could make a decision.

2016-04-15, 02:23 PM
"Drex, why do I get th' feelin' that this is gonna be a recurrin' theme with you?" Akira shakes his head and steps onto the docks, placing himself between the crowd and the priest but keeping his weapons in their sheathes and his hands where the ones with weapons could see them. "Miss, th' circumstances leadin' to us comin' here were unavoidable. If Mister Drex here did somethin' to offend, I'm sure he'd be willin' to apologize, ain't that right Drex."

He looks back to his employer expectantly, but braces himself internally for the worst case scenario.

2016-04-15, 05:15 PM
Drex scoffs. "I will not apologize to those gypsies!" The man moves behind Akira clutching his staff wringing a free hand.

The old women walk between her people looking at Drex. "You son of a nibovian harlot, I care not for the circumstances." Her voice was haunted with a tinge of the Truth. She sweeps her long colorful dress out leaving a line of black sand before her that a ocean breeze carried out across the city. "That man continues his father's work and leaves only Ashes in his wake." She points her staff to him mumbling something under her breath.

A influx of information fills Akiras mind. In his travels he may have heard of the Nibovians. As well as the mannerism and dress of these people seem out of place.

I need a intellect check for knowledge on these gypsies. Also one for Nibovians if you want.

"Seems something has come about, a probe has tracked the down." The medic make quick work of the acolytes healing and returns to the hidden chamber. The Women slides the slate into her dress before looking to Kias and Gael. "You have two options. Seek out Brood Mother and be paid for your service and let her where abouts be known or follow me Home and see things your mind can't handle." She reaches behind her back and pulls a respirator mask and inhales deeply as her eyes glaze over.

2016-04-17, 06:45 AM
Kia's sanity was already reaching its limits. When the woman claimed that following her would break it, Kia believed her. That left only one option.

"Then I suppose I'm looking for the Brood Mother. Any hints on where to start?"

2016-04-18, 02:45 PM
Gael's milky eyes have been calm, his voice stifled by what was going on inside his head. He tried to focus on one thing at a time, but it was all rushing past him at break-neck speeds. So many questions polluted his thoughts he felt dizzy, until his mind stopped at DREX. He sighed a long tired sigh, "Unless you're willing to abandon Akira and let Drex run wild with his schemes, we must find them. I am not worried about seeing too much, I have already crossed that line. Thoughts?" Gael started to tinker with the automaton absentmindedly, "Hello, my friend. Let me see if I can't fix something for starters..."

Numenera [roll0] 1 step easier

2016-04-20, 04:35 AM
"I doubt she has left town, most likely rubbing flesh and synth with the Aeon Priest. They're more." She pauses momentarily and inhales from her respirator before exhaling. "They're more stable than Drex but charm and social ways are often beyond them." The women walks to one of the acolytes and nudges him with a foot then kicks him hard in the stomach. "These gentlemen should know more, beware she is a Nibovian and I have no clue if she has a large Brood."

The droids insides whirl and come to active life as dust and grit comes loose. Gael pushes a few wires and crystal studs back into sockets as the automaton becomes stiff and beeps loudly for a few seconds." Core is repair. Thank you master." The machine moves to look through the pile of assorted gear pulling out modules to fit his sockets. "If any of this material is not of use we may possibly be able to win favor in the hunt for the Brood Mother." It pulls out several strange devices though that resemble slug throwers.

2016-04-20, 10:12 AM
"Ah, how delightful! Please, call me Brother Gael, or just Gael is fine as well! What is your name, my curious friend?" The mention of Nibovians catches Gael's attention, "Nibovian wives? Oh, dear..."

Rolling for knowledge of Nibovian wives. Specifically, their wombs being extra-dimensional portals and such, and how they react/interact with Gael's abilities.


2016-04-23, 04:01 AM
Nibovian wives blend in with societies working their foul magic upon men. No one is sure if they are sentient or programmed and any attempts to question the wives yields no results except a desire to protect their children. Gael may have ran across a bride in the past, their womb resonates at a frequency that his altered vision feels drawn towards as foul whispers attempt to seduce. The process is horrifying to say at least.

"M8K3R-74 is designated title, any name otherwise is lost to me Gael." The automaton moved quickly putting modules into sockets fitting himself with armor upgrades filling out his skeletal form. The machine then moved about the room observing small things and makes notes about them. Then it moves to the acolytes and observes that they all had genetic quirks visible and required further information. It seemed quite keen on observing the women from Home. This disturbed her as she puffed from her respirator side stepping.

2016-04-23, 11:20 AM
"W-what about women? Do the wives have any powers that work on women? I'd like to know what I'm up against here."

Kia would do her part to help with this mess. Once she'd extracted what intel she could from the strange woman, both of her would trudge reluctantly out of the building. She had a Brood Mother to find.

Searching for the Brood Mother, with Effort: [roll0]

2016-04-23, 07:40 PM
"I only know that they resemble any other human women, young Kia. I don't know if they're power is indeed supernatural, or the same sway beautiful women hold over many men. I do know for certain that dark things take place in their wombs... I cannot explain it effectively, it is something I can see, a tear in the universe. I can hear seductive whispers coming from them, promising to destroy men in sweet and terrible ways. Needless to say, I am sensitive to their presence." Gael's voice sounds far away, his head tilted slightly, describing the creatures brings him to a faraway place. He sounds equal parts fascinated, and terrified.

"M8K3R-74? That's a bit of a mouthful. You need a name, not a designation! How about... Nyarlathotep, Nctolhu, H’chtelegoth, Pneeph-Taal, Zindarak? You know, the classics?" with each harsh syllabled name he suggested, his voice quivered, tears ran from his milky eyes, and his skin formed a sheen of sweat. He went from smiling to a pained expression randomly, as if the names were daggers in his chest.

2016-04-24, 01:30 AM
"Maelstroms among the eldretich eyes hidden by shades of grey. The Dark Pharaoh awaits pass the barrier of this world Outside and schemes to takes what is his." The automaton shudders and begins to screech as it lashes out at a small alter smashing a pallid mask. "He has many names and faces and all terrify us to our core." It flexes it hands and looks at them as if in deep pondering. "Call me Loci."

Keleq glared at Gael and growled. "See what you did? Your pet broke." She makes some hand gestures and stomps a foot. " She is a red headed she devil like most her kind."

When Kia goes off looking for information of Ariel, Brood Mother she doesn't find much. There is rumor of a women who is working around the center of town at the Beanstalk. She isn't a Aeon Priest but she does have something about her. A strange allure many men in town feel drawn to speak of. Any other information yields no major results. A story here or there of escaping the she devil's before killing their prey or a nanos attempt to sell his knowledge of the things internal mechanics.

2016-04-24, 02:07 AM
"Loci, witness, my newest friend. Not broken, but made to bend, so in HIS sight be might contend. Lest his soul rend at worlds end." Gael chants the odd rhyme to Keleq, staring intensely at her. He broke the stare with a smile and moved to Loci, putting his arm around him. "Now, now. There, there. No need to fret my good friend. Let us go now and assist Kia in our investigation, there will be time later for more talk and tinkering."

2016-04-25, 06:42 PM
When Gael met up with Kia, she greeted him with a weak smile. Before all this craziness, the strange Nano had made her feel uneasy; But now, he was exactly the sort of person she needed. Ordinary Glaives like her couldn't hope to handle a world like the one recently revealed to her. She needed his guidance.

"From what I can gather (which isn't much), she's somewhere near the centre of town. Maybe together we'll manage to narrow that down.

2016-04-26, 09:15 AM
"I'll know once we're close, let us then head to the center to begin our search." Not looking forward to it at all, Gael put his arm around Loci and guided him outside, toward the center.

2016-04-26, 04:11 PM
As you approach the center of the city towards the synthetic structure of the Beanstalk people seem to gather in large masses talking and trading Loci seems observant of its surroundings taking in every detail and asking Gael questions here and there involving the social and economical structure if Shins. It doesn't take long to reach the inner edge of the the city where the many small boats clutter the dock as merchants toss goods up. Gael feels a odd pull coming from the Beanstalk as several people can be seen standing on the platform. It's faint but it is there, that seductive call. Downside there is no walkway across the water, you may have to catch a boat across.

2016-04-27, 08:39 AM
"... so you see, Loci, the current economy is mostly based off craftsmanship and skill, not actual material. Unless, that is, for some reason a material is rare or hard to come by. Because of nanos who can change and shape matter to their will, such materials are extremely rare. Or maybe you lack a nano. Furthermore I-" Gael stops suddenly in his tracks, looking around cautiously. His gaze stops at the beanstalk, "There, we must go there. Shall we find a way to cross the water?"

2016-04-28, 06:24 AM
Kia didn't even ask about Gael's new robot. After everything that had happened, such a thing seemed positively mundane. With weary steps, she set off to find a boat they could hire.

2016-04-29, 01:26 AM
Drex spits on the ground. "My mother was divinity!" He stomps up the women standing face to face snarling. "Take it back!" The old Priest raises his staff as if the strike her but she stands scowling her people behind her holding staves and blades.

Akiras mind fills with information on these people, the ethereal gypsies! Vagabonds of stories and tall tales and seekers of more. They know of 'spirit worlds' and are not fond of those who rend holes in reality or Nibovians. That word holds meaning but nothing you can really describe, part of you feels it is a good thing? Nibovians are something nanos like?

A few small boats dot the dock as their owners move cargo up till their bows are empty. One person though has a empty boat with plenty of seating. "Oi, little ladies. You need a ride down river or something? Svnts ferry will get you where you need to be!" The man is a rugged figure of strange proportions. He might be a mutant as his arms were longer then his legs and his skin a dark orange that reminds one of a setting sun while his eyes were yellow orbs. "I accept shin, cyphers, oddities, and trade goods. Two shin a person to begin or other payments must be agreed upon."

2016-04-29, 03:40 AM
Kia walked straight past Svint. 'Little ladies'? He wouldn't get many customers with an attitude like that. His competition (whoever they might be) had probably just been handed an extra three fares.

2016-04-29, 06:58 AM
Gael scoffs at the oddly shaped man, "Well, I never! To be called not only "ladies", but little as well! Come, Loci, we don't have to put up with this cretin! Unless you identify as a small female, Loci, I don't mean to assume anything. I identify as a meat popsicle."

2016-04-29, 12:34 PM
Farther down the docks is a odd boat from which a young thin man sat fiddling with a small box of strange colors. The youth wears a simple yellow robe like the aeon priest but none of the regalia of one of high standing. He stops and looks to the group as his yellow eyes and blond short scrop hair becomes apparent. "Hello I am Valc, scribe of Master Torum, third son of Jezzel the Exiled, and adopted son of Quihza the Quick. How may I be of assistance? If you seek my master he is at the Beanstalk work to unlock it's secrets." He goes back his puzzle box

Loci pondered Gael and Svnts comments. He hoped he was not to be traded. "I identify as a work unit built for a purpose of mechanical and medical repairs." It then waves to Valc and looks to Gael at the mention of the expansive title the young man held unsure what it meant hoping the man would explain.

2016-04-29, 12:55 PM
Akira takes hold of the nano's staff before he can swing. "Drex, as th' man standin' between you an' these fine people, I'd prefer not to take on these odds."

2016-04-29, 01:23 PM
"Mechanical and medical, eh? Oh, you and I are going to have so much fun diving into numenera. Or we'll die, either or, I suppose. As for this young son of Drex's, some people have lofty titles they like to throw around to inspire awe, fear, or both. Almost like a designation, but mostly useless. But pay attention, they may sometimes offer you insight into the person spouting it."

Gael smiles at Valc, "Greetings, Valc, note-taker of Torum, third son of Drex the pain-in-my-old-arse, and adopted son of someone I don't know, but probably a better father figure than Drex. I am Brother Gael, we seek passage to the beanstalk."

2016-04-30, 09:17 PM
Kia smoothly stepped in front of Gael, and took over the conversation. [Things will go a lot smoother if Valc deals with someone normal], she thought: As both of her two selves spoke in perfect synch. As the Ninth World continually reminds us, 'normal' is relative.

"Is your boat available for travellers such as us? We urgently need to get across the water."

2016-05-01, 12:20 AM

Drex scowls and Yanks his staff away cursing wildly. "These heathens hide secrets! They willingly destroy gates and knowledge! I am surprised they haven't destroyed the school of doors!"

This shouting and display of almost violence seems to have alerted guards as men both human and something more that approach wearing hard shell armor holding strange devices resembling a complex slug thrower. "Halt outsider. You are identified as aggressive." One guard moves to the old women offering a crystal rod the size of her forearms that she stuffs away. "Submit willingly or be subdued."

Valc spits at the mention of his father. "I haven't seen him in 8 years since they threw him into the Hellmouth. He committed a crime against his peers and yes Quizha played both mother and father to me and has raised me well." He places his puzzle down and looks to the tower and bites his lip. " Master should be done so yes, if he ask you sought audience with him." He clears some clutter and nods as he looks to the group but showing interest in Loci.

2016-05-01, 10:48 PM
"Ah, good, to the beanstalk then! Come now, Loci, don't fall in! I have no idea how you handle water, and don't mind the boy, he is just curious about your insides." Gael prepares to board the boat, lifting his robes gingerly and stepping very carefully.

2016-05-02, 12:45 AM
"Drex, fer the love o' Gracious Elhit, do not fight the guards, or I will help them beat you down myself." Akira mutters to the mad nano as he slowly raises his hands away from anything resembling a weapon.

2016-05-02, 02:09 AM
Kia stepped onto the boat with practiced ease. She'd spent much of her childhood on water. Nodding to their gracious ferryman, the Glaive took two seats in an unobtrusive spot.

2016-05-02, 07:45 PM
Drex grumbled as he raised the staff above his head shouting a curse. "Curse you foul gypsies!" His body slowly turned ethereal as he swung at one of the guards but his staff phased through him.

The old women grinned. "No Jezzel Drex, Son of Blood! Your foul sorcery will not aid you!" One of the guards produced a net from his side and held it ready. The mad priest will not get what he wants as it seems the old women laughs and the guards move in to take Drex.

Valc begins to row the boat across the waterway looking towards the small dock to find a spot. After a moment of silence he speaks up, "Master hopefully will not punish me for this." He pulls into dock and anchors it to the structure and climbs out. Securing the ties he points up to the synth colum. "There is where they should be found."

After leaving the dock the walk ways go up towards the beanstalk and a small amount of people seem clustered around it. At least one Aeon Priest and a strange woman with pale skin and red hair speak heavily as they both work on a device. "No Turum! Why wont you get it through your head I have no interest in you?!" Gaels senses a pulse of extra dimensional energy from her that seems nibovian in nature but weaker. "I am here for mysteries of science!"

2016-05-02, 08:17 PM
As the group approaches, Gael turns to the Kias and whispers, "That woman, she exudes nibovian energies. Odd, it seems weaker than normal." Upon hearing the word 'science', Gael lifts his staff into the air and triumphantly yells, "SCIENCE!"

2016-05-04, 12:25 AM
Akira sighs heavily, and then, for about the fifth time in his career as a glaive, sits back and watches the guards try and arrest his employer.

2016-05-06, 02:29 PM
The guards surrounded Drex as he struggled to free hi.self as the ethereal flesh became solid again. They patted him down as a injector was applied to his neck as the man's body morphed back to normal. "God King has asked to meet the newcomer." The guards began to drag Drex away but one stayed behind and looked to Akira."You are the man's guard, please follow so you may claim your charge." Be hit his chest with a hard fist and walked towards his group.

The old woman sighs and speaks up, "Young man can you please tell me what exactly Jezzel Drex is doing here?" The group dispersed as she moved towards the glaive.

The women turns to the source of the cry and cringes. "Look Torum, I don't have time for you or your crazy friends! I feel my work may soon be done!" She goes back to work at her device as Forum turns to Gael.

"You look familiar do I know you? You aren't from the Order by your robes." The Aeon Priest tries to look Gael over. The Aeon Priest was a stocky man of short stacture with tan skin and curly hair. He then looked to Loci marveling at the machine. "Alas how much do you want for that!" He moves to look the droid over closer taking in every detail while it looked to Gael inquisitive about the man who was prodding his joints and modules.

2016-05-06, 04:30 PM
Akira sighs and scratches the back of his head. "Haven't the foggiest idea, Miss. We left Beanstalk lookin' fer a certain set o' ruins, but Drex didn' tell us 'bout this part o' the venture."

He straightens up and gives the old woman a bow. "Thanks for not beatin' my client. I 'ppreciate it."

2016-05-07, 07:13 AM
Gael frowned at the Aeon Priest, Forum, and put his staff between Loci and the short man, slowly pushing him back, "How rude, Loci is not for sale any more than I am. Although I can be bought... But that's my choice! Not his! Loci, tell the man you aren't for sale." For a moment, Gael seemed to sway, as if suffering from motion sickness, "Oh, well. That did not feel good at all. Ma'am! Could you turn down the dial on your transdimentional lady parts? Thank you."

2016-05-09, 11:18 PM
Kia assumed a defensive posture either side of Gael. She still had hopes of peacefully resolving this situation; But if the 'Nibovian' turned nasty, Kia would be ready.

2016-05-10, 10:54 AM
The women turns and scowls. "I cannot turn off biological functions even if they're numenera related!" She stomps over to Gael and shoves Turum away from the pair. "If you ask your female friends they would tell you the same!" Her anger flares and so do the energies as Turum begins to reach for her but only receives a boot to the face. The man collapses to the floor out cold.

Loci's eyes focus in on the women speaking Truth. "Female organism, Nibovian, damaged unit." There was a moment of silence. "Not the Target designated." This makes her turn and glare at the machine with a evil eye. "I am not for sale. I am a Free Machine, not a slave to the will of a organic. Your organic sorcery does not affect me."


"Ah! Thats where his family started those damndest experiments." The old gypsy sighed as she looks around spotting several guards and her people. "If you wish to know more about your employer let me know, that man will be held for a while in the golden tower till the God King meets him." She pulls a small journal from her bag and thumbs through its pages while humming.

2016-05-10, 01:42 PM
Gael points and laughs heartily at the sudden boot-to-face, then tries to be serious about the conversation. He is not good at this, "I didn't ask you to turn it off, just down, I don't understand what I've done to offend you. It's just making me motion sick and... Well, it does have an alluring call from beyond the veil..." Gael blushes slightly, "It's just so inviting, it demands my attention with every warm pulse, although they are disorienting. And as for sorcery, no such thing exists Madame, there is only science. And please be nice to Loci, he is very sensitive. As for me, I am Brother Gael, this lovely duo is Kia. How would you like to go to lunch with us? Maybe kick a few more of the Aeon Priests? I love what you've done with this one."

2016-05-11, 01:29 PM
Kia winced on behalf of poor Torum. Had he really deserved that? One of her knelt down to check on him: While the other gripped her sword tightly. She didn't have much confidence in Gael's ability to defuse this situation.

2016-05-12, 10:04 PM
The women raises her brow as Turum slowly stirs crawling back begging for attention. "Aeon Priest are so thrice damn needy, even if you kick them in the face." She crosses her arms and looks over the group. "No qualms with Loci but I must ask Gael, why do you seek my attention?" She raises a brow as the energy she radiated began to lower to a bearable level for Gael. Kia can see the old Priest slowly come down from the high of Nibovian 'love' energy. Torum slowly tries getting up but the man's balance is shot.

"Inquiry. We seek information on others of your kind in the city if you are not the one we seek." Loci pats it's hip as a module comes loose in his hand that he offers to the women.

2016-05-14, 09:59 AM
"What he said," saidGael, with confidence.

2016-05-18, 01:16 PM
The women grumbles and takes the module and looks it over before going back to her device and implementing it into the hodge podge of devices."Perfect, it needs to build up power." She turns and pulls her hair back and nods as she approaches Gael. "Fine food it is, and no I am in no way Brood Mother." Patting her stomach and looking up. "I lost the desire and ability to do that quite some time ago." Her mood seems brighter than before as she looks at the group before walking to the edge of the water and hoping into her boat. It was a small craft with enough room for the group. "Come, where too for lunch and kicking of aeon priest?"

Torums apprentice bows to the women. Mistress, where is my master? I heard a thud, did he take a risk again?" The young man seems worried.

2016-05-18, 08:25 PM
"Your master requires your attention, and a lesson in prudence, it seems." Gael motioned with his staff to where Torum was felled by the mighty heel of... Wait, what was her name? "I was hoping you'd have a few suggestions, I am only a visitor here and know not where they serve both fine food and justice, in the form of battered 'priests' that definitely do not recognize me," Gael spat out the word 'priests', it quite disgusted him, the mysticism that sometimes surrounded those of the Aeon. The last part was added in haste. Being recognized by an Aeon Priest had literally never brought him fortune. "But, you do have me at a disadvantage, my lady. I know not your name, I know you only by what I see and feel inside you."

2016-05-20, 12:48 AM
"I go by Auger, my unique nature gave me a unique gift. I see and feel things beyond the perception of most humans." She thought for a moment and pointed to Torum as his acolyte hurried up the ramp to collect his master. Much was on her mind.

"Thank you mistress for knocking him down, he claimed he would have you this night." The son of Drex dragged the man aboard before rowwing back to shore only waving between strokes.

"That is why I have a distaste for Aeon Priest, they always want to dig and break things to figure them out. Gaians are much nicer in regards to numenera." Auger moved her hair back fixing it into a bun and playing with the fabric of her clothes becoming more bright and casual. They formed into a blouse and long shorts of azure and flecked with silver. "There is a place in town that is willing to deal with me, a small dwelling that is ran by someone like Loci. A automaton who is a master chef is rare."

Loci steps into the boat quickly and sits patiently. "I require no food but wish to meet this unit. There is much to learn and observes." The machines head turns looking to his friends awaiting this adventure.

2016-05-20, 07:32 AM
Kia didn't know whether things were going well or badly. On the one hand, Drex and Auger seemed to be getting along; But on the other, their bond was largely built on the abuse of Aeon Priests. While Kia had no fondness for that religion either, she didn't exactly support beating up its members. She hoped that these two didn't end up egging one another on.

Perhaps it would help for Kia to join the conversation too. Unfortunately, she had very little to say. Recent events had left her ill suited for small talk. Casting about for a topic, her eyes fell upon Auger's shapeshifting outfit. Maybe that would do for now.

"Is that brilliance cloth? I've always wanted an outfit made from that. But since I wear armour over my clothes most of the time, it never seemed worth the price."

2016-05-20, 06:01 PM
Gael heard nothing after she mentioned seeing beyond, sound dulled as his heartbeat thumped in his ears. He swallowed hard, "Seeing beyond? Hard to imagine such a thing, can you turn it on and off? Are you perpetually haunted by denizens of the infinite void, as they look upon you with their many malformed eyes or horrific visages? Do they stare down into you like a spear of frost, threatening to devour your soul and sanity; reaching into your mind and violating your most sanctum sanctorum? Or something....?" Gael's eagerness betrayed his intentions. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he eagerly awaited an answer, ignoring all else. If this creature could see as he sees, but knew how to control it, it would be a glorious turning point in his life. No more pain or fear in every waking moment, that's what it meant to him.

2016-05-21, 12:39 AM
"Yes and No my new friend." She taps her forehead and then chest tracing a glyph burned into the flesh between her breast. A wave of calm comes over those near her as she looks to the twins. "Yes girls it's a nice thing to have, I don't wear much armor these days. I use to when I worked with a nano who studied extra dimensional entities. It ended when his colleague decided to go mad and tried to use me as a Gate."

The day is coming to a end as night approaches. The settlement comes to life as lights brighten and tables and pulled into the open air. People gather and eat among other things like nightly escorts flashing their wares.

"Seems night has come and the ring around the moon visible, let us eat I am hungry and it would be more comfortable to eat and speak of clothes, unknown factors, and fancies of your questions."

2016-05-26, 06:56 PM
"Lady Auger, I wish to know as much as possible of the sight. You see... I am plagued by it. I see through many veils, I cannot stop it. You who have seen even a little know there are things better left unseen. There are things our minds are not equipped to realize, and I have long since crossed that line. My madness comes in bouts, infecting those around me even!" Gael tightens his grip on his staff, nervously twisting his hands on it. He rarely, if ever, spoke of his sight. It had broken him more times than he can count, his lucid times were precious. In his old age, they became more and more scarce. Auger's presence now comforted him instead of having the opposite effect, it helped. "That knowledge is for my own selfish reasons, it is not truly why we seek you out... But I cannot pass this opportunity."

2016-05-27, 02:36 PM
"I see well Gael you will know what I do." She shoves off the dock after everyone joins her. The ride is short as it glides soflty across the water. Once docked she leads the way to a open air cafe where people sit drinking strong brews and confectionery desserts while others eat full meals. She sits at a table and looks over a menu waving over a young man who took a order if several dishes. "My treat, sit and enjoy." two small dishes of bread and a thick paste that smelled strongly of spices and sweetness.

"Also tell me if your employer, why do you seek Brood Mother? Also girl would like clothes like mine? I will give you two sets if you wish, I have several and to be honest I do need to clear some space." Plates were set on the table, three salads, three plates of exotic meats cooked succulently served with roasted vegetables and a thick piece of bread.

She reaches over and touches Gaels augment port as the nano received a surge of information of raw data and images of realities layers slowly pealing back. Her voice echo a few words as his mind was exposed. The horrible things glared at him as several masked things tried to reach the priest but a mandala of light burns in his vision. The layers return as Gael comes back to reality as his vision clears as a small trinket, a emblem circled his head letting out a lyrical ping. It resembles the one he carried but the emblem was something he had seen before in his mad visions and made of a organic material that seemed to chirp when almost touched. "Did you see it? Tell me what it was."

2016-05-27, 03:00 PM
"Oh, you're far too kind! And look at all of this! I am hardly worthy of such luxury, but thank you, my lady. And behold! She comes with more gifts for you, Kia!"
Gael is careful to savor the meal, he had never had one like it, and may never again.

Gael reels at Auger's touch, the information overwhelming his senses. He shakes and convulses slightly, but quickly recovers. "I-I don't know. I saw more terrible beings, masked this time, reaching out to me. I was protected? By a symbol, a diagram, chart or geometric pattern of some sort... No, a symbol to be sure. I can feel the cosmos represented within; a microcosm of the universe." Tears rolled down the old priest's face, "A beast is a curse, and a curse is a shackle" Gael blinks hard, as if trying to clear his vision. Now noticing the trinket, he starts to reach for it but recoils his hand when it chirps at him. "My lady, what have you done to me?" There was no negative connotation in his voice, only awe.

2016-05-29, 03:16 AM
This outing was a mixed one for Kia. On the one hand, she very much enjoyed all the hospitality. Auger's offer of clothing received an enthusiastic nod and many 'thank yous'. Such a generous woman! The food was good too. Both Kias tucked into it with gusto: Though as before, one seemed to savour it more than the other.

On the other hand, though, Kia was still very much a fish out of water. She'd pretty much just become Gael's bodyguard by now. She observed events without really being part of them. Then again, maybe that was fine. If Gael and Drex were any indication, getting too involved in these otherworldly affairs came with some severe drawbacks. On reflection, things were probably fine the way they were. While the two mystics chatted, Kia settled back to eat some more delicious cake.

2016-05-30, 03:12 PM
"I saw a little of what you have seen and shown you a little of my own. He is out there in the Abyss as well as one of your former travellers." She pulled a small notebook from her bag and places it before Gael. "Read and learn, Masked Gods are often the thousand faces of HE or HIM." The images in the book were of monstrous shapes and some more alien then others. Names and notes written in the margin, Ktulu, Ubbo Sabtha, Tsathoggua, true sorceries, ancient covenants of old. Several of the illustrations also had the mandala in the corners. "Also that little trinket you have, let it out. I can sense it buzzing." Gael could feel the small oddity buzz in his pocket. "The one that floats before you is a gift, one I find helps with the terrors."

Loci looks the names over and fidgets before moving from the table and over to the kitchen area where a automaton speaks and cook. The machine gathers information and makes inquiries of the nature and designation of the chef. Loci was a curious machine filling gaps in its memory. He returns with a bottle and a battery of some sort. "I have been given a gift by a gentlemen."He presents the bottle to the Kias. "I believe its alcohol content exceeds standard consumption, he was keen to bring up the vintage."

2016-05-30, 07:44 PM
Gael reached into his robes to produce the little trinket, "This? This is for protection against assailants from the datasphere, I thought? What could it have to do with the outer-worlds?"

"A gift, Loci? How nice! Who gifted it to you? I hope you thanked him properly!"

2016-06-03, 02:27 PM
"What is the datasphere then? Is it not a extension of our world as a outer realm?" She flipped through her book. "My gift is like your trinket, small probing it can deflect but larger entities can pass itsq fire wall" The small chirping trinket chirped as Gale produced his trinket that rang in response and began to hover trying to take its spot in orbit.

Loci nodded. "Negative, he stated it was for the young ladies. The battery I borrowed from the chef automaton." He places the wine on the tables and sit while sipping energy from the battery.

2016-06-03, 05:58 PM
"I thank you, for this monumental gift," Gael said with all sincerity, "If only I had met you sooner, my mind may still be whole." Gael scratched his dataport nervously, "But, this is no time for lamenting. You've been most gracious with us, more than I deserve, surely. I believe we owe you answers and explanations."

Gael tells their story to Auger from the start, compelled to have full disclosure with the woman. He only stops twice to recite poetry of a golden lizard that resides in a crystal river, and mumbles about beasts, shackles, and church blades when mentioning Drex. "There you have it, my lady. Our short journey has led us here, to you."