View Full Version : [Crossover/quasi versus thread] A multiversal contest in the Warworld.

2016-01-28, 10:54 PM
After spying upon several worlds across the multiverse, Mongul has summoned to Warworld a multitude of heroes and villains to be forced to fight for their survival and his entertainment. In some cases the Lord of Warworld coaxed and pressured beings of great magical or otherwise supernatural into raising certain potential combatants from the dead to fight for his amusement. Of course being Mongul he didn't want any outright good people brought back from the dead, just a whole bunch of pricks rising from their graves. Its a fight for survival against terrifying beasts, killer robots and the the very environment or Warworld itself. If some of these teams don't kill each other instead.

Fictional universes to choose from
Archer (http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Archer_Wiki)/Frisky Dingoverse (Focusing on Archer only.)
DCU (More of a mix of a live action version of the DCAU and the DC Cinematic Universe than the comics or DC cinematic. First to trim the power levels to a more reasonable level. Second, the actual DC Cinematic seems to be off to a very lackluster start, but some of the casting choices are alright. Still, much closer to the DCAU in terms of characterization.)
Earth-199999 (The Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The Earth of The Venture Brothers (http://venturebrothers.wikia.com/wiki/The_Venture_Bros.)
Borderlands (http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Borderlands_Wiki) franchise
Final Fantasy IV-IX
Doctor Who
Dragaera (http://dragaera.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page)
Wildstorm Universe (Focusing on Planetary and the Authority.)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
Evil Dead through Ash vs. Evil Dead
X-Men Cinematic Universe post Days of Future Past

Sterling Malory Archer (Archer)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
Lilith (Borderlands and Borderlands 2)
"Doctor" Thadeus "Rusty" Venture (The Venture Brothers)
The Monarch/Malcolm Monarch (The Venture Brothers)
Capt. Steven Rogers A.K.A. Captain America (Marvel Cinematic)
Jessica Jones (Marvel Cinematic)
Vlad Taltos (Dragaera)
Clark Kent A.K.A. Superman A.K.A. Kal-El (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Batman A.K.A. Bruce Wayne (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Buffy Anne Summer (Buffyverse)

Lana Anthony Kane (Archer)
Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII)
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch/Sheila (The Venture Brothers)
Cawti (Dragaera)
Virginia "Pepper" Potts (Marvel Cinematic)
Luke Cage A.K.A. Power Man (Marvel Cinematic)
Lois Lane (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Selena Kyle A.K.A. Catwoman (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Angel (Buffyverse)

Doctor Algernop Krieger (Archer)
Reeve Tuesti (Final Fantasy VII)
Patricia Tannis (Borderlands)
Dr. Zed (Borderlands and Borderlands 2)
The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Tony Stark A.K.A. Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic)
Elijah Snow, the Ghost of the 20th Century (Planetary)
Pete White (The Venture Brothers)
Billy Whalen A.K.A. Billy Quizboy (The Venture Brothers)

Edgar Figaro (Final Fantasy VI)
Edward "Edge" Geraldine (Final Fantasy IV)
Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)
Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
Xander Harris (Buffyverse)
Cyril Figgis (Archer)
The Drummer (Planetary)
Peter Jason Quill A.K.A. Star-Lord (Marvel Cinematic)
Brock Samson (The Venture Brothers)

Milton (Archer)
Cait Sith (Final Fantasy VII)
Claptrap (Borderlands and Borderlands 2)
H.E.L.P.E.R. (The Venture Brothers)
Vision (Marvel Cinematic)
K-9 (Doctor Who)

Kefka Palazoo (Final Fantasy VI)
The Joker (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Barry Dylan (Archer)
The Phantom Limb (The Venture Brothers)
Missy A.K.A. the Master's 2014 incarnation (Doctor Who)
Kilgrave or the Purple Man (Marvel Cinematic)
Krieg (Borderlands 2) as the token good team mate

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) After joining both Hydra and the League of Shadows, now currently trying to convince both heads to unite them as one. He's really mellowed out quite a bit. Sephiroth's even making friends!
General Zod (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Faora-Ul (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Ra's al Ghul (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Talia al Ghul (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Doctor Hugo Strange (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson (Marvel Cinematic)
Grant Ward (Marvel Cinematic) Also Sephiroth's new best friend. If anyone's going to be friends with Sephiroth, it's this guy.
Gideon Malick (Marvel Cinematic)
Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)

Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII)
Director Phil Coulson (Marvel Cinematic)
Lieutenant James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (Marvel Cinematic)
Ray Gillette (Archer)
Sir Alistair Hammerlock (Borderlands 2)
Gaige, the Mechromancer (Borderlands 2)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead to Ash vs. Evil Dead)
Ser Jaime Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones)
Professor Charles Xavier (X-Men Cinematic Universe)

Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
Lobo (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Conway Stern (Archer)

Jakita Wagner (Planetary)
Pam Poovey (Archer)
Wonder Woman (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Natalia Romanova A.K.A. Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic)

Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones)
Tiny Tina (Borderlands 2) and (Borderlands the Pre-Sequel) These first two have so much to teach each other.
Relm Arrowny (Final Fantasy VI)
Gau (Final Fantasy VI)
Marlene Wallace (Final Fantasy VII)
Denzel (Final Fantasy VII)
Clara Oswald (Doctor Who) In the role of the beleaguered and over her head caretaker.

Obediah Stane (Marvel Cinematic)
Aldridge Kilian (Marvel Cinematic)
Justin Hammer (Marvel Cinematic)
Lex Luthor (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix) As played by either the late Telly Savalas, Clancy Brown or Bryan Cranston
Rufus Shinra (Final Fantasy VII)

Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV)
Celes Chere (Final Fantasy VI)
Athena, the Gladiator (Borderlands the Pre-Sequel)

Rosa Joanna Farrell Harvey (Final Fantasy IV)
Clint Barton A.K.A. Hawkeye (Marvel Cinematic)
Oliver Queen A.K.A. Green Arrow (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Mordecai, the Hunter (Borderlands and Borderlands 2)
Headshot (The Venture Brothers)
Ambrose Chase (Planetary)

Terra/Tina Branford (Final Fantasy VI)
Malory Archer (Archer)

Red XIII/Nanaki (Final Fantasy VII)
Rocket and Groot (Marvel Cinematic)
Krypto (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Ace the Batdog (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)

Thor Odinson (Marvel Cinematic)
Brick, the Brick (Borderlands and Borderlands 2)
Salvador, the Gunzerker (Borderlands 2)
Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington (Borderlands 2)

Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Garfield Logan A.K.A. Changeling (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Dr. Bruce Banner A.K.A. the Hulk (Marvel Cinematic)

Dr. Byron Orpheus (Venture Brothers)
The Alchemist (Venture Brothers)
Dr. Henry Killinger (Venture Brothers)
Dr. Stephen Strange (Marvel Cinematic)
Zatanna Zatara (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Doctor Fate (DCAU/DC Cinematic mix)
Rupert Giles (Buffyverse)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffyverse)

Here we go. Also, feel free to nominate new members for teams your think are understaffed.

2016-01-29, 12:45 AM
I can't say I see this competition actually happening. You included Superman in the mix, and after looking up this Mongul person, Superman has defeated him several times, then his son got beaten several times by Superman, Lantern Corps(albeit after he took 5 or 6 yellow/green rings). Superman would just rally the "good" guys to take out Mongul immediately, then find a way to transport everyone back to their homeworlds.

2016-01-29, 02:11 AM
Okay Starwulf, you do have a point or two. With that said there are a handful of things I forgot to include in the original post. First, each team will have beginning stations on different places on Warworld of approximately equal distance from each other, with a multitude of enemies to fight/sneak through and hazards to evade, just to get to Mongul in his coloseum. Second, they are not necessarily competing against each other, though old rivalries and jackasses can change that pretty quickly. Third, the DC characters are scaled to DCAU power levels, so Superman has more of a challenge in this circumstance. By the way, I assume you're talking about For the Man (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_the_Man_Who_Has_Everything) Who Has Everything (http://dcau.wikia.com/wiki/For_the_Man_Who_Has_Everything) right? I admit that's the rematch, if you go by the DCAU anyway, but Mongul gave Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and in the comics, Robin (Jason Todd) a hard fight.

Also, fighting the hordes of enemies and Warworld itself aren't the only challenges. Each team, at least, has to work together.

2016-01-29, 08:26 AM
Team 1 has both Superman and Batman on it. I don't see any other that can really compete well against that. The team with Wonder Woman is also reasonably strong (though her power is unclear in the DCAU). The only other one that catches my eye is the team with Professor X on it. He did show in the movies he can essentially stop an entire museum full of people without terrible effort which is a pretty strong feat here.

Assuming everyone faces the same challenges Team 1 is almost certainly going to crush them easily. And if they can't, the other teams are going to get absolutely wrecked by them. If the challenges are different...well than I see absolutely no way to determine a winning team. The OP doesn't even seem to mention how a winner would be chosen anyways.

2016-01-29, 09:01 AM
Magic team is pretty strong though. You have Dr Strange and parody Dr Strange on it. Though to my mind the only question is would Jessica Jones or Lilith kill Archer first?

Reddish Mage
2016-01-29, 11:12 AM
I think the Doctor faced similar impossible situations (including game/battle/contest setups) just like this several times. If past or future or alternate history is a guide, he will soundly prove to be superior over everyone, then end up winning over Mongul.

Sadly, several superheroes will end up dead before this.

2016-01-29, 01:36 PM
Those are some seriously unbalanced teams.

Reddish Mage
2016-01-29, 02:37 PM
Those are some seriously unbalanced teams.

And seriously what's with team 15? Terra from FFIV and Archer's mom from Archer...talk about random.

Not that it matters, because the Twelfe Doctor is gonna pwn with nothing but a sonic screwdriver, he'll just randomly figure out a way as he goes about winging it, that's his power.

Legato Endless
2016-01-29, 03:00 PM
Magic team is pretty strong though. You have Dr Strange and parody Dr Strange on it. Though to my mind the only question is would Jessica Jones or Lilith kill Archer first?

Yeah, I'm a bit confused by that too. Dr. Strange is, even including Supes, the strongest comic book character in the roster, at his peak his magic works via author fiat. Unless we're going with a more modest depiction? There's nothing stopping him from simply leaving, and unlike the Doctor, he wouldn't need to spend 5 minutes technobabbling to do it.

What's Jaime Lannister doing here at all? All he possesses are decent wits and cunning. Cool character, but not much for a fight.

2016-01-31, 04:49 AM
I understand that Jaime Lannister is just an ordinary man with exceptional training, and minus his right/sword hand. In this little crossover thought exercise of mine Mongul didn't assemble these teams strictly based on practical reasons. These teams aren't put together because they're hypercompetent/at the same level of function. They been placed together because Mongul thinks it would be amusing to watch a bunch of people of disparate skill, ability and temperament, but with one common feature or trait, struggling to work together to survive and fight through or evade deadly hordes to reach a way home.

I know the sorcerer team can short circuit Mongul's plans for entertainment, but that's not the real point. The real point is, how would these characters get along with their team mates under this amount of stress. To put it more bluntly, how many times are Batman, Superman and Captain America going to have to save Archer's drunken ass from being beaten into a bloody and lifeless pulp by Jessica Jones or being disintegrated by Lilith.

As for teaming up Terra Branford and Mallory Archer, it's not really that hard to see a connection. In a sense both Terra and Mallory are mothers, Terra Branford the loving adoptive mother to the children of Mobliz and Mallory Archer, the abusive and controlling mother of Sterling Archer and grandmother to AJ. Which reminds me, I need more mother figures for that team. Probably not Granny Goodness, as arrogant as Mongul is I seriously doubt he wants to pick a fight with Darkseid by abducting one of his elite lieutenants.

Team One: Suffering heroes and broken things. Heroes who a suffered or are suffering severe trauma, abuse, heartache, substance abuse and humiliation prior to and or after becoming heroes.
Team Two: Aside from Pepper Potts this team consists of the surviving love interests or casual sex partners of the first team of heroes. If Roland was still alive he'd be on this team.
Team Three: Science and technology based heroes. Okay, Krieger isn't exactly a hero by any standard, but he sort of works for the good guys, right? Also Doctor Zed practices medicine without a license, but that's pretty mild compared in the grand scheme of things.
Team Four: Seven gentlemanly ladies men, with Capt. Jack chasing after anything that moves, has a pulse (usually) and is capable of consent, plus Cyrill and the Drummer.
Team Five: A pack of helpful and heroic robots led by Vision and K-9.
Team Six: Homicidal lunatics and madmen, plus one homicidal alien madwoman who used to be a homicidal alien madman, with Krieg acting as the sole, if unintelligible, voice of reason and at least basic morality. Which makes him the most likely to abandon or betray the group.
Team Seven: A group of fascistic/authoritarian/totalitarian leaders and warriors. I included FF VII's Sephiroth because this is how I like to imagine him if he "mellows out" and becomes more moderate. Yeah, turning fascist is about as close to going straight as I can imagine for him.
Team Eight: The cripples to team one's broken things. This makes me feel like adding a 20th team comprised entirely of bastards. Maybe, maybe not.
Team Nine: Arms dealers, bounty hunters and mercenaries.
Team Ten: An all action girl team. Can anyone else say they would think of Pam on line-up like this?
Team Eleven: Teenagers and preteens with Clara Oswald acting as their chaperon, who will most likely free out when she catches Tiny Tina passing out guns and ammunition, Arya talking about killing everyone who hurt her friends and family and Gau levitating, breathing fire, shooting lightning or otherwise emulating the monsters he encountered.
Team Twelve: Villainous corporate leaders.
Team Thirteen: Master swordsmen and swordswomen in addition to whatever other skills they may have.
Team Fourteen: Snipers and sharpshooters. Yes, I'm including Rosa from FF IV as a sniper/sharpshooter.
Team Fifteen: Maternal figures, both caring and abusive.
Team Sixteen: Heroic and likely all sapient animals, plus Groot. Rocket and Groot are a package deal.
Team Seventeen: A team of big guys. Thor Odinson acts as the team leader as well as its top tactical and strategic mind. Yes, you read that right.
Team Eighteen: A team of heroic shapeshifters, albeit one of them can only shift into one form.
Team Nineteen: Ah yes, the all sorcerer/magician/wizard/witch team.