View Full Version : How will you do this: Commoner vs Epic Level threats

The Vagabond
2016-01-28, 11:56 PM
You are a level 20 D&D Gestalt character of any two classes, in search of a challenge. You decide, for one reason or another, to see if you can get some random guy to kill a colossus.

Some rules of engagement:

1) No making him aware you're helping him. Ever. He must remain unaware of your existence the entire time, however, you can work by proxy.
2) He has a level maximum of 4, and can never take any levels but commoner.
3) You cannot debuff the colossus yourself.
4) Epic magic is available.

How do you do it?

If epic magic makes things too easy, then try again without using epic level spells.

2016-01-29, 12:00 AM
With Epic Magic getting him permanently immune to everything the colossus has is pretty easy and you can raise his STR and CON to pretty much infinity at the same time with an epic Transformation Seed, hard part is convincing the commoner that he actually is immortal and invincible now and that he should fight the Colossus instead of running like a normal person without breaking the first rule.

2016-01-29, 12:13 AM
hard part is convincing the commoner that he actually is immortal and invincible now and that he should fight the Colossus instead of running like a normal person without breaking the first rule.

Just cast suggestion on him or something along those lines.

2016-01-29, 10:38 AM
Can we just Polymorph him into something that has good abilities and send some Bards and/or Psions to buff his hp enough for him to not die?

2016-01-29, 10:57 AM
Does getting him to hire yourself in disguise as some other epic hero count? He isn't aware I'm helping him, and I'm not actually debuffing the colossus as such.

2016-01-29, 12:50 PM
Are we allowed to PrC in this gestalt?

EDIT: Obviously, a Psion 20//Wizard 20 can figure out a way to do anything, but PrCs can make it easier.

EDIT 2: In any case, some way of giving the Commoner continuous "Wraithstrike" (whether via Persistent Spell or custom items) will guarantee that he can hit the colossus on anything but a natural 1. If you can find a way to kite the Colossus in such a way that you can attack it every round, but it can only attack you once per round (possibly giving them a high fly speed and Fly-By Attack), at-will Wings Of Cover (via a use-activated item) will keep you safe from its attacks. There, now your commoner puppet is virtually immune to the Colossus (beyond AoEs), and has a way to reliably hit the Colossus; now all you have to do is guarantee that the commoner can deal enough damage to overcome its DR and you're golden.

2016-01-29, 01:30 PM
Level 20 Neraph(or other LA0 outsider) Ardent (or equivalent) with Metamorphic Transfer, Metamorphosis, Hypercognition, and Psionic Reformation, levels of Marshal enough to get Motivate Wisdom, Int and Charisma at least, if not all. Take a rank in lucid dreaming, and at least any one in any other trained only that you can motivate. This isn't needed, but helpful for all the skills.

Transform into a Visilight. Steal eceryones charisma (animals and commoners etc, until you're able to instantly make anything friendly and succeed a bluff that you're intentions are honourable). Use your boosted wis to power lucid dreaming (to force their immunity to mind affecting down) and affect as many people as possible to make them your fanatical followers. Keep this going until meet epic caster, and convince him (properly, and no need to double cross, mutual benefit, and he could crush you). You can add as many possible casters as you've fantatical followers to a ritual.

Through your nigh infinite/arbutrarily high int bonus, you can influence the thoughts of an epic caster, using them to apply the Healing seed (or any other instantaneous seed) to the epic spell. Use Psiref to force the wizard to lose and relearn each epic spell developed, and have the epic wizard develop instantaneous spells with +arbitrary spellcraft dc's mitigated by an equal arbitrary amount of casters donating spell slots to the ritual to cast.

Each night the epic caster casts these spells onto commoner 4, and leaves subliminal messages referring to the collossus and his task.

2016-01-29, 02:56 PM
Step one: make him believe he's a hero.

Recruit a couple of accomplices. Then, teleport behind him and clunk him on the head with a +10 Merciful Commoner-bane sap. (You could get one of your accomplices to do this, but this way it's more fun). When he comes to, he's with the accomplices.
Accomplice: "Thank heavens, you're awake! The Colossus is about to attack the town!"
Joe Commoner: "Er.... run?"
Accomplice: "Oh no, your latest fight must have knocked loose your memories. You're the greatest hero in the lands! Without you, we're doomed!"
Joe: "Uh, sorry, wrong guy."
Accomplice: "Look, we'll prove it to you. This piece of adamantium - you can bend it!" ::tries to, fails, hands it to Joe::
Joe: ::easily bends "adamantium":: "Whoah."

(EDIT: Not my original idea; got it from a short story, the title escapes me at the moment)

... and so on, with the help of some good acting and illusions if necessary.

From then on, it's just a matter of buffing the heck out of him from a concealed location.

EDIT2: Also, regarding the enemy ... how does that "Magic Immunity" interact with a Mace of Smiting?

2016-01-29, 03:08 PM
Geas him while asleep to train.

100 push ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
and a 10km run.

Every Day.

Eventually curse him to lose his hair.

Cast an epic spell to make him immune to everything.
Cast an epic spell that gives him.... a ridiculous amount of strength.
Give him improved unarmed attack.

2016-01-29, 04:47 PM
Geas him while asleep to train.

100 push ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
and a 10km run.

Every Day.

Eventually curse him to lose his hair.

Cast an epic spell to make him immune to everything.
Cast an epic spell that gives him.... a ridiculous amount of strength.
Give him improved unarmed attack.

I second this.

2016-01-29, 05:14 PM
Geas him while asleep to train.

100 push ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
and a 10km run.

Every Day.

Eventually curse him to lose his hair.

Cast an epic spell to make him immune to everything.
Cast an epic spell that gives him.... a ridiculous amount of strength.
Give him improved unarmed attack.

But then we have to put the scientist who turned his brother into a Colossus on the shoulder and have the Colossus start the fight by crushing the scientist. :)

2016-01-29, 05:16 PM
But then we have to put the scientist who turned his brother into a Colossus on the shoulder and have the Colossus start the fight by crushing the scientist. :)

I don't see a problem with this. :smalltongue: