View Full Version : The Horror from Under (IC)

2016-01-29, 06:07 PM
One of several rickety caravans rolls into the small town of Solestep on a particularly hot day in the Fiamor savannah, coming to a stop just inside the crude wooden walls that serve to protect the town from lesser marauders and beasts of the wild. A crew of expert adventurers disembarks, all drawn here for their own reasons but brought on the same caravan. Having discussed their aims and their lives up until now, they know each other well enough, it could be supposed.

The sun hangs high overhead as some hired hands come to unload the caravans, one of which leads wagons of raw stone and wood for the primary purpose of constructing a modest schoolhouse at the behest of Najwa Nassim, yet another caravan toting her own personal supplies and wares and yet a third providing travel housing for her small menagerie of creatures. It's quite a spectacle of imports, bringing townsfolk from all over the small hillside to gawk and stare at the wonders she's brought with her.

Next off the caravan is Salem Whitlock, a dry-humored man talented with both blade and spell, and eager to discover more arcane knowledge to expand his art. He has heard of the mage Gorvald residing here in town, and may even seek to discover what the wizard is after before he himself does, if this wizard believes it to be worthy of accolades back in the cities.

Elienne and Ravos Alsari have crossed paths even before this journey, both of them interested in bringing life-sustaining healing and protection to the region of Fiamor and its surrounding environs for fair pay. With the ankheg situation in full swing in the hottest summer months, it seems their talents will be in high demand in Solestep.

The township lies before them, several guards approaching and nodding to them, spears at their sides and wooden bucklers at their backs.

<Guards> "Good to see some explorer-types here in Solestep. We know well what your lot brings. A bit of stir-up, perhaps, but also news from other lands, coin, and often times service to the highest bidder..."

2016-01-30, 02:31 AM
"Sounded to me like the stir-up was already well under way," Salem replied casually. "And actually, I was hoping to hear some news of these lands. For one thing, the name of Gorvald has spread far and wide, but you know how stories change from second to third to hundredth-hand accounts. I'd like to hear from a local what the deal is with him."

2016-01-30, 06:07 AM
Elienne gives Ravos a quick smile and then heads out to talk with the guards. She hears Salem talking about Gorvald, and she's got the self control not to just pipe up about ankhegs - people rarely like it if you mention their problems two seconds after they meet you. So, she takes what conversational hook she can find and runs with it. With a friendly smile on her face she says ""I've certainly no problem earning fair coin, though I'm more healer type than explorer type." She says that last with a levity in her eyes and a lively flourish with her hands which call attention to herself. She continues, "I guess I've seen enough places and enough fighting. I could do with a swap of news myself, seeing as you sound like there might be work for someone like me."

2016-01-30, 01:36 PM
Najwa drives her wagon forward among the caravan. She hadn't planned to cause any sort of extra commotion on top of the caravan arriving, but a scary bag drop left her feeling the need to realize a couple of her stone animals. She'll be a good sport with the town people, letting the kids be kids (if they want to close the distance) with her items under the watchful eye of some of her guards. Even going so far as encouraging playful encounters with her flying-lizard construct, sending it messages to be gentle and speak carefully. As well as a tiny fire show high in the sky where no one can be harmed nor most can see it.

She's content to ride the welcoming wave into town without any interruptions to the experience. Any questions from the guards will get an answer.

My character is a wizard, not crazy. Wait they are crazy, not a wizard... I had only planned for only her horse pulling the wagon. The rest of the animals would be in their poke ball stone form (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/carry-companion). Though I love the idea of having them all out and about so a few of the more exotic creatures being around is fine by me... It'll just take me a while to get them in their poke balls stone form.

2016-01-30, 02:51 PM
Ravos glanced back at Elienne in response to her smile. Bu there was no other change in the stoic man's expression. In truth, he only half listened to the guards' question, and to everyone's replies. When it became apparent that he needed to say something, Ravos stared blankly for a moment, formulating an answer to the question, then settle on what he though was a neutral response.

"I don't spend a lot of time gathering hearsay. But I am told the ankhegs have been stirring lately." He said curtly.

2016-01-30, 06:44 PM
The guards clear their throats on specific mention of Gorvald and the ankhegs.

<Guards> "Word around the town is the ankhegs started becoming a serious nuisance and threat to the outlying farms when the wizard showed up. He came into town looking for information on magical readings, and insisted he be allowed to study the well water. We told him it's not his to do with as he pleases, and it isn't. That got him remarking thinly veiled insults at us before calming down enough to rent one of the towers near the town's border-wall. He pays his bills, and most of the locals don't bother listening to his half-mad theories that there's something special about the well. They already know what's special about it - it's the only one for miles around. That's more than enough for us to want to keep his experiments out of the equation."

<Guards> "As for the ankhegs, they're hungrier and getting closer and closer to the walls. The guards have kept the town safe so far. However, if someone were to figure out where they're striking from and be brave enough to locate one of their tunnel openings, we could probably get the town merchant leaders to arrange a hefty sum for anyone that goes into those tunnels to find and smash their egg clutches. Then it'd just be a matter of cleaning up the surviving adults. Which would probably lead to another payment, all things considered. You know ankhegs. Nasty beasts. Their territory is unseen - they could network miles of tunnels and you'd only know once you have them popping out of sinkholes like roaches to devour your livestock, despoil your crops, even carry off your citizens."

While this is being discussed, a small gathering of children have flocked to Najwa's wagons to see her wares and what animals she has brought out of stone-holding. A few middle-class folk and another adventurer or two inspect her offerings, making low bids on her trinkets and knick-knacks, parting with dented coins when she's satisfied with their budget.

Najwa can sell what equipment of hers she wants at half price now that she's in town, though she can sell her capitol for its full initial cost.

2016-01-30, 09:12 PM
Elienne is briefly taken aback at the mention of this wizard. She's no expert in the arcane, and she knows it, so she has no idea how much credibility to give the implication that he is up to no good. Still, even if he is the cause of the ankheg mess, sometimes you have to fight the symptoms of a disease when you can't cure it. Even just the ankhegs sounds like a mess hard enough to get a qualified team for - and the sort of thing that could require a lot of healing, given all the unknowns. Despite her uncertainty, she listens carefully before speaking:

"Ankhegs. Anyone in particular I should talk to for more information? Sounds like the sort of thing that would need a team to be done right, but that's the usual in this business.

Anyway, I did say I'd swap news - I don't know if you've got clerics of Khanari here, but in some of the larger cities there's been rumours they've been getting people to raid places for not paying their workers what was owed them, whether that's to protest or grab records or grab the pay, that depends on the rumour. I've not seen it myself, but that's what they say. What's more, there's been whispers someone is going to do something about it. That could be a nasty business."

2016-01-31, 12:16 AM
The guards listen as Elienne recounts the rumors of Khanari's church seeing to fair wages being paid. They nod as she finishes.

"Sounds about right. His faithful rarely need much of a reason to be stirred to action if they feel something is amiss. But yes, the ankhegs here are definitely a problem that needs immediate sorting. If you're interested in being hired on for the task, you'll have to present yourself to Lord Merchant Dolo Gedd and his men for the opportunity. He doesn't squander his coffers on just anyone who says they'll do him a favor. Until then, feel welcome to spend your own coin freely here. We'll gladly take any denomination in exchange for goods and services. You could take a refreshing cool bath in the Blushing Nymph, and there are other.. diversions.. there as well, though it's quite pricey. As for food, the talk of the town is Tugg. He makes a delicious krenshar tartar, a delicacy unlike anything you've probably tasted in more civilized lands. The Spearing Muzzle is a huntsmen's pub brimming with hunters who can share their stories over a beer or whiskey. As for more adventurous supplies, there are quite a few general trade stores in town, but the Strange Till is likely to have a few magical pieces. If you need magical writings, you COULD, in theory, try bargaining for something from Gorvald, though a likelier bet is seeing if our local scribe and librarian Marvald is willing to pen you something himself. He's quite knowledgeable about that sort of thing."

2016-02-01, 11:37 AM
Any real offers she'll reject with a mercantile tease. She has yet to acquire her trading license, but she'll encourage anyone that seems interested to seek her later. No, her task now is to make sure everyone is having a good time and getting along with introductions and discussion.

As they get closer to town Najwa will turn the rains over to one of her guards and hop off the cart. She'll try to move through the locals without any incident till she finds Elienne. She asks her, "Will you be sleeping at an Inn or the caravan tonight? There is a lot I'd like to talk about. The local news seems troublesome as usual for one. I take it I can count on you to help clear up whatever messes we can?"

2016-02-01, 05:25 PM
Elliene replies "Oh, the inn for sure. I'll be swinging by that hunter's pub to pick up their take on this mess, but after that I'd love to talk. And you're right, you can count on me."

2016-02-02, 12:37 PM
She walks along the moving caravan still greeting those that pass by or greet her, and talking to her friend next to the guards. Elliene encourages a smile out of her. "Wonderful. I feared that you'd grown attached to sleeping next to a campfire. I'll have my men book some rooms."

"The towns outskirts seem unusually interesting. Though I can barely wait to pass the walls. Shall we look for our sponsor to deal with some ankhegs? A dangerous problem that needs solving. Along the same lines we should try to recruit a few more to help us. There are surely a couple noble, brave people among everyone gathered here."

The normal controlled, clam Najwa is ablaze today. It'd be a bad odds bet that she'd be so forward in her dealings. She has talked about the ankhegs on occasion, but Gorvald more than them. She seems rushed to solve any ailments she can.

2016-02-02, 01:48 PM
Perhaps the ankhegs themselves would yield some indirect clue as to the goings-on with the well, and the wizard. It was certainly better than prying all over town for clues, at least at this early stage. Salem paused for a moment to recall what he could about the creatures.

Knowledge: Arcana


2016-02-02, 07:23 PM
Ankhegs are huge, burrowing insects with a dangerous bite and a tenacity matched only by their hunger. As well as its lethal bite with which it can latch on to its victims, an ankheg has a natural acidic venom which coats its mandibles and can be spit over short distances. Once an ankheg spits however, it takes a number of hours for it to build up its acid once more. These natural tunnelers can see in most conditions, and have a extra sense that allows them to detect the slightest of movements through the earth.

Some of Najwa's hired men hustle ahead to locate the Spearing Muzzle and book four suitable rooms there (2 gp per night for four regular rooms).

As they approach the inner sanctum of the town, they find themselves adrift in the main trade square, with numerous shop stalls to be found and plenty of customers going about their shopping and trading business. Many of the customers look to be travelers only here for a short while, or adventurers similarly stopping through. Then their eyes fall upon the massive well, which is partitioned into the well itself, a cavernous opening some 10 feet in radius with several large buckets hanging from rope winches. Then there is a statuesque fountain filled with crisp, clean, cold water, adjoined to the well itself. Numerous copper coins, limed over, rest at the bottom of the fountain portion of the well. A serious-faced squadron of three well-armed men in dusty tan robes and thin leather breastplates stand guard at the well, preventing anyone from doing more than throwing a coin into the fountain. They're apparently allowed to fill their waterskins with permission from the guards, but only after a steep taxation of a silver piece. Cold, fresh water naturally seems to be one of the town's most precious, guarded resources.

The day is hot with the sun high overhead, and many not actually busy shopping are staying cool under linen or leather awnings attached to most all the buildings in the square.

A series of high clay walls exists just beyond the well, an iron-wrought gate guarded by another squadron of three guards. A garden walkway exists beyond, with plants as lush as possible in this arid environment along either side of the road. The path beyond the gate here leads up to a large estate, the building sporting white-painted walls and notably clear glass windows free of marring from their crafting. As they eye the estate's opulence, the guards catch wind and gruffly speak up.

<Gate Guard> "Got a problem? We don't appreciate new arrivals staring at the lord's villa. Get a move on. Now."

2016-02-03, 05:12 PM
Elienne's first impulse is to be sharp right back - this guy annoys her, and he's totally being unfair. But her faith doesn't really approve of that impulse, so she instead puts on her natural charm, giving him a smile and saying "We're here to do something for the Lord Merchant. I think our magic could be useful to him in resolving some things here, and we'd like to offer our services."

Diplomacy check if needed, [roll0]

2016-02-03, 05:54 PM
To Ravos, it seemed as though the caravan he guarded would stay in town for some while. Too long for the hunter to stay in one place. Not enough action in civilization for the ex-soldier. Hunting ankhegs for be a suitable distraction while the merchants peddle their wares before moving on.Following Elienne through the town. He walked abreast of her without a word.

"This woman speaks true. It seems that as of yet, you have not tracked down the lair from which the ankhegs strike. In addition to magic, I can offer my skill as a tracker. I am sure your employer would be eager to hire us."

2016-02-03, 06:44 PM
The guards shrug in a non-committal fashion as they listen to the two.

<Guard> "If you wanna speak with the Lord Merchant, you'll have to prove to his manservant that you're worth the audience. Let's see if Ulland has the time to see you."

<One of the guards turns to the iron gate, calling out loudly.> "Boy! Get down here!"

A young brown-haired lad with freckles comes running up to the gate. Dressed in thick leather boots and a soft white robe, he smells faintly of aloe lotion.

<Young Boy>"Y-yes sir?"

<Guard> "Tell Mr. Ulland that some adventurers want the opportunity to speak with Master Gedd about the recent unpleasantries, and return with Ulland's word on the matter."

The boy nods nervously, turning and hurrying up the paved stone walkway to the manor beyond the walls and disappearing inside the large front doors after a moment.

The guards turn back to the group.

<Guard> "This aught not take too long. If you do get inside, it'll probably be Ulland speaking on behalf of the Lord Merchant. He doesn't have time to meet with every visitor, after all."

Roughly three or four minutes pass before the boy is seen returning from the manor, speaking politely to the guards.

<Messenger> "Mr. Ulland says he has a few spare minutes for the adventurers, and to meet him in the foyer."

The guards shrug and turn to unlock the gate, opening it wide so the group can pass.

<Guard> "You heard him. Meet him in the foyer - that's the first room you'll enter when you go in - and talk with Mr. Ulland. He'll be waiting for you, most likely. He always wears white gloves and shoes. Don't go sneaking off anywhere on the grounds or in the manor. There are protections against snoopers or interlopers, and you may not live to regret it if you try anything."

2016-02-03, 06:44 PM
"Magic, and a few good swords", Salem added. All things considered, he thought better of gesturing to his own sword at his hip. "It'll be worthwhile to hear us out, at the least," he mused as the party waited.

2016-02-03, 08:18 PM
Elienne complies meekly, going to the foyer for this meeting. Inwardly though, she is keeping track of evidence - this is probably all a sign of wealth, but just in case something is wrong, she wants to be paying attention. No sense talking now until she sees this Ulland person.

2016-02-04, 05:48 PM
Najwa walks toward the foyer readying to meet the man servant.

2016-02-06, 02:38 AM
The three are escorted to the top of the hill and the manor's front doors, where the guards leave them for the moment. Pressing into the manor itself, the foyer is an expansive room with a stairwell leading up to an exposed landing on the second floor, where a prim looking butler with a clean-shaven face and impeccably combed hair looks down on the group, nodding.

<Ulland> "So, you four are the ones seeking employment under Lord Merchant Gedd, as the boy told me of? Greetings and pleasantries and such. I'm Mr. Ulland, the Lord Merchant's right-hand servant. Day to day operator and overseer of his abode. As such, I speak with his authority and speaking with me is tantamount to speaking to him himself. One moment while I approach you properly."

He takes his time taking the stairs, nodding as he arrives on the first floor.

<Ulland> "So, another adventuring crew, is it? Others have attempted to source and purge the ankheg populations before. Why is it, then, that you will succeed where they have not met full success? You have a few minutes to sell me on your capabilities, your asking wages, and why you are worth said wages. Don't take this personally or offensively, but I can't simply proffer piles of gold to each and every group of fortune-seekers that promises results, no matter the sharp quip to their spell incantations or the reach and strength of their spear. We've never done so before and we will never do so. We pay top coin for results here in Solestep, but for results, not appearances."

2016-02-06, 02:54 PM
"We do have spell and blade in good supply. What do we all think about a good old-fashioned bounty? A certain rate of gold per ankheg slain?" Salem turned to his companions to see what they think of the idea.

2016-02-07, 04:35 AM
Elienne immediately gets a concerned look on her face, as she imagines this is at the very least a test to see whether the group understands the mission - plus, if the rumor is true, there is every possibility this is about more than ankhegs. So, she speaks up, making up the words as she goes, trying to come up with a viable alternative even as she persuades:

"A bounty is all well and good, but the true prize is not the adults, but the eggs. Adults could be killed from relative safety, but the eggs require a sustained push into the underground and the unknown. Without the eggs, there is not what I imagine what would be termed full success. Say we bring back the broken eggs - that should show results, yes? I'm confident enough we can do this to suggest we only be paid for results - dead eggs and adults."

2016-02-08, 03:42 PM
It'd seem her target is out of reach for just a short while longer. She nods to Elienne's idea like it's a good one. "There wasn't an open bounty for ankheg, and I'm not looking for employment. Whatever difficulties you have in producing coin you won't have them with my share. I'm looking for the Lord Merchant's ear, not his purse. I suppose news of some ankheg's destruction might be wanted to reach him. I'll gladly deliver that myself.

2016-02-08, 04:28 PM
"You seem to misunderstand us. We merely wished to hear of the bounty on ankhegs. To have you pay us for services not yet rendered would not make much sense now, would it? Regardless, if you are promising top coin for results. Then I can say that I am interested in tracking these beasts down. Ravos shrugged a it to rid himself of some stiffness. "As someone who has an interest in ridding himself of these pests, might you have more specific information than what we've heard? You have nothing to lose by telling us, after all. We'll either succeed or we won't. Else we'll be on our way.

2016-02-08, 05:46 PM
Ulland scoffs lightly at Najwa before addressing the group entirely.

<Ulland> "Ma'm, you may be a prominent mercantile interest, but you'll still need to make an official appointment to see Master Gedd about any business you may have regarding Solestep."

He then turns to regard everyone.

<Ulland> "Most ankheg attacks originate from the east, which matches the reported sightings of sinkholes and openings in the earth out further that direction. You'll want to be careful traveling outside Solestep's walls. Ankhegs aren't the only dangers out in the savannah. Be sure to take plenty of water, of course... Heh..."

Ulland smirks to himself, knowing full well the taxation on water in the town.

<Ulland> "As for the bounty on ankhegs, one hundred gold per pair of antennae seems sufficient. Proof of destroying their egg nests will be worth considerably more. Now, if that's all, I trust our business is done with for the time being. See the town constable for any antennae you wish to turn in."

With that, Ulland dismisses the group, having a pair of well-equipped guards seeing them out and back down to the gates of the villa estate.

2016-02-09, 03:02 PM
"Well then," Salem began, "shall we get to work? Or does anyone want to purchase some more supplies before we go?"

2016-02-09, 08:54 PM
Elienne simply says "I do not - at need, magic can provide the supplies I need. We can do this.

2016-02-09, 09:37 PM
"That was informative. I feel like I know the nobles already. They seem just the same as elsewhere.

I can leave morrow. The rest of the day I plan to have a relaxing, exciting stroll through the town. Meet and greet some locals and vendors. A fresh day would suit the hunt better." She adds, not putting too much effort into an easy sale.

2016-02-10, 05:41 PM
]"The morrow is good. It will give us time to prepare what we need. EW should set out earlier though, to avoid the heat of the plains." Ravos said. "Let us meet at the Spearing Muzzle tomorrow morning. I shall head their now and gather what I can from the locals." And after saying that, Rovos gave curt nod to the group.

Once he was escorted out and clear of the estate, the hunter checked in where are the local hunters check in; the Spearing Muzzle. Quietly, he strode in through the doors and took an empty chair. Ravos really wasn't one for company, but occasionally he would listen in on some of the tales being told of the plains.

Go go gadget +0 diplomacy modifier!


Edit: WOOOOOOOOOooooooo...... :smallannoyed: :smalltongue:

2016-02-10, 06:49 PM
Najwa nods farewell herself. She asks around for the location to get her and her companion's trading license. Besides that she'll roam the streets being a tourist checking out the sights. If her day doesn't waste away too quickly on bureaucracy she'd like to visit Gorvald. (Inviting along anyone that wants to come.)

2016-02-10, 08:06 PM
The Spearing Muzzle is a dusty and dry establishment with a saloon door and bare floorboards. A stuffed rhino's head sits over the bar, which is tended by a dwarf with dirty, light brown hair in a workman's tunic. The patrons all look to be experienced in the professions of catching, butchering, cooking, or selling meat or hides, or are routine consumers of such a trade. The common talk going about as he sits is this or that tale of trailing a boar for half a day, fighting off hyenas from a recent catch, or avoiding the predations of a lion after the same target. Little talk is heard of actively seeking ankhegs, though there is some of finding their trails or hints of a nest or burrow nearby.

As he sits and listens, a young woman with sandy, crisp features approaches the table, dry-wiping it for him.

<Young Woman> "Hello sir. We have some refreshing cold soups, a rather thick and filling wheat porridge, or you could try Tugg's special krenshar tartar. All the taverns in Solestep ensure a guest has a chance to taste it. We only offer one drink, though - a bitter ale imported from the northeast. Does any of that sound good?"

Najwa is able to find the directions to the town offices after asking a few locals who refer her to another guard, and getting there is a rather simple affair. After answering some paltry questions and paying the registration taxes of 5 silver pieces, she's awarded with a stamped license for purposes of trading general supplies, which covers quite an array of merchandise. The sights of Solestep are rather uninspiring for the most part - the mercantile nature of the city affords little in the way of flair or frill. Most of the buildings in the market distrct are wooden with stone foundations, though the poorer areas are made of dirt brick and supported with cheaper wooden beams. Few of the residents seem interested in family life, as very seldom does she see children running about. It seems this is mostly a town of trade and travel, indeed.

The direction of Gorvald's tower is only whispered to her, followed by gestures towards a brick tower painted a dull gray color on the outside. A small fenced yard with several young goats mulling on shrubgrass surrounds the structure.

2016-02-11, 02:44 AM
Elienne is startled for a moment at the delay - she'd just been assuming without thinking that the expedition would leave today. Still, she doesn't have a real reason to protest, so she goes along with it.

After leaving the estate, she too heads for the Spearing Muzzle like she'd originally planned. Her attempts to pick up information about the ankheg situation are however much more talkative and energetic. She's just shy of outright flirting with the hunters, but she makes it clear she'll pay attention to anyone who has more details on the ankhegs than are common knowledge, even as she draws attention to herself.

Gather information, diplomacy [roll0]

2016-02-11, 08:49 AM
Elienne, after subtly fishing around for an expert on the vermin problem, finds herself in a corner booth with a man half-deep in his sixth beer, plenty groggy and indisposed but still able to be wrestled for some interesting information about the ankheg menace. He seems to find her alluring, but is too drunk to think of making any forward comments or gestures - probably for the best.

"Lass... the others say I'm a dunce. That I'm stirring up panic for no good reason.. but they don't know the beasts like I know them. Most just learn to listen for the rumble under your boots that tells when they're gonna spring up from the dust and rock, or where the weak spots are between the head, thorax, and abdomen and when to go for them. I study the way these things migrate, the way they tunnel, their mating habits. An ankheg in the wild typically mates in the latest of the cool months, so that their egg clutches are ready to hatch when life on the surface gets back to normal - better for the young to learn how to survive and thrive that way. Now normally, around civilized folk, that pattern is inverted. When it's the hottest, there's fewer humans and their like out and about in the badlands they roam, which makes it a safer bet the egg nests won't be disturbed. But these ankhegs we're dealing with here... They're young, which means egg clutches hatched not a few months ago, but the older females are still just as voracious as when they were carrying eggs. It can only mean they're carrying more now, and that itself means they're breeding again. No beast I ever seen or heard of that mates again so quickly, not even ankhegs. I tell you, something's going on. Those ankhegs aren't behaving like normal. Y'think something's got them riled up...? Maybe even... a..."

The man finally passes out, his head hitting the table with a soft thud. He snores deeply, and will obviously be out for some time.

2016-02-11, 11:55 AM
Najwa pays the five silver with a smile. Passing a few small pleasantries with the bureaucracy, trying to improve what might otherwise be a harsh job. The license goes into her waterproof bag kept safe away from any unfortunate unlikely accidents and she'll bid them farewell. Finally, she get a good look at Solestep. If she was honest the disappointment was everything. The lack of aesthetic really shook her up. She was use to larger cites that try to displace some wealth or beauty. Whatever virtue was to be found here it would have to be in the people. She'll part with a bag of silver (five gold) with whoever gives her a good sells pitch over the course of shopping.

She stands ready at Gorvald's tower and commands her flying lizard in draconic to knock on the door.

2016-02-11, 01:05 PM
Passing by a boutique of low-quality semiprecious gems, jewels, and stones, the dark-skinned vendor with a wet cheesecloth over his head sells her on a piece of banded malachite roughly rubbed into a triangular shape and well-polished with the rhetorical question "Doesn't it make you think of lusher, more verdant lands?" As he passes her the stone and makes the exchange of coin, she notices that his hands are rough and rugged, but nimble. He's likely the very same one who polished and shaped these stones.

. . .

Standing outside the tower waiting, the door is heard to unlock from the other side several times over. As it opens, about 8 pounds of glistening shaped clay greets her. It is molded into the form of a newborn human infant, but with an angular face, bat-like wings, and a polished platinum rhino-style horn jutting from its forehead. It clacks in a dead, monotone voice.

<Creature> "Master Gorvald is busy. Who wants what from him, hmm?"

Beyond the impish construct, a modest series of bookcases are seen surrounding a rope ladder hanging from some floor above the ground level, numerous tomes of normal size stuffed into the shelves. Iron beams brace the upper floor, from which a loud magical crackling - not unlike that of cracking thunder but with a vibrating tenor - is heard.

2016-02-11, 01:19 PM
"Aren't we all?", She muses. "I am Najwa Nassim. I'd like to talk to your master about water."

2016-02-11, 01:45 PM
Salem tagged along on the visit to Gorvald, and tucked away his spellbook, spell components and other magical accoutrements into his backpack. For now, he would nod and play the mundane sellsword, albeit one with an unusual amount of magical gear.

2016-02-11, 03:07 PM
The creature regards Najwa and Salem carefully, as if it's not just its own eyes looking over them. Its eyes are then cast to Najwa's companion flying lizard, and back again. It begins to speak more carefully, with a slightly different intonation.

<Creature?> "What makes you think I'd be concerned with water more so than any other citizen with a parched throat and dry lips? It's hardly a topic of arcane debate on its own, now, is it, miss Najwa Nassim? You're interrupting the ensorceling of my elucidation indexes..."

Arcana DC 20: An elucidation index is one of several ritual identification methods for studying the magical properties of an item or existing effect that resists normal identification attempts. The material components for elucidation indexes are expensive, but bolstering the index(es) with additional magic is almost never required. Only truly unique or stubborn magic could possibly warrant such an action.

2016-02-11, 03:42 PM
The change in personality has her relaxing and causes her to smile. She'll telepathically command her construct to land on her shoulder and offer it a pet. It's back arching like cat would.

Assuming that she's talking to the creature's master now she says, "Rumors about you Mr. Gorvald have reached us across the savanna. They say Solestep has chosen to shun you and what you say about the town's well. I don't like to interrupt your identification ritual, but what people say about you interests me. I know what it's like when someone interrupts my own magical processes, and I know that my research will often continue until they're stopped by an outside force. I'd offer up some ritual curios in exchange for some of your time..."

I'll take 10. Najwa is offering up a magic capital (100 golds worth of magical ingredients).

2016-02-11, 03:46 PM
Elienne's optimism does not extend to drunks who are currently passed out, and at least she has something to share with Najwa even if it is not the most concrete. She makes her way to her room, silently working out what spells would be best for a trip like this. More healing at the cost of the least summons and the entangling plants.. More earth elementals at the cost of the paralysis, as she won't need the range and there might not be people down there. Dispel magic instead of those thorns, because there's been too many hints of something odd, and that's the best she can do to prepare.

2016-02-11, 08:06 PM
The clay humanoid infant creation seems to go inert for a moment, then return to life in the same manner of speaking as originally.

<Creature> "Master Gorvald will happily take your supplies, if they are suitable for his purposes. You may have a few minutes with him and he will answer your questions as far as polite discourse allows."

The creature flits off into the tower, flying upward into the rafters to rejoin its owner, who is even now descending the rope ladder and turning to face Najwa and Salem. A tall, thin and pale gentleman with subdued dirty blond hair and a well kept beard, the elegant, silken robes draping off Gorvald hardly even whisper with his calculated steps towards them. He regards them with a cool gaze, gesturing grandly to beckon them inside.


<Gorvald> "Welcome to my parlor of higher arts, esteemed... guests. Be mindful that my abode, my belongings therein, and my person are quite warded against injury, theft, and other displeasures. It'd be a mournful spectacle, indeed, were Solestep to need bear witness the true breadth of my magical knowledge and potential. Do not misunderstand my demeanor as hostility, rather, a succinct statement of fact. You have been heralded by Ensuri, most recent of that given to myself which is of myself. You are met by Gorvald of the city of Highwall, senior conjurer and artificer of the Order of Four Thunders and initiate of the Brotherhood of Luminaries. I'm to understand you offer magical reagents and experimentation sundries, bid in return for a measure of discourse and discussion on matters of arcane import..."

He looks the two over, awaiting their own formal introductions as Ensuri, his construct familiar, chirps and prattles into his ear incomprehensibly.

2016-02-14, 03:18 AM
Salem blinked a bit and started, "...Well, I'm just a sword-for-hire, sir. Salem Whitlock's the name, from parts distant," he concluded with a nervous smile, and looked expectantly at his companion.

2016-02-16, 06:27 PM
Upon hearing no interesting no news, Ravos simply shrugged and drank the rest of his ale. When he had his fill, he inquired about renting a space to sleep for the night and paid whatever price was given. He was down for the night, and thought it best to rest now, for tomorrow would be a long day to be sure.

2016-02-19, 02:37 PM
The waitress nods as Ravos inquires on rooms, stating that a few are open at the moment and none run higher than five silver for a night. She offers to take his payment and relate to the upper rung of staff that he's taking the room, and that she'll make sure he's given a key by someone with the authority to rent the place out.