View Full Version : Pathfinder Island of the Damned

2016-01-30, 12:11 PM
Im planning a campaign for when my group finishes the Kingmaker AP (we just started, so i've got time) So i plan on running them in a setting i've had floating around for awhile, its a mashup of Medieval Ireland, Scotland and Feudal Japan. I have shamelessly stolen Rokugan's Shadowlands (called the Demonwastes here) and that is this periods main conflict. The party will be heading to Broken Shores, which is an island owned by the Turtle Clan (read: Rokugan's Crab Clan). They are heading there because no one has heard from them in over 2 weeks and the Turtle Clan can't spare any troops, because theres a massive demon attack brewing. So an expedition will head there, made up of at least 4 different Clans, and the PCs will be mid-highish ranking officials for their respective clans.

When they get there, the Port Town of Sanctuary Reef is deserted. After the party scouts around town for a bit (as they will have been ordered to be part of the shore party by the expedition leaders) they will hear shouts coming from the docks. Once they get there they will see the ship that brought them here being attacked by a "Kracken" (not sure if im gonna use an actual Kracken here or not) and a large flying beast with a rider. The Rider will buzz over town and thats when the shore party gets attacked by undead (probably just zombies). So while their superiors and the few people left aboard fight a Kracken, the party leads the rest of the expedition against a bunch of zombies.

So the party wins but their ship loses. Thankfully most of the supplies where already onshore, the downside is, is that the party is now in charge (im sure they won't see this as a downside :smalltongue:) from there its up to the party to pick where they go, and what they do.

What's in the Hells is going on:
One of the Council Who Sits in Shadows (the Demonwastes Demon Lords) has come to this island with his cabal of Demon Witches (ie Hags) and plans on using it to stage an attack on the Turtle Clans flank. His plan is simple, raise all the corpses on the island for his army, rip the houses apart to make some basic ships, and then attack the mainland. Theres a few sticking points: A) the mainland reacted faster than he anticipated and B) its taking longer then he thought to raise up his army.

Basically the party needs to run around and throw a bunch of wrenches into his plans until they are powerful enough to take him on. On top of this, they need to care for the expeditionary force and any survivors they find on the island.

What can you do to assist?
Give me cool ideas for stuff the party can do. I have Ultimate Campaigns so running a single city shouldnt be super difficult, but i need interesting side missions for the party to do to disrupt the Shadow Lord's control over Broken Shores. If this sounds like Brutal Legend, Saints Row or GTA, that was intentional :smallwink:

Important things to know
The party will be starting at level 6
Spheres of Power will be replacing all Vancian Casting
All official PF stuff is fair game
3rd party i will look at and judge on a case by case basis (no Path of War please, i can only deal with so many new mechanics :smalltongue:)