View Full Version : Can you have fun or be bada33 with a bard?

Sir cryosin
2016-01-30, 01:09 PM
What are some cool or fun things you can do with a bard? What's your favorite build multiclassed or straight bars? I have no exp in this class and whated to know what it can do.

2016-01-30, 01:18 PM
What are some cool or fun things you can do with a bard? What's your favorite build multiclassed or straight bars? I have no exp in this class and whated to know what it can do.

sing and play instruments

Sir cryosin
2016-01-30, 01:24 PM
sing and play instruments

Not all bards are just singer and guitar players.

2016-01-30, 01:26 PM
Fun is overrated...
To be a ''bada33'' play a gong... there is no other way....

2016-01-30, 01:32 PM
Instead of singing or playing an instrument, be a dancer. Specialize in the haka (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvw2eXoyLLs).

2016-01-30, 01:58 PM
I once played a Valor Bard with Shield Master and Expertise in Athletics. He threw everyone on the ground. EVERYONE. Drow warlord? GROUND. 10 foot tall Demon? GROUND. Enourmous flying insect? GROUND. Then the paladin smote all of them for massive damage.

2016-01-30, 02:10 PM
5 is right out!*

Then you could sing sir Robin's praise!

* 7h47 41n'7 1337 5p34k.

2016-01-30, 02:12 PM
What are some cool or fun things you can do with a bard? What's your favorite build multiclassed or straight bars? I have no exp in this class and whated to know what it can do.

Half-Orc Shield Master Valor Bard.

Main spells
Utility Cantrips

Feather fall
Unseen Servant

Heat Metal
Cloud of Daggers
See invisibility
Warding Wind

Low level = sleep then attack for crit
Mod levels = wait until creatures are hit a couple times, sleep, crit for more damage.

Ask your DM if you can use skywrite to make haikus, then make threatening haikus. Or write fake tactics in the sky "yo bob, flank from the west side" when really bob is flanking from the south.

2016-01-30, 02:27 PM
To be a ''bada33'' play a gong... there is no other way....

Is there a sound which causes more terror than the dreaded Halfling War Kazoo?

2016-01-30, 02:28 PM
Is there a sound which causes more terror than the dreaded Halfling War Kazoo?

The sound of your stomach gurguling 30 minutes after takeoff on a 5 hour flight?

Especially after eating Haribo sugar free gummie bears.

2016-01-30, 02:29 PM
The sound of your stomach gurguling 30 minutes after takeoff on a 5 hour flight?

Especially after eating Haribo sugar free gummie bears.

Your tiny pretzels shall not avail you here, Flame of Udun!

2016-01-30, 03:54 PM
What are some cool or fun things you can do with a bard? What's your favorite build multiclassed or straight bars? I have no exp in this class and whated to know what it can do.

I'm having a little of fun using suggestion and hypnotic pattern in our game, it's fun turning enemies into allies in mid combat, or stunning a whole group.

2016-01-31, 10:01 AM
Is there a sound which causes more terror than the dreaded Halfling War Kazoo?

Kender saying "I'm bored"? Or just the sound of Kender in your general vicinity

2016-01-31, 10:10 AM
Brooks from One Piece post time skip seems like a badass bard. If you wanted a fictional example.

2016-01-31, 10:34 AM
Bard with the knight background (noble variant) for the 3 followers. You convince the DM to allow them to be amateur musicians, who are training under you during your adventures. You are the maestro. ''Musical instrument'' proficiency: Baton.

There are also some fun builds about str bards (maybe with a dip in barbarian, not sure...) who can work as exceptional grapplers and athletes. Just make sure you dont forget to sing the eye of the tiger if playing one such build.

(I've seen both these ideas mentioned here and there)

2016-01-31, 10:56 AM
I played a bard as a standup comic. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter was my go-to, and I used an enchanted wand named Mic for my focus. When I reduced someone to 0 with Vicious Mockery it was agreed that they broke down in tears.

2016-01-31, 03:10 PM
sugar free gummie bears.

sounds like a waste of good candy.

2016-01-31, 03:35 PM
sounds like a waste of good candy.

Not at all, apparently they tasted fine, they just had bad side effects.

The Amazon and Youtube reviews are hilarious.

2016-02-01, 09:33 AM
some fun builds about str bards (maybe with a dip in barbarian

I read that as "strip bard" and thought "What, is that Dita von Teese in +2 black leather?"

2016-02-01, 10:39 AM
As a bard, your responsibility is to be good company for the real heroes, and to spread tales of their heroism throughout the land. Also, cooking up harebrained schemes to convince the nobles to give you cool stuff generally help you.

You may not be a rockstar in combat, but when your party shows up in a tavern in Darrowshire and everyone is all "Hey, that's the Order of the BAMFs! Give them free drinks!!" then you'll know your job is done.

2016-02-01, 10:47 AM
I'll just leave this here...


But seriously as a cantrip you can insult someone so badly they get hurt... thats awesome.:smallbiggrin:

2016-02-01, 11:42 AM
Last night my party's bard cast Dissonant Whispers on a minotaur with 3hp left. I ruled that he made a bird call and gave the minotaur, who was terrified of birds, a heart attack.

2016-02-01, 05:31 PM
I can.

Try a 6'8" powerfully built man in a kilt and moderately armored upper body armed with a claymore who blows a battle horn then shouts some thing corny before wading into bloody combat. After the combat he tends to the wounded with the magic of his ancestors, and later on tells stories of the glories of the battle around the feasting hall. That's a valor bard.

Don't play to the cliche. ;-)

2016-02-01, 07:10 PM
Lore Bard with high Cha, Dex, Int - Noble background, Human Variant (Spell Initiate: Bard) - so he's a storyteller and collector of stories, and not the big combat monster mostly because I had him focus almost exclusively on enchantment and illusion (sleep, tasha's hideous laughter, dissonant whispers, suggestion) - but it's all about how you play them rather than optimizing a build.

I play the Bard as a fill-in character, able to step up with minor heals and some utility spells when things get logjammed or out of sorts, and still hit things when that's needed. So far he's proved capable of assisting despite the enchantment school self-imposed limitation. I have yet to get into a combat or situation where I am left with no options.

2016-02-02, 03:26 AM
I played a Bard in the Icewind Dale campaign, and it was pretty good. Party face, healer, support, control, thievery, backup damage guy in a pinch, Gets more versatile the more smaller the party gets. If the party is bigger, a Cha-build is preferable in my opinion, buffing the face, support and control aspects.

And I don't even mention the roleplaying hooks it can provide. You can be a badass warrior poet, a classic swashbuckler, a wizened loremaster, an elven seductress, a nordic skald, etc.

2016-02-02, 05:07 AM
What are some cool or fun things you can do with a bard? What's your favorite build multiclassed or straight bars? I have no exp in this class and whated to know what it can do.
Take two levels paladin. Go valor and be a martial.

Be a bard with undead / necromancy

Go for spells as hideous laughter and make bad puns

Sir cryosin
2016-02-02, 08:04 PM
Take two levels paladin. Go valor and be a martial.

Be a bard with undead / necromancy

Go for spells as hideous laughter and make bad puns

I already make bad puns are table loves to make them. If it's really bad that it funny are DM will sometimes give us inspiration

Yuki Akuma
2016-02-02, 08:25 PM
1. You can type 'badass'. It's not filtered by the forum.

2. You're meant to replace the letter s with the number 5, jeez.

2016-02-02, 09:32 PM
IRL example of a badass bard: Julie D'Aubigny

She was a 17th-century bisexual French opera singer and fencing master who killed or wounded at least ten men in life-or-death duels, performed nightly shows on the biggest and most highly-respected opera stage in the world, and once took the Holy Orders just so that she could sneak into a convent and bang a nun.
