View Full Version : Pathfinder Lets destroy a plane (and what would happen if we did?)

2016-01-30, 02:06 PM
It has been established it has been done in the past, so too much it be possible to do now. Entire planes were said to have been destroyed in the war between the titans and the gods.

So, why do I bring this up? Well, a thought experiment. What would happen to the rest of the great beyond if any one of the existing planes was destroyed? And, if one has a notion as to how a plane could be destroyed, that too can be discussed.

Milo v3
2016-01-30, 08:28 PM
Well Asura, Daemons and Hudun would probably be very pleased if planes started to be destroyed...

As for an actual method you could try killing all of the Danava Pillars of the plane, which should start to unravel the plane, then get hekatonkheires to physically smash through the already weakened planar boundaries of that plane.

2016-01-30, 10:14 PM
Well Asura, Daemons and Hudun would probably be very pleased if planes started to be destroyed...

As for an actual method you could try killing all of the Danava Pillars of the plane, which should start to unravel the plane, then get hekatonkheires to physically smash through the already weakened planar boundaries of that plane.

Well, it might depend upon the plane.

The Material Plane: Yes. I would assume so for their hatred of life.
The Positive Energy Plane: No more souls being produced, but... I think they would find this positive.
Hell/Abaddon/Negative Energy Plane, respectively: I don't know that they would be pleased with that.
The Astral Plane: Life would continue, most likely, but.. The inner and outer planes would be separated.

Edit; ...The Hundun now have to be one of my favorite creatures. Thank you for invoking them.

Milo v3
2016-01-30, 10:34 PM
Well, it might depend upon the plane.

Hell/Abaddon/Negative Energy Plane, respectively: I don't know that they would be pleased with that.
Well, Asuras hate anything relating to gods, so they'd be happy that divine realms are broken. While the daemons and hundun are omnicidal, so they should be pleased even if there own realm is utterly annihilated.

The Astral Plane: Life would continue, most likely, but.. The inner and outer planes would be separated.
Well, all planes would be completely isolated since even going ethereal requires crossing over to the astral for a split second iirc, and teleportation stops working (which is the general method of travel outsiders it seems based on how many have at-will teleport SLA's). Now, positive energy gets to the material plane through portals in the suns, but now those portals wont work, so everything on the material dies as well.

2016-01-30, 10:59 PM
Well, Asuras hate anything relating to gods, so they'd be happy that divine realms are broken. While the daemons and hundun are omnicidal, so they should be pleased even if there own realm is utterly annihilated.

Granted. Though, can the negative energy plane be said truly to be the Hundun's realm, or simply their only remotely liked plane in all of reality, given they aren't from any plane of reality.

Well, all planes would be completely isolated since even going ethereal requires crossing over to the astral for a split second iirc, and teleportation stops working (which is the general method of travel outsiders it seems based on how many have at-will teleport SLA's). Now, positive energy gets to the material plane through portals in the suns, but now those portals wont work, so everything on the material dies as well.

Granted. That.. actually would be a pretty effective way of shutting things down. Though here is one.. what if one destroyed the Boneyard?

2016-01-31, 12:15 AM
Destroy a plane?


Milo v3
2016-01-31, 12:41 AM
Granted. That.. actually would be a pretty effective way of shutting things down. Though here is one.. what if one destroyed the Boneyard?
Sahkil would be very pleased with the destruction of all the foolish psychopomps, souls would likely be trapped in the ethereal. Night hags, sahkil and astradaemons would have a never ending banquet to feed upon while Monadic Deva try to keep them at bay. Probably get a giant influx of ectoplasmic creatures, ghosts, unfettered phantoms, and spiritualists. Non-elemental Outsider numbers would cease to grow without the influx of petitioners. Aeon might try to bring groups of people back to life to counterbalance the increase of undead, which leads to inevitables being sent to stop the aeons. Non-spell reincarnation would cease, so samsarans will die out.

Though, I do have to say my knowledge of the boneyard is limited since I don't know golarion fluff.

2016-01-31, 12:53 AM
Destroy a plane?


Yes. Yes we are. Well, I am anyways.

Sahkil would be very pleased with the destruction of all the foolish psychopomps, souls would likely be trapped in the ethereal. Night hags, sahkil and astradaemons would have a never ending banquet to feed upon while Monadic Deva try to keep them at bay. Probably get a giant influx of ectoplasmic creatures, ghosts, unfettered phantoms, and spiritualists. Non-elemental Outsider numbers would cease to grow without the influx of petitioners. Aeon might try to bring groups of people back to life to counterbalance the increase of undead, which leads to inevitables being sent to stop the aeons. Non-spell reincarnation would cease, so samsarans will die out.

Though, I do have to say my knowledge of the boneyard is limited since I don't know golarion fluff.

That does seem to be a reasonable conclusion. I suppose the last ones I wonder about is if an elemental plane were destroyed (lets say.. the elemental plane of fire for example) and what would happen if the abyss was destroyed (In the fact that not only is it a destination for souls to be sent, but it is the outer shell of reality).

Milo v3
2016-02-01, 12:57 AM
Yes. Yes we are. Well, I am anyways.

That does seem to be a reasonable conclusion. I suppose the last ones I wonder about is if an elemental plane were destroyed (lets say.. the elemental plane of fire for example) and what would happen if the abyss was destroyed (In the fact that not only is it a destination for souls to be sent, but it is the outer shell of reality).
Elemental Plane of Fire
Let see... going off the theory that inner planes provide the material for the material plane, heat would cease to be created. Fires wouldn't start, cease stars would cease, the molten cores of planets would cool removing their magnetic fields, planets orbits would be ruined, most creaturse and plants would freeze to death (some creatures would survive). On the plus side umm.... slavery would be down by a giant amount with the loss of efreet?

The Abyss
I'm not sure if the qqlipoth would be pleased or annoyed, since it would destroy the demons and possibly give them true access to the world.... but it would annihilate the abyss which they like. Proteans would be immensely pleased with the influx of chaos, hundun would appreciate the bringing of so much nothingness. The forces of Law would probably try and step in and create some sort of obstruction around existence, like a giant wall made of soulstuff to try and keep the "not far realm" out, but there would be the massive hole in the wall on the maelstrom edge so "not far realm" stuff could just flood in. Axis and Hell would probably be devastated, and maelstroms close proximity to the boneyard means that the souls of the dead could be tainted and perverted rather than sent to their rightful afterlife.

2016-02-01, 01:50 AM
Elemental Plane of Fire
Let see... going off the theory that inner planes provide the material for the material plane, heat would cease to be created. Fires wouldn't start, cease stars would cease, the molten cores of planets would cool removing their magnetic fields, planets orbits would be ruined, most creaturse and plants would freeze to death (some creatures would survive). On the plus side umm.... slavery would be down by a giant amount with the loss of effete?

Well.. not as bad as the destruction of the Plane of Air, or Plane of Water, at least not as quick. Though the Plane of Earth would have an interesting effect I suppose.

The Abyss
I'm not sure if the qqlipoth would be pleased or annoyed, since it would destroy the demons and possibly give them true access to the world.... but it would annihilate the abyss which they like. Proteans would be immensely pleased with the influx of chaos, hundun would appreciate the bringing of so much nothingness. The forces of Law would probably try and step in and create some sort of obstruction around existence, like a giant wall made of soulstuff to try and keep the "not far realm" out, but there would be the massive hole in the wall on the maelstrom edge so "not far realm" stuff could just flood in. Axis and Hell would probably be devastated, and maelstroms close proximity to the boneyard means that the souls of the dead could be tainted and perverted rather than sent to their rightful afterlife.

Now wouldn't this be interesting for a quest to send a powerful good party to do? Wipe out all most all of demon kind for good in one fell stroke, if one can find which layer the pillar was on. Just.. don't tell them the catch and hope no one from the other planes catches on before it is too late.

Edit:.. I wonder then what would happen to the world wound. On one hand, where it hooks up to is destroyed so its possible that nothing would still flow through (whether or not something spectacular happened while the abyss was being ripped apart). On the other, maybe the door would remain open, but open to what ever took its place. I'd bet on the former, but the latter... It could make things far more dangerous/interesting.