View Full Version : Making a level 1 Assassin?

2016-01-30, 02:27 PM
I recently got a few books and adventures on DnD 3.5. My only experience with DnD is around 2 years ago when I bought a starter set. I have yet to finish a campaign lol. Point is i've always played a rogue and I found out you can make an assassin. Problem is you had to level up a bit. Is there any build for an assassin with a fresh new character sheet?

2016-01-30, 02:53 PM
I recently got a few books and adventures on DnD 3.5. My only experience with DnD is around 2 years ago when I bought a starter set. I have yet to finish a campaign lol. Point is i've always played a rogue and I found out you can make an assassin. Problem is you had to level up a bit. Is there any build for an assassin with a fresh new character sheet?

Not from the PHB/DMG rules.

That said, there are plenty of ways that you and your DM could work around that - homebrewing Assassin into a 20-level base class, houseruling Assassin's prerequisites away (it would be strong, but not too crazy as a level 1 class) or digging around for existing Assassin-as-base-class homebrew/3rd party content (Mongoose Publishing's Assassin Handbook already did that, if I recall correctly).

(Edit: I don't. :/ It was Green Ronin.)

2016-01-30, 02:56 PM
Otherwise, it's not quite an "Assassin" but Swordsage could fit the bill very nicely.
From Tome of Battle.

2016-01-30, 03:38 PM
I recently got a few books and adventures on DnD 3.5. My only experience with DnD is around 2 years ago when I bought a starter set. I have yet to finish a campaign lol. Point is i've always played a rogue and I found out you can make an assassin. Problem is you had to level up a bit. Is there any build for an assassin with a fresh new character sheet?

The concept, or the specific PRC? The former, yes. The latter, no. The prereqs don't allow you to enter before 6, barring egregious cheese (Like temporary lycanthropy+self-qualification, or Polymorph+dusk giant+psychic reformation). However, the concept of a sneaky killer can start at level 1, using Rogue Swordsage as a base.

Da Beast
2016-01-31, 05:30 AM
If Pathfinder material is allowed check out the slayer on the pfsrd. It's a rogue ranger hybrid that basically comes out to an assassin base class.

2016-01-31, 09:16 AM
Ask your DM to ignore the requirements. Assassin isn't actually a good enough class to bear being a prestige class. If you get above level 10, take Arcane Trickster levels and work the casting out.

2016-01-31, 09:48 AM
Ask your DM to ignore the requirements. Assassin isn't actually a good enough class to bear being a prestige class. If you get above level 10, take Arcane Trickster levels and work the casting out.
Or possibly adjust the casting to match the Ranger and Paladin. (Painful as that is). Or at least Bard. They have a pretty decent list, especially with splats, and it would probably be a bit much to have full casting, full sneak attack and all the rest.

Otherwise, I think the Psychic Rogue (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) is the closest base class to the Assassin, with sneak attacks and minor magic off a focused list. You could easily replace their list with the Assassin's and it would work pretty well. (With each level of spell starting at, oh, 0/day and scaling up to 4/day at a speed of +1 slot/level)

2016-02-01, 06:01 PM
There's also a variant rakshassa in one of the books (I forget which) that meets all the entry requirements for Assassin racially

2016-02-01, 06:19 PM
Ask your DM to ignore the requirements. Assassin isn't actually a good enough class to bear being a prestige class. If you get above level 10, take Arcane Trickster levels and work the casting out.

What I was going to propose was something like this, but lets not throw out the requirements exactly.

Require that they work towards meeting the prerequisites as they advance.

For instance, under pathfinder;
At 1st level, you must reach Disguise 1 rank and Stealth 1 rank. Additionally you must be evil. it is assumed you already killed someone.

At 2nd level, you must reach Disguise 2 ranks and Stealth 2 ranks.

At 3rd/4th/5th level, you must reach Stealth 3/4/5 ranks.

Afterwards, your skill points are yours to spend in their entirety.

Under 3.5, if memory serves, this would function similarly given its prerequisites.

On another note, the blackguard could be used as such, given 3.5's rules;
At 1st level you must have; A Strength score of 13+, Power Attack, Hide 4 ranks, and Religion 2 ranks. (Or as much as one can manage given one's skill points; 2+Intx4 for 1st level.) It is assumed your contact with an evil outsider occurred previously

Your next two feats must be spent on Cleave and Improved Sunder, whenever they would be attained.

2016-02-01, 09:42 PM
Or possibly adjust the casting to match the Ranger and Paladin. (Painful as that is). Or at least Bard. They have a pretty decent list, especially with splats, and it would probably be a bit much to have full casting, full sneak attack and all the rest.

Otherwise, I think the Psychic Rogue (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) is the closest base class to the Assassin, with sneak attacks and minor magic off a focused list. You could easily replace their list with the Assassin's and it would work pretty well. (With each level of spell starting at, oh, 0/day and scaling up to 4/day at a speed of +1 slot/level)
If you are going Psychic Rogue, check out the Ebon Saint PrC. It's basically the Psionic version of the Assassin.

2016-02-01, 10:02 PM
There's also a variant rakshassa in one of the books (I forget which) that meets all the entry requirements for Assassin racially
Er, there aren't really requirements races can cheat around. All you need is points in some stealthy people skills. Races can't really help you with that . Nothing but egregious cheese can. The only way to get skill points from race alone would be to have RHD, which would make them above level 1 as characters (in addition to whatever LA they have).

2016-02-01, 10:31 PM
This is exactly what they have. And the race explicitly states you can start them off with just assassin levels. Besides, the op just asked. how to get into it. with a fresh clean character sheet. They can. At least, as clean as can be expected of a character