View Full Version : 3rd Ed Questions on Some Custom Items

2016-01-30, 04:26 PM
I am running a 3.5 version of World's Largest Dungeon. The party is currently LVL 7.

By their choice (not mine), they are clearing every section of the dungeon. For this reason, I'm not calculating XP. Instead, they level when they complete an area, or at an otherwise appropriate time. I made a mistake early on by giving them over WBL to start, then not limiting the treasure drops from the dungeon. I also made a houserule that the entry room has a sled that allows non-living things (ie treasure, dead bodies) to travel out, but living (or undead) turn to gooey paste if they try to use the sled. This allows the PCs to sell unused items and get items they want. (I'm using the DMG recommended sell at 50%, buy at 100%.) For both of these reasons, the party is well geared, and well over WBL. (They have over 30,000 of stuff.) Since I realized how much wealth they have, I've been limiting treasure drops to try to bring them back. (Between LVL 8 and 9, they will be back within guidelines.)

Halfling Cleric/Divine Oracle
Human Fighter 4/Barbarian 3
Human Monk 2/Kundala 5 (Monk-like class from BoEF)
Human (I think) Ninja 7, but not the Ninja from CAdv. It's from a 3rd party book and is a cross between CAdv Ninja and Rogue. For all practical purposes, he's a Rogue with a little spell-casting

A few sessions ago, the FGT/BARB died. The party managed to get the 10,000 gold to raise her, but it took much of their unsold treasure and the gold they were saving. One of the players (who happens to be my wife) complained to me away from game that by limiting treasure, I'm limiting their ability to pay to bring back dead PCs. Her original idea (mentioned to the rest of the players) is that the party split all treasure 5 ways, creating a Res-fund. I pointed out that, given the sell rate, if I drop 10,000 gold of stuff, that would put 1000 in their Res-fund. Her next idea is "Resurrection Tokens." They have no gold value, but are good for 1 Resurrection. I can drop these as treasure, allowing the party to res a dead PC without worrying about the fact I'd have to drop 100,000 gold of treasure in order to get 10,000 into their Res-fund. I am inclined to go with this idea, but wanted to get thoughts from neutral parties on the item before I put them into the game.

Also, I am thinking about dropping customized items for the PCs. They would be worth a nice amount of gold, but the power level is one I've chosen, rather than let the PCs go crazy.
FGT/BARB: An item that boosts STR and CON, since I realized that I forgot to give her that when I built the character
CLC/DO: +2 to WIS, and +1 to caster level when casting Divination spells
Monk/Kundala: Item that allows the user to change the damage of their unarmed strike from bludgeoning to either piercing or slashing (player's choice)

The Ninja has taken gear directly from previous drops, so I am less concerned with giving him a specific item.

Thoughts on those items?

2016-01-30, 04:46 PM
FGT/BARB: An item that boosts STR and CON, since I realized that I forgot to give her that when I built the character
CLC/DO: +2 to WIS, and +1 to caster level when casting Divination spells
Monk/Kundala: Item that allows the user to change the damage of their unarmed strike from bludgeoning to either piercing or slashing (player's choice)

The Ninja has taken gear directly from previous drops, so I am less concerned with giving him a specific item.

Thoughts on those items?

According to the Magic Item Compendium, the STR/CON is very feasible: you just have to add the price of the STR modification to the price of the CON modification.

The WIS item has the Periapt of Wisdom as a base, but I don't know a current magical effect that can replicate the effective caster level increase.

As per the monk's item, there's a feat that does that (from the Player's Handbook II, I think). So it's very feasible.

My point is, as long as you don't plan to set a selling price for the items, the effects are more than reasonable.

2016-01-30, 04:53 PM
Lots of the god-specific holy symbols (which can actually be used by those that neither worship that god nor use a divine focus) grant +1 to CL on specific schools for 300 GP, and are I believe mundane so they don't take up a slot even if you wear them in one.

2016-01-30, 06:16 PM
Cleric could use the Revenance/Revivify spell combo, basically resurrection for 1000gp