View Full Version : Player Help Ilussion casting Fae

2016-01-30, 08:07 PM
So a friend of mine has decided to try his hand at being the DM for the first time and has let us know that alot of what is going to be happening in his game will be set in and around a city that is much like I believe it was Novigrad from the witcher 3. He has also told us that none of our characters can be human because alot of the game is going to involve the way the larger human population of the city is starting to turn violently racist and even starting to kill non humans. So I got this idea for a fae like character that would use illusion magics as his go to form of magic, does anyone have any good race ideas for this? I would like something that does look very Fae/Fairy in nature and it would have to be from 3.5 as that is the edition we are running.

2016-01-30, 08:26 PM
So a friend of mine has decided to try his hand at being the DM for the first time and has let us know that alot of what is going to be happening in his game will be set in and around a city that is much like I believe it was Novigrad from the witcher 3. He has also told us that none of our characters can be human because alot of the game is going to involve the way the larger human population of the city is starting to turn violently racist and even starting to kill non humans. So I got this idea for a fae like character that would use illusion magics as his go to form of magic, does anyone have any good race ideas for this? I would like something that does look very Fae/Fairy in nature and it would have to be from 3.5 as that is the edition we are running.

Well, the pixie seems perfect for you. It's LA+4 and 1HD, but it's small, flies, has 'greater invisibility' at will, and 'permanent image' 1/day.


2016-01-30, 08:37 PM
So I got this idea for a fae like character that would use illusion magics as his go to form of magic, does anyone have any good race ideas for this? I would like something that does look very Fae/Fairy in nature and it would have to be from 3.5 as that is the edition we are running.

Pixies are a good choice, as mentioned above. There is a low LA race in MM V, the Jaebrin, which are fey and advance in class levels. I believe their favored class is beguiler, which has amongst its arcane repertoire, illusions. Lot's of them.

2016-01-30, 09:00 PM
Honestly gnomes with just some of the fluff taken from pathfinder would be perfect for what you're describing, and with no level adjustment or weird savage species progressions.

2016-01-30, 10:05 PM
Half Fey - lots of Enchantment type SLAs, Flight and stat mods for LA+2

Changeling - in 3.5 fluff this is half doppleganger/half human, but in myth these are fae.
Also, LA 0
These get limited shapechange and build a Beguiler / Sorcerer / Wizard for everything else.

2016-01-31, 12:15 AM
Thanks guys I am loving these suggestions but with some new stuff I have been told I might need a different race. So I am hoping to find a race that with a few well used illusions could well hopefully appear close enough to human to well, not get hung.

2016-01-31, 04:57 AM
Thanks guys I am loving these suggestions but with some new stuff I have been told I might need a different race. So I am hoping to find a race that with a few well used illusions could well hopefully appear close enough to human to well, not get hung.

If you still want a fey PC and the setting is not friendly towards non humans, I would still try a Jaebrin. Depending on starting level for the party and if you choose to go beguiler, Jaebrins would have access to Disguise as a class skill. If you buy a masterwork tool, that's an extra +2 to the check.

The +2 to charisma should give you an added boost to said check.

According to their entry, Jaebrins look like elves, except for their vicious looking jaws, but a disguise check + spells should make you look, if not as a human, perhaps as a half elf and with good use of Bluff (another Beguiler class skill), you should be able to convince any raised eyebrows in town that you are actively embracing your human side to "fit in".

The Viscount
2016-01-31, 12:56 PM
I agree that Jaebrin fits quite well, as does Changeling.

You can also go with Feytouched, only +1 LA for Immunity to Mind affecting effects.

2016-01-31, 01:14 PM
The Glamer is an ECL 11 (which includes 8 racial HD, if I remember correctly) creature that has a butt-ton of At-Will Illusion SLA's (seriously, there's like 20 or so there), and the ability to Persist one of them every hour. I made a thread about optimizing them a few weeks ago.

2016-01-31, 01:27 PM
Jaebrin Beguiler is a classic. And that bite is just nasty, as is the whole "whoops, you thought that sleep affected me, nope, sorry, have a sleep right back but STRONGER. By the way, I have your coin purse."

2016-01-31, 08:13 PM
You could also be a human with the LA+0 'unseelie fey' template from Dragon 304... You'd be mostly human, with the possibility of looking a bit off. You also roll on a wing chart, and there's a 50% chance you'd get either vestigial wings or no wings (or you could cut your wings off, I guess it depends on how desperate you are to fit in).

2016-02-01, 03:32 AM
The Jaebrin...I really don't think I spelled that right what book is that in? Also the unseelie template what book is that in? I know this might be a little telling on my part but I have never really used illusions before when I normally run spell caster it is more offense the things like Illusions, so is Beguiler a good class for them and what book is it in?

2016-02-01, 03:43 AM
Beguiler - PH2

Also, Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2322).

2016-02-01, 05:36 AM
Also the unseelie template what book is that in?

Dragon 304 is the issue number of Dragon Magazine that the template is found in. It's also the first thing that comes up in a google search for unseelie fey template, although posting that link isn't allowed.

2016-02-01, 06:15 AM
The Jaebrin...I really don't think I spelled that right what book is that in? Also the unseelie template what book is that in? I know this might be a little telling on my part but I have never really used illusions before when I normally run spell caster it is more offense the things like Illusions, so is Beguiler a good class for them and what book is it in?

The Jaebrin is a fey in Monster Manual V. It has no racial hit dice, instead advancing through class levels, with Beguiler being its favored class.

The Unseelie Fey template can be found with a quick google search, although I am uncertain if the template is 3.0 or 3.5.

As mentioned above, Beguiler can be found in PHB 2. If you are familiar with the warmage from Complete Arcane, the beguiler has a similar concept, but rather than have entire known lists of explosive damaging spells, the beguiler focuses mostly on Illusions and Enchantments, plus some very good class features that make it very sneaky.