View Full Version : Skull and Shackles Group A

2016-01-31, 05:51 PM
You wake up in the morning in the dark hold of the Wormwood. You all remember the night before the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, the scents of rich stewed meat and perfume lingering in their nostrils. You all have a splitting headache, your mouths tainted by the after taste of cheap wine,the hard floor. A rhythmic creaking noise, and the feeling of the room swaying, as if they were still drunk. You managed to get on your feet before several pairs of heavy footsteps enter the dark room, and the harsh light of a lantern painfully spears the PCs’ eyes.
Master Scourge, the Wormwood’s boatswain, master-at-arms, and infamous disciplinarian, has entered the hold to wake the PCs and get them up to the main deck. Six rough-looking Wormwood pirates, armed with saps, accompany him. An expression that might be mistaken for pain but which is clearly an attempt at a smile bruises Scourge’s face as he cracks the whip in his hand and screams at the PCs. "“Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!” As you reach for your weapons you realize that you are missing most if not all your equipment.
DC 10 perception
DC 10 knowledge nature
DC 10 Intelligence check
OOC link http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?476989-Skull-and-Shackles-Group-A&p=20369184#post20369184

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-01, 06:49 AM
[roll]1d20+9Knowledge Nature
[roll0] Int

Franziska glanced around, but failed to glean much useful information as she focused on Psionic ally charging herself, causing her eyes and tattoo to glow faintly.

"For what meaning is this? I was enjoying a few rounds at the bar and then I get kidnapped into a ship." She complains accurately, but her small stature is one that would lead to several people mistaking her for a child.

2016-02-01, 04:56 PM
Corbin Blackburne

Corbin winces at the loud noise, the throbbing around his empty eyesocket blisteringly intense after this particularly rude awakening. He runs his hands down his shirt and straightens his patch, yawning deeply. Only then does he acknowledge the man standing before him. "Seems you don't know who I am, mate.", he begins to say, "And seems you don't know me."

His face splits into a smile as he spreads his arms, "I'm Corbin Blackburne, savvy? I'll take your name now, and as it's out there, a sausage."

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll1]

And I'll also roll a Knowledge (Local) check to see if I recognize the name of the captain
Knowledge (Local) [roll3]

2016-02-01, 07:11 PM
"Ugh, me bloody 'ead." Thyra may have been standing, but it took a few extra moments for anything like "waking up" to actually start. She winced at the light, running her tongue around the inside of her mouth in a vain attempt to get it to taste like something other than three copper blackberry wine. "What's this nonsense?" It took a moment for her mind to process the screaming human and the rocking boat. "Aw, **** me twice, we've been pressed." That snapped her out of her funk, or at least pushed the roaring hangover to the back of her mind for a moment. She took a look around. No axe. That made things simple, if not good.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]
Raw Int: [roll2]

2016-02-01, 11:21 PM
Wrugga stirs at the sound of his fellow captives awakening, and rights himself with a phlegmy groan. He grips his skull in both hands, grumbling to himself in pain until at last his deep-set eyes open and settle on Scourge and his gang.

Saying nothing, he rolls to his feet -- gaining just a foot or so of height in the process -- and warily surveys the assembled party. Patting his pockets and discovering his equipment missing, he grimaces and finally makes himself known with a hoarse intoning.

"Who're you bastards?" he barks, looking between his new "shipmates."

Perception: [roll0]
Int: [roll1]

2016-02-02, 10:59 AM
Wayland shakes his head, groggy. He surveys the room, taking in each person in turn. It seems the void has brought me here. He gazes out of any porthole that might be around, momentarily losing himself in the steady bobbing of the ship. However, his head whips around at the bark of the man with the whip. As the cruel instrument swishes, Wayland feels a a slight dizzy spell. But it passes almost as quickly as it came. The Spheres. They Sing.


2016-02-02, 11:33 AM
For those who pass
Perception: You detect the after taste of oily nutmeg and recall that you had spiced rum and food that would have masked this taste.
Knowledge(nature) You would recognize that the taste of oily nutmeg is a clear sign of oil taggit poisoning.(a poison that puts someone to sleep for some hours)
Intelligence Check:You recall seeing Master Scourge's face at the pub last night during the festivities.
Master Scourge hits corbin with the whip [roll0] of nonlethal damage then the pirates push your way up the stairs. The first thing is the bright sun blinding for a moment to hit your eyes you adjust you vision to see you are on a massive ship from front to end 125 feet long. Most of the crew stands waiting looking to the upper deck at the back side of the boat, you around you fourteen pirates including the 6 that were from below. The five of you can easily notice another four individuals who show clear signs of being recent "recruits" a female human, a female halfling, a male human and a male gnome.

The Female Human
The Female Halfling
The Male Human
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtgyknycosvi6ox/Crimson%20Cogward.png dl=0
The Male gnome

However before you can get a steal a moment to catch yourself two men approach the upper deck balcony, one standing before the crew is the captain and the other standing at his side is the first mate.The captain addresses the crew, " Glad Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for ‘volunteering’ to join my crew. I’m Barnabas Harrigan. That’s Captain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you’ll ever need to address me. I have only one rule—don’t speak to me. I like talk, but I don’t like your talk. Follow that rule and we’ll all get along fine. “Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we’re still short-handed, and aim to keep what crew I have. There’ll be a keelhaulin’ for anyone caught killin’ anyone." He leans his head to the right as he talks about his first mate, "Mr. Plugg! If you’d be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it’ll save me having to put them in the sweat box for a year and a day before I make pies out of ’em.” As he complete his speech the captain walks away from the upper balcony leaving view, and the first mate you notice is holding a cat-o'-nine-tails and he looks at your group with a very unnerving smile. The entire crew disperses on the main deck except the man before with the whip who brought you up here, as your mind has
moment to wander till Mr.Plugg makes his way from the upper deck to stand in front of you. He looks at the man and nods his head, "Thank you Scourge, you are dismissed." Scourge nods his head and leaves, and Mr.plugg smiles, "Well lets see how each of you are going to be useful." He points straight up at the crow's nest, "Your first test is to see which of you are going to be our new rigger to replaced Mr.Magpie. On my mark climb up and the first up wins, and if you do not feel like climbing I will help you find the motivation! NOW CLIMB!" He yells the part.
Captain Barnabas Harrigan:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ppr8t07udxbwfeg/Captain%20Harrigan.png?dl=0
Mr. Plugg: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45opwkotyyokxyu/Mr.Plug.png?dl=0
The climb test: the crow's nest is 60 feet up each of you will try to climb up to the top first. So yeah please roll these in the OOC just because of how many rolls it is.
People at 30 movement will climb at a speed of 8ft /success while a 20 movement character will climb at 5ft/success.
Your options are the following: Climb DC 10, or Bluff to fail on purpose if you are bad at climbing. If you fall while climbing an acrobatics dc 15 can reduce fall damage by 10 feet, when you fall and hit the ground its 1d6 lethal/10 feet.

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-02, 04:36 PM
Franziska takes a look at the post, realizes she COULD just run all the way to the top, but also realizes that she doesn't want to work on deck, so she instead tries to climb, and fails rather horribly. In the same time it would take others to climb 80 ft, she only ever got more than 5 a few times, and quickly fell back to the ground after that.

2016-02-02, 07:56 PM
Tilting his head upward, Wrugga squints at the narrow crows' nest capping the mast. He scratches the bare portion of his skull in contemplation; Quiet, solitary, a simple job, and a good vantage point for watching the deckhands' activities... possibly time to sleep when nobody's looking.

The stocky thug suddenly trundles forward, taking the rope in two thick paws, and begins to climb hand over hand. For being similar in shape to an overgrown badger, he makes surprisingly good progress. Excusing a single slip of his foot, he makes an otherwise steady ascent.

Reaching the apex of the rigging, Wrugga steadies himself with both feet slung through the ropes like a pair of stirrups, craning his neck to see if anyone has beaten him to the top.

2016-02-02, 08:15 PM
You wouldn't credit it, looking at her frame, but Thyra was a capable athlete, strong and steady. What she wasn't was... fast. She doesn't so much as stumble on her way up the rigging, but it's not enough to beat her taller companions to the top.

Taking advantage of the distance between them and Scourge, the dwarf woman swings herself onto the yardarm and gives the human pair a grimace that might have been a smile had she not been hungover and kidnapped by pirates. "Thyra Askel. Who is it I'm 'competin'' wit'?" She leans in conspiratorially. "An' how are we gettin' out o' this rat's nest? 'Cause I'd rather swim for shore than work for this bastard."

2016-02-03, 02:57 PM
Keeping his voice low and his eyes away from his cohorts, Wrugga answers.

"No use fighting twenty men at once," he grumbles, taking a quick peek over the rigging to survey the layout of the ship itself. "Play along and pay attention, I say. We can make a plan once we're in the hold again."

Not sure if it's something I'd have to roll for, but I'd like to see if I can spot a longboat or dinghy or something similar on this ship.
Perception: [roll0]

2016-02-09, 08:15 AM
Mr. plugg watches the new recruits climb, some would succeed or show promise and some would fall and he would cackle in a hoarse tone. He point up at Wrugga and says, "That makes you the new rigger, good for you." He then point at the two of you ladies not sitting in the crow's nest, "So the second test is simple who wants to be the cook's assistant, if neither of you volunteers i will volunteer ye."

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-09, 03:06 PM
"You will find few better at cooking then I, so I Volunteer. Franziska said stepping forward from the mast she couldn't get more than a few feet up.

She was of course only average at cooking, but she earnestly believed she was the best for her experiments in making alcohol.

2016-02-09, 03:37 PM
"You want it? Go ahead. I burned a bowl o' gruel once. Flames n' all." Thyra's voice is dismissive, but it's obvious the disdain is aimed at Plugg, not Franziska.

2016-02-09, 03:47 PM
Mr plugg nods his head and says "Alright then you go to the back of the ship and report to Ambrose. and that leaves you!" he says the last part pointing at thyra, "You work for Scourge as a swab now go report to him!" Mr scourge is currently yelling at people on the other side of the main deck. Then he turns his attention to Wrugga, "Hey you new rigger come down here for your assignment."

2016-02-09, 05:59 PM
Wrugga peeks his head over the crow's nest, then clambers his way back down the rigging to the deck. He approaches his taskmaster with caution, watching him from the corner of his eyes. "Aye, bosun?" he asks, focusing on a giving convincingly obedient appearance.

2016-02-09, 06:02 PM
Mr. plugg looks at you and points toward the main pulley system to the main sail, "You are on the main sail today, go pull and adjust the sails to my orders as I call out from the upper deck."
Checks DC 10 prof sailor to do the job and a dc10 con check to avoid fatigue.

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-09, 09:12 PM
Franziska quietly moves down to the kitchen where she quickly realizes that the head chef is already drunk off of his ass.

"I am not entirely sure what I expected, but it would seem that we are to be spending time together." She attempted friendly conversation with the fishy guts.

2016-02-09, 10:03 PM
Ambrose isn't drunk actually i rolled a 93 which is 51+ good since he is sober, he will cook tonight's meal rather than you.
Franziska is greeted by a fat man weight over 200 pounds but only 5 feet tall. He walks past you at first then quickly turns around , "Oh hello didn't see ya there. I don't suppose you are the new assistant plugg said he would give me. Come come lets get to know each other over a drink, if we are going to be working together i want to exchange stories with you." He walks into the kitchen lifting up the keg and pours two glasses of rum, he sets down the keg and picks up both glasses and offers one to you.
i am so sorry i copied and pasted from the other group and i missed one detail

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-10, 12:34 AM
Franziska takes one of the glasses, wondering why Balthezar is standing around the kitchen instead of working. "I am glad that we have this much in common." She said as she downed a good bit of the Rum in one drink. "Because other than telling how good a deal you're getting, I am good at drinking and telling stories above all the other things."

2016-02-10, 12:46 AM
Yes first drink the rum for a fort save. and okay give me a diplomacy roll
Ambrose swigs his glass of rum and begins to tell franziska about the ship, " Before i get to your story, allow me to tell you one. I use to the a chief at the the Lobster armil but i get in a fight with a customer and got tossed out. Then I cooked on this ship, but I got greedy and bet my life for Harrigan's gold and I lose so now i am stuck here. Captain Harrigan the most rotten to the core kind of man, his first mate Mr. plugg is a vicious little man. He’d take his own mother’s liver to the butcher to make pies with,he would. They leave me alone, mostly. They know i can't 'arm' em anymore, but i still can do something those sods cant do and thats make a meal. So with that said what is your story?" He looks at you with anticipation

2016-02-10, 03:07 AM
Long days scrambling around her little skiff doing the work of three people have made Thyra surprisingly nimble, and the dwarven woman easily roams up, over and under the Wormwood, carrying orders, tools, and such to and fro. When she finds a spare few minutes, "waiting" on a reply from the distracted ship's carpenter, she ducks far belowdecks, casing out the ship's hold. The hold on a big ship would have dark corners, places few would care to go, places where you could hide things. To say nothing of the actual cargo down there and what she might find.

Unfortunately for Thyra, a long day of tiring work coupled with the stresses of poison, pressgangs, and a night passed out on a hard deck combine to make the usually redoubtable woman practically dead on her feet by the end of the day.

Acrobatics check, DC 10: [roll0]
Con check, DC 10: [roll1]
Day action: Sneak (down in the hold)
Perception check: [roll2]

(Thyra has Eye for Plunder, which gives you 50gp in the form of stashed trade goods from the Wormwood's cargo. I figure I should justify that.)

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-10, 07:05 AM
I made these rolls in the OOC and my dice thread, the fort was a 17, and then I wasn't sure what the 5 meant in there so I rolled an extraneous 4 times... Then I rolled a Nat 20 (for a 23) on diplomancing Kroop, and a 10 on Diplomancing Grok for later

Also, while I am at it, knowledge local to know about the Lobster Amril


"I have a far lest interesting history, born to a family of merchants with supernatural powers, sent to the hell hole that is port peril, and press ganged just last night... The *******s poisoned my Vodka.

"So, I made the best of a bad situation and had myself put where I could get past what my normal 'drawbacks' are and completely threw the climbing challenge." She finished the rest of her mug of rum.

2016-02-10, 12:00 PM
Ambose laughs as he pats his knee, "Heh throwing the climbing challenge eh. Yeah most people tend to do that, since they know dropping off that rigging can kill ya." His personality shifts, "The fact they are gangpressing people to join the crew is because not to long ago most of the crew was lost in a big fight and now harrigan needs people. That stuff about you family, I'm sorry honestly I am not even sure if my family is living anymore." He says that last part with a heavy sigh and pauses for a moment before speaking again, "Now I dont want to know about your powers, those can be a dangerous and scary thing if people dont understand and this is a place of brain dead muscle men not a guild of adventurers. My advice on that dont tell anyone you dont trust wih a dagger near you while you sleep. I think you are good young lady who found yourself in trouble here, but I imagine if i ever had a daughter she would be about your age. If you need help ask me, if you need a spare knive i have a few lying around just please keep your head down for awhile." He says the last part with a few tears in his eyes before he turns around and starts working on dinner.

Lobster Amril is the nicest resturant in port peril and is like a 3 star resturant in the real world. People study for years of cooking to even get a chance to cook for rich customers, making ambrose a very talented man who lost his way after losing his job there.
Thyra down in the hold, you find a loose board under some boxes in the hold containing easily 75 gold in gems, this is possibly the stash of someone who stole on the ship and isnt here anymore since you notice the boxes that sit on the board are coated in a thick layer of dust. No one knows about the gems but you so treasure the moment of triumph as well as the treasure before you.

2016-02-10, 02:16 PM
Wrugga makes his way through the gathered folk on the deck, and finds an empty space at the bottom of the mainmast sail. Wasting no time, he gathers up one of the ropes in his thick hands and slackens it in preparation to trim. He waits for the orders of his taskmaster, and answers every barked command swiftly.

Sailor check: [roll0]
Con check: [roll1]

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-10, 06:22 PM
Franziska debated saying that most of her powers were subtle enough that it would hardly be notable, but she decided against it as she opened what looked like a pantry door in the back of the kitchen... Only to find a half orc in what looked like a trader shack.

"Why hello, I wasn't aware that the ship had any kind of store. I am Franziska, future merchant, and would like to know more about your establishment."

[roll0] appraise on something nearby that looks prominently displayed

2016-02-10, 06:33 PM
The half-orc gives you a cold stare and scoffs, "This is the quartermaster store, where the crew come to spend their gold to buy from our wares. If you are here to demand that your possessions be returned I will only say this once, everything you owned belongs to the Captain now. With that said, what can i do for you?" Shes asks very bluntly.
Nothing looks unusually high in value, just basic gear that were stripped from people in local towns when they are forced to join the crew. You notice a lack of jewelry in here nor anything particularly shiny or fancy.

Gamey Geemer
2016-02-10, 06:52 PM
"I had come here exploring my temporary work place, and I can say that I wasn't expecting the quarter-master's store to be here, though I can hardly see a reason why not if there is no room on the other end of the ship. As for my gear, I only lost a single weapon. I don't have much need for that on board a ship.

"Though I must say, that is the genius business model of the ages. Stripping someone of their wealth and forcing them to pay to get it back. I may no rather little about this Harigan, but he seems to have his eyes on some kind of prize."

2016-02-10, 10:29 PM
Cut-throat looks at you with a confused look, "It's not really for monetary gain but rather its just a control of people not being able to stab you when they are forced to join here. Not until they show they will work and be useful, and I only like the rules because it lowers the number of people dying around here. Now its less likely to die from someone having a weapon, and more likely to die from falling, or caught stealing from me! If you dont have any business here, I am going to tell you to go back to work for now. Also tell Ambrose that I will be late getting back tonight as it's inventory night so I will be here longer than usual." She says the last part a little loud maybe to hope Ambrose hears here with the door cracked open between their two rooms.

2016-02-16, 04:34 AM
After that the hours go by doing your jobs till you hear the ringing of the bell which is understood to mean the work day is over and everyone gathers back on the main deck. A normal size thin and starved looking man tanned from the days in the sun was being held by a couple of larger men as Mr.Plugg announced to the crew, "Well everyone you know what time is it? The Blood Hour! Where we punish the people who don't work, who kill and in the case of Jakes Magpie here stealing. He was caught stealing and now he going to get keelhauled for it, first we have to tie him up." Plugg snaps his fingers as pirates fasten the rope around Jake's waist, then Mr. plugg pulls on the rope to make sure the knots tight and strong. Then he looks back at the crew as the pirates pull the rope and hover Jakes along the ship, Jakes looks out to the crew, "Please dont kill me. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry please dont kill meeee." His cry for help interrupted as he is dropped into the water next to the ship and a minute of silence goes by then after another 12 seconds Jakes is pulled up and lowered onto the deck. The female human who is a newer recruit checks the body and shakes her head, then his body is untied and thrown overboard. Mr. plugg cackles, "Well looks like he didnt make it and let this be a lesson to anyone of you. You cant do anything on this ship without my say so and I say that you work, drink your ration and avoid the captain till you die!"
Checks DC 15 perception, DC 15 Heal check.

After the blood hour the people disperse as ambrose brings in a keg from the kitchen and people start pouring and passing a round of rum rations, everyone starts to drink and Mr. plugg and scourge are drinking as they eyeball the crowd to make certain they drink their rations. You are each handed a mug filled with rum and are hard pressed to drink it, but some of you find that the drink is bad for you and could try to pour it off the ship without being seen.
Check Fort Save 5 or dc 10 stealth. Drinking will cause 1d3-1 con damage and a failed save will make you fatigued losing your night action.While a failed stealth gank is going to be met with lashings. Choose wisely.