View Full Version : Skull and Shackles Group B

2016-01-31, 06:00 PM
You wake up in the morning in the dark hold of the Wormwood. You all remember the night before the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, the scents of rich stewed meat and perfume lingering in their nostrils. You all have a splitting headache, your mouths tainted by the after taste of cheap wine,the hard floor. A rhythmic creaking noise, and the feeling of the room swaying, as if they were still drunk. You managed to get on your feet before several pairs of heavy footsteps enter the dark room, and the harsh light of a lantern painfully spears the PCs’ eyes.
Master Scourge, the Wormwood’s boatswain, master-at-arms, and infamous disciplinarian, has entered the hold to wake the PCs and get them up to the main deck. Six rough-looking Wormwood pirates, armed with saps, accompany him. An expression that might be mistaken for pain but which is clearly an attempt at a smile bruises Scourge’s face as he cracks the whip in his hand and screams at the PCs. "“Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!” As you reach for your weapons you realize that you are missing most if not all your equipment.
DC 10 perception
DC 10 knowledge nature
DC 10 Intelligence check

2016-01-31, 06:25 PM
"I dinnae what's in it, but I don' want thirdsies..."

The moan comes from with a hood worn by a figure, doubled over in the hold. When the door opens, the short man within it raises an arm and hisses, half from the booze, half from instinct.

Still, somehow, Mackel climbs to his feet. His head is spinning, but he can feel the ship shifting beneath his paws; a comforting feeling.

He can also feel his coin purse, his weapons and his general person has been...lightened. At least they left the hood; who knew how his bedfellows might have reacted to waking up next to a Ratman.

Wait a tick. He blinked to clear his head. Even his thoughts felt groggy...
'Did he say Harrigan?

First roll! Wanna use Local Knowledge to see what (if anything) Mackel knows about Harrigan, his ship and/or his crew.


I am not amused, dice gods.

2016-01-31, 07:38 PM
Balthazar opens his eyes slowly, unsure of where exactly he was waking up. Rolling swaying floor, a ship? At least he was in a dark place. Drinking aside, sunshine would make the headache even more excruciating. Clear your head and think, dammit. Last thing he remembered was ordering a drink. He never orders more than one or two in mixed company, but somehow there was a fuzziness in the memory followed by a blackout. Balthazar slowly gets to his feet and surveys the room. A few other lost souls, but nothing else particularly discerning. Bags gone, not that I had much in the first place; no book or rest, so I won't be casting any spells to get out of this mess. What else do I have at disposal... Dane! The tall, thin, dour-looking pale man reaches out empathically to his familiar, receiving a feeling of great concern. Well, there's a relief; not only is Dane alive, but within a mile. Though if we are in a ship, which has a good chance of sailing away from port, Dane won't be flying forever. He tried to emote back some sense of calm and self-control, though the gravity of the situation was made clear when the door was kicked in by an ugly brute.

Worst fears confirmed. "Brilliant, a press gang," Balthazar replies to the speech with a voice that is equal parts sour and sarcastic. He could try breaking through and escaping, but six or seven armed men would present quite the challenge for a weak-framed unarmed master of magic with no spells at disposal, so he opted for the easy way. "Quit your whip cracking, we're moving." As they reach the deck, Balthazar squints at the uncomfortably bright day and looks for sign of his osprey flying about.

Perception check to try to spy my familiar flying around nearby [roll0]

Could you start a thread in the OOC forum for us to chat outside the game and post character sheets for reference, Hybasha?

2016-01-31, 08:55 PM
OOC forum http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?476988-Skull-and-Shackles-Group-B&p=20369176#post20369176

2016-01-31, 09:21 PM
The whole world was upside down, spinning, and exploding. Zyreth wipes the drool and dried ale from his black beard, trying to make sense of the pain, the bright searing light and booming angry voice. He stumbles to his feet...or his knees...maybe the floor is better...

Then his brain finally starts working. Headache. He was at the pub, feeling sorry for himself. He must've drunk himself into a stupor, but this headache...and why is the floor moving? Motion...he must be on a ship. But how did he get there? He opens a weary blue eye, then quickly scrambles to his feet. "I've been press-ganged! But why? I'm not a good target for this! I have nothing spe...." He catches himself, not wanting to lie...or at least not wanting to suffer the consequences. "I am nothing physically special, not built to be a worker..."

Perception: [roll0]
Intelligence: [roll1]

2016-02-01, 05:20 AM
Halone wakes up sweating buckets due to the high heat, and enclosed area. She feels her head glaring with pain, absent memories, and aches of the night before. was I knocked out? She begins to examine her area....

perception:[roll0] Intelligence:[roll1]

2016-02-01, 07:24 AM
Daris slowly wakes to the world. The first feeling that pierces through the veil of unconsciousness is pain. Had he overindulged in alcohol? Or had someone hit him? His surroundings are certainly not familiar, he realizes as he attempts to get to his feet. A near-fall later, he makes a realization. The floor is swaying under him.

Even with his mind hazy as it is, the gears don't take long to turn, and he understands. A ship. Joy... Were he the only one present, and could he see his belongings anywhere nearby, he might have held on to hope that he had merely stowed away in a drunken state. But this seems incredibly unlikely in the present circumstances.

Before he could take the time to center himself in case it came down to a fight, seven men entered, among them being their new disciplinarian, judging from the whips. He took note of the pirates' - for that was clearly what he was dealing with - choice of weapon. They do not seem to have the intent to kill even if he or any of the other unlucky people surrounding him resisted. Not yet, anyway. That's good. That means there's still a chance to avoid further trouble.

He sighs as the disciplinarian's tone makes his ears rings, but gets going, tugging at those among his companions of infortune who lag behind to urge them forward. Best not draw any ire yet. If he gets the chance to convene with them later, maybe they'll have the chance to do something about their situation, but for now, best to just go with the flow.

Perception: [roll0]
Intelligence: [roll1]

2016-02-01, 09:54 AM
For those who pass
Perception: You detect the after taste of oily nutmeg and recall that you had spiced rum and food that would have masked this taste.
Knowledge(nature) You would recognize that the taste of oily nutmeg is a clear sign of oil taggit poisoning.(a poison that puts someone to sleep for some hours)
Intelligence Check:You recall seeing Master Scourge's face at the pub last night during the festivities.
Master Scourge has party go up the stairs first as you feel the unnecessary pushes from the six pirates. The first thing is the bright sun blinding for a moment to hit your eyes you adjust you vision to see you are on a massive ship from front to end 125 feet long. Most of the crew stands waiting looking to the upper deck at the front side of the boat, you around you fourteen pirates including the 6 that were from below. The five of you can easily notice another four individuals who show clear signs of being recent "recruits" a female human, a female halfling, a male human and a male gnome.

The Female Human
The Female Halfling
The Male Human
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtgyknycosvi6ox/Crimson%20Cogward.png dl=0
The Male gnome

However before you can get a steal a moment to catch yourself two men approach the upper deck balcony, one standing before the crew is the captain and the other standing at his side is the first mate.The captain addresses the crew, " Glad Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for ‘volunteering’ to join my crew. I’m Barnabas Harrigan. That’s Captain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you’ll ever need to address me. I have only one rule—don’t speak to me. I like talk, but I don’t like your talk. Follow that rule and we’ll all get along fine. “Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we’re still short-handed, and aim to keep what crew I have. There’ll be a keelhaulin’ for anyone caught killin’ anyone." He leans his head to the right as he talks about his first mate, "Mr. Plugg! If you’d be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it’ll save me having to put them in the sweat box for a year and a day before I make pies out of ’em.” As he complete his speech the captain walks away from the upper balcony leaving view, and the first mate you notice is holding a cat-o'-nine-tails and he looks at your group with a very unnerving smile. The entire crew disperses on the main deck except the man before with the whip who brought you up here, as your mind has
moment to wander till Mr.Plugg makes his way from the upper deck to stand in front of you. He looks at the man and nods his head, "Thank you Scourge, you are dismissed." Scourge nods his head and leaves, and Mr.plugg smiles, "Well lets see how each of you are going to be useful." He points straight up at the crow's nest, "Your first test is to see which of you are going to be our new rigger to replaced Mr.Magpie. On my mark climb up and the first up wins, and if you do not feel like climbing I will help you find the motivation! NOW CLIMB!" He yells the part.
Captain Barnabas Harrigan:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ppr8t07udxbwfeg/Captain%20Harrigan.png?dl=0
Mr. Plugg: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45opwkotyyokxyu/Mr.Plug.png?dl=0
The climb test: the crow's nest is 60 feet up each of you will try to climb up to the top first. So yeah please roll these in the OOC just because of how many rolls it is.
People at 30 movement will climb at a speed of 8ft /success while a 20 movement character will climb at 5ft/success.
Your options are the following: Climb DC 10, or Bluff to fail on purpose if you are bad at climbing. If you fall while climbing an acrobatics dc 15 can reduce fall damage by 10 feet, when you fall and hit the ground its 1d6 lethal/10 feet.

2016-02-01, 10:24 AM
Between Mr. plug and his cat, Halone feels as though her choices are slim. She puts her best foot forward and starts to climb the towering mast.

she made the climb in 9 rounds or 54 seconds.

2016-02-01, 01:57 PM
Looking around at all the others in his situation, he thinks to himself, at least I'm not the only one in this mess. perhaps if...

However, before he could think of anything, he is now being made to climb or suffer the lashings of a mad pirate? A good start to the day. "Well, you see, climbing isn't really my specialty. I could try, but you aren't going to like it."

He begins "trying" to "climb", but is "hilariously unsuccessful". Hopefully this doesn't count as lying...

Bluff [roll0]

2016-02-01, 02:37 PM
Climbing. Mackel grimmaced. He hated climbing.

He glanced at the man and his whip, and decided to learn to like it. He gripped the rope, planted a boot, and started to climb.

...then fell a moment later.

The Ranger hissed out a curse, pulling off his gloves; with luck, everyone would be too busy racing to the top to notice his hands.

Five foot, ten. Fall.

He cursed again, glancing at Mr Plug nervously.
"Ah'm tryin'!" he said quickly. "But it ain't easy with these boots!"

He peeled them off, revealing the rat that were his feet.
Well, there goes the cat, he added to himself, throwing down his hood- maybe he's get lucky, and the sight of a Ratman would undermine his competition.

He placed a foot on the rope, toes curling around it. His lip curled in a grin. Purchase.
'Aye! he thought, grabbing the rope above him. This'll do it!

He fell. Again.
Well, I was drunk, pressganged, and now Ive fallen off a rope. I've been thoroughly humiliated. Wonder if ah can convince 'em this was mah plan all along.

2016-02-01, 02:44 PM
Looking around at all the others in his situation, he thinks to himself, at least I'm not the only one in this mess. perhaps if...

However, before he could think of anything, he is now being made to climb or suffer the lashings of a mad pirate? A good start to the day. "Well, you see, climbing isn't really my specialty. I could try, but you aren't going to like it."

He begins "trying" to "climb", but is "hilariously unsuccessful". Hopefully this doesn't count as lying...

Bluff [roll0]

Mr. plugg tries to see if zyreth is actualy bad at climbing or putting on a ruse.
Mr plugg growls irritated at zyreth and Balthazar, "You lazy sods you arent even trying! Get climbing now before I get motivated to persuade you otherwise!"

2016-02-01, 02:52 PM
Daris frowns as he notices the aftertaste. That explains just about everything.

He observes silently as they're brought in front of the captain. Distasteful fellow, that one, but he bites his tongue, keeping himself from commenting still. It wouldn't be a good idea.

And then... Then they're made to climb. Well, he's had much worse perils that climbing, even out on the street. Without a word, he gets to work. Even when he almost slips halfway through his ascent, he keeps himself from so much as cursing. Stay focused. The danger of falling isn't worth not doing this job.

He maintains his effort, and soon enough, he reaches the crow's nest. Sooner than he'd expected, even. In fact... "Faster than I'd have liked."

2016-02-01, 03:07 PM
Balthazar smacks his dry lips when they can taste the fresh air. The nutmeg flavoring brought back a few memories. Taggit poisoning... wonder if they still have any onboard. He takes another close look at Master Scourge, recognizing the face only a mother could love. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" he calls to Scourge when the man's back is turned, using that droll drawl of a voice.

The man who Balthazar assumes will be his leader for at least some time makes a short speech, and then the sorting begins. Climbing? No, no. That won't do at all. Balthazar takes one step up the rigging and then lets go, angling the fall to land flat on his back. "Oh dear. I appear to have slipped. Perhaps I am not suited for this kind of work," he calls out to no one, but loud enough that Plugg should hear, at least.

2016-02-01, 03:22 PM
Balthazar grunts in distaste at the words of Mr. Plugg, and slowly gets to his feet. Brushing off his clothes before another attempt, he shakes his arms to get the blood flowing (and waste some time) and puts his hands on the rigging. He gives it a really solid effort... for about 8 feet, at which point, he falls again, landing on his stomach on the deck. He does not bother getting up. "I really am not suited for this. Go press gang someone else," he calls from the flat wooden surface.

2016-02-01, 03:30 PM
Mr. plugg watches the new recruits climb, some would succeed or show promise and some would fall and he would cackle in a hoarse tone. He point up at daris and says, "That makes you the new rigger, good for you." He then point at the each of you not sitting in the crow's nest, "So the second test is simple who wants to be the cook's assistant, if no one volunteers i will volunteer ye."

2016-02-01, 03:37 PM
Mackel stumbled back to his paws, mildly amazed that he hadn't hurt himself in the fall. He glanced around at his fellow would-be pirates. Being a cook sounded like it would have it's advantages...

But not for him. He raised a paw nervously into the air.

"I'd volunteer," he said, his voice laced with that strange accept, "'cept I think there might be extenuating circumstances, if ya kin."

Just in case Mr Plugg didn't, though, the ratman plucked a few hairs from his arm, and dropped them to the deck. He smiled crookedly, shrugging helplessly.

"'Course," he added, "they can really help the flavors."

2016-02-01, 03:42 PM
Landing flat on his back, Zyreth swears he hears a horrible crackle in his bones as searing pain shoots through them. He coughs up pain and groans out suffering. "Has...ghrk....anyone seen my stomach? I think I dropped it when I landed...ghwh...but not really because that was a joke..."

He then hears about the chef's assistant position. "That...doesn't involve falling at great heights and breaking your spine in two, does it? That's...that...I might be able to handle that."

2016-02-01, 03:42 PM
Balthazar knows an opportunity when he sees it. "I'll cook you the tastiest gruel you've ever eaten," he says with a wry smile, stepping forward. "And no rat hair to it, either."

2016-02-01, 03:47 PM
Zyreth hears he has competition, and bows out. "Well...I guess...you could be the cook's assistant...it is hard to cook from down here..."

2016-02-01, 04:04 PM
Mr.plugg looks at balathazar and nods his head, "You look clean enough, alright go report to the cook Fish guts!" He points to the back of the ship, " In the back on middle deck you wont miss it, and if the food is awful I am going to skin ya." Then he gestures you to go leave his presence, then he shifts his gaze to Zyreth, Halone and Mackel, "So that leaves you three, you are now swabs now you each have an important job to do as well." He looks up at daris, "Hey you come down here as well so you each will be given your job for today!"

2016-02-01, 04:17 PM
Well... It's official then. He's the rigger. If anyone was going to fall and get hurt, it was him. Heeh... I'll live

He glances down at those still on the deck. They're selecting a cook? Well, he wouldn't have been particularly interested in that position.

As ordered by Mr.Plugg, Daris comes down from the crow's nest - although he takes more time than on the way up, doing his best not to get himself hurt stupidly.

Provided he gets to the ground safely and nods. "Very well."

2016-02-01, 04:25 PM
Mr plugg looks at daris, " I need you to do some rope work, make sure rhe ropes are coiled, stowed then fastened to the cleats!" Then he looks at Maleck and Halone, "There is a large pile of ropes that are all tied together in knots you two get to deal with that." Finally he looks at zyreth, "So i hope you are better at catching rats than you are at climbing, also if you see spiders or beetles kills those as well. Alright you all have your orders move it!" He says the last part raising his voice then goes to the upper deck to supervise the riggers.

2016-02-01, 04:28 PM
Balthazar gives the low, straight-backed bow of a gentleman. "I've no doubt I will deserve it entirely," he says in reply, sarcastic as ever. "I'm sure there's plenty of room for improvement," he mutters to himself while taking his leave of the other poor unfortunate souls. Feisty-looking lot, the lot of them; he supposes he'll get to know some of them soon enough. Balthazar sent Dane a feeling of assuredness now that he was clear of Plugg the Pug's eye. Nice nickname, that. Better spread it around when I get the chance. Dane should be okay. So long as he stayed relatively clear, he could probably sleep in the rigging at night. Balthazar just needs a chance to talk to that fellow who so nimbly climbed the rigging, make sure no one tried to hurt the bird. Plenty of time for that later, though. Oh, what's this? Some trinket? Balthazar picks up a soapstone figurine, a tiny rearing lion, he spies between two barrels and pockets it. Best keep an eye out for loose odds and ends; never know what could be of use in a fight or a bargain. Sometimes both... With that, Balthazar was coming upon what he suspected would be some sort of kitchen.

Just as a reminder, for Balthazar's trait, he picks up 50gp worth of trinkets about ship on his first day.

2016-02-01, 04:37 PM
Zyreth slowly makes it to his feet, but not without a few aches and pains. "Yes, okay....what is my job going to be?" He then learns his job and sighs. "I...might be able to manage that. I'll do my best." After all, he mentally added, You're probably going to kill me otherwise. He'll do his job well enough, but not without looking for an exit strategy, or at least something to make this not a complete waste of time for himself.

2016-02-01, 04:51 PM
Balthazar is greeted by a fat man weight over 200 pounds but only 5 feet tall. He walks past you at first then quickly turns around , "Oh hello didnt see ya there. I dont suppose you are the new assistant plugg said he would give me. Come come lets get to know each other over a drink, if we are going to be working together i want to exchange stories with you." He walks into the kitchen and pours two glasses of rum, he picks up both glasses and offers one to you.
[roll0] if the number is 51+ he is sober if not though you get a free action you will have to cook tonight at a -4
So your cook is or will be wasted after drinking with you and sharing stories he looks like this https://www.dropbox.com/s/6irn9wwmaf42wgw/Ambrose%20Fishguts%20Kroop.png?dl=0

2016-02-01, 04:59 PM
Rope work? Now there was something Mackel could do. A tedious job...but one he was used to, and which would give a chance to get to know his new crew mates.

Before setting off, though, he approached Zyreth. "Listen lad," he said, his voice dropping. "I fell down too, and ya don' see me crying like a babe. But when this is done, how 'bout I see about doing a little go patch you up?"

He grinned. "Jus' try and let a rat or two go, 'stead of killing the wee buggers."

2016-02-01, 05:17 PM
"Nah," Zyreth says, placing a hand on his aching back. "I'm fine, you don't need to patch me up. All I need to do is Cure Light Wounds and I'll be good as new." As he says this, his hand glows with magic, spreading through himself and taking away the edge. "I just don't want to make this easy on the sea monkeys that kidnapped me. If I'm going to be forced into piracy, I'm going to make sure they know it was a mistake to do so."

He winks conspiratorially. "And if that means letting some of the furry passengers wander the ships freely, I don't see a problem with that. I'll focus on the bugs."


2016-02-01, 05:18 PM
Balthazar tries, just barely successfully, to choke back his vomit as he looks upon this disgusting slob of a cook. A mere wiff of the man's breath was nearly enough to floor Balthazar. Bright sides, Bal. Bright sides. The room was dim; he had that going for him. And this fellow seemed much more congenial than his recent acquaintances. And hey, you're not scrubbing the poop deck.

Balthazar takes away the hand that had instinctively reached for his gagging mouth and tried to force a smile. "My name is Balthazar, a... pleasure to meet you. After last night, I'm wuite sure I could not drink another drop for the next moon's turn, though." The thought of swilling pirate grog right now was enough to push Balthazar's constitution over the brink.

So if I read correctly, I will (eventually) be forced to drink one rum ration, and I get two of the daily actions? In which case I suppose one will be to influence this charming fellow first, and the other to work diligently while the chef snores.

2016-02-01, 05:23 PM
Mackel laughed.

"Suit yourself," he said, baring a mouth of crooked, rodent. "Far as I go, only mistake they made was not asking first. Still, I appreciate it, whatever motivates ya. A'er all, some of them dumb wee things might be cousins o'mine."

He rose a hand to slap Zyreth on the back, before thinking better of it, and instead simply nodding appreciatvly.

2016-02-01, 05:43 PM
Handling ropes. A routine job. One Daris had done before. It shouldn't be a problem, as far as he can tell. So, rather than putting his all into his work, he keeps an eye out for any tidbit of information he can learn.

And while he was at it, best get acquainted with some of those who... 'Joined' the crew alongside him. Since the woman who'd gotten up there a few seconds after him seems to be working quite busily, he chooses instead to speak to the rat and... Ah, it would appear the other is a spellcaster. Interesting.

"Ah, hello there. Good to see everyone is... Well enough, all things considered. I don't believe we should be causing trouble without a plan. This ship goes down, we go with it." He tells the caster. "That said, I have to admit I'm a tad annoyed... It would be one thing if we were just fools who got ourselves pass-out-drunk in the wrong place, but I believe our presence here is more... Deliberate on their part."

2016-02-01, 07:03 PM
I busted my hump today. Toting around this rope is tougher than it looks. It is funny how I prefer to be at the end of Someones barrel or blade in comparison to manual labor. Hopefully my less than stellar performance does not mandate any "motivation" from that brown nosing Jerk off, plug. I need to find a way off this ship, but first I must blend in and wait for an opportunity for which my abilities can be put to best use. My first goal is obtaining a weapon. My second goal should be to understand the group I have been forced into cohabitation with.

2016-02-01, 07:44 PM
Yes first drink the rum for a fort save. and okay give me a diplomacy roll
Ambrose swigs his glass of rum and begins to tell balthazar about the ship, "The ship is ran by Captain Harrigan the most rotten to the core kind of man, his first mate Mr. plugg is a vicious little man. He’d take his own mother’s liver to the butcher to make pies with,
he would. They leave me alone, mostly. They know i can't 'arm' em anymore, but i still can do something those sods cant do and thats make a meal. Whats your story?" He looks at your balthazar with anticipation

2016-02-01, 08:08 PM
Based on his manner of speech, Balthazar begins to fear what might happen if he doesn't drink the rum. Who knows, maybe it will help him make a 'friend.' Gods know he could use some of those right now. Balthazar sniffs the brew, tries hard to keep from wretching, and downs it, hoping it doesn't come straight back up. Some miracle manages to hold the stuff inside his guts. "Me? A jeweler, largely, though I... travel quite a bit. Not too much to know other than that; went to the Fashionably Maid for a quiet drink and woke up drugged and captive."

Fortitude Save: [roll0]

Diplomacy: [roll1]

Neither are my specialty so hopefully this works.

2016-02-02, 05:16 AM
Ambrose laughs heartily, "A jewelery man, that could come in handy if you ever seen coin on this ship. Let me tell ya just by looking at you i can see your a good person just had bad luck ending up here. If you never need something i got a few things here, two if you want most of your stuff back the quartermaster has it, she is a tough woman but i will mention to her your my cook and make it a bit easier on you." He leans back in a chair and starts to doze off, " I use to be a chef serving the fancy people at Lobster Armor till..." He falls asleep.

Ambrose has changed from indifferent to friendly.
He has fallen asleep and wont be waking up till morning so you run the kitchen.
You notice he keeps a few weapons and some equipment like rope and various tools.
When you deal with the quartermaster you get a +2 to diplomacy or bluff checks to get your stuff back because your ambrose's assistant.

2016-02-02, 01:07 PM
Not such a bad fellow, once you get to know him, Balthazar thinks as Ambrose falls asleep. Useful information, too. Visit the quartermaster, retrieve the spellbook, and before long he'd be making an escape. First, though, dinner. One must keep appearances. He gets up, and nearly falls over as the drink goes to his head. "The hells is this concoction?" he says, tossing the cup aside. The kitchen is in a state of disgrace, so Balthazar spends some time tidying and familiarizing himself with the workspace. A few of the unwashed utensils would be fine-looking silver under the tarnish; he pockets those with the figurine he'd found earlier. Some rope, tools, even weapons! No point taking everything at once, though. That might arouse suspicion from his new friend. Still, wouldn't hurt to have something sharp on hand...

Before long, Balthazar is staggering his way across the kitchen, trying his hardest to focus despite the moving floor beneath and swimming head above. Somehow, he manages to put together a perfectly decent stew for the crew.

I had to look it up, but rum ration deals 1d3 Con damage and grants a 1d4 Charisma bonus, yes? If so, rolls for that here:
Constitution damage: [roll0]
Charisma bonus: [roll1]

What kind of weaponry does Balthazar find in the kitchen? If there's a dagger in there, he'll pocket it.

2016-02-02, 01:16 PM
"You may be right," Zyreth replies to his fellow captive, "Causing too much dangerous trouble could be bad." His eyes then widen at Daris's thought. "You think? Why us? As far as they know, we're nothing special. My latest 'adventures' haven't gone very well, in fact badly enough that if I had a reputation, it would be a bad one. I doubt anyone here knows the name of Zyreth Brog." At the mention of his name, he sticks his hand out towards Daris.

2016-02-02, 03:19 PM
"Ah, I didn't make my meaning clear. I don't mean that we were targeted." Daris clarifies. "No, we still were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I believe they may have... Taken a few precautions to maximize the amount of 'recruits' they would get. I believe there was something in the alcohol, though I have no proof except for the aftertaste." He says, shrugging. "As the captain said, this isn't a big crew. I would not put it past them."

Seeing Zyreth's hand held out, Daris shakes it. "But that aside, I'm Daris Aldaron. I doubt my name would be familiar to you, either. You seem a decent fellow. It would have been good to have met you under... Different circumstances."

2016-02-02, 04:22 PM
"Well, ain't you a real cheery bunch!"

Mackel grinned at the pair; he seemed to do that often. He didn't extend a hand, instead inclining his head.

"Name's Mackel," he said, "and you two really need to get a new perspective on things. Aye, bein' Shanghai'd ain't how I planned on crossing the ocean, but thing's coulda been worse. We got knocked out in a pirate bar, an' we woke up. Tha's not a bad start! 'Specially considerin' the tumbles we took off that rope," he added, eying Zyreth.

2016-02-04, 08:52 AM
At the same time the conversation between mackel, zyreth, daris was taking place, the male gnome was carrying a stack of ropes struggling to hold the stack ropes in his hand. He was running his short legs and calls out to the trio, "Move out of the way!" He barely squeezes past you three before he trips and his ropes fly out of his hands onto the floor, luckily for him Mr.Plugg has stepped inside his cabin for a moment perhaps to find a flask of alcohol. You know Mr.scourge is currently yelling at the swabs on the main deck and could offer to help him, but if you get caught helping him its lashings for the both you.
you wont really get caught zyreth you made the diplomacy roll earlier this is mostly dramatic effect to give flesh to that roll

2016-02-06, 07:45 AM
"Well, speakin' of tumblin'," the ratman added, nodding towards the gnome. He seemed amused by the antics, though at least the laugh sounded good-natured rather than cruel.

he glanced over his shoulder, looking for trouble and -with Scourge apparently unavailable- quickly stepped between them. That was, at least, if SCourge did turn, he'd see the back of a rat, rather than a gnome scrambling to get it's things together.

"Ya ever sailed on a boat before?"

2016-02-06, 08:09 AM
The gnome shakes his head, "I have traveled on a boat but not work on one honestly this is a waste of my talents!" He says as he stands himself up and starts to grab his stacks of ropes, "I was a kind of music king back in port peril, and now a lowly rigger for a sadistic man like Mr.plugg." He turns to mackel as he continues to pick up the stacks of rope, "You are a ratfolk, curious I hear about your kind once in a while but never seen one till ye." He finishes gathering his ropes and looks at you, "Thank you for blocking me from scourge, perhaps you would to hear about one of my adventures?" He asks you as he starts to walk away but turns around jerking his head toward you expecting you to follow.
This is going to be like a short interaction between I suppose now mackel, zyreth and the gnome. Since mackels day action was to interact with the gnome and zyreth forgot to select a day action I do hope neither of you mind

2016-02-06, 12:59 PM
"It would have been nice to meet under different circumstanced," Zyreth agrees. "Perhaps we all could've drank non-drugged ale together. As it is, I was not ready to set sail. I am not exactly at the top of my game right now..."

The gnome did not appear to get in trouble. Good. Everyone will need their spirits up for this...but perhaps the more miserable the crew, the more likely we will be able to work together to get out of here... He follows the gnome, ready to listen to his story.

2016-02-06, 02:43 PM
Mackel's lips curled at Zyreths words. "Tha's the spirit. As my brother says, always line up the excuse!"

He followed the gnome. The ship was larger than he was used too, with a bigger crew, but, with luck, a momentary diversion wouldn't throw him too far behind...

"A Bard?" he said, lowering his voice. Tha's somethin'. I've met a few gnomes - your people always seem to be sellin' one trinket for anotger- but never got a chance to hear gnome music. Course, the las' time me ma mixed business with pleasure, she ended up with a pair o'pups runnin' around her paws..."

2016-02-06, 03:17 PM
The gnome smiles as he begins to tell a tale, "I remember one time at the lazy eye, I was wooing the ladies that evening as I sang to a few of them how beautiful they were. How angelic they looked in the bright fiery lights." He snickers, "You see gentlemen a lady wants to be told above all else she is the most beautiful thing in all of creation." He pauses for a moment looks at the maleck, "You are a man right?" he asks then quickly changes the subject back to his tale. "I was wooing the women and then a brute of a man six foot tall with swelled up muscles larger than watermelons! He told me i was flirting with his wife and i says to the man, "Isn't it obvious she needs to divorce you for a man that can make her smile." He punched me in the face that brute and we starting throwing punches, i think its needless to say i won that fight and ended the evening with his wife. That is only one of the many great tales of myself, Conchobhar turlach the slayer of man dames and the silver tongue devil or port peril." He says the last part with such pride and confidence.

2016-02-08, 07:00 AM
The rat glanced at Zyreth, curious if the wizard found the gnomes boast as preposterous as he did. Still, bards -and men- did tend to blow their deeds out of proportion...

"Well, Conchobar, with a reputation likectha', makes ya wonder; what are ya doin' on a pirate ship? Shouldn't ya be wooing and carousin your way up the sea?"

2016-02-08, 06:21 PM
"It sounds like you have quite a reputation for yourself!" Zyreth feigns being impressed. "With the level of infamy, skill, and ability you are describing, you shouldn't have been press-ganged so easily...unless they wanted to. Is this some kind of trickster plot? I'm sure you already are thinking of ways off this ship or even to...increase your rank on it. Perhaps you could let your new shipmates in on the details?"

2016-02-08, 06:56 PM
The gnome smiles as they walk down the side of the ship "Well of course I have a good idea of what needs to be done to survive, and I am glad you two have showed your ability to see how amazingly useful man unlike scourge or plugg. The key thing is to get friends on our side, the strong, crafty, and some ladies." He says the last part with a wink, then he nods his head, "Seriously the last thing you want is have every woman on the ship out for your life, or you end up in bed with a dagger on your throat. Long story short, things happened, and we will leave it that." In the distance you see Mr.plugg and he yells out, "Hey gnome get up here before i make ambrose grill ya!" Conchobhar bows his head to both of you, "I will see you gentlemen around and next time bring a lady, every moment is better with a lady...usually." His last words then he dashed off to Mr. Plugg.

After that the hours go by doing your jobs till you hear the ringing of the bell which is understood to mean the work day is over and everyone gathers back on the main deck. A normal size man tanned from the days in the sun was being held by a couple of larger men as Mr.Plugg announced to the crew, "Well everyone you know what time is it? The bloody hour where we punish the people who dont work, who kill and in the case of Jakes Magpie here stealing. He was caught stealing and now he gets keelhauled for it, first we have to tie him up." Plugg snaps his fingers as pirates fasten the rope around Jake's waist, then Mr. plugg pulls on the rope to make sure the knots tight and strong. Then he looks back at the crew as the pirates pull the rope and hover Jakes along the ship, Jakes looks out to the crew, "Please dont kill me. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry please dont kill meeee." His cry for help interruped as he is dropped into the water next to the ship and a minute of silence goes by then after another 12 seconds Jakes is pulled up and lowered onto the deck. The female human who is a newer recruit checks the body and shakes her head, then his body is untied and thrown overboard. Mr. plugg cackles, "Well looks like he didnt make it and let this be a lesson to anyone of you. You cant do anything on this ship without my say so and I say that you work, drink your ration and avoid the captain till you die!"
Checks DC 15 perception, DC 15 Heal check.

After the blood hour the people disperse as ambrose brings in a keg from the kitchen and people start pouring and passing a round of rum rations, everyone starts to drink and Mr. plugg and scourge are drinking as they eyeball the crowd to make certain they drink their rations. You are each handed a mug filled with rum and are hardpressed to drink it, but some of you find that the drink is bad for you and could try to pour it off the ship without being seen.
Check Fort Save 5 or dc 10 stealth. Drinking will cause 1d3-1 con damage and a failed save will make you fatigued losing your night action. Choose wisely.

2016-02-09, 05:05 PM
Balthazar stumbles onto the deck, looking as though he's already had one drink too many. "Greetings, fellow captives! We never were introduced properly before. My name's Balthazar. Don't call me Bal," he announces to the others that showed on the boat same time as him. "Wouldn't want to be that fellow, eh?" he says indiscreetly after the keelhauling. When presented with a rum ration, Balthazar sniffs it in disgust. "I'd rather drink donkey's piss," he says, staggering over to the railing as though the ship was moving much more than it actually was. The dhampir promptly pours it over the edge, with hints or allusions to attempts at secrecy.

2016-02-10, 01:21 PM
"Ach, what a gruesome sight, I can barely watch." Zyreth averts his eyes through the keelhauling, but examines the results. "Poor thing. I thought life was supposed to be prized here. A dead worker works harder than a thieving one, or a one-handed one."

After the horrible ordeal, Zyreth is glad to get his drink...but then remembers how this all started. "Oh, yeah...alcohol...yum yum~" He sarcastically acts as if it is the best thing in the world, but as soon as he notices Balthazar stumble, he is 'swept' off his feet and almost over the railing. "Crud, my sea legs! I shouldn't be a pirate!"

2016-02-11, 11:05 AM
Mackel said nothing during Magpie's keelhauling, though the smile on his face became a little tighter.

He mumbled non-commitally in response to Zyreth's inspection. When the drinks were passed out, he took it, raising it to his snout and sniffing.

'Think I've had my fill o'this,' he thought darkly. After all, accepting drinks from pirates was how he ended up here to begin with. Of course, under the watchful eye of Plugg, how was one supposed to dispose of-

"Greetings, fellow captives! We never were introduced properly before. My name's Balthazar. Don't call me Bal."

Mackel stopped his cup to his lip's as the dhampir from before stumbled onto the deck. He watched, as Balthazar took the cup, staggered towards the rail, and dumped it's contents over the edge.

Was he really that drunk, or was it just over-exaggeration? Either way, it wasn't exactly subtle. Mackel leaned against the edge of the ship, obviously eager not to be anywhere near the dhampir when Plugg arrived.

'Sorry Bal,' he thought, tipping his drink over the side. 'Let's just say ah owe you one.'

2016-02-12, 08:48 AM
Daris watches the keelhauling in apparent impassiveness. In reality, he does frown slightly, but keeps himself from showing too much sympathy... If anything, the living have more need for it.

Not eager to get caught up in Balthazar's soon-to-be troubles, he stares at the rum for only a few moments before gulping it down, while holding his breath... On the bright side, this one would be insanely unlikely to be drugged. On the other, he has to keep himself from grunting in disgust afterwards. Not the best he's drank. Well, beggars can't be choosers, he supposes.

2016-02-12, 03:22 PM
I do not envy that *******, I absolutely detest thieves. Halone smells her drink Oh my god this is not rum! This might as well be recycled vomit. Halone pawns off her drink on an unsuspecting sailor. She could get used to this blood hour as long as it remains as entertaining as this.

2016-02-12, 04:19 PM
The rum rations are past out and all seems fine, each of you have your fill or dump it into the sea. Time passes and the stealthy among you think that you got away with it as the party goes on it gets crowded and slowly Balthazar is pushed to the center of the main deck. Mr. plugg is standing on top of some crates and smiles, "This one thinks he is too good for our rum! He thinks that he can break the rules and get away with it and now he will get educated on what is right and wrong!" You are trapped by a ring of pirates from escaping the center and starts to hit you but stops early and skuffs, "what a pitiful dog,better learn his lesson or end up dead tomorrow."
After that food is passed around and the party goes on, a random crew member tosses Balthazar to the side of the boat out of the way of the activities, Daris is approached by a female human and she introduced herself, "My name is Sandra, I have something for you and your friend meet me down stairs where we tie our beds and bring your unconscious friend I can heal him." She then walks off without letting you get a word in and you feel an air of kindness about her as some pirates wave as she passes by with smiles.

2016-02-13, 11:36 AM
Balthazar isn't much for the party scene, and is on his way back to the kitchen when he finds himself surrounded by thugs. As they grab hold of his arms and Plugg makes his little speech, Balthazar replies with, "I agree that a little education on this boat would go a long wAAAGGH! Bloody HELLS that thing hu-" After the second lash it was lights out.

2016-02-14, 09:37 AM
Daris sighs as he watches Balthazar's fate. Hopefully, that'd teach him to be subtle about it, if he wants to avoid drinking again in the future...

As he was about to leave without paying much attention to his fellow 'volunteer', he's stopped by this Sandra character. Curiosity wins out, and he moves up to the uncounscious Dhampir. Afterwards, he drags him downstairs by the arms.

2016-02-15, 05:28 PM
The rest of the group may not have seen Daris and Sandra conversing over the loud party, but the each see him pick up Balthazar and take him down stairs. When each of you notice him doing this, you notice that he is followed downstairs by someone who looks like a shadow in the faded light near the stairs. Someone has turned off the oil lamp normlly set above the walkway near the stairs and this makes each of you a mixed feeling that Daris might not be safe alone especially if all he has is the unconscious Balthazar.
Halone tried a perception check but Maleck and Zyreth each of you give me a perception check dc 15

2016-02-20, 06:18 AM
'Well, loo's like Ik'm payin' you back sooner 'nI thought,' Mackel mused. He may not have been one of those high riding, rules and honor-bound knight-paladins... but he had been raised a merchant. As his mother always said, no merchant wanted to be in debt, but only an unscrupulous one tried to weasel out without payment.

This seemed like a good chance for payment. As the shadow slipped after Daris and Balthazar, Mackel slipped off after it.

Stealth roll, to follow after them without being spotted.