View Full Version : Pokemon D&D IC

DM Gengar
2016-01-31, 07:31 PM
OOC LINK: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?476903-Pokemon-D-amp-D-OOC More info can be found there.

In the small town of Ottomotto the day was ripe at noon with travelers from afar passing through. It had been particularly busy during this time of day, streets that were empty at night were crowded with various races of people. So many people in fact that one could only wonder if they knew the events of last week.

Keeping order in this village was the Guard comprised of a few key individuals. A large Tyrantrum of 10 feet, such a massive creature, watched over the entrance to the tavern which lead into the market building. He was the town's head Guard and honestly not a single person wanted to mess with a person triple their own size. Beside him was a Nidoqueen who was reporting something... but due to the crowd's noise she couldn't be heard very well. Then inside the tavern was a Growlithe who was small enough to fit indoors easily. He was the newest member of the guard... even though he was recruited two years ago... it goes to show how often they recruited.

There was only one entrance to that market and it was through that tavern. It made it real easy to lock up and open but honestly it only made it super difficult to keep track of pocket thieves.

One such thief was dangling in a small iron cage from atop a large wooden pole, an example for other thieves. that Sneasel would have to learn the heard way.

Keeping the Sneasel from escaping was a magical seal on the underside of the iron cage. It was a chalk circle that sealed evil into a container. It was sort of like a trail for the thief... it couldn't escape if it was evil. Yet also a terribly biased trial since if it tried to escape it would be considered evil. Nonetheless that seemed to be the only means they had for suppressing magic.

Down below, a small pikachu wet behind the ears was watching the sneasel. Seemingly interested, the electric type watched contently. It seemed it had nothing better to do that just stand around and watch.

Nidoqueen looked at the tiny Pikachu and wondered what it was doing... she wondered it was an accomplice or just someone's kid. But the more she looked at its appearance the more she was reminded of someone. The pikachu had spiky fur on the top of her head and was slightly darker in hue... looking at its tail the nidoqueen could see it's unique shape. Hmmm she swear she'd seen someone similar... OH!

That was the Luxray's offspring. Luxray was that one ranger who just moved to Ottomotto and his wife was a pikachu. Man where were those two? Did they think it was safe to leave their child be during the busiest hour of they day... wait what was it doing?

Sparks of lightning were crackling around the Pikachu. Even with such a small form it stored a lot of power which was evident when lightning flashed before it. The crowd noticed as well as the two guards. Taking a moment to end, the pikachu as well as the Sneasel were gone.

Nidoqueen immediately cleared the road, inspecting the cage and seeing the seal underneath erased. The iron bars were hot to the tough, the current from that little brat fried the rope holding it to the pole. Where could they have gone that quickly? How did that brat know how to break the seal... wait... where were its parents?!

"Jaws! We need to find that Luxray and family." She barked his direction, trying to talk over the mumbling crowd.

The Tyrantrum raised a foot, people moved out of the way. He went towards the Inn and each foot made the earth shake just a little bit.

At the Inn there was a little commotion indoors already.

Chancey was going wild in the kitchen, baking berry pies and berry soups and berry smoothies and basically everything that people ate in this age. (ooc: since there are no animals, meat is other people. But Hide is typically worn by warriors who kill and skin Feral Pokemon.)

At her rate they'd be out of supplies within the hour, but that was her plan! Everything was going to expire in two days and the Dedenne maid failed to hit up the market this morning for fresh supplies!

What was Chancy to do?! She ran this inn but her employees were going to run it into the ground!

She was interrupted by a great knock on the kitchen wall. She stopped what she was doing to look up and see the very intimidating Guard staring right at her through the window of the kitchen... he certainly made an impression!

"He...hello Jaws what can I do for you?"

"We have a problem. If you see the Luxray or his family please inform the Guard." He said, a booming voice penetrating the wall.

[b]"Ye.. yes sir!" She said, as frail as a frayed knot.

Outside the Inn the Nidoqueen was able stand on the steps to overlook the entrance the other side of the tavern. Wherever those tiny little brats were, they were in deep trouble!

Oh, she noticed someone walking around. It was the red-fur lucario. Oh what was his name? Shoot.

"Excuse me, sir!" She waved for him but honestly she wasn't sure if he was paying attention. "Sir Ronald!" That was his name! She had to blurt it out to remember. Probably not the best idea seeing as everyone was now looking at her.

She stepped off the Inn steps to get closer to the lucario.

"Good afternoon Sir Ronald. I'm glad to see the order got our message." She whispered when she mentioned the order. Such things were secretive but she'd once been to the order as a recruit. Instead of joining she failed initiation and then moved away in shame. Talking with anyone from the order made her a bit nervous. Truth be told she still wanted to join but was a bit shy and forgetful to be on any force. It had been about five years so she wondered if they would allow her to join again.

After that even things were stirred up a bit in the village. Not everyday did people just go and use their magic to free thieves!

There was a Chimchar in the Market looking at wears. A nearby ditto standing inside a stall was trying to get his attention. Around him were a lot of trinkets of various shapes. They all seemed so trivial yet there was a glimmer to them.

"Hey, do you know what's happening outside?" The ditto asked.

(ooc: I've only written in Lucario and Chimchar cause I know they have full character sheets.)

2016-02-01, 11:06 PM
Sir Ronald the Red looked up from his plate at the woman who addressed him. "Of course. It is an honor to serve, though the message was not clear as to what services were required. But I am ready for whatever task is at hand."

Picking his helmet off the table and donning it, he stood and stared the Nidoqueen in the eyes. "I am Sir Ronald the Red, at your service, Guardswoman. What would you ask of the Ardent Blade?"

The Lucario gripped his blade and held the hilt to his chest before re-sheathing it; a sign of respect among the knights. Even a failed initiate like her was remembered among the Order, and Ronald did not look down on those who tried and failed, only those who failed to try.

DM Gengar
2016-02-02, 05:49 PM
Sir Ronald the Red looked up from his plate at the woman who addressed him. "Of course. It is an honor to serve, though the message was not clear as to what services were required. But I am ready for whatever task is at hand."

Picking his helmet off the table and donning it, he stood and stared the Nidoqueen in the eyes. "I am Sir Ronald the Red, at your service, Guardswoman. What would you ask of the Ardent Blade?"

The Lucario gripped his blade and held the hilt to his chest before re-sheathing it; a sign of respect among the knights. Even a failed initiate like her was remembered among the Order, and Ronald did not look down on those who tried and failed, only those who failed to try.

Happy to witness the sheathing display, the Nidoqueen. Her name bounced into his head after a moment. The last time he'd seen this women was 5 years ago and she'd been only a Nidorina at that time. Her name was Thorn which was a common name among her people.

"We should discuss the matter in private, in the prison. We currently have no prisoners but that's another matter entirely." Thorn said, already beckoning Sir Ronald towards their office. It was a busy street without much room to run so the big bodied Nidoqueen had to use a bit of intimidation to get through the wide road. After a minute the both of them reached the building, a sizable wood construction compared to the other buildings in the town.

Using a key she opened the door and let Sir Ronald inside. There she closed the door and checked around the corners to make sure no one else was around.

"At last, privacy. I shall begin on the night of the incident. You see, only a few days ago our village's wisest and oldest elder perished at the hand... claws of a Feral. Our investigation tells us that this creature was massive due to the required size of claws as well as dental profile. Not even Jaws -- the Tryantrum who's already much bigger than average, can make a bite quite as big as the monster. To let a creature that big roam around in the forest is far too frightening of negligence." A bit worried she rubbed her ear, all she wanted for the village was its safety.

"We've asked the Order to respond -- I wasn't the one who wrote the message. So now I understand why you don't already know the story. We've also sent word to other kingdoms but I fear the messengers haven't arrived for obvious reasons. To send anymore would be dangerous; however, to alarm the public would be worse. It's not like they don't know the elder died but we've withheld the details about its size and danger." Going into the desk which faced the entrance, she opened a drawer then pulled out a small pouch. She held it tightly, looking down at it.

"We've posted a bill in the tavern for a Class B mark. Making sure to specify the potential danger but not it's recent activities, we're trying to find hunters -- well, anyone really. Whoever brings back the head gets our village's most prized possession and a thousand gold coins. It'll send the guard into debt but this is a danger that we cannot handle ourselves, we're both far too busy and untrained to go hunting for something of its size."

She opened the pouch revealing a small gem in the shape of a sphere. It glistened in the light that came through the window. The sun's rays glimmered inside as a rainbow of colors reflected outwards, covering the room. This was certainly a magic stone... one that Sir Ronald recognized. He himself carried a gem looking like the one held by Thorn.

"The other elders deemed it a fit prize. Yet somehow they claim it to be priceless. I've not the knowledge to know its value but 1000 gold coins is nothing in comparison. I believe the elders already know what this creature is and this prize is to free their guilt of sending naive hunters and civilians to go and kill it." She placed the gem back in the pouch then placed it into the drawer once more.

"It would be relieving to know this gem reached the hands of the Ardent Blade, not a fool who'd sooner sell it than cherish its secrets. I hope that you will accept this mission, Sir Ronald. What say you?"

Thorn looked sincere in her face as well as serious in her eyes. This was a women who'd seen death before.

2016-02-02, 06:34 PM
Sir Ronald stared curious at the gem, and then impassively at her after she had taken it away. "I will do it with one more condition: I wish to speak with the council of elders once the task at hand is complete."

Rubbing his chin, the knight mused. "Too dangerous to send another runner to ask the Order for reinforcements. Too dangerous to go myself and leave you undefended. I will acquire mercenaries to complete the task. If this creature is as dangerous as you say, I will require a healer as well. Where is the most likely place to find skilled warriors and talented healers? I do not wish to alert the village, so secrecy is paramount."

DM Gengar
2016-02-02, 09:54 PM
Sir Ronald stared curious at the gem, and then impassively at her after she had taken it away. "I will do it with one more condition: I wish to speak with the council of elders once the task at hand is complete."

Rubbing his chin, the knight mused. "Too dangerous to send another runner to ask the Order for reinforcements. Too dangerous to go myself and leave you undefended. I will acquire mercenaries to complete the task. If this creature is as dangerous as you say, I will require a healer as well. Where is the most likely place to find skilled warriors and talented healers? I do not wish to alert the village, so secrecy is paramount."

"They'd be in no position to deny a meeting... besides even now all they do is tend to gardens." Thorn said.

"Skilled warriors... hmm that's a tough one. In the Tavern there's a board in which we post all sorts of things to be done for coins. You may find that someone is there looking about our bill. As for healers... you could see if the Mystic has an apprentice available since she's very busy with her craft." Thorn said, there was a map of the town on the wall. She pointed to the mystic's home which was actually very close by.

2016-02-02, 10:46 PM
Sir Ronald saluted Thorn again and took his leave wordlessly.

Out in the sun, he paused, and covered his eyes from the glare. Seeing the map in his head, he journeyed to the mystic's house in hopes of finding a healer to accompany him.

When he arrived, he knocked on the door twice with the spike on his hand. "Sir Ronald the Red to see the village mystic."

And that's Corvus' cue to suddenly exist, if he is playing that healer!

DM Gengar
2016-02-03, 11:24 AM
Sir Ronald saluted Thorn again and took his leave wordlessly.

Out in the sun, he paused, and covered his eyes from the glare. Seeing the map in his head, he journeyed to the mystic's house in hopes of finding a healer to accompany him.

When he arrived, he knocked on the door twice with the spike on his hand. "Sir Ronald the Red to see the village mystic."

And that's Corvus' cue to suddenly exist, if he is playing that healer!

(ooc: he's probs busy.)

The door opened to reveal a Maganium wearing white robes and a mask on her face. It seemed that she was ready to perform surgery based on that outfit! She used wine whip magic like hands, seemingly... when she opened the door a lot more Sir Ronald could see that her tone as a darker turquoise and her petals were much more tattered than normal for someone of her race.

"What's the issue with you?" She asked with haste. "Can't stand around all day." This had to be the mystic...

2016-02-03, 11:45 AM
Sir Ronald never had the skill for diplomacy so he spoke simply. "The Silver Rose requires a healer to accompany an Ardent Blade on a journey. The job will be paid, but we leave soon. I was informed you may be able to help. That is my issue. Do you have such a healer to lend?"

2016-02-03, 02:13 PM
Spike had not been in the town for long. He had come from the southern deserts, fleeing a veritable tide of feral creatures--overpopulated taillow, wild ekans, marauding sandshrew--and had barely escaped with his life. It didn't help that the whole thing stank of something much greater than a few simple accidents. But he'd hardly arrived in a state to explain that or much else to anyone.

Spike had been at the Healer's for a while, kept his head down, and as a Maractus, lived with the acceptance that he would NOT get stronger, would not get more powerful, only more knowledgeable. But this town had too many rumblings as of late. It WAS time to do something, whether or not he'd ever be as strong as a Tyrantrum.

Orrigh' wha's the job?

DM Gengar
2016-02-03, 02:39 PM
Sir Ronald never had the skill for diplomacy so he spoke simply. "The Silver Rose requires a healer to accompany an Ardent Blade on a journey. The job will be paid, but we leave soon. I was informed you may be able to help. That is my issue. Do you have such a healer to lend?"

Spike had not been in the town for long. He had come from the southern deserts, fleeing a veritable tide of feral creatures--overpopulated taillow, wild ekans, marauding sandshrew--and had barely escaped with his life. It didn't help that the whole thing stank of something much greater than a few simple accidents. But he'd hardly arrived in a state to explain that or much else to anyone.

Spike had been at the Healer's for a while, kept his head down, and as a Maractus, lived with the acceptance that he would NOT get stronger, would not get more powerful, only more knowledgeable. But this town had too many rumblings as of late. It WAS time to do something, whether or not he'd ever be as strong as a Tyrantrum.

Orrigh' wha's the job?

"Is that right? Well I do have one such someone that could be used better than a chair weight." The Meganium eyed the Maractus sitting down. Their brief meeting was earlier and the mystic already knew that this cleric was from a desert south of the town. Pretty long trip seeing as south of Ottomotto there was a sea.... hmm maybe he meant southeast... ah well, the healer hadn't seen a map of the world since she was a child.

"Mr. Spike, I believe you'd got a job offer. Why don't you speak with this uh.. Hardened Blade about it. I'll be downstairs. Don't bother saying goodbye..." The Meganium left the door open for the Maractus to close. Based on what Spike knew, the mystic was always doing something downstairs. It was the most cluttered space full to the brim with odds and ends and boxes to store them. The mystic warned everyone not to touch her things yet they did anyway and got a few nasty scars to prove their foolishness.

"Well Mr. Spike?" The very impatient women glared at Spike before closing the basement door.

(ooc: ok now we carry on with the adventure. You may attempt to recruit NPCs at this point but I'm forcing 1d20 diplomacy rolls. Or you can do whatever really, I mean it's mostly a suggestion at this point.)

What would this new found party do?

2016-02-03, 06:57 PM

The maractus' spines bristle as he is repeatedly chided by the meganium. I'm not talkin' ta you, ya leggy, fidgety flower. Go on, back to your basement. The maractus shooes her away with a dismissive appendage.

Hi there. Never saw a nincada more jumpy than that one, he says. Leaning in to the Lucario, he whispers Another day spent in ere an I'll go feral. Where's this job?

2016-02-03, 08:08 PM
Sir Ronald raised an eyebrow but dismissed the odd behavior as a personality quirk, and thus unbefitting to bring up. "I am Sir Ronald the Red, of the Argent Blade, Knight of the Silver Rose. I am on a quest to defeat a powerful feral monster lurking near this area. Because of the threat of danger, I dare not leave the village undefended to request aid and so it falls to me to defeat him alone with the aid of any I can hire with the reward money. The sum is no small amount, and you will be paid an equal and fair share of the coin once the beast is brought low, and evidence is given to the elders of this village. However, we do not wish to cause a panic, so you must not speak word of this to the locals. I should think we will not depart without at least one, but hopefully two additional members. Do you have questions?"

DM Gengar
2016-02-04, 04:25 PM
Shuffling through the streets a Cubchoo was feeling hot in the weather of summer. He found the winter a far better season just cause he felt much cooler! What was he doing in Ottomotto in the summer? Traveling of course! And when better to get away from the northern ranger head quarters than summer when everyone was hibernating!

He looked at his map again, like seriously where the heck was he? Hmm looks like a there was a peninsula south of the two and a water route to the west then a land route to the east. He could keep heading south but what would he do about sea travel once he reach that destination?

Hmm he needed some direction, even for being a tracker.

Oh look at that! A tavern! His stomach growled while he went towards it, through an intersection of quickly moving people. They were all wearing very earthy browns and that made him stick out a lot! The Cubchoo wore white which blended really well with snow... man he needed new threads!

Hmm but... where would he go find new clothes? Oh! A market didn't all towns have something like that... hmmm was it connected to the tavern?

Looked like it! People were going in an out like a river of different sized creatures bobbling around.

Inside the Tavern he could smell some great drinks and food which he'd never sensed before! Oh how tempting it was to sit down and eat everything...

Too bad! He needed clothes first. Ignoring that would probably lead to wasting everything coin in his pocket.



Ok lots of people.. hmm and no one was selling any kind of clothing... like do people make their own or something?

Hmm whatever he'd just have to leave and then keep going.

Well at least it wasn't very crowded outside the market and tavern..

hmm what else was in the town?

That looked like farms.. then on the other side of the town there was an inn and guard's keep and uh.. was that sign for a mystic?

Oh that one looked cool!

The Cubchoo went towards the mystic's house. He wondered if they sold magical items so going in ready to look, he instead discovered a red lucario! Cool! Weren't they all supposed to be blue though?