View Full Version : Massive Group Help

Collin Burns
2016-02-01, 12:49 AM
I have been lenient on who I allow at my table when I DM. Soooo long story short I now have a campaign with 10 PCs. Now I've DM'd more than I've played, but as of now I think that I might have let this get beyond my abilities to DM. Could you please give me some suggestions on how to handle so many PCs at once? Also, specifically we really get bogged down in combat, how could our group speed this up?

2016-02-01, 01:04 AM
I have been lenient on who I allow at my table when I DM. Soooo long story short I now have a campaign with 10 PCs. Now I've DM'd more than I've played, but as of now I think that I might have let this get beyond my abilities to DM. Could you please give me some suggestions on how to handle so many PCs at once? Also, specifically we really get bogged down in combat, how could our group speed this up?

Split the group into two. Either two GMs simultaneously, or run tables at two different times.

2016-02-01, 01:05 AM
Assign co-DM to adjudicate rules disputes, track initiative and the like so you can focus on other things. System mastery helpful, put that rules lawyer to good use!

Have a bundle of d20s prerolled and just go through the list instead of wasting time rolling

Play sessions with as few as 4 people, organise what happens to those not present (our group of 8 does a phase out method with a half share of loot. If youre not back within 2-3 sessions that share is forfeit and redistributed)

Use average damage values for your npcs, less dicerolling but faster results

Allocate one player to keep track of names, quests, bits of info, etc. essentially a chronicler, high attendance player preferred.

Have a whiteboard or other display (the front of a DM screen works well) to scribble down important bits of info so players dont keep asking you the same questions repeatedly (23 to attack, do i hit? The board says AC 21, so yes).

Buddy each green player with a veteran, ppssibly even pair their initiatives. Saves you advising them what to do every time its their turn.

Be strict on non game talk. This sounds harsh but this is the number one way to burn time at the table, with the runner up being checking phones, facebook, etc.

Referencing rules and spells also eats time like nothing else. Have casters use spell cards for faster use, and have similar cards for rules like grappling and other mechanics used often. A summary of conditions also falls into this caregory.

Collin Burns
2016-02-01, 09:19 AM
Referencing rules and spells also eats time like nothing else. Have casters use spell cards for faster use, and have similar cards for rules like grappling and other mechanics used often. A summary of conditions also falls into this caregory.
Where do you get your cards from? I know 4e used to make them for you at the back of the character sheet online.

2016-02-01, 09:32 AM
I have been lenient on who I allow at my table when I DM. Soooo long story short I now have a campaign with 10 PCs. Now I've DM'd more than I've played, but as of now I think that I might have let this get beyond my abilities to DM. Could you please give me some suggestions on how to handle so many PCs at once? Also, specifically we really get bogged down in combat, how could our group speed this up?
There's your answer sir...!

2016-02-01, 11:15 AM
Try and do all the pregame tricks you have time for. At our table one of the players chronicles, we post recaps online, and do alot of email decisions.
Be open that a 10 person table is an extra challenge and it will take everyone cooperating to make it work.
So know your characters, have notes, there are a bunch of spell apps and websites that can be printed out. No opening books for character stuff that they should know. Having 1 or 2 rule looker uppers is a great suggestion.
If it isn't fun then its not worth forcing it, but it could still be alot of fun.
I remember playing some huge group shadow run and 2ed games many years ago and they where great, but that DM was maybe the best DM I've played with.

2016-02-01, 03:53 PM
Assign co-DM to adjudicate rules disputes, track initiative and the like so you can focus on other things. System mastery helpful, put that rules lawyer to good use!

Have a bundle of d20s prerolled and just go through the list instead of wasting time rolling

Allocate one player to keep track of names, quests, bits of info, etc. essentially a chronicler, high attendance player preferred.

Have a whiteboard or other display (the front of a DM screen works well) to scribble down important bits of info so players dont keep asking you the same questions repeatedly (23 to attack, do i hit? The board says AC 21, so yes).

Buddy each green player with a veteran, ppssibly even pair their initiatives. Saves you advising them what to do every time its their turn.

Be strict on non game talk. This sounds harsh but this is the number one way to burn time at the table, with the runner up being checking phones, facebook, etc.

Referencing rules and spells also eats time like nothing else. Have casters use spell cards for faster use, and have similar cards for rules like grappling and other mechanics used often. A summary of conditions also falls into this caregory.
Some great advice here, have seen all of these tools work in the past, but for that big of a group, to keep play moving the assistant DM is a big, big benefit.

2016-02-01, 04:07 PM
I think it'd be best to split it into two groups, but I feel like mandating that a group of 10 friends splits into two groups of 5 would be kinda sad. Might ruin some of the fun, for them at least.

You should tell everyone to have their actions prepared by the time it gets to them. No deciding what spell to cast when it comes to you, and then having to look up the spell afterwards. If you don't know what you're going to do within 5 seconds, you lose the round.

2016-02-01, 06:45 PM
Side Initiative also works well, I would think a a method to ensure that people have their actions planned out ahead of time.

These tips may come in handy as well. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?428489-Kurts-Kombat-Kwickeners)

2016-02-01, 10:59 PM
I have been lenient on who I allow at my table when I DM. Soooo long story short I now have a campaign with 10 PCs. Now I've DM'd more than I've played, but as of now I think that I might have let this get beyond my abilities to DM. Could you please give me some suggestions on how to handle so many PCs at once? Also, specifically we really get bogged down in combat, how could our group speed this up?

On a Players turn, count down slowly from six. If they havent declared an action before you reach 0, they take the Dodge action and their turn ends.