View Full Version : My World Lord's of the North (world build in progress)

2016-02-01, 04:18 PM
Lords of the North
The air is crisp and cold along the landing of the Fjord where you live. It is a cloudless nights sky and you observe millions of stars in the watery valley which contains your access to the sea. The land seems to come straight out of the see up hundreds, sometimes thousands of feet out of the ocean. It is a natural fortress, which is why your clan lives here.
Everyone works for the survival of the whole. Men, women, children and slaves all work. People fish, milk, and farm the best they can out of the rocky terrain. Firewood is always needed. Metal is scarce and is constantly being forged and reforged out of the precious moss from whence it came. Sheep and cattle are priceless and only consumed during special ceremonies where they are sacrificed to the gods and then consumed for their nourishment. Life is survival. The women weave, farm, brew. The men chop wood, fish, hunt, and collect moss for the magical creation of the precious metal iron. The children assist and learn all the tasks. Boat making is constant process as well. There are boats for fishing and boats for trading. Sometimes the trading craft are used for raiding. Everyone fights.
Peace is kept with their closest neighbors by exchanging children when they come of age at an annual gathering called The Thing. The Thing happens annually during the Spring Equinox. Marriages are arranged, slaves and goods are traded. Raids are planned. The Thing is the biggest and most important meeting among the clans and is time for high celebration. There are spirited contests in wrestling, axe throwing, archery, and drinking. Everyone brings there best wares in which to trade for other needed goods. Everyone contributes to the feast. Sacrifices are prepared and made to the gods and the feast is prepared. The people are fed, drunk and happy. Another years Thing has concluded.

2016-02-01, 04:19 PM
Slaves are a natural economic system. If there are any survivors after a raid, either the raiders or the ones being raided then they are considered prizes of the gods.
Most slaves are captured as children as there is little honor in killing children, even those who are doing their best to kill you. Those adults knocked unconscious in battle are also sometimes spared, especially those who may be worth a ransom. Generally the people will defend themselves till their death.
Surrender is not an option to the people. They will fight or they will run but they will not dishonor their people, gods, and ancestors by bending their knee unto another’s will.
Last are the existing slaves. Those taken in battle from other lands do not understand fighting to the death especially if there survival will be met serving a new lord or master.