View Full Version : Flasks + ranged pin feat: Is broken glass and melting flesh enough?

2016-02-01, 06:34 PM
If my rogue is tossing acid flasks around like a recently smashed pinata, can he use the ranged pin feat under the assumption that the shards of glass are doing the pinning?

Ranged pin is becoming a favorite feat of mine. You can send a volley of them at the same character and those characters need to waste as many standard actions as you have attack rolls to get out of them. Dex is denied during a grapple, so you can hit em with SA.

Anyway, if you're really devoted to ranged pinning, consider dipping fighter to get shield sling and initiating combat by slinging your shield. The shield in question is the gnome battle cloak. This will give you the raw material to ranged pin whatever enemy you need.

2016-02-01, 06:58 PM
Fundamentally, it's up to the GM. The feat doesn't explicitly say that the projectile in question has to hold them in place, but it does heavily imply it, and it does specify that they must be near a "surface in which a thrown weapon or other projectile can be stuck." You don't generally think of acid flasks as getting stuck in a wall, after all; even the shards of glass are more likely to go flying than to actually stay in the wall. By the strictest RAW, it doesn't say you can't, but to be perfectly honest with you, I wouldn't feel like a GM who ruled against this would be being especially oppressive in their ruling.

I do like the concept of Shield Sling-ing a Gnome Battle Cloak at someone to make sure that they had a valid target to pin. Yeah, there's nothing saying that the cloak is firmly affixed to them after you chuck it at them (so it'd theoretically be much easier for them to escape it than to escape an article of clothing they were actually wearing; also, nothing in the RAW actually indicates that the cloak should stay on their person or do anything other than fall to the ground), but it's cheeky and it's clever, so I'd encourage GMs to allow it to work in most circumstances (especially considering that you'd have to burn extra feats making it work).