View Full Version : solo adventure for 1st level druid

2016-02-01, 08:20 PM
I'm planning a solo adventure for my nine year old son. It will be his first time playing, and he created a human druid with a strength penalty, carrying a sling and two daggers, and a wolf companion. He didn't care about being good at fighting, and said he wanted people and animals to like him. I want him to have a lot of fun, and give him chance to use all his character options. He picked diplomacy and swim as skills that he obviously wanted to use. Anybody have suggestions or know of free resources for low-level adventures?

2016-02-01, 08:39 PM
You could have him be sent by a druidic circle to negotiate a land dispute with a nearby city. Make sure he understands what the elders of the circle want, what ways they would be willing to bend in, and so on

2016-02-02, 03:09 AM
A large, dangerous animal has been terrorizing the nearby countryside. Pick something that's strong enough to be a viable threat, but weak enough to not be a OHKO should it hit the druid (a black bear, dire weasel, or wolverine, perhaps). The locals want to kill it, and the druid must ensure both the people's and the animal's safety.

He can, for example, guide the animal to new territory without any humans, or perhaps convince it to join him on his travels. Alternatively, he could convince the people to live a more nature-friendly lifestyle.

2016-02-05, 10:32 AM
You could have him be sent by a druidic circle to negotiate a land dispute with a nearby city. Make sure he understands what the elders of the circle want, what ways they would be willing to bend in, and so on

A large, dangerous animal has been terrorizing the nearby countryside. Pick something that's strong enough to be a viable threat, but weak enough to not be a OHKO should it hit the druid (a black bear, dire weasel, or wolverine, perhaps). The locals want to kill it, and the druid must ensure both the people's and the animal's safety.

He can, for example, guide the animal to new territory without any humans, or perhaps convince it to join him on his travels. Alternatively, he could convince the people to live a more nature-friendly lifestyle.

I may try to combine these. Perhaps the local village cut a deal with the druids that they would not encroach on the forest as long as the druids maintain a safe path through it, and it must be renegotiated with the arrival of a rogue dangerous animal (secretly controlled by the druids to punish the villagers for breaking the deal). Thanks guys!

2018-04-07, 08:45 PM
A large, dangerous animal has been terrorizing the nearby countryside. Pick something that's strong enough to be a viable threat, but weak enough to not be a OHKO should it hit the druid (a black bear, dire weasel, or wolverine, perhaps). The locals want to kill it, and the druid must ensure both the people's and the animal's safety.

He can, for example, guide the animal to new territory without any humans, or perhaps convince it to join him on his travels. Alternatively, he could convince the people to live a more nature-friendly lifestyle.

I ran with this, for my 7 year old son. He used his one "sweetie daddy" - a "do over".

Outside of town, where you grew up in the wilds as a hermit the local druid, the Bee Man, took a likely to how you respected nature and so he taught you the ways of the Old Religion.

After your "coming of age" ceremony some of the farmers held back to talk to you and the Bee Man. Apparently, last night, Ful Denky's chicken coop was torn apart and all the chickens eaten. Ful heard whatever it was and opted to bar the door and not confront the growling and terrified chicken squaking.

The Bee Man turns to you and says "Why don't you check this out? I think you're ready. Sometime a bear will come down out of the mountains to my house, so I hit them with an "Animal Friendship" and then a "Speak with Animals" and that keeps them from tearing the house apart and I send them on their way (The Bee Man is called that due to all the beehives in and around the grove). And while you're there, go look in on Dob Bobolina's farm which is only a mile or so from there... he didn't show up for services today and he's normal very regular."

So, if it is one, figure out *why* its coming down here and messing with the farmers and investigate it.

He tracked the bear from the mess at the coop and found out the bear had been run out of his cave by some "small, scaley 2 legged meanies" and he fears for his mate and young. He has many old cuts from the event and driven mad by hunger and injury, had destroyed the coop.

My son then healed up the bear and headed back to the cave, getting ambushed via a net trap and then again with a pit trap and a couple kobolds each.

Finally, reaching the cave, there was a single sentry, they took in the day and then there was a main cave with 4 regular kobold and then a cave deeper in, separated by a pit trap. The deeper one held a bear skin rug (momma bear, causing his buddy to go berserk) and 2 cages (baby bear and Dob Bobolina, my son never checked out his farm, but there would've been signs of struggle and kobold tracks leading towards the mountain). I had a Giant Weasel and 2 chieftain kobolds (did double HP and bumped thaco up by 2).

Treasure was about 30 gold, few basic weapons (worth maybe 10 gold), 2 healing potions in the kobold boss' chest. The real reward was when he got back and then the Bee Man rewarded him with a Staff of Healing.

And the bear offered to let him share the back cave.