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2007-06-15, 01:58 PM
The weapon dwarven urgosh has a d8 and a d6 attack.
Can you do a sneak attack on each attack?

Jack Mann
2007-06-15, 02:02 PM
Yes, provided both attacks qualify. It works identically to two-weapon fighting.

The J Pizzel
2007-06-15, 02:02 PM
If each attack qualifies for a sneak attack, yes. But only if each attack merits one. Flanking - yes. Improved Inivisibility - yes. Regular Inisibility - no.

Edit - aaaahhh, simu-ninja'd by the Mann

2007-06-15, 02:05 PM
goody :D
I intend on using this for attacking when the target is flat-footed.

sleeping fishy
2007-06-15, 02:17 PM
ummm, you know youll take penalties just like when you use like two daggers or something right?? why urgosh? as a rogue you should prolly have weap finesse... cant use it with the urgosh...

2007-06-15, 02:20 PM
A number of reasons...
1) I have +12 str mod
2) I'm using the dual blade sword
3) I'm a ninja
4) I'm large so I want to make the best of my damage increment.

12d6 + 18 If my attack hits
and then there's my second round of attack due to high BAB :D

sleeping fishy
2007-06-15, 02:33 PM
but do you have the twf feats?

2007-06-15, 02:35 PM
A number of reasons...
1) I have +12 str mod
2) I'm using the dual blade sword
3) I'm a ninja
4) I'm large so I want to make the best of my damage increment.

12d6 + 18 If my attack hits
and then there's my second round of attack due to high BAB :D

Large races are pretty bad for rogues and other sneaky types due to the -4 hide they get, most of the time; a notable exception is Adaptable Flanker builds.

Also, remember that you have to make separate attack rolls (at -2, if you have two-weapon fighting, otherwise at -4/-8) for each end of the weapon, and you don't get to use the back end for iterative attacks (until you have Improved Two-Weapon Fighting).

Finally, weapon damage is miniscule when doing the kind of damage you're talking about (3d6 sneak attack, I believe, if I'm reading right); your weapon deals 2d6 damage and an ordinary dagger deals half that. Add on your sneak attack, and you're gaining relatively little (+25% damage, and that's just dice. Your strength modifier applies in full to your main-hand weapon even if it's light, and your +12 strength modifier is better than 3d6 damage, so you're looking at adding about a seventh of your dagger damage, main-hand, and a fifth, off-hand, by using a two-blader) in return for giving up your weapon's concealability.

One advantage you have, though, is that attacking does not break Ninja Invisibility, so you can go invisible and make a full attack without breaking invisibility. The downside is that you have to do this to get Sudden Strike to work, and you don't do very much damage without Sudden Strike (well, you do 2d6+12. Most Ninja aren't that lucky, though).

2007-06-15, 02:51 PM
Wait, what?

Mechanically, there is almost no reason to waste a feat on a two-sided weapon.

Also, 34 Str? How?

Large race? Does it have LA and racial levels? If so, its probably a huge waste.

Ninja? Why?

2007-06-15, 04:17 PM
Mechanically, there is almost no reason to waste a feat on a two-sided weapon.

On the non-mechanical side of things, they tend to look stupid as well.

Also, 34 Str? How?

It isn't that hard if you're large and have items.

Large race? Does it have LA and racial levels? If so, its probably a huge waste.

That isn't always the point.

Ninja? Why?

Why not? Its a dumb class but it's usuable.

2007-06-15, 04:25 PM
I have a question in this same general vein. With the Elven Double-Bow, which fires two arrows simultaneously even before adding any of the feats like manyshot or rapidshot, is each arrow rolled on the d20 separately? And do both qualify for a sneak attack?

2007-06-15, 09:51 PM
What about an awakened octopus with levels in rogue? After all, a giant octopus has nine natural attacks. And is only CR 8. That's still plenty of time to make your level 20 BBEG a sentient, evil octopus.

2007-06-16, 08:29 AM
I have a question in this same general vein. With the Elven Double-Bow, which fires two arrows simultaneously even before adding any of the feats like manyshot or rapidshot, is each arrow rolled on the d20 separately? And do both qualify for a sneak attack?

I've never heard of this so I'm guessing it was in Dragon Magazine, but I'd guess it would work identically to many shot, possibly without an attack penalty.

Fax Celestis
2007-06-16, 09:29 AM
The general rule is: "If it makes an attack roll, you can sneak attack once with it." Attacks that perform multiple attacks on one die roll (like Manyshot) only apply sneak attack once.

2007-06-16, 11:04 AM
And, according to complete arcane, only one sneak attack when using spells with attacks (per casting).

I.e. No triple sneak on CL 11 scorching ray.

And no, no 15x sneak attack when using telekenesis.

Fax Celestis
2007-06-16, 11:20 AM
And, according to complete arcane, only one sneak attack when using spells with attacks (per casting).

I.e. No triple sneak on CL 11 scorching ray.

And no, no 15x sneak attack when using telekenesis.

That's because weaponlike spells and sneak attack interaction has its own particular set of rules.

In this case, the rule is "one sneak attack per casting."