View Full Version : Player Help TWFing with Lances and Pounce

2016-02-02, 09:28 PM
http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ld6h?Bride-of-the-FAQ-Attack So after looking through tons of pages on a thread regarding the RAGEPOUNCELANCE build and whether you could get a full attack on a mount I found the link to that FAQ that states that you can, otherwise they wouldn't answer that question. The basic answer is this

"even if you have an unusual combination of rules that allows you to ignore the above limitation, it doesn’t makes sense that those iterative attacks gain the damage bonus. To make that second attack, you have to pull the lance back and stab forward again, and that stab doesn’t have the benefit of the charge’s momentum. (The Core Rulebook doesn’t state that you only get the damage multiplier on the first attack with a lance because there is no rule in the Core Rulebook that allows a PC to charge and take multiple attacks with a weapon, so that combination didn’t need to be addressed.)"

My question is whether I could get the double(triple if using spirited charge) damage proced twice if I was TWFing with a lance since both hits would hit with the momentum of the charge(pounce). Do you think it's a reasonable justification to tell to my DM? I'm not looking to optimise the character to hell and back but because of a lack of magic items in the campaign we're going to play in I wanted to find a way to get some high damage without the need for magic items. Since I'll be getting extra hits anyway and I can find ways to make those hits deal a lot of damage I thought I could do this instead as flavour. The image of wielding two lances and charging into battle seems very badass to me and I was wondering if I could do it. Thoughts?

2016-02-02, 09:39 PM
Not normally.
Lances are two handed weapons, so unless you have four arms (allowing you to use two two handed weapons) or are Large size (in which cases Medium Lances are only one handed weapons). Being a centaur could be beneficial because you'd be Large size and treated as mounted at all times, but it has a bit of LA and a couple of RHD.
If you did something along those lines, I'd personally allow it, but less cheese-tolerant DMs might not.

2016-02-02, 09:43 PM
Can simply use a small sized lance as a medium creature, no?

2016-02-02, 09:53 PM
Oh yeah. I didn't think of that. :smalltongue:

2016-02-02, 09:55 PM
Not normally.
Lances are two handed weapons, so unless you have four arms (allowing you to use two two handed weapons) or are Large size (in which cases Medium Lances are only one handed weapons). Being a centaur could be beneficial because you'd be Large size and treated as mounted at all times, but it has a bit of LA and a couple of RHD.
If you did something along those lines, I'd personally allow it, but less cheese-tolerant DMs might not.

When mounted, you can wield a lance one-handed.

2016-02-02, 10:26 PM
Not normally.
Lances are two handed weapons, so unless you have four arms (allowing you to use two two handed weapons) or are Large size (in which cases Medium Lances are only one handed weapons). Being a centaur could be beneficial because you'd be Large size and treated as mounted at all times, but it has a bit of LA and a couple of RHD.
If you did something along those lines, I'd personally allow it, but less cheese-tolerant DMs might not.


Benefit: A lance deals double damage when used from the back of a charging mount. While mounted, you can wield a lance with one hand.

Weapon Feature(s): reach."

As Necroticplague mentioned you can wield lances as one-handed weapons when charging. They put this option because if you fail the ride check to direct your mount towards your opponent using your knee you need a hand to do so(Mentioned in the Ride rules). I'm personally going to pick a magical beast up as a mount through the Monstrous Cohort feat(Mainly so I can fly) though so that won't be a problem for me. I actually wanted to play a Centaur(with the Charger archetype) and even though I don't actually mind the LA I think I'll be treated rather roughly by the people in the world. We will play(or at least start playing) at very low-magic part of his World and the people there are rather superstitious towards magic and are even suspicious towards divine magic-users so even if he allows me to play a Centaur it might screw me over and get me arrested or killed.