View Full Version : Epic Character Ideas(3.5)

2016-02-03, 10:28 AM
My brother is about to start a campaign with some of his friends and has asked me to help a little bit with some Epic characters. He wants to start the game in a boss battle using pre-rolled epic characters who will have a later effect on the player's own characters they create. He wants to have nine total characters(one for each Alignment option), each with some unique ability(whether it's a couple particularly powerful Spell-Likes, or some form of Extraordinary ability such as an above average rate of Regeneration). He has asked me to create 5 out of nine of the characters so he has more time to create his game world and plot hooks/side adventures.

I'm in need of help coming up with ideas for three of the five characters. Two of them I already have started building, but I'm having trouble thinking of more ideas and unique abilities(again, it can pretty much anything short of At Will Wish/Miracle, PAO, etc). Each character will be between level 30-40(because I believe the boss is actually some sort of deity or super powered creature of some sort). He asked me not to optimize the characters because a lot of these players don't have a lot of experience. However they do understand the system well enough to be able to play as epic for one or two sessions.

The two characters I'm in the process of creating are a Paladin 10/Blackguard 10/Assassin 10/Legendary Dreadnought 5(fallen king of Kylaryss who can summon a powerful demon once a week for 24 hours, a homebrew city of my brother's. Somewhat cliche, I know, but it's allowed to be :smalltongue:), and a Sorcerer 15/Wilder 15(worships a dragon god of psionics that my brother created as well, can shapeshift into a dragon At Will as a Druid of equal level's Wild Shape). Those are just my first two ideas, if you have any changes to either build or ability feel free to tell me. I'm always down for constructive criticism.

Thanks, everyone.

Sam :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-03, 11:30 AM
Factotum 20/Chameleon 10 for TN. The guy is so neutral he wants to be neutral even on his role.

2016-02-03, 02:22 PM
Black Ethergaunt/Netherese Arcanist/Imaskari Portal Lord (you need to get human heritage feat somehow).

Be a horrible monster from outerspace/ the ethereal which travels the planes studying human magic and learning to make better extra dimensional spaces and epic spells.

2016-02-03, 02:29 PM
Simple, yet strong

Druid 20/Warshaper 5/Master of Many Forms 10/Monk X

shape-shifting is the special ability (you can sub Druid with wildshape ranger)

2016-02-03, 05:51 PM
I can contribute an epic NPC at ~40 HD I've been working on (I think she clocks in at about level 41-42, given LA, but at this level it's literally irrelevant as that LA is Cohort LA for the Petal race) if you want. There are a few things that are unique to the campaign I'm working on so I'd denote those on the statblock when I post it, and you can decide to keep them or give them up as you choose, but they kind of fall under the "unique special abilities" clause.

The build uses a Petal who takes 40 class levels - 10 Bard, 10 Lyric Thaumaturge, and then 20 Sublime Chord. Full Bard casting and then 9ths and epic casting from the Sublime Chord+Epic progression.

EDIT: Yeah, sure, I'll contribute this. Note, she uses a template I made called Transcendent Devil in order to acquire Baatezu traits and a couple spell likes (because she's an ally NPC for a game set in the middle of the blood war). If you want to make her a Petal again instead, get rid of her Outsider type and subtypes, remove her Baatezu traits (DR 10/good and silver, fire and poison immunities, telepathy and acid/cold resistance, see in darkness, the greater teleport spell-like and the summon baatezu ability.)

Lucia, Duchess of Nessus
Stats: 14, 16, 12, 16, 14, 16
Tiny Female Outsider (lawful, evil, baatezu, unique, augmented fey)
HD: 440 (Max HP: 240) (200 Con) (10d6 Bard, 10d6 Lyric Thaumaturge, 20d6 Sublime Chord)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 19 (+2 size, +7 Dex), touch 19, flat-footed 12, DR 10/sacred and silver, DR 5/cold iron
Immunities: Immune to fire and to poison, resistance to acid 10 and to cold 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+13
Epic Attack Bonus: +10
Full Attack:
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Abilities: Sleep songs, bardic music 30/day, bardic knowledge, spells (bard, sublime chord), countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +2, inspire competence, suggestion, inspire greatness, bonus spells, captivating melody, spell secrets (), sonic might, song of arcane power, song of timelessness, song of cosmic fire, spell-like abilities, summon baatezu, somnolent aura, dream marionette
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, telepathy
Epic Save Bonus: +10
Saves: Fort +21, Ref +31, Will +27
Abilities:Str 4 (-3), Dex 24 (+7), Con 20 (+5), Int 18 (+4), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 34 (+12)
Skills: Diplomacy +60 (43r), Knowledge (arcana) +47 (43r), Knowledge (history) +17 (13r), Knowledge (planes) +47 (43r), Listen +46 (43r), Perform (sing) +60 (43r), Profession (astrologer) +16 (13r), Sense Motive +46 (43r), Spellcraft +47 (43r), Use Magic Device +60 (43r)
Feats: x, x, x, x, x, Captivating MelodyB, x, x, x, Epic Skill Focus (Perform)B, x, B, x, xB, Epic Spellcasting, xB, x, xB, x, xB, x
Proficiencies: Simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip, light armor, shields (but not tower shields)


Equipment (13,600,000 gp):
Moonlight (+1 Sizing, Everdancing, Harmonizing, Banishing Greatsword of Shattermantle) (3, 385,350 gp)


Somnolent Aura (Su): From her origins to the current moment, the twilit world of dreams and sleep has been Lucia’s strength, and the core of her being. Now, even those who have never known sleep find themselves drifting to unconsciousness in her presence.

Lucia is surrounded at all times by an aura of dreamless sleep. Any creature within 100 ft. of her must make a Will save (DC 10 + ˝ HD (20) + Cha mod (17) = 47) or fall asleep. Any creature who succeeds at this saving throw may not be the subject of Lucia’s aura again for 24 hours. Creatures put to sleep by the somnolent aura remain asleep for as long as they remain within the aura, and for 1d4 rounds after. For each sleeping creature within Lucia’s somnolent aura, all sleep spells and effects (including the aura) increase their DC by 1. Lucia may suppress this aura as a free action, but while it is suppressed she loses all benefits of this ability, including the following.

As well, Lucia is capable of penny rating even blanket immunities to sleep. Any time a creature would negate a sleep spell or effect cast by Lucia through a partial or complete immunity (other than through spell resistance), Lucia may make an opposed hit dice check to overcome the immunity. Both Lucia and her opponent roll 1d20 and add half their hit dice to the roll. In addition, Lucia adds her Cha mod to this roll, while her opponent adds their Wis mod. Lucia also gains a +1 bonus to this roll for each sleeping creature within her somnolent aura. If her opponent wins the check, their immunity stands. If success on a save would make the creature unable to be the subject of whatever effect Lucia is using, treat this additionally as a successful save. If Lucia succeeds, however, the opponent’s immunity is temporarily suppressed and they fall asleep.

Dream Marionette (Su): The dreamers, the sleepers, they dance to her music. Lucia has the ability to command up to her HD (40) of sleeping creatures within the effect of her somnolent aura. When used in this way, dream marionette offers no saving throw and may not be resisted - any sleeping creature is susceptible to this ability, no matter their normal defenses and immunities. The creatures commanded behave as summoned creatures for as long as Lucia opts to command them; she does not directly control them, but may issue them orders which they will carry out to the best of their ability. Commanded sleeping creatures may take all the actions they normally would be entitled to take, regardless of their sleeping status.

Should she wish to command a creature which would exceed her HD limit, she must release a sufficient number of creatures from her commands in order to do so. Creatures who cease to be commanded immediately cease all actions and return to normal sleep. Aside from this limitation, however, creatures remain commanded so long as they remain asleep. Creatures must be within the effect of the somnolent aura in order to receive new orders, however - if they are outside, they will act to fulfill their last given orders, or return to sleep if their task is finished or impossible to complete.

Lucia may also use dream marionette to establish a direct pathway to the sleeping mind of one creature within her somnolent aura. Doing so takes a full round action and provokes attacks of opportunity. When she establishes this pathway, the subject is immediately affected as if by dominate person, with the exception that any type of creature may be affected. The subject must make a Will save (DC 10 + spell level (4, Bard) + Cha mod (17) = 31) or become dominated. Lucia may only exert her control over creatures so dominated when they are asleep, however - when awake, they have their own agency and free will. Lucia is automatically aware if a creature she has dominated in this fashion goes to sleep, and may issue commands to that creature as a free action at any distance, including across planes. Once per week, a creature dominated in this fashion may make a new save to throw off Lucia’s control, but this effect otherwise lasts until Lucia herself chooses to end it. In all other respects, this effect is identical to dominate person. Lucia may only have one creature dominated in this fashion at once.

Feel free to use or not use her, s'up to you, but I had the statblock lying around, so.