View Full Version : Optimization Designing a Sith and several over character concepts

2016-02-03, 02:57 PM
Ok, I saw The Force Awakens. I liked it. I want to play as a Sith now.
That being said though, I think this would be a pretty big waste of a thread to only talk about designing and optimizing a Sith character, so I have a few other character concepts I would like for people to come up with designs for.

New Characters Concepts:
- The Characters of Soul Eater
- The Avengers
- The Guardians of the Galaxy
- The Villains of those franchises

So let's see what you can come up with. Create a build for one of these concepts, any one you want, going up to any level you want, and see how well it compares to the actual type of character. I wonder if it is actually possible to make some of these characters to be honest, so I'm curious to see what you come up with.


Older Character Concepts:
- A Jedi/Sith
- A Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail
- A God Slayer from Fairy Tail
- Any character from Game of Thrones
- Any character from RWBY
- A Super Saiyan

Great Old One Warlock is absolutely perfect as is for making a sith character.
Alternatively, Mixing some levels in Paladin (Oathbreaker for sith, anything else for jedi), Monk and/or Psionic are able to mimic some of the powers perfectly.
Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail
Monk + Dragon Sorcerer with some homebrew fluff
God Slayer from Fairy Tail
Same as above with more homebrew fluff
Any character from Game of Thrones
Mostly martial characters stripped of any magic they had. The exceptions are the clergy of R'hllor and Daenerys.
Any character from RWBY
Ruby - Fighter Battlemaster with a few homebrewed feats/traits
Weiss - Bard or Warlock (Fey Pact)
Blake - Rogue + a little bit of monk
Yang - Lots of Monk levels with at least 1 level of monk
A Super Saiyan
Sun Soul Monk 17/Barbarian 3. Only thing this doesn't have is flight, but there's probably some homebrew thing you can do for that.

2016-02-03, 04:27 PM
- A Sith/Jedi
Paladin oathbreaker is just a simple way to do it. Imo, a better way is paladin/warlock. Paladin represents everything he learned as a jedi, and warlock represents his new dark powers. Have a look at the fluff of warlock, specifically where it says that you can fluff the realationship between your warlock and his patron as a relationship between a student and an apprentice. Warlock flavour reminds me a lot of sith.

- Any character from Game of Thrones

Jaime is a paladin obviously, Melissandre is a sorceress (draconic bloodline refluffed, fire ofc), or maybe a light cleric, I guess season 6 will determine that to a great extent, lets wait and see. Varys is a rogue (dont want to go too much into which archtype for certain reasons... ahem.... spoilers), John Snow was a paladin or a ranger, I guess arguments for the both can be found. Actually, ranger beatmaster. Ygritte a ranger, Barristan Selmy was an oath of the crown paly, Littlefinger is a mastermind (hehe see what I did here?), seriously, this guy can backstabb like a lot! The hound was a fighter, Brienne is a paly, or at least a fighter with a knightly archtype (eg PDK). Shagga son of Dolf is a barbarian, Tyrion is a lore bard (no musical instrument), Bronn is a mix of rogue and fighter battlemaster (swashbuckler if I had to sy a single class, with the martial adept feat), Bran is a druid, Hodor is.... well... Hodor, Joffrey was awesome, and Tommen is the true king of Westeros!!! I am tired, I think I'll stop now...:smalltongue:

2016-02-03, 04:44 PM
Paladin oathbreaker is just a simple way to do it. Imo, a better way is paladin/warlock. Paladin represents everything he learned as a jedi, and warlock represents his new dark powers. Have a look at the fluff of warlock, specifically where it says that you can fluff the realationship between your warlock and his patron as a relationship between a student and an apprentice. Warlock flavour reminds me a lot of sith.
I am thinking for Jedi, replace Warlock with Monk or something similar. What do you think?

Jaime is a paladin obviously, Melissandre is a sorceress (draconic bloodline refluffed, fire ofc), or maybe a light cleric, I guess season 6 will determine that to a great extent, lets wait and see. Varys is a rogue (dont want to go too much into which archtype for certain reasons... ahem.... spoilers), John Snow was a paladin or a ranger, I guess arguments for the both can be found. Actually, ranger beatmaster. Ygritte a ranger, Barristan Selmy was an oath of the crown paly, Littlefinger is a mastermind (hehe see what I did here?), seriously, this guy can backstabb like a lot! The hound was a fighter, Brienne is a paly, or at least a fighter with a knightly archtype (eg PDK). Shagga son of Dolf is a barbarian, Tyrion is a lore bard (no musical instrument), Bronn is a mix of rogue and fighter battlemaster (swashbuckler if I had to sy a single class, with the martial adept feat), Bran is a druid, Hodor is.... well... Hodor, Joffrey was awesome, and Tommen is the true king of Westeros!!! I am tired, I think I'll stop now...:smalltongue:I can see Melisandre being a Warlock/Cleric multiclass (extremely high level as well, at least compared to the others). Maybe even change her race to Elf, Half-Elf or even Tiefling or Aasimar (i'm not convinced she's human, or at least fully human).

To be honest though, I wouldn't put anyone in this show as a paladin except for Beric Dondarrion and maybe Thoros of Myr (not sure if his powers could classify as Lay on Hands or as a Resurrection spell, since the recipient both times was pretty fresh). They're closer to chivalrous fighters than they are to paladins.

And of course, Daenerys is a Dragon Sorcerer/possible druid or ranger multiclass (fluffed to be attuned to dragons instead of animals)

2016-02-03, 04:57 PM
I am thinking for Jedi, replace Warlock with Monk or something similar. What do you think?Yeah, it could work. Monks have that discipline thing about them that fits with the jedi concept. Never thought of monk, but maybe it is because I dont have any love for the class. Though I can see it working for a jedi theme.

I can see Melisandre being a Warlock/Cleric multiclass (extremely high level as well, at least compared to the others). Maybe even change her race to Elf, Half-Elf or even Tiefling or Aasimar (i'm not convinced she's human, or at least fully human).

To be honest though, I wouldn't put anyone in this show as a paladin except for Beric Dondarrion and maybe Thoros of Myr (not sure if his powers could classify as Lay on Hands or as a Resurrection spell, since the recipient both times was pretty fresh). They're closer to chivalrous fighters than they are to paladins.

And of course, Daenerys is a Dragon Sorcerer/possible druid or ranger multiclass (fluffed to be attuned to dragons instead of animals)
Well, spells and spell like ailities would have to be toned down a lot, due to the nature of that universe (low magic and all, or at least rare magic). With that in mind, Jaime is the very definition of the oathbreaker, heck, I even think that 5e went with that name due to the success of the show.

I have Thoros as a war cleric (or maybe life cleric) in my mind. Certainly something fighter-y with divine powers, afterall he was a priest. About Melissandre, the more I think about it the more convinced I am that she is a light cleric, it just fits so much imo. I could see Beric being a devotion or ancients paladin (refluffed that old oath of freedom and all).

Edit: Oh, and those musicians at the red wedding..... they werent really bards...:smalltongue:

2016-02-03, 05:07 PM
Paladin oathbreaker is just a simple way to do it. Imo, a better way is paladin/warlock. Paladin represents everything he learned as a jedi, and warlock represents his new dark powers. Have a look at the fluff of warlock, specifically where it says that you can fluff the realationship between your warlock and his patron as a relationship between a student and an apprentice.

Totally agree on flavour and mechanics of oathbreaker warlock. Dissagree a little bit on the nature of the fluff. A warlocks's power flows from their patron, a Sith draws power from the force.

Maybe modified undying light from UA would be close?

2016-02-03, 05:12 PM
Totally agree on flavour and mechanics of oathbreaker warlock. Dissagree a little bit on the nature of the fluff. A warlocks's power flows from their patron, a Sith draws power from the force.

Maybe modified undying light from UA would be close?
Well, a jedi (or sith for that matter) relies on the teachings of his master to unlock new powers, which yes, they rely on the understanding of the force, which comes from being teached by your master (jedi or sith). Not the perfect match, agreed, but close enough.

Falcon X
2016-02-03, 05:32 PM
I'm currently playing a Storm Sorcerer and my DM has allowed me to switch the element type of the Fire Bolt cantrip to lightning. I have it look just like force lightning. He is a nobleman in the city.

Last game, I was pursuing a woman and her bodyguard turned around to attack me.
He runs towards me and misses. I immediately, let loose a Thunderwave, which to me looks like Force Repulse (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVGYkWslhjc). The guy flies back ten feet, is prone, and his sword lands nearby.
I go over and stand on his sword, taunting him to end the fight. He pulls out a dagger. I force lightning (modded fire bolt) him as he comes at me. He misses me, I just start circling the guy, taunting him, and wearing down his life with my force lightning as he continues to miss. Finally, he falls to his knees and I bring a sword to rest beside his neck.
I just dominated the guy with force lightning and was sith-level cocky the whole time.

2016-02-03, 06:01 PM
Cool story. Repelling blast with EB can work for a similar effect (use the forcce to push someone). Witch bolt is a very sith-like power too. And ofc, pact of the blade, which allows you to summon (refluff telekinisis) your pact weapon (refluff lightsaber) into your hand (the EK's weapon bond does sth similar as well).

2016-02-04, 06:54 AM
Plenty of people have Homebrewed Jedi and Sith classes, usually as a Monk or Warlock subclass respectively. Check out the Homebrew Design forum for that.

None of the characters from GoT use magic as extensively as a D&D character would, so most would be Fighters and Rogues with the occasional super power, but if you allow for a more flexible interpretation then previous posters have been pretty accurate.

I don't know much about Fairy Tail or what RWBY is.

Super Sayan has been made an official Monk subclass in the form of the Way of the Sun Soul from the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide.

2016-02-04, 12:05 PM
Ok, I saw The Force Awakens. I liked it. I want to play as a Sith now.
That being said though, I think this would be a pretty big waste of a thread to only talk about designing and optimizing a Sith character, so I have a few other character concepts I would like for people to come up with designs for.

Character Concepts:
- A Sith/Jedi
- A Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail
- A God Slayer from Fairy Tail
- Any character from Game of Thrones
- Any character from RWBY
- A Super Saiyan

Odd choices, but I think this will be fun for everyone. So let's see what you can come up with. Create a build for one of these concepts, any one you want, going up to any level you want, and see how well it compares to the actual type of character. I wonder if it is actually possible to make some of these characters to be honest, so I'm curious to see what you come up with.

Sith: Bladelock. Refluff Great Old One pact to Sith Lord, you are its student, it's your master you will eventually seek to overthrow. Take Repelling Blast invocation for Force Push. Take Witch Bolt as one of your spells for Force Lightning. Focus the rest of your spells/invocations on things that enhance your body (Jump) and let you control minds (Charm Person, Suggestion). You tap into the Force with your force of will and raw emotions (CHA).

Jedi: MC Monk / Arcane Trickster (or Warlock). Your training comes in seclusion and through discipline, understanding, and empathy, you tap into the Force (WIS). You can fight fine Unarmored by predicting where the strikes will hit. Your potent natural abilities are enhanced by the Force (+Movement Speed, Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind, Patient Defense, Tongue of Sun and Moon, pretty much all of them). Go into Warlock for Force Push as already mentioned and charm effects, but also Arcane Trickster has plenty of charm abilities plus other spells an invisibile Mage Hand that lets your interact with things using the Force.

Dunno about Fairy Tale.

GoT: Already posted well.


Super Saiyan: Bear Totem Barbarian 3 / Sun Soul Monk 17. You're an extremely powerful physical fighter without armor or weapons aside from your fists. You also shoot a variety of energy blasts, and finally get a golden aura. Barbarian lets you attack "all-out" with Reckless Assault, and you can activate your Rage, taking less damage from pretty much everything (except that psychic frog dude from the Ginyu Force will mess you up if he wins initiative) and adding a whopping +8 damage to your Attack + Flurry of Blows. This is probably the closest any D&D edition has come to faithfully recreating a Super Saiyan, the only thing you lack is Flight (unless you're a reskinned Aracokra or Winged Tiefling!).

2016-02-04, 12:53 PM
Ok, I saw The Force Awakens. I liked it. I want to play as a Sith now.

AWESOME movie! I'll avoid spoilers for those crazy people who haven't seen it yet.

- A Sith/Jedi

I'd actually go with Paladin/Sorcerer for both Jedi and Sith. The difference would be in how you play the character and in which Oath and spells you take.

For Sith, I'd go Vengeance Pally with a Greatsword, and take fitting spells like Chill Touch, Charm Person, ALL the Lightning spells, etc.

For Jedi, I'd go Oath of Devotion with a SnB, and take spells like Mending, Message, Ray of Frost, and Shield

- Any character from Game of Thrones

Oh boy! Pretty much what Corran said. Jon Snow is definitely a BM Ranger. Tyrion being a Bard makes sense. Jaime Lannister is definitely an Oathbreaker Paladin (duh).

Joffrey is a Lich. And preferably deader than dead.

2016-02-04, 03:09 PM
I'm liking where a lot of these builds are going. How about we get some ideas on races to fulfill certain extra abilities/appearances that each character type has.

For those that don't know what dragon slayer or god slayer is, here are links:

in summary: dragon slayer magic focuses a lot on buffing physical prowess with the powers of a dragon. At a certain point, they gain something akin to Super Saiyan called "Dragon Force" which basically makes them humanoid dragons at that point. For the record, dragons in Fairy Tail are obscenely overpowered compared to dragons in... pretty much every fictional universe ever. They're outright immune to all forms of magic except for their own, which is what Dragon Slayer magic uses (The title Dragon Slayer is a bit of a misnomer. It isn't that Dragon Slayers are great at killing dragons, it's that they're the only ones that can even touch them). Dragon Slayers are basically people who have been infused with dragon powers, and can eat their respective element to recover their magic.

God slayer is pretty much Dragon Slayer turned up to eleven and then given meth. They can do things with their elements that shouldn't even be possible (Fire God Slayers can mold their fire into axes or even claws, Sky God Slayers can heal their own wounds almost instantaneously, etc). It's noted that Dragon Slayers cannot consume the element of a God Slayer, but the reverse can be done.

And here is RWBY:

2016-02-04, 03:25 PM
in summary: dragon slayer magic focuses a lot on buffing physical prowess with the powers of a dragon. At a certain point, they gain something akin to Super Saiyan called "Dragon Force" which basically makes them humanoid dragons at that point. For the record, dragons in Fairy Tail are obscenely overpowered compared to dragons in... pretty much every fictional universe ever. They're outright immune to all forms of magic except for their own, which is what Dragon Slayer magic uses (The title Dragon Slayer is a bit of a misnomer. It isn't that Dragon Slayers are great at killing dragons, it's that they're the only ones that can even touch them). Dragon Slayers are basically people who have been infused with dragon powers, and can eat their respective element to recover their magic.

Yea. That would be 8 shades of broken in 5e, I think.

But what the hell. Let's do it.

First, go Dragonborn Dragon Sorcerer for all the Dragon-y goodness. You'd probably have to say they get the benefits of Elemental Affinity and Elemental Adept for all elements, to fit the flavor. Maybe change Draconic Resilience to 13 + Dex + Cha for Super-Dragon-Armor.

Plus whatever else feels like crazy Dragon Goodness. Maybe Legendary Resistance?

2016-02-04, 03:39 PM
The mystic playtest class seems to be at the moment the true jedi class, no multiclassing required. Grab a sunblade and you're good to go! :)

2016-02-04, 07:03 PM
The mystic playtest class seems to be at the moment the true jedi class, no multiclassing required. Grab a sunblade and you're good to go! :)

A few levels in that coupled with Warlock and Monk, and you've got yourself a pretty good jedi/sith i'd say

2016-02-04, 10:08 PM
The mystic playtest class seems to be at the moment the true jedi class, no multiclassing required. Grab a sunblade and you're good to go! :)

I'd still MC it with oathbreaker for aura of hate... But an oathbreaker/awakened or oathbreaker immortal would be pretty crazy...

Quite apart from saves blindsight and innitiative... Just imagine the burst damage you could do!

2016-02-04, 10:51 PM
Emperor Palpatine:

Medium Human Warlock 20 (Blade, Great Old One). AL: CE. Noble background

Class features: Awakened Mind (telepathy), Entropic ward, Thought shield (Hide from Jedi), Create Thrall (Sith apprentice) Pact weapon (rapier that manifests as an electrum red bladed plated lightsaber), Pact magic (4 slots, 5th), Mystic arcanum (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th), Eldritch master
Stats: Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20
Invocations: Beguiling influence, Bewitching whispers (mind trick), Life drinker, Otherworldly leap (surge), Thirsting blade, Visions of distant realms (foresight), Witch sight, Mask of many faces
Cantrips: Friends, mage hand, greenflame blade (battle strike), true strike
Spells: Witch bolt (heh!), Hex, charm person, unseen servant, expeditious retreat, enthrall, hold person, shatter, fear, clairvoyance, dominate person, telekinesis, detect thoughts, counterspell (rebuke), contact other plane (foresight)
Arcanum: Mass suggestion, Dominate monster, Finger of death (force choke), Foresight
Skills: Deception, Persuasion, Intimidation, Insight, Knowledge [arcana, history], Perception

With the slightest of fluff changes, works perfectly straight out of the box.

2016-02-05, 09:40 AM
Emperor Palpatine:

Medium Human Warlock 20 (Blade, Great Old One). AL: CE. Noble background

Class features: Awakened Mind (telepathy), Entropic ward, Thought shield (Hide from Jedi), Create Thrall (Sith apprentice) Pact weapon (rapier that manifests as an electrum red bladed plated lightsaber), Pact magic (4 slots, 5th), Mystic arcanum (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th), Eldritch master
Stats: Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20
Invocations: Beguiling influence, Bewitching whispers (mind trick), Life drinker, Otherworldly leap (surge), Thirsting blade, Visions of distant realms (foresight), Witch sight, Mask of many faces
Cantrips: Friends, mage hand, greenflame blade (battle strike), true strike
Spells: Witch bolt (heh!), Hex, charm person, unseen servant, expeditious retreat, enthrall, hold person, shatter, fear, clairvoyance, dominate person, telekinesis, detect thoughts, counterspell (rebuke), contact other plane (foresight)
Arcanum: Mass suggestion, Dominate monster, Finger of death (force choke), Foresight
Skills: Deception, Persuasion, Intimidation, Insight, Knowledge [arcana, history], Perception

With the slightest of fluff changes, works perfectly straight out of the box.

ok, this is fantastic!

I'm assuming you're using normal human and no feats? Because there are probably some feats that would make it even more sith-like. Alert for force sensitivity, Elemental Adept Lightning, and probably War Caster as well.

2016-02-05, 02:04 PM
ok, this is fantastic!

I'm assuming you're using normal human and no feats? Because there are probably some feats that would make it even more sith-like. Alert for force sensitivity, Elemental Adept Lightning, and probably War Caster as well.

Actor for pretending you're just a senator from a peaceful planet?

2016-02-06, 11:26 AM
Actor for pretending you're just a senator from a peaceful planet?

Yes, that too.

So... how about Darth Vader?

2016-02-06, 04:49 PM
I just want to say thank you for bringing RWBY to my attention. I'm a huge fan of Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum and finding out that they collaborated on a bada** anime was like a second xmas! :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-07, 10:31 AM
I just want to say thank you for bringing RWBY to my attention. I'm a huge fan of Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum and finding out that they collaborated on a bada** anime was like a second xmas! :smallbiggrin:

speaking of which, can we get some love for RWBY and Fairy Tail on here? We've got an entire page worth of ways to make a Jedi, Sith and Super Saiyan, but nothing on any of the RWBY characters or the Dragon Slayers and God Slayers?

2016-02-07, 11:16 AM
Yes, that too.

So... how about Darth Vader?

Screaming out for oathbreaker paladin.

2016-02-07, 02:42 PM
I had spent some time thinking of the RWBY characters already. Their protection aura is pretty solidly a HP pool to begin with. To fit the flavor of the world I would use the 5 minute short rests.

Ruby - Fighter battlemaster. She is pretty straightforward in what she does, but she does it well. Special two-handed weapon that can be used with dex perhaps. They all have unique weapons anyways, giving them proficiency (and designing them) I would roll into the class for a themed game. Otherwise, strength dexterity and constitution. Maybe charisma. She can easily dump wisdom :), maybe intelligence also.

Weis - Either Bard or Warlock. She is the most magical of the four main characters, so some sort of full progression suits her, but she is also able to fight decently. Bladedancer might also work, but I tried to stick to just the core book when I built them. Nobility background.

Blake - Rogue. I think it matches the best, and every group needs one.

Yang - Monk. Punching out a mech just cries to be a monk. Nothing quite models her special ability though. Spending ki for temp hp doesn't quite match the damage bonus it provides. Easiest mimicry I thought of would be a ki ability that mimics Armor of Agathys. Scaling temp hp and hurts the enemy whenever they hit you for as long as the spell lasts. Not quite the same, but already exists in the rules. Change some other ki abilities and she is pretty close.

Some of their abilities I just ignored. Physics clearly work differently in that world, many of their signature moves just don't physically work. Especially any time they fire a gun and use the momentum to move. Looks cool, but, yeah.

2016-02-11, 08:00 PM
I had spent some time thinking of the RWBY characters already. Their protection aura is pretty solidly a HP pool to begin with. To fit the flavor of the world I would use the 5 minute short rests.

Ruby - Fighter battlemaster. She is pretty straightforward in what she does, but she does it well. Special two-handed weapon that can be used with dex perhaps. They all have unique weapons anyways, giving them proficiency (and designing them) I would roll into the class for a themed game. Otherwise, strength dexterity and constitution. Maybe charisma. She can easily dump wisdom :), maybe intelligence also.

Weis - Either Bard or Warlock. She is the most magical of the four main characters, so some sort of full progression suits her, but she is also able to fight decently. Bladedancer might also work, but I tried to stick to just the core book when I built them. Nobility background.

Blake - Rogue. I think it matches the best, and every group needs one.

Yang - Monk. Punching out a mech just cries to be a monk. Nothing quite models her special ability though. Spending ki for temp hp doesn't quite match the damage bonus it provides. Easiest mimicry I thought of would be a ki ability that mimics Armor of Agathys. Scaling temp hp and hurts the enemy whenever they hit you for as long as the spell lasts. Not quite the same, but already exists in the rules. Change some other ki abilities and she is pretty close.

Some of their abilities I just ignored. Physics clearly work differently in that world, many of their signature moves just don't physically work. Especially any time they fire a gun and use the momentum to move. Looks cool, but, yeah.
thanks for posting! Here's my two cents.

Ruby - I'd put a few levels of monk here for the speed bonus. Or revamp the Fighter class to give her the Haste spell a certain number of times per day at the cost of one of her stronger fighter abilities (second wind, fighting style, or some ability score improvements).

Weiss - Agreed. Bard with high dex, rapier, and some Ice themed spells.

Blake - I'd put some Way of Shadow Monk in there, but yes Rogue is clearly her primary class.

Yang - um... Barbarian Rage? It's not exact, but a monk/barbarian multiclass is about as close as this system can ever get.

obviously the weapons would have to be homebrewed

Sir cryosin
2016-02-12, 12:05 PM
Natsu: vhuman feat Tavern brawler now your unarmed strikes are a d4. Then go dragon sorcerer fire dragon of course. Pick all fire spells if need be ask to refavoer some other spell accordingly. You can get elemental affinity but the dragon sorcerer all ready get that. If you really want it more lie him ask your DM if you can make the dragonborn breath weapon a spell or a feat for you to take.

2016-02-12, 01:07 PM
I'd go with Paladin 11, Warlock 9 for a Sith Character design.

Focus on Dex then Cha

Use Armor of Shadiows for AC (wear only robes)
Armor of Agathys for cool effect (pun intended) (frost covered robes and trailing frost)

Burn spell slots for smites
Get PAM and use Glaive as Double Lightsaber (radiant damage on a pole you're twirling with PAM)

Go Old One; Awakened Mind for Telepathy; Entropic Ward for using the Force to counter attack; Thought Shield to cloud the Force; Create Thrall for advance Jedi/Sith Mind Trick
Beguiling Influence for Jedi/Sith Mind Trick
Otherworldly Leap for Force Jump
Eldritch Blast for Force Lightning
Plenty of other Eldritch Invocations for Force Power equivalents
Paladin Oath of Vengeance (Ventress) or Oathbreaker (Darth Vader)
Divine Sense for Sensing disturbances in the Force
Divine Health and Aura of Protection for Jedi/Sith Constitution

All sorts of flavor with this combo for a Sith/Jedi. Paladin is more for the Martial ability and Physical Fortitude of the Jedi/Sith and Warlock is more focused on the force powers of the Jedi/Sith.

2016-02-13, 11:10 AM
I'm going to update the OP with some new ideas. I kind of like this idea of coming up with character builds for our favorite fictional characters.

Edit: Updated! Let's get those creative minds working!

2016-02-21, 06:37 PM
ba-da bump ba-da ba-da bump!