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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Ommadon's Heads of the Dark Dragon (3.5 Spell)

2016-02-03, 04:02 PM

Ommadon's Heads of the Dark Dragon
Transmutation [Evil]
Level: Druid 8, Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level

Invoking the powers of darkness and evil dragons you cause six fell, draconic heads to sprout from your back lashing out and biting at your foes.

When you cast this spell you grow 6 draconic heads from your back. These heads may make attacks of opportunity, and you are considered to have the Combat Reflexes feat for the purposes of their attacks of opportunity (if you do not already have it). These heads have 15 ft reach, 27 Strength your BAB and they may each attack 1/round during your turn as a free action dealing 2d8+8 (their strength modifier) damage per hit. These heads overcome DR as if they were Evil aligned.

Special: If you have the dragonblood subtype these bites overcome DR as if magic weapons and have a +1 enhancement bonus to hit and damage.

Adaptation: Remove a head to make it Tiamat themed and possibly a tad bit more balanced, but the Flight of Dragons reference wins out against the other considerations.

Edit: Added DR notes and an advantage for dragonbloods. Dropped Sor/Wiz level after realizing the fact that against some CR 14-16 foes... Well you have a +15 to hit and deal 17 damage/hit; Cornugon is CR 16 has 35 AC and DR 10 so you deal less than 4 damage a round to it with this spell, you deal 4 times as much damage to a gelugon (AC 32) but that is still only 11.2 damage a round, mature adult black dragon (CR 14 no spells) you deal a little less than 20 a round. With the new modifications it will deal 58 damage per round you stick in melee with a dragon and it doesn't leave ASSUMING you're dragon blooded but that's not really super good for an 8th level spell especially for a caster. A gish has it better but then you're paying in casting. Ok I'm not 100% sure about the level drop, but DR material and DR alignment other than evil still stops it and it requires you to be a mage who goes within 15 ft of enemies.